What is the secret of happy life/What are the 62 steps to being happy krishna says

  • If you become more good than necessary, you will be used more than necessary. Being decent in the world does not work. The more you suppress people, the more they suppress you.

Hello friends! How are you guys.

Hope you will be fine by the grace of Lord Shiva.

Friends, today in this post, we will know how to be Patience in any good or bad situation. How to make thoughts enter your mind, how to cross the situation of happiness and sorrow with a smile.

Friends! The things which have been written in this post have been said by Shri Krishna himself in the Gita. Whom we are keeping in front of you today.

These things are very important. If a man changes his behavior according to these things, then to a large extent he can live life in a very simple and calm way. He will not have any complaints against anyone. So let's read today's post without delay-

What is the secret of happy life/What are the 62 steps to being happy  krishna says
What is the secret of happy life/What are the 62 steps to being happy  krishna says

  • Trust God then do like that child who is thrown in the air, he is not afraid but laughs because he knows that his parents will not let him fall.

read more-What to do when someone cheats on us/krishna preaching

  • Don't expect anyone to do service, because only God can give you the right price for doing service. Not human

  • If the intention is clear then even a glass of water is acceptable, otherwise even fifty-six bhogs of show off are useless.

  • You won't find anyone who understands, whoever you get will just understand and go away.

  • Whenever you dream, dream big because if the moon is not found then what if you will reach the sky.

  • Never doubt God's decision because if punishment is being meted out then there must have been some mistake or the other.

  • If you are right then don't prove anything right, just be right, time will give its testimony.

  • It is very comforting to cry sitting there, where there is no one to listen except Krishna. As much as he is making you wait, he will give so much for the time to come that you will not be able to handle him.

  • Friendship is also important, relationship is also important, but every difficult situation in life shows that it is also necessary to learn the art of being alone.

  • We are not big, the power behind us is big.Who is doing what, why is he doing, how is he doing, the more you stay away from all these, the happier you will be.

  • It is possible to have negative thoughts but it depends on you how much importance you give to them.

  • God never punishes us. Our deeds only punish us, so always do your deeds after thinking.

  • Relationship should be like that of Shri Krishna and Sudama. One who does not ask for anything and the other who does not express even after giving everything.

  • Difficult times are like a mirror for us. Which makes us realize our capabilities.

read more-Why Vishnu devotees are poor and Shiva devotees are rich

  • No matter how much the trends of this world change,I have never seen truth defeated by falsehood.

  • When devotion and faith become more, then miracles start happening automatically.

  • No one can compete with the power of that person who has the power of patience.

  • Prayer should be done as if everything is dependent on God.

  • Work should be done as if everything depends on us.

  • It is a matter of respect and culture, otherwise the one who knows how to listen can also listen.

  • Truth never claims that I am the truth. But falsehood always claims that I am true.

  • There is no doubt that it is very difficult to control the fickle mind, but it is possible to do so only by more practice and detachment (absence of love, sympathy etc. towards someone). Just like a lamp gets extinguished when the oil gets exhausted, in the same way luck also gets destroyed when the karma becomes weak.

  • Not only the one who wins but also the one who knows where to lose is the best.

  • There is no place more fertile than Mind because whatever is sown there. It definitely grows. Then whether it is hate, love or thought.

  • Shri Krishna says O Partha! The man who controls the organs of action (the parts of the body through which work is done). But his mind keeps thinking about sense objects (the power by which external objects are experienced in different forms, in different forms). He certainly deceives himself and is called a hypocrite.

  • Assumption is the imagination of the mind and experience is the lesson of life. True happiness happens only when there is equality in your thinking, speech and action.

  • Undoubtedly, it is impossible for any embodied being to give up all actions, but one who gives up the fruits of action. He is actually called Tyagi.

  • Don't blame the world for your suffering, pain and sorrow, but explain your mind because the change of your mind is the end of your sorrow.

  • What is going to happen will happen and what is not going to happen will never happen. The one who has such determination in his thinking. He never worries.

  • Defeating someone is ego but making yourself better than him is culture.

  • Difficult situations are an integral part of a person's life, so situations cannot be under the control of a person. What is important is how a person finds a solution to that problem with his patience and discretion.

  • Shraddha means confidence and confidence means faith in God.

  • There are many beautiful places to see in this world but the most beautiful place is to look inside with closed eyes.

  • Words don't have teeth, but when words bite, it hurts a lot. And sometimes the wounds become so deep that life ends but the wounds do not heal.

read more-Why does Krishna make his devotees suffer?

  • To conquer oneself is a greater task than to conquer others.

  • Mistakes, humiliation, failure, disappointment and rejection are all a part of growth and development. No person can achieve anything in life without facing these five things.

  • Be honest when difficulties come, be simple when money comes, be humble when you get authority and be calm when you get angry. This is called management of life.

  • No one sympathizes with anyone in this world. Keeping the dead body in the crematorium, our own people ask how much more time will it take.

  • To be successful, you have to move forward alone. People come after us when we become successful.

  • Stop believing in the lines of luck. What is luck when people can change.

  • Successful people change the world with their decisions and unsuccessful people change their decisions due to the fear of the world.

  • If a man wants to learn, then his every mistake definitely teaches him something or the other.

  • If you do Dharma then you will have to ask from God but if you do Karma then God will have to give to you.

  • If you become more good than necessary, you will be used more than necessary. Being decent in the world does not work. The more you suppress people, the more they suppress you.

  • Sometimes those people explain the value of relationships with whom we don't even have any relation.

  • Keep doing good like water, evil itself will wash away like garbage.

  • When a person's need changes, then his way of talking to you also changes.

  • Don't tell your pain to everyone because ointment is not available in everyone's home, but salt is available in everyone's home.

  • This is the principle of successful relationships, forget the useless things.

  • Time is not dumb, just silent. When the time comes, he will tell who is who.

  • We often find many shortcomings in others, let's have a meeting with the mirror today because before kicking someone, we should know where we stand ourselves.

  • If you want to learn manners, then learn from the pen, whenever she walks, she walks with her head bowed.

  • Before getting angry on any one mistake, you should also count your ten mistakes.

  • To become rich, one has to collect every particle and to become virtuous, one has to make good use of every moment.

  • Live in someone's absence, neither live under someone's influence. This is your life, live it in your nature.

  • Relationships have been saved in such a way that sometimes you agree and sometimes you persuade.

  • People are talking like plants by climbing on their heads, people like trees are standing silent. If you don't fear God, it will be fine, but you must be afraid of your deeds, because even God has to suffer the consequences of your deeds.

  • Friends, this bread is also not cheap, some run to earn it, while some run to digest it.

  • If you are looking for that one person who can change your life, take a look in the mirror because no one can change you more than yourself.

  • Keep those who descend in your mind carefully and be careful with those who descend from your mind.

  • Trust is a huge asset. If you keep it on yourself then it becomes strength and if you keep it on others then it becomes weakness.

  • That person will never respect you before whom you will always bow down. Enmity with a weak person is more dangerous because he strikes at a time which we do not even imagine.

read more-what is the difference between a devotee and a normal human being.

Dear Readers! Hope you liked the post. Will meet again with the next post in Devotional story, till then you keep laughing, smiling and singing the praises of the Lord.

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.

Hare Ram, Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare.

Jai Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna dear readers

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