How many wives did Shri Krishna have?

Shri Krishna married five queens. Apart from these five, he had other queens too.....

Har Har Mahadev Dear Readers!

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Dear readers! Today in this post we will know about Shri Krishna's wives, how Shri Krishna married five queens. Apart from this, we will know whether he had other queens apart from these five? Did he marry more queens apart from the five and if yes, then why?

How many wives did Shri Krishna have?

While shree krishna was resting after drinking water, he saw a beautiful girl of marriageable age walking alone on the banks of the Yamuna.  Shri Krishna sent his friend Arjuna to that girl to ask about her introduction.  By the order of Shri Krishna, Arjun immediately went near that very beautiful girl.  His body was shapely, his teeth were white and his face was filled with a smile.  

Arjuna asked, “Dear Bala!  You are very beautiful with advanced breasts.  may i ask who are you  We are surprised to see you traveling alone here.  What is your purpose in coming here?  We can only guess that you are looking for a suitable husband.  If you don't mind, you can tell your purpose.  I will try to satisfy you."

How many wives did Shri Krishna have?
How many wives did Shri Krishna have?

That beautiful girl was Yamuna river itself, who had taken the form of a woman.  She replied, "O Arjuna! I am the daughter of the sun god and now I am doing penance because I wish to have Lord Vishnu as my husband. I think he is the best of men and is eligible to be my husband.  Kindly expressing my wish, because you wanted to know."

That child further said, "I know that you are the brave Arjuna, so I would like to say further that I will accept none other than Lord Sri Vishnu as my husband. Lord Sri Vishnu is the only protector of all living beings and  You are the giver of salvation to all the bad souls. 

If you pray to Lord Vishnu to be pleased with me, I will be very grateful to you.  Yamuna was well aware that Arjuna was a great devotee of Lord Krishna and if he prayed, then Krishna would never turn down his prayer.

Getting Krishna directly can sometimes be futile, but surrendering to him through a devotee is definitely successful.  She further said to Arjuna, "My name is Kalindi and I live in the waters of the Yamuna. 

My father has kindly built a special home for me in the waters of the Yamuna and I have taken an oath that as long as I do not  I will live in water till I don't get it."  

Although Shri Krishna, as the Supreme Soul who resides in everyone's heart, had knowledge of everything, Arjuna conveyed the message of Kalindi to Shri Krishna.

Shri Krishna immediately accepted Kalindiji without any argument and asked him to sit on the chariot. After that they all went near King Yudhishthira. After this King Yudhishthira requested Shri Krishna to help him in building a suitable house.The plan for the construction of that house was made by the great architect (architect) Vishwakarma, the engineer (engineer) of heaven.

Shri Krishna immediately called Vishwakarma and got a wonderful city built by him as per the wish of King Yudhishthira.  When that city was built (became), then Maharaj Yudhishthira requested Shri Krishna to stay with him for a few more days.  

He wanted to enjoy the company of Shri Krishna for a few more days.  Lord Krishna accepted Yudhishthira's request and stayed there for several more days.

In this period, Shri Krishna was engaged in the pastime of offering the Khandava forest of King Indra as a sacrifice to Agnidev.  Shri Krishna wanted to give it to Agni Dev.  There were many types of medicines in the Khandava forest and Agni wanted to eat them to regain his youth.  

But Agni did not directly touch the Khandav forest, but prayed to Shri Krishna for help.  Agni knew that Shri Krishna was very pleased with him, because he had earlier given Sudarshan Chakra to Shri Krishna.  Therefore, to satisfy Agni, Shri Krishna became Arjuna's charioteer and both went to Khandav forest.

After eating the Khandava forest, Agni Dev became very happy.  This time he offered him a special bow named Gandiva, four white horses, a chariot and an Akshaya Tunir (quiver).  

There were also two arrows showing charisma in that quiver, which had so much power that no warrior could cut them.  When the Khandava forest was being consumed by Agnidev, Arjuna saved a demon named Maya from the destructive fire.  Because of this the Asura became a great friend of Arjuna.

To please Arjuna, he built a fine hall inside the city built by Vishwakarma.  Some corners in this hall were so confusing that when Duryodhana came to this house, he got confused.  

