2004 real story Mr. Rangji meeting Yamdoot without dying

Today we are telling you about such a story about which it is not possible to believe but yes! Those who believe in God, they will surely believe.

This story is 100% true. And this story has also been discussed in the book of Geetapress, that is, it has been written. This story warns us humans that how we should make our life cultured. So let's read this today's true and interesting knowledgeable story without delay.

Har Har Mahadev dear readers!

how are you guys

Hope you are safe by the grace of Lord Shiva.

Friends! Once upon a time, Seth Shri Ranganath ji, born in Vaishyukul, was a resident of Jaipur Dousa village and was an ardent devotee of Ananta ji.

2004 real story Mr. Rangji meeting Yamdoot without dying
2004 real story Mr. Rangji meeting Yamdoot without dying

There was a servant in Shri Ranganath ji's house. Which was of very evil nature by nature. There was no such sinful deed that he had not committed. When he died, he reached Yamraj. Yamraj gave him the job of a Yamdoot there, that is, the work done by Yamdoots (losing life) was given to him.

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Yamraj once ordered his Yamdoots to go to Dousa village and bring the lives of the Vaishyas there to me. After getting permission, the messenger reached Dousa village and as soon as the messenger reached Dousa village, he remembered that this is the same place where he used to live. I used to work in Seth Ranganath's house. What a gentleman he is. Why don't I go to meet Shri Ranganath ji before killing that banjara. Thinking like this he reached Ranganath ji's house.

It was night time, Shri Ranganath was going to sleep. While sitting on the bed, he saw his servant. He was very surprised. He said to his servant - Hey, I have heard that you are dead, then how did you come here. On this the servant said yes master! You have heard it right. I am dead. Now I am Yamdoot, here I have come to pick up Banjara.

Ranganath ji said but Banjara is completely healthy now. Some time back, he has gone to his home with the goods from here. I know the owner of the servant said. I will sit on the horn of his bull. The bull inspired by Kaal will pierce his stomach by inserting its horns.

Then Ranganath said to the servant, do you treat everyone like this? Yamdoot said, no master! I do this only with those people. Those who are sinners and commit misdeeds. We cannot even see the devotees of God. I have come to advise you, that whatever is left of your life, devote it towards the devotion of God.

I had eaten your salt, that's why I had this feeling in my mind that I should go on warning that whatever is left of your life, you should spend it in the devotion of God. If you don't believe me, then go with me to Banjara's house and see. I will be visible only to you and not to anyone. Whatever I have told you, in the same way that incident will happen there.

At first Shri Ranganath ji did not believe these things. Then Ranganath asked, do you take everyone like this? On this Yamdoot (servant) said that no, according to one's deeds, he gets punished accordingly.

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Having said this, Yamdoot went to Banjare's house to kill him. On the behest of Yamdoot, Shri Ranganath ji also went to Banjare's house. Going there, Ranganath ji saw that Banjara was feeding husk to his bull and the bulls were shaking their heads loudly, due to which Banjara was having trouble in feeding them husk i.e. fodder, grass etc. 

Banjara tried several times to feed the bulls with his own hands, but he failed. Banjara got angry on this and he caught hold of both the horns of the bull. At the same time the Yamdoot went and sat on the horn of the bull. Now, being under the control of Kaal, the bull got angry and attacked the banjara with its horns in such a way that his stomach burst. His intestines came out and he died.

When Ranganath ji saw all this incident, he could not believe it and he started thinking in his mind that what kind of inspiration is this, that suddenly these Yamdoots come and take away the life of the living being due to the inspiration of Kaal. Seeing all this incident, Shri Ranganath ji got scared. He started saying to Yamdoot, tell me how my welfare will be, how I will die.

Yamdoot said, At present Shri Krishna devotee Ananta Nand ji is the great saint of the world. You go to him. He will do you good. Friends! It is said that after listening to Yamdoot, Ranganath ji left everything and went to the shelter of devotee Ananta Nand ji. While living in his shelter, Ranganath ji's sense of devotion kept on increasing.

One day devotee Ananta Nand ji said to Shri Ranganath ji that now you go back to your home and go there and spread devotion. After getting permission, Ranganath ji returned to his home and started preaching the devotion of God. He started telling people about God's stories, glory etc.

Once Ranganath ji's son was resting at night. Then he saw a ghost. That ghost was very dangerous. That ghost started troubling him. Troubled, he went to his father Ranganath ji and said, father, a ghost is troubling me. I see it again and again. I am very scared. He is saying only one thing again and again that do good to me. Tell me father, what should I do.

After listening to his son, Shri Ranganath ji said, son, today you sleep here at my place and I will sleep at your place. The son said that it is okay father. When Shri Ranganath ji was sleeping in his son's room, that ghost came and started troubling him too.

Then Shri Ranganath ji was going to curse him in anger. But as soon as he raised his hand to curse the ghost, then the ghost humbly said, O Nath! Have mercy on me. I have come to your shelter after hearing your name. All the people of my caste have improved their lives by coming in your shelter. You please have mercy on me too, do good to me.

After listening to the ghost, devotee Ranganath ji said to the ghost, how did you get the ghost vagina. Then that ghost told that O Nath! I am a goldsmith by caste. I made a sinful relationship with a stranger woman. That's why I got this vagina. Knowing the solution of my salvation, I have come to you. Now you save me.

Ranganath ji felt pity after listening to the lowliness of the ghost, compassionate speech. He took water in the name of Shri Ram and threw it on the ghost. Due to the fall of that water, the ghost changed into a divine form and after thanking Ranganath ji, went to the abode of God.

Friends! Similarly, devotee Ranganath ji saved many lives. This true incident warns us that those who are devotees of God. Yamdoots cannot harm them by coming in front of them. Apitu shows them the way to their welfare, like his servant showed him the way to his welfare by becoming Yamdoot.

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That's why O human beings! We all need to surrender whatever life is left to God, get lost in His devotion, and engage in His service. The biggest thing is that by walking in the path of God, we will never be afraid of Yamraj, Yamdoot and death. By falling in the devotion of God, one easily gets freedom from all the troubles of life.

It is not at all the case that the devotees of God do not have to face sorrow, suffering etc. We have to do it, but by walking on the path of devotion, that path becomes easy, we easily overcome that pain and suffering.

Dear readers! Hope you liked the story. You will continue to get such true and interesting devotional, educative stories in devotional story. Will meet you again with the next post in devotional story, till then keep smiling, keep smiling and God  Keep remembering

Thank you

Jai-Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna

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