How did Krishna flirt with Gopis?,Why did Krishna do Raas Leela?

Hearing the pleas of the gopis, the Lord started laughing even though he was self-dependent, and being very kind to the gopis, the Lord started hugging and kissing them as per their wish.

When Krishna saw the smiling faces of the gopis, the beauty of their faces increased hundredfold.  When he was enjoying them in their midst, he appeared like the moon among innumerable luminous stars.........

Jai Shree Radhe Krishna! Dear readers, how are you, I hope you are fine, may the blessings of Shri Radhe Krishna ji shower on you. 

Friends! Today in this post we will know why Lord Shri Krishna created Raasleela? Why did he flirt gopis? What was the reason that he had to flirt her? Did he create Raasleela of his own free will?

How did Krishna flirt with Gopis? Why did Krishna do Raas Leela?

Why did Krishna do Raas Leela?
Why did Krishna do Raas Leela

Did Lord Krishna create Rasleela of his own free will?

No friends! the first thing is that he did not create Rasleela of his own free will. Because when all the Gopis gathered in front of Krishna, Krishna welcomed them verbally and also discouraged them (disappointed, frustrated) with words and cleverness.  Krishna is the ultimate speaker;  He is the speaker of the Bhagavad Gita.  

He could speak on every high level subject like philosophy, politics, economics and he also spoke in front of his most beloved Gopis.  He wanted to fascinate them with words, so he started speaking like this - “O girls of Vrindavan!  You are very fortunate and very dear to me.  

I am very happy that you all have come here and I hope that all is well in Vrindavan.  Now command me  What can I do for you guys?  What is the purpose of your coming here at midnight?  Please sit down and tell me what should I do for you guys?"

The gopis had come to enjoy Krishna's company, to dance with him, to hug and kiss him, and they were surprised when Krishna began to treat them with formality and courtesy.  They were considering them as normal women of the society.  

So they started laughing with each other and kept listening to Krishna talk with such eagerness.  Then Krishna said, 'Friends!  Know that it is now midnight and this forest is very scary.  At this time, all the wild animals of the forest - tigers, bears, jackals and wolves - are roaming here and there for hunting. So it is very dangerous for you people.  

Now you can't find any safe place.  Wherever you go, you will find these animals roaming in search of prey.  So I think you are taking a big risk by coming here in the middle of the night.  So please go back immediately."

Read more-God will have to come. krishna story

When Krishna saw that she was laughing, he said, "I like your body parts. You all have very slim and beautiful waists."  All the gopis there were very beautiful.  He is described by the word Sumadhyama.  

When the middle part of a woman's body is thin, then the standard of beauty of a woman is called Sumadhyama.  Krishna was trying to tell her that she is not yet mature enough to take care of herself.  In fact, they needed protection.  It was not in his interest to come near Krishna in this midnight.

Krishna also pointed out that He is young and the gopis are also young.  “It is not proper for young women and young men to be together in the middle of the night.”  The gopis were not pleased to hear this sermon, 

so Krishna started saying it in a different way.  Hey friends!  I can understand that you have left your homes without the permission of your guardians;  Therefore your mothers, your fathers, your elder brothers, even your sons will be very anxious to find you, what to say of your husbands?

As long as you are here, they will keep searching for you in different places and their minds will be restless.  So don't delay now.  Please go and pacify them." When the gopis seemed a little distraught and angry at Krishna's simple advice, they turned their attention to admiring the beauty of the forest. 

At that time the whole forest was illuminated by the bright moon and  The wind was quietly blowing over the blossoming flower and the green leaves of the trees were moving with the gentle breeze.

Krishna took advantage of this opportunity of their viewing of the forest to exhort them, "I think you have come this night to see the beautiful forest of Vrindavan. But by now you must be satisfied.  "Go back to your homes. 

I know you are all very chaste women, and since you have now seen the beautiful environment of the forests of Vrindavan, you may return home and go and render faithful service to your husbands."

Although you are young, but at this time some children will also be hungry and you must have left them at home;  Those poor people must be crying.  So please return soon to breast-feed those children.  