He confusedly considered water as land and land as water.  Thus Duryodhana was humiliated by the splendor of the Pandavas.  Happened and became his ultimate enemy.

After a few days, Shri Krishna took permission from King Yudhishthira to return to Dwarka.  When he got permission, he returned home with Satyaki, the chief of the Yadus who resided in Hastinapura.  Kalindi also came to Dwarka with Shri Krishna.  

After returning, Shri Krishna discussed with many learned astrologers.He wanted to know the auspicious time to marry Kalindi. After that he married Kalindi with great pomp. The relatives of both the parties were very happy with this marriage ceremony and all of them enjoyed this great occasion.

In Avantipur (present day Ujjain) there were kings named Vind and Anuvind.  Both the kings were under Duryodhana.  He had a sister named Mitravinda.  She was a very virtuous, intelligent and beautiful girl.  

Her Swayamvara was about to take place, but her wish was to choose Shri Krishna as her husband.  Sri Krishna was also present in his Swayamvara and in the presence of all the other kings, Sri Krishna took Mitravinda by force.

Unable to stop Shri Krishna, all the kings just kept looking at each other's face.  After this incident, Shri Krishna married the daughter of the king of Kosala.  The name of the king of Kosala was Nagnajit.  They followed Vedic rituals and rites.  He was very virtuous.  

His most beautiful daughter's name was Satya. Sometimes Satya was also called Nagnajiti, because she was the daughter of King Nagnajit.  King Nagnajit had seven very powerful and courageous bulls.  

They wanted to marry their daughter to the same king, who could defeat those seven bulls.  None of the kings could defeat those seven bulls nor marry Satya.

The seven bulls were extremely powerful and could not bear even the smell of kings.  Many kings came to this kingdom and tried to conquer the bulls, but instead of gaining control over those bulls, they themselves were defeated.  This news spread all over the country.  When Shri Krishna heard that truth can be achieved only by defeating the seven bulls, then he himself got ready to go to the kingdom of Kosala.  Accompanied by many soldiers, traveling in a majestic chariot, he went to the part of the country known as Ayodhya.

When the king of Kosala came to know that Shri Krishna had come to marry his daughter, he became very happy.  With utmost respect, he gave a grand welcome to Shri Krishna in his kingdom.  

When Shri Krishna came near him, he gave him a proper seat to sit on and other hospitality items.  Everything was very beautiful.  Considering him as his future father-in-law, Shri Krishna also bowed down to him.

When Satya, the daughter of King Nagnajit, came to know that Shri Krishna himself had come to marry her, she became very happy that the husband of Lakshmidevi himself had kindly come there to accept her.  For a long time she had a desire to marry Shri Krishna and she was doing penance to get Shri Krishna as her husband.  

After that she started thinking, "If I have done any good deed according to my ability and if I have always thought of getting Shri Krishna as my husband, then Shri Krishna will be pleased with me and fulfill my long-standing desire."

She began to praise Shri Krishna in her heart, thinking, "I do not know how the Lord can be pleased with me. He is the Lord and Master of all. Lakshmi, Shiva, Brahma and  Other demigods of different planets also always offer respectful obeisances to the Lord. 

The Lord sometimes appears on this earth in different incarnations to fulfill the wishes of His devotees. He is so superior and great that I cannot understand  I don't know how to satisfy them.  He thought that the Lord can be pleased only because of His causeless mercy on the devotee, otherwise there is no other way to please Him.

Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in his Shikshakashtaka slokas has praised like this, "Dear Lord! I am your eternal servant. Somehow I have fallen in this material ocean. 

If you kindly lift me up and dust me with the dust of your lotus feet,  If you keep it in form, it will be a great favor of yours to your eternal servant.  By serving God, one can be pleased only through humility.  

The more we serve the Lord under the guidance of the Guru, the more we advance on the path of God-realisation.  Because we have served him, we are not entitled to ask him for favor or mercy.

They can accept or decline our service.  But the only means to satisfy God is service, nothing else.  King Nagnajit was already a pious soul and now finding Shri Krishna present in his palace, he started worshiping him in the best way according to his knowledge and ability.

He himself appeared before the Lord saying, "Dear Lord! You are the master of the entire creation, You are the refuge of all living beings, Narayana. You are complete in Your own right and are pleased with Your personal opulences, so how can I offer anything to You?"  How can I please You by offering something like this? It is not possible, because I am a lowly creature. I have no capacity to actually serve You."

