Why Vishnu devotees are poor and Shiva devotees are rich

both the classes of devotees of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu always disagree. 

Lord Shiva is the lord of material power, and Durgadevi is the representative of material power and Shiva is her husband. Durgadevi is completely under the power of Shiva, that's why  It should be understood that Shiva is the master of this material energy.

Vishnu says that If I show special favor to a devotee and have a special desire to take care of him, then first of all I lose his wealth......

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Dear readers, today we will know in this post that-

Why Vishnu devotees are poor and Shiva devotees are rich

Why Vishnu devotees are poor and Shiva devotees are rich
Why Vishnu devotees are poor and Shiva devotees are rich

What does Krishna say to the devotees?

Friends, why is it that the devotees of Lord Vishnu are not always materially prosperous. It is meant to say that he is not sad but he is not even in all virtues. They are rich, they are rich, they have no shortage of anything, why does this happen?

So dear readers, the answer is that both the classes of devotees of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu always disagree. Whether it is a Vishnu devotee or a Shiva devotee, both these devotees always disregard each other's God. 

Even today in India these two classes of devotees criticize each other especially in South India the followers of Ramanujacharya and the followers of Shankaracharya hold conferences to understand the conclusion of the Vedas and in these conferences only the followers of Ramanujacharya always came to victory. 

A similar question was once asked by King Parikshit to Shri Shukdev ji - "O dear Gurudev! It has been mostly seen that whoever worships, worships Lord Shiva, from the society of humans, asuras or deities, he is physically  becomes more opulent, while he himself lives like a kink.

Why Vishnu devotees are poor and Shiva devotees are rich
Why Vishnu devotees are poor and Shiva devotees are rich

Then Shri Shukdev ji replied to King Parikshit and said - O king! Lord Shiva is the lord of material power, and Durgadevi is the representative of material power and Shiva is her husband. Durgadevi is completely under the power of Shiva, that's why  It should be understood that Shiva is the master of this material energy.

Why does Krishna make his devotees suffer?

Although Shiva remains in contact with these qualities for the welfare of the souls, but he is their director and is not affected by them.  But the souls are affected by these three Ganas and being the lord of these Ganas, Lord Shiva is not affected by them.

Friends.  A person receives one kind of reward, while worshiping Lord Vishnu receives another reward. Now friends, if a person hears or reads these things from someone, then he gets confused that the truth  So what is it, what is right and what is wrong. So for its solution, Lord Krishna said in the Gita that-

Those who worship different deities are blessed with desired results, which they can bestow. Similarly, those who worship material power i.e. Shiva, they get worthy rewards for such activities and those who worship ancestors, they get rewarded.  

Similar results are also obtained. But those persons who are engaged in devotion or worship of the Supreme Lord, Lord Vishnu or Shri Krishna, they go to Vaikunthalok or Krishna Loka.  By worshiping Shiva, Brahmaji, or any other deity, one cannot even approach the divine realm or Parvyom (spiritual sky).

This material world is the product of the three gunas of material nature, so all kinds of expansions arise from these three gunas. With the help of materialistic science, modern civilization has created many instruments and facilities of life, but still they are all material three gunas.  

There are only types of interaction-reaction of Shiva. As Shiva devotees are capable of achieving many material achievements, yet we should know that they are collecting only the substances created by the three gunas.

Further, these three gunas are divided into sixteen, such as the ten senses in which there are five organs of action and five sense organs. The eleventh sense is the mind and the remaining five senses are the five elements i.e. earth, water, sky, fire and air. These sixteen objects are of the three gunas.  

is expansion.  A devotee of Shiva is rich only in terms of material qualities. Bhagya guna or Vaibhav means satisfaction of the senses, especially the genitals, tongue and mind. By using our mind, we can enjoy many things for the enjoyment of the genitals and tongue.  Produces pleasurable things.

