why krishna disappeared from rasleela

Jai Shree Radheshyam Dear readers, how are you. Hope you are fine. May Lord Krishna bless you. 

why krishna disappeared from rasleela

When all the Gopis enjoyed the Rasleela with the Lord, they became proud of themselves. Lord Krishna, who is also called by the name of Keshav, disappeared from there to break the pride and pride of the Gopis.  The Gopis were in a very bad condition after his disappearance, they started lamenting for Krishna. 

Some Gopis were such that they could not bear the separation from Krishna and they fainted.  Krishna, who was watching their mood by being invisible, came back and started watching the actions of the gopis hiding behind a tree. 

Krishna watching the gopis while hiding.

why krishna disappeared from rasleela
why krishna disappeared from rasleela

When Krishna suddenly disappeared from the group of gopis, they started looking for him everywhere. But not finding him anywhere, she got scared and followed him madly. With great love and affection, she started thinking about the pastimes of Krishna. 

Being engrossed in her meditation, she lost her memory, and with unaided eyes she began to watch all the pastimes of Krishna—the beautiful conversations with Him, His embraces, kisses, and other activities. 

Being highly attracted to Krishna, she started imitating his dancing, walking, laughing as if he were Krishna himself. They all became mad because of the absence of Krishna, they started telling each other that he was Krishna himself. 

They all gathered together soon and started chanting Krishna's name (kirtan) loudly, they reached from one end of the forest to the other in search of him.

Actually Krishna is omnipresent, He is in the sky, in the forest; He is within the heart and resides everywhere. So the gopis started asking the trees and plants about Krishna. There were many types of big and small trees in the forest. Gopis started addressing these trees, 

“O banyan tree! Have you seen the son of Nand Maharaj going from here, laughing and playing flute? He has stolen our hearts and left. If you have seen him, tell us where has he gone? O dear Ashoka tree! Snake flower tree! O Champak tree! You tell me, have you seen Balram's younger brother going from here? They have disappeared because of our pride.

why krishna disappeared from rasleela
why krishna disappeared from rasleela

The gopis knew the reason for Krishna's appearance. She knew that when she was ecstatic with Krishna, she was considering herself the most fortunate woman in the universe and since she was feeling proud, Krishna immediately disappeared to suppress her pride. 

Krishna does not want His devotees to be proud of the service rendered to Him. He accepts everyone's service, but He does not want one devotee to feel prouder than another. If such a feeling ever arises, Sri Krishna removes that feeling by changing his attitude towards it.

Then the gopis began to address the Tulsi trees, "O Tulsa! You are very dear to Krishna because your leaves (dal) climb His lotus feet." "O Malati! O Mallika! O jasmine! Sri Krishna must have touched you all while passing this way after bestowing us with divine bliss. 

Have you seen Madhav going this way? O mango tree, O jackfruit, O pear! And Asana trees! O Jamun, Bael  and Kadamba flower trees! You all are very pious because of living on the banks of the Yamuna. Krishna must have gone from here. Can you all tell which way he has gone?"

After that the gopis started addressing the earth on which they were walking, “O earth! We do not know how much penance you must have done to wear the footprints of Krishna on yourself. 

You are very happy. These merry trees and plants are your romantics. Shri Krishna must have been extremely pleased with you, otherwise why would He have embraced you in the form of a boar? When you were submerged, he saved you by carrying all your weight on his teeth.

After addressing many trees, plants and the earth, he turned his face to the beautiful deer who were looking at him happily. Addressing them, the Gopis said, "It seems that Supreme Narayan Krishna must have passed through this path along with his consort Lakshmi, 

otherwise how is it possible that here in Sameer the fragrance of his wreath is similar to that of kumkum smeared in Lakshmiji's chest?" Feeling full of fragrance? It seems that He must have passed by and touched your bodies that's why you all look so happy and are looking at us with compassion. So please Can you tell us where Krishna has gone?

