Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat./According to Skandha Purana, Garuda Purana

Har Har mahadev ! dear readers

May you all get the blessings of Bholenath

Lord Vishnu says that the man who kills other animals for taste. He has to take birth in the same animal vagina for many lives after death and he is also killed in the same way as he killed that animal for food.

Dear readers! As we all know that in today's time everyone definitely consumes non-vegetarian food in some form or the other. But what? Have you ever thought that people who eat non-vegetarian food and then worship God. Does God accept the worship of such people? If you did not think, then let us give you information about this today.

Dear readers! This question has been answered in detail in our Hindu scriptures like Varaha Purana, Skanda Purana, Bhagwat Geeta etc. Friends, once again you are welcome in Devotional Story.

Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat./According to Skandha Purana, Garuda Purana

Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat.
Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat./According to Skandha Purana, Garuda Purana

Friends, in the third chapter of Kashi Khand of Skanda Purana, it has been told that the person who eats meat, his life is cursed. Such a person neither gets happiness in the world of death, nor does he get happiness in the other world after death. 

Along with this, there is another description of an incident in Skanda Purana, according to which once all the deities reached Kashi. He saw that there even wild animals like tigers were eating grass.

Along with this, it has also been told in Skanda Purana that even if a creature is about to die of hunger, it should not eat meat. Not only this, according to Skanda Purana, Lord Shiva never accepts the devotion or worship of those people. 

Consumes meat and alcohol. Apart from Skanda Purana, this thing is also described in Varaha Purana, according to which when Lord Vishnu incarnated as Varaha, then Prithvi Devi i.e. Mother Earth asked him whether God accepts the worship of people who eat meat?

On the question of Prithvi Devi, Lord Vishnu said - The man who eats meat, that is, eats, I neither accept his worship nor consider him as my devotee. It is also said that the man who consumes the flesh of fish or other animals. For me, there is no one more guilty than him. 

Apart from this, God has also told in Gita that what humans should eat and what not. According to Lord Krishna, meat is a vindictive food, by consuming which means the intellect becomes weak and man loses control over his senses.

read more-why to bad things happen to good peopie ,according to bhagwad puraan

After that man becomes a participant in many kinds of crimes even without wanting to and when such a man worships me or even remembers me, I do not go near him. Along with this, Lord Shri Krishna also says in Gita that non-vegetarian food is for demons, not for humans. 

In the Gita, Lord Krishna has divided the diet into 3 classes Sattva, Raja and Tama, according to which the Satvik diet prolongs life, purifies the mind, gives strength, intelligence, health and satisfaction. 

When the same vegetarian food is cooked by adding too much sour, salty or oil spices, then this food becomes royal food. And this royal food produces sorrow, grief and many types of diseases.

The story told by Shri Krishna himself is eating meat a sin or a virtue

The description of this story is given in Garuda Purana.

Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat.
Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat./According to Skandha Purana, Garuda Purana

Once upon a time, Lord Shri Krishna was playing the flute sitting under a tree on the banks of the Yamuna. Then suddenly a deer came running and hid behind the Lord. The deer was very scared. Prabhu asked while turning his hand on his head - what is the matter? Why are you so scared That's why a hunter also reached there and said to the Lord that this is my prey. Please give it to me.

Lord Shri Krishna said - Every living creature has its own right first of all. Not someone else's. The hunter got angry after hearing this. He shouted angrily - this is my victim. I have caught it and so I will cook and eat it. Don't give me too much knowledge.

On this, Lord Shri Krishna again said - Eating any living being after killing it is a sin. Do you want to become a partaker of sin by eating this? Don't you know whether eating meat is a sin or a virtue?

Then the hunter said - I am not as knowledgeable as you. I don't know whether eating meat is a virtue or a sin. That's all I know. That if I don't hunt, I won't get food. I am earning virtue by freeing this deer from the bondage of life. 

Then why are you stopping me from earning this virtue. As far as I have heard, the killing of animals has been rightly explained in the scriptures as well. Even kings hunt. Is this sin only for me poor?

Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat.
Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat./According to Skandha Purana, Garuda Purana

Giving many such examples, the hunter said to Lord Shri Krishna that - Now you tell me whether eating meat is a virtue or a sin. After listening to such words from the mouth of the hunter, Shri Krishna understood that his intellect had become vengeful by eating meat

Because of which it has lost the power to think and understand. Then after that Shri Krishna ji said - I will tell you a story. After listening to which you can tell whether eating meat is a sin or a virtue.

What to do when someone cheats on us/krishna preaching

To deal with this problem, the king set up a Raj Sabha. Asked the minister and SIPA advisors present in the meeting how to get out of this problem. And asked which item is the cheapest to solve this food issue of Rajya Sabha. 

Hearing this, all the ministers etc. started thinking that it takes a lot of hard work to grow rice, wheat and potatoes and it also takes a lot of time......In such a situation, nothing can be cheap. 

Only then the hunter who had a passion for hunting stood up and said Maharaj! According to me the cheapest food item is meat. No money has to be spent for this and nutritious food is also available. 

Hearing this, all the feudal lords supported this. But the ministers of Magadh were still silent. Seeing this, the king asked the minister why are you silent. Why don't you say something?

what is your advice Then the minister said that I do not believe that meat is the cheapest food. Nevertheless, I will present my views on this subject tomorrow. After that, at night the minister went to the house of the same Samant who had called meat cheap in the meeting. 

Samant was deeply moved to see the minister coming to his house so late in the night and started to panic thinking about the possibility of some unscrupulous person.

The minister told Samant that the Prime Minister fell ill in the evening. His condition is very serious. Rajvaidya has said that the king's life can be saved if 2 pounds of flesh is found in a powerful body. You are the closest to Maharaj, for this you can take whatever price you want. If you say, I can also give you one lakh gold coins for this work. Apart from this, a huge property will also be given in your name.

Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat.
Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat./According to Skandha Purana, Garuda Purana

You just say yes. I will cut your heart with a dagger and take out only 2 weights of flesh. Samant's face turned pale after hearing this. He started thinking that when there will be no life then what will I do with these currencies. 

He immediately went inside and brought 1 lakh gold coins and gave them to the minister, caught hold of his feet and hesitantly told him that - Minister, I will add this 1 lakh gold coins to your 1 lakh gold coins.

With this money you can buy the meat of someone else's heart. But leave me Please, I request you not to say this to anyone else. On this, the minister again said - Samant ji, you are very happy with your body and your stature also resembles Maharaj a lot. 

That's why the king has taken your name. Your donation can save our king's life. If you agree, I can even give you the post of Prime Minister. And I am also ready to become your employee.

When Samant saw himself trapped, he pleaded with the minister again and said that I am not eligible for this post. What will I do by becoming a minister when there is no life left? Take my everything if you want. 

But please leave me alone. Having said this, Samantha ran towards his horse. As soon as he got ready to walk on the horse, the minister caught hold of the horse's rope and said to Samantha, you don't need to run away. I'll ask someone else.

Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat.
Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat./According to Skandha Purana, Garuda Purana

Saying this, the minister left from there. After that, the ministers went to the rest of the feudal lords one by one with the coins. And asked everyone for 2-2 weights of meat for the king's heart. 

But no one agreed and all the feudal lords gave 1 lakh to 5 lakh currencies to the minister for his protection. In this way the minister collected 1 crore gold coins in a single night and reached his palace before dawn.

The next day all the feudatories reached the king's court before time. They all wanted to know how is the king's health. But no one was telling each other about the night. After a while the king came in his usual style and sat on the throne. 

Everyone saw that the king was not looking unwell from anywhere. Nothing had happened to them. They all came to know that the minister had played a joke on them.

Everyone was thinking in their mind that in the mean time the minister came and placed 1 crore gold coins in front of the king. Seeing this, the king asked for whom these coins are and where did they come from. 

Then the minister replied, he said, O Maharaj! I have collected this much money for 2 weights of meat. But meat was not found anywhere. All the feudal lords have given these postures to save their lives. Now you tell me whether meat is cheap or expensive.