Man's opulence, wealth in this material world is estimated by the extent to which he is able to use his sexual abilities and to what extent he is able to satisfy his satisfaction by eating delicious dishes.  In simple language, 

it is said that how much satisfaction a person can give to his genitals and tongue.In the material progress of civilization, it becomes necessary to create objects of enjoyment through mental process, so that one can be happy on the basis of pleasure of genital organs and tongue.

read for more details

Responding to King Parikshit, Shri Shukdev Ji said that O king! Therefore the devotees of Shiva are rich only in terms of material qualities. Whereas this so-called progress of civilization is the cause of bondage in material existence. In fact it is not progress but degradation Is.  

Dear readers, it is concluded from these things that Lord Shiva is the lord of the three gunas, so for sense gratification his devotees are provided with objects created by the interaction of these three gunas.  Friends! The grace received from Lord Shiva, though looks opulent from above, but in reality they are not beneficial for the wicked souls.

what is the difference between a devotee and a normal human being.

Lord Vishnu is above the three modes of material nature. It is said in the Bhagavad-gita that one who takes refuge in Sri Hari, that is, Vishnu, rises above the dominion of the three modes of material nature. It is also told in the Gita that Shri Hari or Shri Krishna is the only God.

Prakriti or Shaktis are of two types – inner-color power and outer-color power and Shri Krishna is the master of both these natures or powers and is the observer of all the works and he is also called Upadrashta i.e. the Supreme Counselor.

He is above all the gods by being the counselor, who follows only the instruction of the Supreme Counsel. Thus, as explained in the Bhagavad-gita and the Bhagavad-gita, 

if a person directly obeys the orders of the Supreme Lord, he gradually  Gradually one becomes nirguna i.e. one who has no form, quality and shape, such a formless person, he rises above the interaction of material qualities.  

That material opulence means an increase in the action-reaction of the material three gunas. Worshiping Shri Bhagavan i.e. Vishnu ji, instead of being full of material splendors, one gets engrossed in Shri Krishna's love, he gets lost in the spiritual progress of knowledge.  

will everyone die at the end of kaliyuga

And to be nirguna means to always attain peace, fearlessness, righteousness, knowledge and renunciation. All these are signs of being free from the evils of material qualities.

Dear friends! In answering the question of Parikshit Maharaj, Shri Shukdev Goswami ji further narrated a historical story related to King Yudhishthira, the grandfather of Parikshit Maharaj.  

He said that after the completion of the Ashwamedha Yagya in the vast Yagyabhumi, in the presence of great experts, King Yudhishthira had asked a question on this subject – why is it that the devotees of Shiva become the masters of material opulences, while the devotees of Lord Vishnu  King Yudhishthira was specifically mentioned by Sri Shukadeva Goswami as "your grandfather", so that King Parikshit was encouraged to think that he was related to Sri Krishna and that his grandfather had a close relationship with Sri Bhagavan.

Friends! Shri Krishna is always satisfied by nature, but when Maharaj Yudhishthira asked this question, he became more satisfied.Because such questions and answers will have special meaning for all Krishna conscious society. 

Whenever Lord Shri Krishna says something to a particular devotee on any subject, it is not only for that devotee but for the entire human society.  His teachings are also important for Brahma and Shivadi deities. 

One who does not take advantage of the teachings of Shri Bhagwan who has incarnated in this world for the welfare of all living beings, is certainly very unfortunate.

Why Vishnu devotees are poor and Shiva devotees are rich
Why Vishnu devotees are poor and Shiva devotees are rich

Dear readers! Lord Shri Krishna, while answering the question of Maharaj Yudhishthira, said - If I show special favor to a devotee and have a special desire to take care of him, then first of all I lose his wealth. 

When a devotee is poor or poor  and his relatives do not take interest in him and mostly they run away from him, then the devotee becomes completely unhappy.  This happens to them because of the sins of their previous lives, rather it is created by me.  

So that the devotee becomes completely dependent on Me and becomes free from all kinds of material bondage because when he is free from bondage, only then he will be able to concentrate his energies, mind and body, everything for the service of the Lord.

Dear friends! How did you like the post. Share your opinion. Hope you got the answer of your question. If you want to know the answer to any question or have any kind of doubt in your mind, then you can ask us  We will try our best to answer your questions. With this we leave.  See you again with the answer to the next question. Till then keep smiling.

Thank you 

Radhe Radhe 

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