Shri Krishna is the supreme soul of all living beings, so he could understand the mind of King Nagnajit's daughter-in-law.  He was also very happy with the proper seat, food and residence provided by the king.  So he could understand that both father and daughter are impatient to have him as a close relative.

He started smiling and said in a serious voice, "Dear Rajan Nagnajit! You know very well that no Kshatriya in his Dharma will ever ask for anything from anyone, no matter how high the other person may be. A Kshatriya  This kind of solicitation of the king from another person is deliberately prohibited by the learned Vedic followers. 

If a Kshatriya violates this rule, the learned condemn his act.  I am asking for the hand of your beautiful daughter. My purpose behind doing this is that in return for the warm welcome you have accorded me, a relationship may be established between us.

You will be pleased to know that this is not our family custom, so if you charge any fee for giving your daughter to us, we cannot give her."  Wanted to get Satya's hand.

Hearing the words of Lord Krishna, King Nagnajit said, "Dear Lord. You are the ocean of all happiness, opulence and virtues. Sridevi Lakshmi always resides on your chest. Who can be a better husband than you for my daughter in this situation?"  Both my daughter and I have always prayed for this opportunity.

You are the Shiromani of Yaduvansh.  I inform you that from the very beginning I have made a vow to marry my daughter to a qualified candidate and such a candidate will be the one who is successful in the examination prepared by me.  I have created this test only so that I can understand the strength and condition of my future son-in-law.  

You are Lord Krishna and you are the chief among all the warriors.  I am sure you will be able to tame these seven bulls without any difficulty.  So far no king has been able to tame them and whoever tried to bring them under control had their hands and feet broken.

King Nagnajit further prayed, "O Sri Krishna! If you kindly tame the seven bulls and bring them under control, then you will undoubtedly be chosen as the desired bridegroom of my daughter Satya."  Hearing this statement, Shri Krishna understood that the king did not want to break his vow, so to fulfill his wish, he got ready to fight with the bulls.  

He immediately divided himself into seven Krishnas and each of them took hold of a bull and fed it.  In this way, by tying them with a rope, the bulls were brought under such control.  as if they were objects to play with.

Shri Krishna's division of himself into seven forms is very significant.  Satya, the daughter of King Nagnajit knew that Shri Krishna had already married many princesses, yet she was attached to Shri Krishna.  

To encourage him, Shri Krishna immediately expanded himself into seven forms.  This means that although Shri Krishna is one, He has infinite forms of expansion.  

He had married hundreds, thousands of wives, but it does not mean that when he lived near one wife, the other wives were deprived of his company.  Sri Krishna could associate with each and every wife through his expansion.

When Shri Krishna tamed the bulls and took them under his control, then the pride and power of the bulls was instantly shattered.  In this way the name and fame that the oxen had gained was destroyed.  When Shri Krishna took the bullocks, he pulled them as hard as a child drags a wooden bullock.

King Nagnajit was very surprised to see this man of Shri Krishna and very happily he immediately brought his daughter in front of Shri Krishna and handed her over to Shri Krishna.  Shri Krishna also immediately accepted Satya as his wife.  After this, their marriage rituals were completed with great grandeur.

The queens of Nagnajit were also very happy, because their daughter Satya got Shri Krishna as her husband.  The king and queen were very happy on this auspicious occasion, so on the occasion of the marriage, festivities were celebrated in the whole city.  

The sound of conch shells, drums and different types of songs and music could be heard all around.  The learned Brahmins started showering blessings on the newly married couple.  Due to the joy, all the residents of the city wore colorful clothes and ornaments.

King Nagnajit was so pleased that he gave abundant dowry to the daughter and son-in-law.  First of all, he gave ten thousand cows and three thousand young female slaves with beautiful clothes and golden necklaces.  

This practice of dowry is still prevalent in India.  Especially this practice is prevalent among the Kshatriya kings.  When a Kshatriya king is married, at least twelve female slaves of her age are given along with the bride.  

After giving cows and female slaves, the king made the dowry even more prosperous by giving nine thousand elephants and chariots one hundred times the number of elephants.  