The king understood the matter. He was happy on the minister's partnership. He requested the subjects to do hard work. And after that the king took out grains from the state granary and gave them to the workers. The king ordered everyone to grow nutritious vegetables. The irrigation system was fixed. All the money collected was spent in this work and for the welfare of the workers.

Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat.
Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat./According to Skandha Purana, Garuda Purana

After some time, the laborers' hard work paid off. Greens-vegetables, fruits etc. grew so well that everyone became well and got nutritious things to eat. When the weather became favorable, the crops also started flourishing. Thus ended the food crisis of the state.

The hunter was happy after getting this knowledge from the Lord himself. He came to know that greatness is not in taking life but in giving life. After that the hunter bowed his head before the Lord and went away. After leaving there, he took a vow that he would never hunt again and never hurt anyone.

Dear readers, through this story Lord Shri Krishna is explaining to us that the way we love our own life, in the same way other people and living beings also love their lives.

Friends, after reading this story, you must have understood very well that which diet you should eat and which should not. It depends on you. Even today's science has accepted that a vegetarian diet is more beneficial than a non-vegetarian diet. According to science, while vegetarian food works to increase the immunity of our body, on the other hand, eating vegetarian food also increases the age

Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat.
Does God accept the worship of people who eat meat./According to Skandha Purana, Garuda Purana

Dear friends! According to some people, meat-eating has been told right in some scriptures. But all these illusions are spread due to the propagation of wrong meaning of mantras and shlokas present in those books and due to the practice of animal sacrifice among Hindus. 

After killing the living beings, whatever humans are eating them. Those creatures don't even get a chance to save their lives. Violence is not just where human blood flows. That is also called violence. Where other creatures are killed for taste.

There is a confusion in the minds of many people about whether it is right to eat meat in Hinduism or not and the main reason for this is the lack of knowledge mentioned in the religious scriptures. Some people even believe that the Vedas justify eating meat. 

But this is not true, the truth is that it is clearly stated in the Vedas that animal killing means animal sacrifice comes under the category of sin. The essence of the Vedas is the Upanishads and the essence of the Upanishads is the Gita. According to which there is a clear prohibition regarding eating meat in the Vedas.

It has been said in the Vedas that a man who consumes the flesh of a male, horse or any other animal makes it a part of his body. By killing a cow, he deprives other people of milk etc. 

No one is bigger sinner than him in this world. It is told in Yajurveda that humans should consider all the creation of God as their own soul. Do good to other living beings as they want their own interest. 

It has been said in the Vedas that - O humans, you should eat rice, pulses, wheat etc. as food. This is part of the best and most delicious foods for you. Never do violence to any male or female. 

Those people who eat raw or cooked meat obtained from the meat of male and female embryos and eggs, you should oppose them.

The same Rigveda also states that the cow is the mother of the world and only in her protection is the progress of the society. Man should protect all four-legged animals like them. 

Whereas in Garuda PuranaLord Vishnu while narrating a story to Pakshiraj Garuda says that the person who eats meat or consumes alcohol. No deity accepts his devotion or worship and neither any deity helps such humans. 

That's why man should eat satvik food. So that he can get the company of God even after his life time and death and he can live his life happily.

Lord Vishnu says that the man who kills other animals for taste. He has to take birth in the same animal vagina for many lives after death and he is also killed in the same way as he killed that animal for food.

By the time the end comes, we keep trying to do good deeds for the sins of the whole life. But we forget that when that creature was cut and tortured for us, its curse does not leave us not only in this life but also in the next life.

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That's why friends, if you believe in worship or devotion to God, then stop consuming non-vegetarian food. Anyway, non-vegetarian food has not been considered scientifically appropriate. It also makes man suffer from many types of diseases and as far as religious beliefs are concerned, we hope that you must have understood that. 

So dear readers, how did you like this post of ours, do tell by commenting below and if you like this post of ours, then you should also tell your friends and other people so that this sin does not spread in the world.

Everyone should love and take care of animals. With this, wishing God the best for your life, we bid you farewell.

Thank you.

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