I also know that you people have great affection for me and you have come here out of divine affection after listening to the voice of my Murli.  Your feelings of affection and love towards me are very appropriate because I am God.  

All living beings are parts of Me, so it is natural that they love Me very much.  Therefore, your affection is welcome and for this I congratulate all of you.  Now you can go back to your home.

One more thing that I want to tell you guys is that for a chaste woman, serving her husband without any duality is the best religion.  A woman should not only be obedient to her husband but should be affectionate to her husband's friends, her parents and brothers-in-law, but most importantly she should bring up her children."

Teachings to women by Lord Krishna.

Thus Krishna explained the duties (dharma) of a woman.  Emphasizing service to the husband, he said, “Even if she is characterless, poor, old, infirm due to disease, a woman should serve her husband if she really wants to go to heaven after death.  

Don't give up. Besides, if a woman is disloyal to her husband and keeps on looking for another man, then it is a stigma for the society. Such habits hinder the woman from going to the higher world and their result is very undesirable  .

A married woman should not be made a consort.  Because it is not recognized in the Vedic principles of life. You think that you are too attached to me and want my company, then I advise you not to try to enjoy with me.  It is better that you go home and talk about me, think about me, and by such constant remembrance and chanting of my name you will be able to attain a spiritual position.

There is no need to be near me.  Please go back home. These teachings given by the Lord to the gopis are not sarcastic even in the slightest.  All honest women should take these teachings seriously.  Here God has given special emphasis on the chastity of women.  Therefore a woman who wishes to go to the higher world should follow this principle.

Krishna is the center of all affection of all living beings.  When one extends this affection to Krishna, he transcends all Vedic injunctions.  This was possible for the gopis because they were seeing him in front of them.  

It is not possible for any woman to do this in a conditioned state.  Unfortunately, sometimes imitating Krishna's behavior with the gopis, some dharas take the place of Krishna and follow the philosophy of monism or identity.

They take advantage of this Rasleela to entrap innocent women and mislead them in the name of self-realization.  Lord Krishna, therefore, pointed out earlier as a warning that what was accessible to the gopis was not possible for ordinary women.  

Although a woman can actually rise up by increased Krishna consciousness, she should not fall under the clutches of an adulterer who pretends to be Krishna.  He should concentrate his devotional activities in meditation, contemplation and chanting of Krishna.  He should never follow such devotees who do not take anything seriously.

The mood of the gopis on Krishna's refusal.

Why did Krishna do Raas Leela?
Why did Krishna do Raas Leela

When Krishna spoke to the gopis in such a despondent manner, they became very upset because they thought that their desire to dance the rasa with Krishna had failed;  So she became very worried.  Due to extreme sadness.  

Started breathing heavily.  Instead of not seeing Krishna's face, she bowed her head down and started drawing various fingernails on the earth.  She was shedding tears due to which all the makeup on her face was washed away.  

His tears were falling on the earth mixing with kumkum coated on his chest.  She could not say anything to Krishna, only stood silent.  They told by their silence that their hearts have been mutilated.

Gopis were not ordinary women.  She was clearly on the same level as Krishna.  She is his eternal companion.  As confirmed in the Brahma-saṁhitā, She is an expansion of Krishna's hladini energy and She is nondifferent from His Shakti-rupa.  

Although she was disappointed by Krishna's words, she did not utter bitter words against Krishna.  Still she wanted to reprimand Krishna for his unkind words, so she started speaking in a blocked voice.  She did not want to say any harsh words to Krishna because he was very dear to her in her soul and heart.

The Gopis had kept Krishna seated in their hearts.  She was completely devoted and attached to Krishna.  It is natural that when he heard such bitter words, he wanted to answer something, but in an attempt to do so, a stream of tears flowed from his eyes.  At last she was able to say it somehow.

Read more-Tamarind tree here Krishna became fair in the worry of Radha ji.

Angry gopis praying to Krishna.

The gopis said, "O Krishna! You are very cruel. You should not say like this. We are completely surrendered. Please accept us and do not speak so cruelly. Indeed, You are the Supreme Lord and You can do whatever You want."  , But it does not behove you to treat us with such cruelty. 

