What is the sin of Kali Yuga?

Har Har Mahadev dear readers! May Bholenath bless you all.

What is the sin of Kali Yuga?

What is the sin of Kali Yuga?
What is the sin of Kali Yuga?

Friends !  The glory of Kaliyuga is very painful.  This Kalikal is full of all sins and demerits, which have no fathom.  Inspite of having so many sins and unrighteousness, there is one great quality in Kalyug that by which man can cross the world from all the sins and bondages without any hard work.  

That is --- The speed which is achieved in Satyuga, Treta and Dwapar by worship, Yajna and Yoga, in Kaliyuga people get that speed only by the name of God, that means there is no need of worship, only by taking the name of God.  is sufficient.

Dear readers!  This Kaliyug period is different from all times, Satyug, Dwaparayug, Tretayug, unlike all these ages, the most different, the most unique, the most wrong.  For some this period is very good and for some it is very bad.  Today we will tell you some things of this Kalyuga, which have already been written in the scriptures and which seem to be true today.

 People of Kalyug

This period of Kalyug is completely indulged in sins.  The people of this era are selfish, tyrannical, self-centered and are happy to see others sad, hypocrites and hypocrites are in excess.  The sins of Kalyug have consumed (eaten) all the religions.  All the scriptures have disappeared.  

The hypocrites have written many books by imagining different things with their intelligence.  So that no one knows the truth of the scriptures.  People could not get the knowledge of good and bad.  Misleading people is the real aim of the hypocrites.

Everyone is under the control of temptation, greed has grabbed the good deeds.  No one cares about religion, ashram, temple.  Unrighteous people keep on opposing the Vedas.  Brihastha Brahmin is engaged in selling Vedas.  Vedas have no importance.  Whoever likes it, that is fine.

Effects of Kalyug

Because of the effect of the glory of Kaliyug - the one who brags is a pundit.  The one who creates useless ostentation and indulges in arrogance, everyone calls him a saint.  The one who loots the money of others in any way, he is intelligent in today's time.  The one who is arrogant (pride) is a big teacher.  The one who tells lies and plays pranks, he is called virtuous in this Kaliyuga.

The greatest sages of Kalyug

One who is vicious, immoral and has left the path of Vedas he is the most knowledgeable and disinterested in Kaliyuga.  The one who has big nails and long hair, he is a famous ascetic in Kalyug.  And those who wear inauspicious clothes, inauspicious Bhushan and eat every edible-inedible (edible and non-edible) everything.  Those people are Yogi, Siddha and worshipable in this Kaliyuga.

Whose behavior is always harmful to others.  His name is great and He alone is worthy of respect.  Those who always lie through mind, words and deeds, they are called the biggest speakers in Kaliyuga.

Men of Kalyug

In Kaliyuga, humans (men) are under the special control of women, who dance (to their dances) like monkeys in a game.  The Shudras preach knowledge to Brahmins (teach the words of knowledge) and take sacred donations by tying sacred thread around their necks.

All men are lustful, greedy and quick-tempered and are against Gods, Brahmins, Vedas and Saints.  Unfortunate women leave the beautiful husband, the abode of virtues, but consume men.

 Woman of Kalyug

These side effects of the glory of Kaliyuga have afflicted all the living beings.  Tell me what?  Married women are devoid of ornaments and widows have daily new adornments.  There is an account of completely blind and deaf between the Guru and the disciples, that is, a disciple - who does not listen to the words of the Guru, that is, the teachings and the Guru - does not see him, that means he does not get any knowledge.

Religion of kalyug

Parents teach that religion to their children, which fills their stomach.  Men and women do not talk about anything other than the knowledge of Brahman, but they kill Brahmins and Gurus for very little gain.

Shudras argue with Brahmins and say are we less than you?  The one who knows Brahma is the best Brahmin.  (by saying this) they are shown the eyes.

Qualities of kalyug

Those who are clever in cheating and are wrapped in fascination, treachery and affection in a stranger's woman, they are the ones who are non-discriminating (telling Brahma and Jiva as one) knowledgeable.

Those who themselves remain destroyed and if someone follows the right path, they destroy them too.  Those who condemn the Vedas by reasoning.  Those people remain lying in different hells throughout the cycle.

Teli, Kumhar, Chandal, Bhil, Kol and Kalwar etc. who are lower in the caste, shave their heads and become sanyasis when a woman dies or the property of the house is destroyed.  They get themselves worshiped by Brahmins and are destroying both the worlds with their own hands.

Effect of Kalyug

Brahmins are the masters of greedy, lustful, immoral, foolish and low caste adulterous women.  Shudras do many types of chanting, penance and fasting.  And the Puranas are recited sitting on a high easy seat (Vyas Gaddi).

In Kaliyuga, everyone behaves arbitrarily, about which it is impossible to make a complete account.  What to say, all the people have become varnasankar and dignified.  They commit innumerable sins, due to which they get sorrow, fear, disease, grief and separation from the dear thing (go away from them).

Those who follow the path of Haribhakti, which is Veda-approved and full of quietness and knowledge, do not follow it out of fascination and imagine many new sects.  Sannyasis spend a lot of money on decorating their houses, they have no disinterest, the subjects have taken them away.

