Why did krishna steal the clothes of the gopis (Full Information)

Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna Dear readers, how are you. Hope you are fine. May Lord Krishna bless you. 

Dear readers, in this post we will know why Lord Shri Krishna stole the clothes of the gopis and why he asked the gopis to come out of the Yamuna water naked.

Why did krishna steal the clothes of the gopis  (Full Information)

Why did he steal the clothes of the gopis  (Full Information)
Why did he steal the clothes of the gopis  (Full Information)

Vedic civilization. According to this, girls of ten to fourteen years have to worship either Shiva or Goddess Durga to get a good husband. But the virgins of Vrindavan were already attracted to the beauty of Krishna. 

She used to worship Goddess Durga at the beginning of Hemant Ritu (before winter season). The first month of Hemant is Agrahayana (October-November) and in this month all the Kumari Gopikas of Vrindavan started worshiping Goddess Durga by fasting. 

First of all, he took (Havishyanna), which is prepared by boiling moong dal and rice without adding any spice or turmeric. According to Vedic injunctions such food is recommended to purify the body before performing any rituals.

All the virgin gopis of Vrindavan used to bathe in the river Yamuna every morning and worship Goddess Katyayani. Katyayani is another name of Goddess Durga. This goddess is worshiped by making an idol of Yamuna's sand. It is recommended in the Vedic scriptures that the Deity can be made of different types of materials. 

It may be painted, it may be made of metal, gems, wood, clay or stone, or the worshiper may contemplate it within his heart. According to Mayavadi thinkers, all these deities are imaginary, but in Vedic literature they are actually considered identical with the Supreme Lord or various deities.

What boon did the Gopikas ask from Goddess Durga?

All the Kumari Gopikas used to worship Goddess Durga by preparing an idol of Goddess Durga and offering offerings like sandalwood paste, garlands, incense, lamp and branches of fruits, grains and plants. It is customary to ask for boons after worship. 

These virgins would worship Goddess Katyayani with great devotion and address her thus "O supreme external energy of the Lord! O supreme yogic power! O supreme controller of the universe! Oh goddess! Be kind to us and marry us to Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaja." 

Make arrangements to get it done!" Generally Vaishnavas do not worship any deity. Srila Narottamdas Thakura strictly forbids those who want to advance in pure devotional service to worship the demigods. Yet the gopis, whose love for Krishna is unique, worshiped Durga.

The worshipers of the deities sometimes mention that the gopis also worshiped Goddess Durga, but we should understand the intention of the gopis. Normally people worship Goddess Durga for some material boon, but here the Gopis used to ask the Goddess for the boon of becoming the wives of Lord Krishna. The meaning of saying is that if Krishna is the focal point of our work, then the devotee can adopt any means to fulfill his purpose.

For how many months the gopis worshiped Krishna to get them?

The gopis could adopt any means to serve or please Krishna. This was the best characteristic of the Gopis. She worshiped Goddess Durga for a whole month to get Krishna as her husband. She used to pray everyday for Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaj, to be her husband. 

These gopis used to go to the banks of Yamuna early in the morning to bathe. They would assemble there and hold each other's hands and sing loudly the wonderful pastimes of Krishna.

Abduction of gopis

Why did he steal the clothes of the gopis  (Full Information)
Why did he steal the clothes of the gopis  (Full Information)

It is an old practice among the girls and women of India that when they bathe in the river, they put all their clothes on the bank and then completely naked take a dip in the water, so the part of the river in which they bathe There is a strict ban on the entry of men there and this practice continues till date.

Lord Krishna knew the mind of these virgin young gopis, so he fulfilled their wishes. She had prayed to get Krishna as her husband and Krishna wanted to fulfill her wish.

On completion of one month, Krishna appeared there along with his companions. Another name of Krishna is Yogeshwar. By practicing meditation the yogi can ascertain the mental state of other men, so Krishna certainly knew the desires of the gopis. 

He appeared there and immediately took all the clothes of the gopis and climbed a nearby tree and smilingly said to them: O maidens! You come here one by one and take your clothes after praying to me. I'm not kidding you guys. I am telling you the truth. 

I have no intention of making fun of you, because you are tired of performing rituals for a month worshiping Goddess Katyayani. Don't come here all together, you come individually, I want to see each one of you in your full beauty, because you are all skinny. I have asked all of you to come one by one, so obey me.

When the virgins in the water heard such mocking words of Krishna, they looked at each other and started laughing. She was very happy to hear this request of Krishna, because she loved him before. They kept looking at each other in shame, but did not come out of the water because they were naked. 

Being under water for a long time, she started feeling cold due to which she started shivering. Still, after listening to Govind's charming and humorous words, their hearts started to get restless with great happiness. 