We have come to take refuge in your lotus feet by giving up everything. We know that you are completely independent and can do whatever you want, but we request that we  Do not reject us. We are your devotees. Please accept us the way Narayan does his devotees.

There are many devotees of Lord Narayana who worship him for their salvation and he gives them salvation.  So how can you reject us when we have no other refuge except your feet?  "O Krishna! You are the ultimate teacher. 

There is no doubt about it. Your teachings are scriptural that women should be loyal to their husbands, kind to their children, look after their household chores and be obedient to the family teachers.  But we also know that these instructions of all the scriptures are fully followed when someone takes shelter of your lotus feet.

Our husband, friends, relatives and sons are all dear and good to us because of your presence because you are the supreme soul of all living beings.  Everything is meaningless without you.  

When you leave the body, it dies immediately and the scriptures order that the dead body be immediately thrown into the river or burnt. So ultimately you are the most beloved person in this world. 

Establishing our faith and love on you, we will not get any opportunity to be separated from our husbands, friends, sons or daughters.

If a woman accepts you - as her husband, she will never be separated from her husband as happens when she has body consciousness.  If we accept you as our supreme husband, then the question of separation, husbandlessness or widowhood does not arise for us.  

You are the eternal husband, the eternal son, the eternal friend and the eternal master, and whoever associates with You is always happy.  Since You are the teacher of all religions, Your lotus feet should be worshiped first.  That's why the scriptures say that Acharya-upasana means worship of your lotus feet is the basic principle.

Apart from this, it is said in Shrimad Bhagwat that you are the only enjoyer, master and only friend.  That's why we have come to you leaving all our so-called friends, society and love and now you are our enjoyer.  

You enjoy us for eternity, become our master because it is your natural right.  You become our best friend because you are like that by nature.  Let us embrace you like our ultimate beloved."

The gopis then said to the lotus-eyed Krishna, "We have a longing desire to have you as our husband. Please do not discourage us.  Gives. Those who are deluded by maya, who want to be satisfied with false thoughts, they are the ones who want to enjoy separation from you. 

The so-called husband, friend, daughter or mother and father are all causes of misery. Any  One does not remain happy in this world because of all this.Though parents are expected to bring up the children, there are many children who suffer because of not getting food and shelter.

There is no dearth of good doctors, but when the patient dies, no doctor can revive him. Although there are many means of protection, but when the end comes, no means works.  Without your protection, all so-called means of protection become means of constant torture.  That's why oh lord.  

We pray that you don't break our eternal desire to have you as the ultimate husband like this.  "O Krishna! No doubt we are very happy as women when we are busy with household chores, but you have already stolen our hearts. Now our mind is not engaged in household chores. 

And you are  that you are constantly telling us to go home. Although this is a proper advice, but unfortunately we are helpless. Our feet have no strength left to walk even a step leaving your lotus feet. So even if we return home by your request  If we go, what can we do there?

We have lost the power to do anything without you.  Now we are not devoting our mind to household chores as women and are experiencing a different kind of lust which is burning our hearts.  So O Krishna!  We pray that you extinguish this fire with your beautiful smile and the divine voice emanating from your lips.  

If you don't do this, we will burn in the fire of separation.  In that state, thinking of you and your beautiful form, we will leave our body immediately.  In this way we think that we will be able to reside at your lotus feet in the next life.

Hey Krishna!  If you say that we should go home and our husbands will be able to satisfy this lust of ours, then we have to say that it is impossible now.  You have given us the opportunity to be enjoyed by You in the forest and You have touched our breasts in the past as well, 

which we have considered as a blessing by getting such happiness in Vaikunthaloka like Lakshmi.  Since we have tasted this transcendental pleasure, we are not interested in going to anyone other than You for the fulfillment of our desires.

Hey Krishna!  The lotus feet of Lakshmi are always worshiped by the gods.  Although she resides on your chest in Vaikunthaloka, she performed severe penance to take shelter of your lotus feet which are always covered with basil leaves.  

Your lotus feet are the proper refuge of your servants and Goddess Lakshmi does not sit on your chest but comes down and worships your lotus feet.  Now we have placed ourselves in the dust of your feet.  Please don't reject us because we are completely surrendered.

