Where does the Kumbh Mela festival take place?

Har Har Mahadev! Dear friends, how are you, hope you are fine. May Lord Shiva bless you.

Dear readers! Today in this post we will learn about Where does the Kumbh Mela festival take place?the concept, form and mantra of Kumbh. Hope you like the information.

Where does the Kumbh Mela festival take place?

Where does the Kumbh Mela festival take place?
Where does the Kumbh Mela festival take place?

Amrit-Kumbh's form and prayer-mantra

Kalashasya Mukhe Vishnu: Kanthe Rudra: Samashritah.

Mule Tvasya Sthitho Brahma Madhy Matrigana: Status: ॥

Kukshau tu Sagara: Survey Saptadvipa Vasundhara.

Rigvedoth Yajurveda: Samvedo Hytharvan: ॥

Angaischa Sahitha: Sarve Kalashan Tu Samashrit:.

'Vishnu in the mouth of the urn, Rudra in the throat, Brahma in the root, Brahma in the middle Mothers, all the seas, mountains and earth reside in Kukshi and the limbs Along with Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samveda and Atharvaveda also live. 

Read more- What is the origin of Kumbh Mela?

Devdanav Samvade Mathyamane Mahoddhau.

Utpano'si Tada Kumbh Vidhrito Vishnuna Swayam:

Tvattoye Sarvatirthani Deva: Sarve Tvayi Sthitha.

Tvayi Tishthanti Bhutani Tvayi Prana: Pratishta:

Shiva: Swame Twamevasi Vishnustvam Cha  Prajapati.

Aditya Vasvo Rudra Vishvedeva: Sapatrika: 

Tvayi Tishthanti Sarve'pi Yat: Kamphalprada: 

'O Kumbh! When you go to the sea in the form of a dispute between gods and demons, your Originated, which was actually worn by Lord Vishnu. in your water All the places of pilgrimage, all the deities, all the living beings, life etc. remain there.

You are Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma in person. Aditya, Vasu, Rudra, Paternal Vishvedeva etc. The fruitful deity of all works always resides in you.'

The concept of nectar-pot

Even at the present time, the vast ruling power of that Supreme Lord, the Lord of the entire universe, is becoming uninterruptedly visible in the form of Dharma in some form or another to the ends of the earth.  It is the fruit of the strength of the Varnashramis that God the Father also descends to the earth incarnate and lightens the burden of the earth by protecting the righteous, protecting the saints and destroying the wicked.

Yada Yada Hi Dharmasya Glanirbhavati Bharat.

Abhyutthanamadharmasya tadaatmanam sarjamyaham :

Paritranaya Sadhunan Vinashaya Ch Duskritam.

Sambhavami Yuge Yuge  :

The various festivals were also created by religious sciences.  At the root of everything there is some supernatural characteristic that only the thoughtful can understand.  Among these festivals is the Kumbh festival which is celebrated in four places in India: Haridwar, Prayag, Ujjain and Nashik.

By the way, the word 'Kumbh' usually means pot, but behind it lies the creative goodwill, good wishes and inspiration of creating worthiness in the community  have been

The planets Jupiter and others situated in the great sky, which are situated in the great sky, symbolize the earth and indicate future welfare.

'To give the forthcoming information of welfare to the earth or to indicate the auspicious future, for the purpose of special holy places like Haridwar, Prayag, etc., Jupiter and other planetary signs should be present in the clear space in which, it is called 'Aquarius'

In addition, other public welfare sentiments are also 'seen in the semantics of the word Kumbha. In the Puranas, the Kumbha festival is established in the number of twelve, four of which are for the world of death and eight for the world of the gods:

Devanān dvādaśāhobhirmartyairdvādaśvatsaraiḥ.

Jayante Kumbhaparvani and Dwadash Sankhyaya:

Papapanuttaye Nrana Chatwari Bhuvi Bharate.

Ashtau Lokantare Prokta Devairgamya na Chetrai: 

The purpose of the origin of Aquarius is to remove the sin of the human being of the earth.  This festival is held every twelfth year in Haridwar, Prayag, Ujjain and Nashik.  All the sectarians from all the provinces of India come to bathe, meditate, worship and recite these festivals.

Read more-What is the sin of Kali Yuga?

Surrounded by the salt sea, the land of India is naturally tainted with dirt.  This is the holy washed land.  Geographically, among its four sacred places was the prestige of the nectar-pot, which emerged from the churning of the sea.  From the point of view of time, such planetary yogas which direct and enlighten the hidden immortality in the astronomy appear in the four places every twelve years, that is, by twelve-year time yogas.  

Then Ganga (Haridwar), Triveniji (Prayag), Shipra (Ujjain) and Godavari (Nashik) - these fallen holy rivers flow immortality in their watercourses.  That is, country, time and object all become worthy of the appearance of nectar.  As a result, the nectar pot or pot descends.

Time cycle is not only the basis of life's activities;  But all the Yajnakarma, rituals and rites etc. are also based on Kalachakra.  Sun, Moon and Devguru Jupiter have important place in Kalachakra.

The sum of these three is the main basis of the Kumbh festival.  When Jupiter is situated in Aries and Moon and Sun are in Capricorn, then there is a very rare Kumbh in Prayagam on Amavasya Tithi.  In this situation all the planets are friendly and superior.  When there is a meeting of friends and great people in our life, then only good and auspicious thoughts arise and this yoga is soothing in our life.

On the occasion of Kumbh, religious followers of all sects inspired by Indian culture and religion gather and discuss for the unity, integrity and integrity of their society, religion and nation.  The holy atmosphere of bath, donation, tarpan and yagya does not remain without attracting even the deities.  

It is a belief that on this great festival, all the deities and other ancestors, Yaksha-Gandharva etc., being present on the earth, keep purifying not only human beings, but also living beings with their holy presence.

Dear readers, hope you liked the post. Will meet you again on Devotional Story with such true historical information. Till then keep smiling, keep smiling and humming the name of the Lord, Jai Jai Shri Radhe Shyama.



Which king started the Kumbh Mela?

King Harshavardhan started the first Kumbh Mela in Allahabad.

When was the first Kumbh Mela organized?

The first Kumbh Mela was held in Allahabad in 1870.

Kumbh Mela takes place at which 4 places

Different types of festivals were also created by religious sciences.  Some or the other supernatural specialty exists in everyone's core, which only thoughtful people can understand.  Kumbh-Parv is also among these great festivals which is celebrated in Haridwar, Prayag, Ujjain and Nashik-these four places of India.

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