Why did the Gopis become free from sins on the night of Sharad Purnima?

The gopis who participated in Krishna's pastimes in this material world were ordinary human beings.  If she were bound by karma, then by constant meditation on Krishna she would be completely free from the fruits of action.  

She was absolved of all sins because of the intense pain caused by not being able to see Krishna, and her experience of transcendental love in the absence of Krishna exceeded the fruits of all her material pious activities.......

Jai Shree Radhe Krishna! Dear readers, how are you, I hope you are fine, may the blessings of Shri Radhe Krishna ji shower on you. 

Dear readers, today in this post we will know why all the Gopis, who loved Krishna, became free from their sins?

Why did the Gopis become free from sins on the night of Sharad Purnima?

why consort gopis became free from sins?
why consort gopis became free from sins?

When Krishna, the supreme enjoyer, wanted to enjoy the company of the gopis on that full moon night of autumn, at that very moment the constellation moon appeared in the sky in its most beautiful form.  Sharad Purnima night is the best night of the year.

When the moon rose in the east, everything turned red.  As soon as the moon rose, the whole sky seemed to be painted with red kumkum.  When a husband returns home after being away from his wife for a long time, he decorates his wife's face with red kumkum.  

This long-awaited autumn moonrise was coloring the eastern sky.  Because of the moonrise, Shri Krishna's desire to dance with the gopis got stronger.  All the forests were covered with fragrant flowers.  The atmosphere was peaceful and enjoyable.

When Krishna started playing his flute, all the gopis of Vrindavan were mesmerized.  Due to the full moonrise, the red horizon, the peaceful environment and the blooming flowers, his attraction (hypnosis) towards the vanshi-sound increased a thousandfold.  

All the gopis were by nature extremely attracted to Krishna's beauty, so when they heard the sound of the vanshi, they became impatient for the gratification of Krishna's senses.

As soon as they heard Vanshi's voice, they all stopped their work and went towards the place where Krishna was standing.  When she was running very fast, her earlobes were moving.  They all rushed towards the place called Vanshivat.  

Some of them were milking, but they stopped milking midway and immediately went to Krishna.  One was going to immediately milk the milk and heat it by keeping it in a dohni, but she did not care that the milk would boil and fall, she immediately went to see Krishna.

Some of them gopis were breastfeeding their children and some were serving food to their family members, but all of them left all work and immediately ran towards the place where Krishna was playing the flute.  

Some Gopis were serving food to their husbands and some were sitting to eat themselves, but none of them cared for their husbands or their food and they immediately left.  Some wanted to wear beautiful clothes by applying cosmetics to their faces before going to Krishna, but due to the uneasiness of meeting Krishna, 

they could neither apply makeup on their faces nor wear clothes properly.  Their masks were hastily decorated.  Some gopis even wore their clothes upside down, due to which the lower part of the cloth was upwards and the upper part was down.

In this way, when the Gopis were leaving their homes in a hurry, their husbands, brothers and fathers were all left bewildered and started wondering where are they all going?  Being young, the burden of protecting them was either on their husbands or elder brothers or fathers.  

Their protectors forbade them to go near Krishna, but they didn't care.  When one is attracted to Krishna and is in full Krishna consciousness, he does not care for any worldly work, however necessary that work may be. Krishna consciousness is so powerful that it liberates everyone from material activities.

Srila Rupa Gosvami has written a beautiful verse, in which one gopi exhorts another, “O friend!  If you want to enjoy material society, friendship and love, then do not go to see this smiling Govinda standing on the banks of the Yamuna playing his flute and whose belly is shining with the rays of the full moon." 

Srila Rupa Goswami wants to point out that all material enjoyment is futile for one who is bewitched by the beautiful smile of Krishna. The test of progress in Krishna consciousness is that one who is advancing in Krishna consciousness should be free from material activities and personal sense gratification.  Gotta take a turn.