The ascetic became rich and the householder became poor.  The leela of Kaliyug doesn't go anywhere.  Don't know what will happen next.  As much as I have heard from my forefathers and read in the scriptures.  He is reaching you.

In this Kalyug, there will always be bad with the good.  Men drive Sati and Kulvati women out of the house and keep other women in the house.  A son obeys his parents only until the face of a woman is seen.

Ever since the in-laws started loving her, since then the people of the house became like enemies.  The kings became sinners, there was no pride in them.  They always make the people miserable by punishing them without any crime.

Rich people are considered elite even though they are dirty (low caste).  The symbol of Dwij remained only the sacred thread and the naked body of the ascetic.  Those who do not believe in Vedas and Puranas, only those people are called devotees of Hari and true saints in Kaliyuga.

Poets have become herds, but the words of the liberal are heard in the world.  There are many who blame qualities, but no one is virtuous.  Because of these unrighteousness, there are frequent famines in Kaliyuga.  Without food, people die in misery.

In Kaliyuga, hypocrisy, stubbornness, arrogance, malice, hypocrisy, pride, attachment, work and pride have engulfed the entire universe.  All the auspicious deeds that human beings do like chanting, penance, yagya, fasting and charity etc., they have started doing them with a tamasic spirit.  God (Indra) does not rain water on the earth and the grain sown never grows.

Women's hair is the only ornament (there is no ornament left on their body) and they feel very hungry, that means they are always unsatisfied.  She remains unhappy because of being moneyless and having many types of affection.  They want foolish happiness, but they do not have love in religion.  The intellect is a little more rigid.  There is no softness in them at all.

Humans are suffering from diseases, they have no happiness at all.  Pride and protest without any reason.  There is a little life of twenty-thirty years, but the pride is such that it will not end even if there is annihilation.

Kaliyug has made man in such a state of disarray that no one even thinks about his sister-daughter.  There is no satisfaction, no discretion and no coolness in people.  All caste and non-caste people have started begging.  Hate, bitter words and greed abound.  All the people who have gone in harmony are dead of separation and grief.

The practices of Varnashram-Dharma have been destroyed.  Suppression of senses, charity, kindness and understanding remained in no one.  Stupidity, cheating others has increased a lot.  Men and women are all engaged in the upkeep of the body.  Only those who criticize others are spread in the world.

Measures to avoid the bad effects of Kalyug

Friends !  The glory of Kaliyuga is very painful.  This Kalikal is full of all sins and demerits, which have no fathom.  Inspite of having so many sins and unrighteousness, there is one great quality in Kalyug that by which man can cross the world from all the sins and bondages without any hard work.  

That is --- The speed which is achieved in Satyuga, Treta and Dwapar by worship, Yajna and Yoga, in Kaliyuga people get that speed only by the name of God, that means there is no need of worship, only by taking the name of God.  is sufficient.

In Satyayuga, all were yogis and sages who used to cross the Bhavsagar by meditating on Hari.  In Tretayuga, people used to cross the ocean of life by performing various types of yagyas and surrendering all their actions to the Lord.  By worshiping the feet of Shri Raghunathji in Dwapar, humans cross the world, there is no other way, but in Kalyug, only by singing the praises of Shri Hari, man will cross the Bhavsagar.

In Kaliyug -- singing praises of Shri Ram ji is the only basis, abandoning all the trust, one who worships Shri Ram ji and lovingly sings his virtues.  He gets wet from the Bhavsagar, there is no doubt about it.  The glory of the name Shri Ram is visible in Kaliyuga.

If man believes, then there is no other age like Kaliyuga because in this age, by singing the pure qualities of Shri Ramji, man swims across the worldly ocean without any effort.

Four stages (truth, kindness, penance and charity) are famous in Kaliyuga, out of which only one stage (charity) is big in Kaliyuga.  No matter what kind of donation is given, in Kaliyug, that donation only brings welfare.

Inspired by the illusion of Shri Ramji, there are religions of all ages in everyone's heart.  The defects and virtues created by the illusion of Shri Ram ji do not go away without the hymns of Shri Hari.  That's why thinking like this in the mind, leaving all desires, one should worship Shri Ram ji with no desire.

Dear readers!  We told you all the things of Kaliyug written in the scriptures.  With whom we agree that the things written in the scriptures can never be false -- and you should also have faith in the scriptures.  The glory of Kaliyug is completely true. Because what is happening in the world today is happening exactly like what is written in the scriptures.

It cannot be denied.  That's why you should also believe.  Keep doing charity as much as you can.  Do not think at all about what you will get in return.  Just have faith that by doing this nothing will decrease from your life, rather it will increase.

If you can't do even this much, keep chanting the name of the Lord (Shri Ramji) from your heart.  By doing this you will get the same result which you get by worshiping, donating lessons etc.

With this we end our talk, and pray that Lord Shri Ramji keep you safe from the bad effects of this Kali Yuga.  See you again with the next post in Devotional Story.  Jai Shree Ram, Jai Shree Krishna

Thank you.

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