Then those Gopikas started saying to Krishna, 'O Nandlal! Don't laugh at us like this. This is a gross injustice to us. Being the son of Nand Maharaj, you are very respected and very dear to us, but you should not make fun of us like this at this time, because we are chilling due to cold water. Please give us our clothes immediately, otherwise we will be in trouble.

She again started saying to Krishna in a very polite manner, “O Shyamsundar! We are your eternal maids. Whatever you command us, we are bound to do without hesitation, because we consider it our sacred duty. But if you put such a proposal before us, which is impossible to fulfill, then understand that we will have to complain about you to Nand Maharaj. If Nand Maharaj will not take any action on him, then we will tell this misbehavior of yours to King Kansa." 

Hearing this request of the Kumari Gopikas, Krishna said, "O girls! If you consider yourselves to be my eternal servants and are always ready to obey me, then I request you to come here one by one with happy faces and Take your clothes. If you don't come and complain to my father, I won't care, because I know my father is old and he can't do anything against me.'

When the gopis saw that Krishna was determined, they had no choice but to obey. They came out of the water one by one, but being completely naked, they kept their left hand on their private parts to hide their nakedness. She was trembling in such a posture. Because of this simple nature of his, Krishna became pleased with him.

What crime did the Gopis commit?

In this way, all the gopis who had prayed to Katyayani out of anger to get Krishna as their husband were pleased. No woman can be naked in front of any man other than her husband. 

These unmarried gopikas wanted Krishna as their husband and Krishna thus fulfilled their wish. Pleased with them, he put their clothes on his shoulders and said thus: "O girls, you have committed a great crime by going naked inside the river Yamuna. Because of this, Lord Varuna, the presiding deity of Yamuna, has become displeased with you, so you all hands By joining, bow down before Varundev so that he may forgive you for this crime. 

The gopis were very simple souls and would accept whatever Krishna told them as truth, so they immediately obeyed Lord Varuna in order to be free and fulfill their wish and ultimately to please Lord Krishna. Thus she became the supreme lover of Krishna and his most obedient maidservant.

Description of the attitude of the gopis

No one can match the devotion of the gopis to Krishna. In fact the gopis did not care for Varuna or any other deity; She only wanted to please Krishna. Krishna was highly impressed and pleased with the simple behavior of the gopis, so he immediately returned their clothes. 

Although Krishna had tricked these young gopikas and made them stand naked before him and enjoyed their banter and though he stole their clothes mistaking them for dolls, they were all pleased with him and never complained about him. 

Didn't This attitude of the gopis is described in the prayer of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: "O Lord Krishna! Whether you love me or trample me under your feet or break my heart by not appearing before me. Do whatever you like, because you There is complete exemption. But still you are my lord; I have no other deity." Such was the attitude of the Gopis towards Krishna!

Krishna was pleased with her and since all the gopikas desired her as her husband, Krishna said to them, "O well-mannered girls! I am aware of your desire for me and also why you worshiped Katyayani. 

I fully approve of this work. Anyone whose full consciousness, even if he is engrossed in Me even while being in lust, attains a high position. Just as a roasted seed cannot germinate, so is the context of my devotional service. Any desire in me does not give fruit as it happens in normal action.

Shri Krishna's promise to the gopis

There is a statement in the Brahma-samhita: Karmani nirdahati kintu cha bhaktibhajam. Everyone is bound by his actions, but since devotees act only to please the Lord, they do not have to suffer the consequences of such actions. 

Similarly, the attitude of the gopis towards Krishna, although it appears to be lustful, should not be equated with the lustful desires of ordinary women. Krishna himself has told the reason for this. Actions performed for the devotion of Krishna are beyond any action-fruit. 

Krishna further said, "O gopis! Your desire to have me as your husband will be fulfilled, because you all have worshiped Goddess Katyayani with this desire. I promise that I will meet you all in the next autumn and you will return to your You will be able to enjoy with me in the form of husband. After some time, Krishna became very happy sitting under the shade of trees along with his friends.

While walking, he addressed the people of Vrindavan, "O Stokakrishna, O Varuthapa, O Bhadrasena, O Sudama, O Subala, O Arjuna, O Vishal, O Rishabh! Just look at these most fortunate trees of Vrindavan! They have sacrificed their lives. 

They single-handedly bear the wrath of nature like storm, rainstorm, fierce heat and piercing cold, but they are very alert in taking away our labor and giving us shelter. 

In my opinion, they Blessed in this life as trees, they are so careful in giving shelter to others that they are like those kind-hearted and charitable persons who do not refuse charity to anyone who comes near.

These trees do not refuse to give shade to anyone. They provide various types of facilities to the human society – such as leaves, flowers, fruits, shade, roots, roots, fragrance and fuel. These are the best examples of sublime living. 

They are like those generous persons who have dedicated their everything - their body, mind, deeds, intellect and speech - for the good of all beings. In this way, Lord Krishna kept walking on the banks of the Yamuna touching the fruits, leaves and twigs of the trees and praising their glorious philanthropic works.