Some gopis were stopped by their husbands from going near Krishna and locked them in the room.  Being unable to approach Krishna, she closed her eyes and started meditating on the divine form of Krishna.  The form of Krishna was already fixed in their minds.  She proved to be the supreme yogi.  

As Sri Krishna has said in the Bhagavad Gita that one who constantly thinks of Krishna in his heart with devotion and love is considered the best of yogis.  In fact the yogi concentrates his mind on the form of Vishnu.  This is the real yoga.  Krishna is the original form of all Vishnu elements.

How many types of results are there in the conditioned state of living beings?

The gopis themselves could not approach Krishna, so they started meditating on him like a perfect yogi.  In the conditioned state of the living entities, there are two types of results of actions; the conditioned soul who engages in sinful activities gets suffering and the one who engages in virtuous activities gets material happiness.  In each case he is entangled by the material nature of misery or happiness.

Why did Krishna's consort gopis become free from sins?

The gopis, the consorts of Krishna, who had gathered at the place where Krishna had incarnated, came in different groups.  Most of the gopis were eternal consorts of Krishna.  In the Brahma-saṁhitā it is said, ānanda-cinmayaras-pratibhavitabhiḥ—Krishna's associates in the Vaikuṇṭhaloka, especially the gopis, are manifestations of Lord Krishna's hladini potency.  

She is an expansion (ansh) of Srimati Radharani.  But when Krishna manifests His transcendental pastimes in some of the universes of this material world, He is accompanied not only by His eternal associates, but also by those who are rising to that position in this material world.  

The gopis who participated in Krishna's pastimes in this material world were ordinary human beings.  If she were bound by karma, then by constant meditation on Krishna she would be completely free from the fruits of action.  

She was absolved of all sins because of the intense pain caused by not being able to see Krishna, and her experience of transcendental love in the absence of Krishna exceeded the fruits of all her material pious activities.

The conditioned soul is affected by repeated birth and death due to his virtuous or sinful activities, but those gopis who start thinking of Krishna, transcending both these conditions, become pure and attain the status of those gopis who are the goddess of power in Krishna.  

appeared due to  All those gopis, who used to fix their mind on Krishna in love for the otherworldly, were freed from all the results of this material nature and some even left their triplet bodies there.

Mahārāja Parīkṣit heard from Śukadeva Gosvāmī a description of the condition of the gopis accompanying Kṛṣṇa for the rasa dance.  When he heard that some gopis had become free from all contamination of physical birth and death simply by meditating on Krishna as their consort, he said, "The gopis did not know that Shri Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.  

In the form of a child, she used to consider herself as her concubine. So how could she become free from the material state while thinking of concubine?"  

Here it has to be considered that Krishna and the ordinary living entity are qualitatively one.  Ordinary living beings are also Brahman because they are parts and parcels of Krishna, but Krishna is the Supreme Brahman.

Maharaj Parikshit's questions

Therefore the question arises that if a devotee can be liberated from the materially contaminated state simply by thinking of Krishna, why are others who think of others not liberated?  

If one thinks of husband or son or one thinks of any other living being and since all living beings are also Brahman, then why are all those who think of others not free from this contaminated state of nature  Would have happened?  

This is a very wise question because atheists always follow Krishna.  In this period of Kaliyuga, there are many hypocrites (rascals) who consider themselves as great as Krishna and cheat those people, and make them believe that thinking about them is equivalent to thinking about Krishna.  

Therefore Parikshit Maharaja asked this question keeping in mind the fatal condition of the blind followers of the demonic imitations and fortunately this question is mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam to warn the ignorant people that thinking about Krishna is the same as thinking about the common man. 

In fact, even the thoughts of the deities cannot compare to the thoughts of Krishna.  Vaishnava Tantra warns that a person who equates Vishnu, Narayana or Krishna with deities is a hypocrite or a rascal.  Hearing this question of Maharaja Parikshit, Shukadeva Goswami replied: “O King!  Your question has already been answered before this incident.” 

