What to do when someone cheats on us/krishna preaching

Friends! When a person hurts us, hurts us, we feel very sad. Our body is filled with sorrow and our mind is filled with the feeling of revenge. Then we want retaliation. Wants revenge to calm the fire of his mind. And this is where we keep making mistakes. So friends, what should be done in such a way that the mind remains calm and there is no feeling of revenge. So there is only one solution for this, forgiveness......

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What to do when someone cheats on us/krishna preaching

What to do when someone cheats on us/krishna preaching
What to do when someone cheats on us/krishna preaching

Dear readers! Today in this post we will know what should we do when someone cheats, cheats, hurts us? Should we also behave in the same way? Should we have a sense of revenge?  ?Then let's read without delay.

What to do when someone cheats on us/krishna preaching

Friends! When a person hurts us, hurts us, we feel very sad. Our body is filled with sorrow and our mind is filled with the feeling of revenge. Then we want retaliation. Wants revenge to calm the fire of his mind. And this is where we keep making mistakes. So friends, what should be done in such a way that the mind remains calm and there is no feeling of revenge. So there is only one solution for this, forgiveness.

Why Vishnu devotees are poor and Shiva devotees are rich

Yes, dear readers! This word is very short, but its effect is huge. Apologizing and forgiving is not in everyone's capacity. But the one who adopts this work, all the apprehensions, sorrows, pains and troubles arising in his mind vanish. Therefore, if you want retribution, then forget retribution and move towards justice because this is the real type.

Friends! We form our thoughts according to our thinking and beliefs of the world like telling truth is religion, telling untruth is sin, tolerance is religion and getting angry is unrighteousness, doing favor to someone, showing kindness to living beings is unrighteousness and being cruel is unrighteousness.

Friends! What do you think, is this true, doesn't it sometimes happen that these circumstances change, don't sometimes these circumstances reverse the charges. She does, of course she does. Because if there is some religion in this world, some virtue, some greatness, then it is to walk according to the situation.

Friends, there are many such examples like Jatayu, Bhishma Pitamah.

All of you must have seen Jatayu in Ramayana, must have heard or must have read it in the religious book Ramayana written by Tulsidas ji. In it, when Ravana abducts mother Sita, it is Jatayu who tries to save mother Sita. 

He attacks Ravana. The anger that comes to Jatayu at that time, that anger is called religion, not sin. He was a virtuous deed, that's why he got the lap of Lord Shri Ramji in the end. Jatayu gave up his life in the lap of Ramji.

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Friends, there are some people who keep on tolerating every injustice considering religion as tolerance. Those who get the bed of arrows in the end like - Bhishma Pitamah. 

If any person or animal-bird, without any reason, attack on innocent and try to take his life, then to save him at that time, to kill him or Taking his life is not a sin, but the need of the hour. Because attack is also self-defense.

If by protecting or helping a wicked person, a common man gets hurt or distressed, then it is dharma not to help him. Getting angry without any reason or giving any punishment is unacceptable. 

It is not right, but if someone is benefited by the same anger, then that anger and punishment are also religion, not unrighteousness. To accept, to accept the truth is very important for a human being.

Until a man accepts the truth, he does not get the power to fight the lies. Friends! What happens when you eat food? At that time your stomach accepts that hunger. He says that now his stomach is full. 

So you stop eating. Just like what happens when you sleep. Friends! At that time your mind accepts that your body is tired and it needs rest and you go to sleep

In the same way friends! To stop any addiction (bad habit or addiction) also your mind has to accept that enough is enough. That addiction may be greed or drinking or any other addiction. You will be able to leave it only when you accept and accept that you are addicted to that bad habit

For example 

Friends ! Even after seeing most of the birds flying in the sky, sometimes I feel jealous of them that look how they are flying carefree in the sky. I wish we too could fly in the sky like him. But have you or we ever thought that how hard they must have worked to make this flight. 

Before flying in the sky, how hard they must have worked on the earth. When their parents taught those birds to fly for the first time, when they encouraged them to fly, then how many times these birds must have fallen.

How scared these birds must have been while flying in the open sky for the first time. When on earth after flying for the first time

You would have got down then how many injuries would have happened. After working so hard, today they are roaming freely in the open sky. This is the price of that freedom and hard work. If you can pay this price, then surely you can have that freedom.

Like these birds, if you see any successful person in your life, do not envy or hate him. Rather, remember the pain and labor that he has done to come here. Instead of being jealous of such people, take inspiration from them, try and become successful yourself.

The basic basis of human life is compassion. Friends! What is compassion. Compassion is not pity but that feeling by which we understand the problem of others, experience their difficulties. The root of all conflicts in this world is not understanding each other's situation and the solution to this problem is compassion.

what is the difference between a devotee and a normal human being.

Compassion may be towards any animal or bird or towards any human being. It keeps away feelings like tribulation and conflicts in your life and the day you look at others with compassion, you will understand their problem and make it yours and by doing so all the conflicts will end that day.

Friends! Our human life is also like a sand pit. The sand that has fallen down is our past and the sand that is up is our future and present.This is a narrow place. From where the sand is falling slowly. It means to say that we have only one moment to live. It depends on us how we use this moment.

Dear readers! Hope you have got the answer to your question from the teachings of Lord Krishna. See you again with the next post. Take care of yourself, keep laughing, keep smiling and remember the Lord.

Thank you

Har Har Mahadev 

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