The well-wishers of Krishna Vrindavan are as kind to you as they are to us; Therefore, after leaving us, he must have been with you. O lucky trees! We are thinking of Krishna, the younger brother of Balarama. 

He would have put one hand on the shoulder of Goddess Lakshmi and in the other hand would have gone from here twirling a lotus flower and would have been happy to greet you and would have looked at you all happily." 

Then some gopis addressed their other gopi sakhis. Started saying, "Friends! Why are you not asking these creepers, who are happily embracing these trees as if they are their husbands?

It seems that Krishna must have touched the flowers of these vines with His fingernails, otherwise why are they so happy?" They gratified themselves by imitating the various pastimes of Krishna. One imitated the demon Putana and the other disguised as Krishna fed her. 

One Gopi became a chakda and the other lay down under this chakda and started moving her legs. , so that it touches the wheels of the cart, as Krishna did to kill Shaktasur.A Gopi imitating the child Krishna lay down on the ground and a Gopi disguised as Trinavarta lifted the little child Krishna by force into the sky.

why krishna disappeared from rasleela
why krishna disappeared from rasleela

A gopi followed Krishna by kneeling and ringing his small bell. did. Two gopis became Krishna and Balram and many other gopis became cowherd boys. One gopi assumed the form of Bakasura and the other forced him to fall to the earth, 

just as Bakasura had fallen when he was killed. Similarly another Gopi defeated Vatsasur. The way Krishna used to call his cows by their names, similarly the Gopis started imitating him and started calling the cows by their names.

One gopi started playing the flute and the other started praising it just like the cowherds used to play Krishna's flute. One Gopi started offering another Gopi on his shoulders in the same way Krishna used to do to his cowherd friends. 

The gopi who had put her friend on his shoulders like this started boasting, "I am Krishna, why don't you all see my tricks!" A Gopi raised his clothes and hands and said, "Now don't be afraid of the torrential rain and strong cyclone, I will save you all." In this way he imitated Govardhan-Dharan.

One gopi forcefully placed her foot on the other gopi's head and said, "O evil Kaliya! I will punish you severely. You leave this place. I have incarnated on this earth to punish all kinds of evildoers." 

The second gopi said to her friends, did you see that the flames of the fire are coming to consume us. Close your eyes, I will immediately save you from this impending trouble." Thus all the gopikas were going berserk for Krishna's absence. They asked the trees and plants about Krishna.

What did the Gopis say about Radha when Krishna  not found.

In many places, he saw his footprints in which flag, lotus, trishul, thunderbolt etc. were marked. Seeing these footprints, she wept bitterly - "Hey! These are the footprints of Krishna. All the symbols - the flag, the lotus flower, the trident and the thunderbolt - are clearly visible." She started following those footprints only then she saw other footprints nearby. 

Immediately she became extremely sad, and said, “Dear friends! Just look! Whose footprints are these? These are close to the footprints of Maharaj Nand. Surely Krishna has gone from here with his hand on some other gopi, in the same way as an elephant walks with its beloved. 

So we should know that this particular gopi has served Krishna with more love and affection than all of us. That's why they could not leave his company even after leaving us. They have taken him with them.

why krishna disappeared from rasleela
why krishna disappeared from rasleela

Friends! Just think how blessed is the divine dust of this place. Even Brahma, Shiva and Goddess Lakshmi worship the dust of Krishna's feet. But we are sorry that this particular gopi has gone with Krishna and she is drinking the nectar of Krishna's kisses to leave us mourning. Hey friends! Just have a look! At this place we cannot see the footprints of that Gopi

It seems that there were thorns of dry grass here so Krishna must have lifted Radharani on his shoulder. Oh, is that so! She is so sweet to them! Krishna must have plucked some flowers here to please Radharani. Here he must have stood upright to pluck flowers from a high branch, so we see his incomplete footprints.