Since Parikshit Maharaj wanted to clarify the situation, his guru very intelligently replied, “Why are you asking again the same topic which was answered earlier.  It has already been given. Why are you so forgetful? The position of the Guru is always higher than that of the disciple. 

So he can punish his disciple in this way. Sukadeva Goswami knew that Maharaja Parikshit did not ask this question for himself but for those future  It has been asked to caution the ignorant persons who may consider others as equal to Krishna.

Then Sukadeva 'Goswami reminded Parikshit Maharaja of the liberation of Shishupala.  Shishupala was always jealous of Krishna and it was because of his jealousy that he was killed by Krishna.  Since Krishna is the Supreme Lord, Shishupala attained salvation just by seeing him.  

If an envious person can attain salvation simply by concentrating on Krishna, then what to say of the gopis, who were so dear to Krishna?  Out of love, she used to think of him only.

There must be some difference between enemy and friend.  If Krishna's enemies were also freed from material contamination and became identified with the Supreme Lord, then surely His integral friends, such as the gopis, could be freed by living with the Lord.  Apart from this, Krishna has been called Hrishikesh in the Bhagavad Gita.  

Śukadeva Gosvāmī also called Krishna to Hrishikesh , that is, the Supersoul, whereas the ordinary person is a conditioned soul covered by a material body, both Krishna and Krishna's body are one because Krishna is Hrishikesh .  Anyone who discriminates between Krishna and His body is a fool of the first grade.  Krishna is Hrishikesh and Adhokshaja.

What is the meaning of Hrishikesh and Adhokshaja?

In this context, Sukadeva Goswami has used both these words.  Hrishikesh means the Supreme Soul and Aghokshaj means the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is beyond material nature.  Out of His causeless mercy He appears as He is to show mercy to the common living beings.  Unfortunately, foolish people make the mistake of considering him as a normal person.  Due to which they are bound to go to hell.

Śukadeva Goswami further told Mahārāja Parikshit that Krishna is not an ordinary person.  He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead with all spiritual qualities – immeasurable, imperishable and free from material contamination.  He descends into this world by His causeless mercy and that too without any change.  

This is also confirmed by Krishna's statement in the Bhagavad Gita that He appears by His spiritual energy.  He does not appear under the influence of material energy.  Material power is under their control.  In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that the material energy functions under His headship.

It is also confirmed in the Brahma-samhita that the material energy designated by the name Durga is acting like a shadow, which moves with the movement of objects.  The conclusion is that if one becomes attached to Krishna in any way, whether because of His beauty, virtue, opulence, fame, power, renunciation or knowledge or lust, anger, fear, love or friendship, then his material contamination  Salvation and its liberation are certain.

How does Krishna like a preacher?

The Lord also states in the Eighteenth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita that anyone who preaches Krishna consciousness is very dear to Him.  The preacher has to face many difficulties while preaching pure Krishna consciousness.  

Sometimes he has to bear physical assault and sometimes even death has to be kissed.  Krishna considers this as the ultimate penance.  That's why Krishna has said that such a preceptor is very dear to him.

If Krishna's enemies can expect salvation only by focusing their attention on him, then what to say about those who are very dear to Krishna?  The conclusion is that those who are engaged in preaching Krishna consciousness throughout the world, their salvation is Dhruva.  

But such preceptors never care for salvation because one is engaged in Krishna consciousness.  He already has salvation. That is why Śukadeva Goswami assured King Parikshit that he should be relaxed because one who is attracted to Krishna is freed from material bondage because Krishna is Yogeśvara.

Dear readers, hope you have liked the post. You must have got the answer to your question. Hope you are satisfied with the answer. If your answer is yes, then it is good, if not, then you can comment on us.  We can tell the reason by doing this. With this we leave. Will meet again with the next post in Devotinol story, till then you keep smiling, keep smiling and remember the Lord. 

Thank you 

Jai-Jai Shri Radhe Krishna

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