It means that he gave nine lakh chariots.  He gave one hundred times as many horses as chariots i.e. nine crore horses and one hundred times as many servants as horses i.e. nine billion servants.

The king used to give all facilities to these slaves and slaves and follow them like children or family members.  After giving this dowry in the manner described above, the king of Kosala region made his daughter and great son-in-law sit on a chariot.  

He sent an army equipped with weapons for his protection along with Shri Krishna and his daughter and allowed them to go to their home.  As they were traveling at a rapid pace towards their new home, the king's heart melted with affection for them.

How many wives did Shri Krishna have?
How many wives did Shri Krishna have?

Before this marriage of Satya with Shri Krishna, many people had a competition with the bulls of King Nagnajit.  Many kings of Yaduvansh and other dynasties also tried to get Satya's hand. 

When the disappointed kings of other clans heard the news that Sri Krishna had succeeded in taming the bulls and taking the water of Satya, they were filled with natural hatred.  

When Shri Krishna was traveling towards Dwarka, all the dejected and defeated kings surrounded him and started showering their arrows on the procession.

Arjuna, the best friend of Krishna, accepted his challenge when he attacked Krishna's party and showered arrows like torrential downpour.  To please his dear friend Shri Krishna on the occasion of his marriage, Arjuna single-handedly drove away those kings.  He raised his bow named Gandiva and immediately chased away all the kings like a lion chases away all the small animals.

Arjuna drove them all away without killing any king.  After this Yaduvansh Shiromani Lord Krishna grandly entered the city of Dwarka with his newly married wife and huge dowry.  After that Shri Krishna resided very peacefully there with his wife.

Shri Krishna then married Bhadra.  Sri Krishna accepted Bhadra as his bona fide wife.

After this, Shri Krishna married the daughter of the king of Madras region.  His name was Lakshmana.  Lakshmana was full of all virtues.  Shri Krishna had forcefully married her too.  

He abducted it in the same way as Garuda had abducted the pot of nectar from the Asuras.  This girl was abducted by Shri Krishna in the presence of many kings in the assembly of her Swayamvara.

Swayamvara is that ceremony, in which the bride herself can choose her husband from the assembly of many kings.

The description of Krishna's marriage with the five girls discussed in this chapter is not sufficient.  Apart from these, he had thousands of wives.  After killing the demon Bhaumasur, Shri Krishna accepted thousands of other girls.  All these beauties were prisoners in the palace of Bhaumasura, whom Sri Krishna freed and married them.


To whom did Shri Krishna get married first?

Shri Krishna first married Kalindi, who was the daughter of Suryadev. She did penance to get Lord Vishnu by living in the waters of Yamuna, hence she is also known as Yamuna.

How many marriages did Shri Krishna have?

There were 8 main marriages of Shri Krishna.  Their names are as follows: Kalindi, Satyabhama, Lakshmana, Mitravinda, Jambavanti, Rukmani, Satya, Bhadra.

Who was the first wife of Shri Krishna?

Rukmani was the first wife of Shri Krishna.

How many wives did Shri Krishna have?

Apart from the main 8 wives, Shri Krishna had thousands of wives who were freed from the captivity of Bhaumasura by Shri Krishna. After being freed, she was absolutely helpless because Bhaumasura had already destroyed her household and family.  Now she was helpless. Shri Krishna ji had released her from captivity, so all those women started loving her and seeing her as their husband.

All those women knew that Shri Krishna was married, so without marrying him, they independently started living in his foreign land and roaming around just kept chanting the name of Shri Krishna. That's why everyone started calling them wives of Shri Krishna.

Who was Radha of Shri Krishna?

Radha was the imagination of Shri Krishna, who transformed into a female form. She is also known as Rukmani and Lakshmi. It is said that Rukmani appeared in the form of Radha after becoming Krishna's imagination. Apart from this, it is given in Padmapurana that  Radha ji was the daughter of King Vrishbhanu Goup of Barsana, who was the incarnation of Lakshmi ji.

Dear Readers! Hope you liked the post. Share your opinion. You will always find such real stories in Devotional Story.  In the Devotional Story, Lord Shri Krishna will meet again with other pastimes.  Till then take care of yourself, be happy and keep spreading happiness to others.  Jai Jai Shree Radhe Shyam

Thank you.


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