How is the fear of death,Bhagwat Purana

While narrating Shrimad Bhagwat Purana to King Parikshit, when Shukdev Ji Maharaj had passed six days and one day was left for him to die of Takshak (serpent) bite, even then King Parikshit's grief and fear of death did not go away.  Seeing the hour of his death coming near, the king's mind was getting upset......

*🌳🦚Today's story🦚🌳*

*💐💐How is the fear of death?💐💐*

*💐💐How is the fear of death?💐💐*
How is the fear of death

While narrating Shrimad Bhagwat Purana to King Parikshit, when Shukdev Ji Maharaj had passed six days and one day was left for him to die of Takshak (serpent) bite, even then King Parikshit's grief and fear of death did not go away.  Seeing the hour of his death coming near, the king's mind was getting upset.

Then Shukdev Ji Maharaj started narrating a story to Parikshit.

Rajan!  It was a long time ago, a king went hunting in the forest, accidentally lost his way and reached the dense forest.  While searching for the way, it became night and it started raining.  The king got very scared and somehow started looking for a place to stay for the night in that dreadful forest.

After walking some distance, he saw a lamp burning.  On reaching there he saw a hut.  That hut belonged to a fowler. He could not walk much, so he used to live in the hut only.  He had also made a place to leave his excreta in a corner there.  He had the meat of animals hanging on the roof of the hut for his food.

The hut was very dirty and small. It was very dark and the hut was full of stench.  At first the king was scared to see that hut, but when he could not find any other place to stay for the night, he prayed to the fowler to let him stay in his hut for the night.

The fowler shouted that all the passers-by come wandering like this sometimes and ask to stay.  I make them stay, but on the second day they create a lot of trouble while leaving.

They like the smell of this hut in such a way that they do not want to leave it again and try to live in it and establish their possession.  I have been in such trouble many times, so I do not give place to anyone to stay here anymore.  I will not let you stay in this either.

Read more - 2004 real story Mr. Rangji meeting Yamdoot without dying

The king made a promise, promised that he would definitely vacate this hut as soon as the morning comes.  He has accidentally come here as a wanderer, he has to spend only one night.

Then the fowler allowed the king to stay there and asked the king to vacate the hut as soon as the morning broke without any fuss.  The king said - ok and the king kept sleeping in a corner all night.

While sleeping, the smell of the hut got settled in the mind of the king in such a way that when he woke up in the morning, the same hut seemed to be the most dear to him.  Forgetting the real purpose of his life, the king started thinking of staying there.  And started praying to the fowler to stay there.

The fowler got angry at this.  He started shouting and abusing the king.  Now the king started having a lot of trouble in leaving that place and a big dispute arose between them about that place.

After telling the story, Shukdev Ji Maharaj asked "Parikshit", tell "Parikshit", was it right for that king to insist on staying at that place forever?

King Parikshit replied, O Gurudev! Who was that king, at least tell his name?  I find him a fool, who wants to stay there beyond the prescribed period in such a dirty hut, breaking his vow and forgetting his real purpose.  I am surprised at his stupidity.

Shri Shukdev Ji Maharaj said, O King Parikshit!  That very big fool is you yourself.

Your soul has spent as much time as it was necessary to stay in this excreta, that is your "body".  That period is ending tomorrow.  Now you have to go to the world from where you have come.  Still you don't want to die. Isn't this foolish of you?"

King Parikshit's knowledge awakened and he happily agreed to die.  His fear of death was gone forever.

Dear Readers - "Actually this is the truth."

When a creature (child) takes birth from its mother's womb, it prays to God inside its mother's womb, O God!  Free me from here (this womb), get me out of here. I will chant your hymns.  

And when he comes into this world after taking birth, (surprised like that king) he starts thinking that where did he come (and starts crying as soon as he is born) then slowly he starts smelling like that smelly hut.  It seems that he forgets his real purpose and does not want to leave from here.

Dear Readers! Hope you enjoy the story. With this we bid farewell. See you again with the next post in devotional story.

Thank you.

Always be happy.

What is received is sufficient.

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