Different types of people do some welfare work for the welfare of human society from their own point of view, but the only charity that can be done for the eternal benefit of common people is the spread of Krishna consciousness movement. Everyone should be eager to promote this movement. 

As preached by Lord Caitanya, one should be more humble than the grass of the ground and more tolerant than a tree. Lord Krishna himself has described the tolerance of trees and those who preach Krishna consciousness should take instruction from the direct disciplic succession of Lord Krishna and Caitanya.

On his way from the forest of Vrindavan situated on the banks of the Yamuna, Krishna sat down at a beautiful place and allowed the cows to drink the clean cool water of the Yamuna. Being tired, Krishna, Balarama and the cowherd boys also drank water. Krishna spent the rest of the morning with the boys after watching the gopis bathe in the Yamuna.

pay attention

Dear readers! Whatever has been written in this post, many types of questions arise in the minds of the living beings after reading them. Human beings also extract wrong meaning from some context. Like - Krishna is greedy, selfish, cheat, thief and many other types of indecent allegations.

People have misconceptions about Lord Krishna. Why did he steal the clothes of the gopis? Why did he ask the gopis to come out naked? Friends! There are many questions but in this post we will only talk about Gopis. Will know that if Lord Shri Krishna did this to the Gopis, then why did he do it, what was the reason?

Friends! First of all here you know that God never does wrong to anyone. Whatever he does, he does right. The welfare of his devotees is hidden behind his every action. Then no matter what that situation may be in appearance.

The question that arose here is why did they steal the clothes of the gopis?

Now this situation is wrong to see and hear, but he did this for the welfare of the Gopis. Because Lord Krishna knew the mind of the gopis, he knew that the gopis worshiped Maa Katyayani for a whole month to get him as their husband. So he stole the clothes to fulfill the wishes of the Gopikas. 

As we read in the above post that God says that - whoever's full consciousness, even if it remains engrossed in Me while being in lust, attains a high position. Just as a roasted seed cannot germinate, similarly in the context of my loving devotion, any desire does not bear fruit as it does in normal action."

Everyone is bound by his actions, but since devotees act only to please the Lord, they do not have to suffer the consequences of such actions. Similarly, the attitude of the gopis towards Krishna, although it appears to be lustful, should not be equated with the lustful desires of ordinary women. Her feelings were pure, she loved Krishna, saw him as her husband, she had no interest of her own. She used to see only Krishna all around.

Dear friends! Now it is understood why they stole the clothes. But the second question arises that it is okay to steal clothes, but why were the Gopikas asked to come out naked and if so, was it okay for the Gopikas to come out naked? 

So friends, the simple answer is that no woman can be naked in front of any man other than her husband. These unmarried Gopikas wanted Krishna as their husband. Krishna was her husband for her, none other than a man. That's why those Gopikas came out of the water

Lord Krishna wanted to fulfill her wish, so he asked all the gopis to come one by one, so that every gopi should feel that he is in love with that gopika, he wanted to see only her and through this feeling. The Gopikas were also made to feel that whatever boon they sought from Goddess Katyayani, whatever wish they expressed, that wish would definitely be fulfilled.

According to the author

Friends, first and foremost, Shri Krishna was God. He has immense power. He killed many demons in his child form which gives proof of his being God. Does today's normal or milk-drinking children have this power? 

Who can recognize who is a demon, who is a friend and who is an enemy in their child form? And the second thing is very important that he did not do any kind of deceit with any Gopi. 

All the gopis loved him, considered him their husband and that is why Lord Krishna took many forms of himself. There were as many Lord Shri Krishnas as there were gopis. There was one Krishna with every gopi, so God did not deceive anyone? He was the same for everyone.

Friends, it is a matter to think deeply that today the lovers of the society compare themselves with Lord Shri Krishna and the Gopis, so there is a question to them that there were many Gopis and Krishna was one, yet none of the Gopis had any jealousy towards each other. 

Are today's lovers so tolerant? A girlfriend or wife cannot see any woman other than herself with her husband or boyfriend. Similarly, a lover or a husband cannot see any man other than himself with his beloved or wife.

That is why it is said that that era was different, let it remain as it is. Lord Shri Krishna was, is and will remain till eternity. He is worshippable, therefore man should worship him with as much devotion and love as he can. If there is a desire, it is fine, if not, it is also fine. God should not be criticised unnecessarily.

If our words have hurt any person's heart, we apologize for that. May Lord Krishna bless you.

Dear readers! Hope you liked the post. After reading this post, if any question arises in your mind, then you can feel free to ask us. We'll do our best to answer. With this we leave. Will meet again with the next post in Devotional Story. Till then be happy and keep remembering GOD. Jai Jai Shree Radhe Shyam

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