Friends, don't you see! Sitting here with Radharani, how Krishna must have decorated her hair with flowers. You know for sure that both of them were sitting here. Krishna is Atmaram, He does not need to enjoy any pleasure from any other source. Nevertheless, in order to please His devotee, He treated Radharani as a lustful young man treats his young girlfriend. Kṛṣṇa is so kind that He tolerates all the mischief caused by His female friends."

Thus all the gopis started describing the faults of that particular gopi (Radha), whom Krishna took away alone. She started saying that Radharani, the chief gopi, considering herself to be the best gopi, would be proud of her position. "Still how did Krishna take her alone, leaving us all aside, unless she was of matchless beauty? 

She must have taken Krishna to the dense forest and said, "O dear Krishna! I'm so tired now, I can't walk anymore. Now you can take me wherever you want, but carry me." When he said this to Krishna, he must also have said to Radharani, "Good! You climb on my shoulders." But Krishna would have turned away immediately and now Radharani would be lamenting for him, 

"My lover, my dear! You are so good and powerful. Where have you gone? I am your most obedient maidservant. I am extremely sad. Please come and Be with me again. But Krishna will not be coming to himThey must be watching her from afar and rejoicing in her grief." 

Thereafter all the gopis went far and wide inside the forest in search of Krishna, but when they came to know that indeed Krishna had left Radharani alone, they She became extremely sad. 

This is the test of Krishna consciousness. In the beginning, she was somewhat envious as to why Krishna left all of us gopis and took Radharani, but as soon as she came to know that Krishna had left Radharani as well and she was alone lamenting for them, she became compassionate towards him. 

The gopis found Radharani and heard everything from her about how she misbehaved with Krishna and how she became proud and then had to be humiliated for her pride .

Hearing all this, the Gopis really became compassionate towards him. Then all the Gopis including Radharani kept moving forward in the forest till they could not see the moonlight. 

When they saw that it was getting dark, they stopped. His mind and intellect were engrossed in the thoughts of Krishna; They all started imitating Krishna's activities and words. 

Devoting her heart and soul to Krishna, she forgot her family and started singing his glory. Thus all the Gopis returned to the banks of the Yamuna and assembled there and thinking that Krishna would return to them, began to chant the glories of Shri Krishna.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.

Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare ॥

condition of the innocent gopis

Dear readers! In this way, the Gopis became tasteless in separation from Shri Krishna. He was repenting on his mistake that why he was proud. She became speechless, she was just calling Krishna, Krishna. 

Just then a Gopi spoke, "O Krishna! Ever since you took birth in this Vrajbhumi, everything seems blessed. The land of Vrindavan has shrunk and it appears as if Lakshmiji herself is residing here. 

But if someone unhappy If there is, then it is with us, because we keep searching for you, yet we are not able to see you. Our life depends on you, so we pray that you come back to us.

Another gopi said, "O dear Krishna! You are also the soul of the lotus flower, which grows in the water of the lake made transparent by the clear rain of autumn. Although the lotus flower is so beautiful to look at, without your sight They wither away. Similarly, without you, we are also dying. 

In fact, we are not your wives but your slaves. You do not spend even a single drop on us, yet we are attracted to your chitvan only. Now if we are your chitvan If we die without getting it, then you will be responsible for our death. 

Killing women is a great sin and if you do not come to see us and we die, then you will have to bear the consequences of this sin. So please come to see us. Go on

why krishna disappeared from rasleela
why krishna disappeared from rasleela

Don't think that someone can be killed only with weapons. We are dying in your absence. You should think how you are responsible for the killing of women. We are eternally grateful to you, because you have protected us many times – from the poisonous waters of the Yamuna, 

from the snake Kaliya, from Bakasura, from the torrential rains of Indra and his wrath, from the fire of fire, and from many other calamities. You are the greatest and almighty. It is surprising that you have saved us from many troubles, but we are wondering why you are ignoring us on this occasion.