"O Krishna! You are called Hari, You destroy all the miseries of all living beings, especially those who have taken complete refuge in You leaving their homes. We have left our homes in the hope that we can serve You completely.  

Our only request is that you make us your maids. We do not ask you to be your wives. Only make us your maids.  is famous as, so we have come to fulfill your divine wishes.

We are also in search of our pleasure because seeing your smiling face we have become very sensual.  We have come before you adorned with all ornaments and clothes, but until you embrace us, all this adornment and beauty of ours is incomplete.  May all desires and physical decorations be fulfilled.

"O Krishna! We are enamored by Your countenance covered with tilak and coils and curly locks and by Your transcendental smile. Not only this, we are also attracted by Your arms, which give assurance to the surrendered. 

Though we sit on Your bosom  I am also attracted to Goddess Lakshmi, because she is always embraced by Goddess Lakshmi, but we do not want to take her place. We will be content to be your maids. 

If we are accused of promoting prostitution,  So we just have to ask you that who would be such a woman in all the three worlds, who is not mesmerized by your beauty and the melodious sound of your divine flute?

In these three worlds, there is no difference between men and women towards you because both men and women are related to your neutral energy or nature.  In fact there is no enjoyer or man, everyone is enjoyed by You.  

There is no woman in the three worlds who once attracted by You does not deviate from the path of devotion, because Your beauty is so divine that not only women and men but also cows, birds, animals, even trees, fruits and  Even flowers get fascinated, so what to say about us?  

But it is certain that since Lord Vishnu has always been protecting the deities from the attacks of the demons, you have also appeared in Vrindavan to protect us from all kinds of miseries.

O friend of the afflicted!  You place your hands on our breasts and heads because we have dedicated ourselves as your eternal maidservants.  If you think that your lotus-like palms will burn to ashes as soon as they touch our breasts, then we assure that your palms will experience joy instead of pain, just as the lotus flower, though very soft, is able to withstand the sun's rays.  Enjoys the intense heat."

God accepting the prayers of the Gopis.

Hearing the pleas of the gopis, the Lord started laughing even though he was self-dependent, and being very kind to the gopis, the Lord started hugging and kissing them as per their wish.

When Krishna saw the smiling faces of the gopis, the beauty of their faces increased hundredfold.  When he was enjoying them in their midst, he appeared like the moon among innumerable luminous stars.  

In this way, surrounded by hundreds of gopis decorated with garlands of different colored flowers, the Lord began to roam in the forest of Vrindavan, where He sometimes sang Himself and sometimes accompanied the gopis.  Thus the Lord and the gopis reached the cool sandy bank of the Yamuna where lotuses and water lilies were in bloom.

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In such a divine atmosphere, the Gopis and Krishna started having fun with each other.  While roaming on the banks of the Yamuna, sometimes they used to fill the head, chest or waist of the gopis in their arms, and sometimes they used to pinch each other and make fun of each other. 

Why did Krishna do Raas Leela?
Why did Krishna do Raas Leela

They started enjoying seeing each other.  When Krishna touched the bodies of the gopis, the desire to embrace them increased.  They all enjoyed these pastimes.  

Thus having received the grace of the Lord, all the gopis were blessed because they enjoyed His company without a mere worldly sex life.  

But soon the gopis began to feel proud, thinking that they had the privilege of being in the company of Krishna, and therefore they were the most fortunate of all in this universe.

But Lord Krishna, who was called Keshava, immediately recognized this pride of his and in order to show him his causeless mercy and to suppress his false pride, he immediately disappeared from that place, which is an indicator of his quietness.  .  

Sri Bhagavan is always complete in six types of opulences and this is an example of His disinterestedness.  This renunciation confirms Krishna's complete non-attachment.  He is always self-reliant (Atmaram) and does not depend on anyone.  This is the platform where His divine pastimes take place.

So friends, this is how the raasleela of Lord Krishna and the gopis, the creator of the pastimes, began.

Dear readers!  See you again with the next post in Devotinol Story. Take care of yourself, stay happy, stay healthy and keep remembering the Lord. Jai Jai Shri Radhe Krishna

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