Hey friend O Krishna, we are well aware that you are not the son of Mother Yashoda or Nanda Maharaj. You are the Supreme Lord and the Supreme Soul of all living beings. You incarnated on the prayer of Brahmaji to protect this world by your causeless grace. 

It is by your grace that you have appeared in Yaduvansh. Fearing this material world, Yadukul takes shelter of your lotus feet, then you never refuse to protect him. Your gait is graceful and you are independent. 

You touch Goddess Lakshmi with one hand and hold a lotus flower in the other. This is your supernatural form. Therefore, please come in front of all of us and bless us by holding a lotus flower in your hand.

"O Krishna! You are the remover of all the fears of the residents of Vrindavan. You are the most powerful hero and we know that you can break the vain pride of your devotees and the pride of women like us just by your beautiful smile. We are your maidservants, so please accept us by showing your beautiful face like a lotus.

"O Krishna! Verily, we all have become extremely sensual at the touch of Your lotus feet. Your lotus feet destroy all the sins of the devotees who have taken refuge in You. You are so kind that even an ordinary animal can enjoy Your lotus feet. We take refuge in you. 

Your lotus feet are also the abode of Lakshmiji, yet you danced with her on the hoods of Kaliya Nag. Now we pray that you place your lotus feet on our breasts so that our desire to touch you can be calmed. .    

Attracted by beauty "O Lord! How beautiful and attractive are Your lotus-like eyes! Your sweet words are so charming that even the greatest of scholars are attracted and become pleased with You. We too are delighted by Your speech and the beauty of Your face and eyes are attracted. 

Therefore satisfy us with Your nectar-like kiss. The words spoken by You or the words describing Your activities are full of nectar. And by simply hearing Your words one can escape from the blazing fire of this world.

The great gods like Brahma and Shiva always praise the glory of your speech. He does this only for the removal of the sinful reactions of the living entities of this material world. A man rises to the level of doing virtuous deeds just by hearing your divine words. For Vaishnavas, your words are going to give divine joy. 

And those sages who are engaged in spreading your transcendental message to the whole world, the Gopi Geeta is the best kind of charitable person." (This is confirmed by Rupa Goswami when he described Lord Caitanya as the most charitable incarnation, because He He was distributing Krishna's words and Krishna's love for free.)

The gopis kept saying, "O Krishna! You are very clever. You can imagine how sad we all are remembering your clever laughter, your charming chitavan, your wanderings with us in Vrindavan and your auspicious meditation. 

Your lonely talks used to tickle the heart. Now we are pained to remember your behavior. please protect us Hey Krishna! You know very well how sad we used to get when you used to go from Vrindavan village to the forest to graze the cows. 

How sad we are to think that dry kush and jungle pebbles must be burying your tender lotus feet. We are so attached to you that we constantly think of your lotus feet.

"O Krishna! When you return from the pasture with the cattle, we see your countenance covered with curly hair and stained with gorse. When we see your soft smiling face, our desire to enjoy your association increases. goes. 

Oh Krishna! You are the supreme lover and the one who always gives shelter to the surrendered. You are the one who fulfills everyone's wishes, your lotus feet are worshiped by even the creator of the universe, Brahmaji. Whoever worships your lotus feet, you bless them. You give. Therefore please be pleased with us and relieve us of this sorrow by placing Your feet on our chests. 

Oh Krishna! We are asking for the kiss which You bestow even on Your flute. The sound of Your flute fills the whole world. attracts our hearts as well, so please come back and kiss us with your nectar-like mouth.

Friends, in this way all the gopis were distraught, helpless, sad for not meeting Krishna. Will Lord Shri Krishna come to the Gopis again? Will he treat them as before? Will he play the flute again? Will know in the next post. Friends! What do you think? Do express your opinion.

Dear readers! How did you like the post? Hope you like it. Are you satisfied with this post? Express your opinion to us. See you in the next story.

Be happy, keep smiling.

Thank you

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