why good people die early and bad people die late,

Friends, today in this post we will know why good people die early and bad people die late, although even before this we have clearly written a post on this subject. If you want, you can read it because complete information is given in that post. Still writing again on your request.

Har Har Mahadev! Dear readers

how are you guys I hope you are fine

Friends in today's post we will know that-

why good people die early and bad people die late 

Friends! Prithvi Lok, also known as Mrityu Lok and Karma Bhoomi.

why good people die early and bad people die late,
why good people die early and bad people die late,

Everyone knows this thing that when a person is born on this earth, then the reason of his death also becomes certain, like when he will die, where he will die, how he will die. On this subject in Garuda Purana everything has been told. 

Friends, the main reason for the early death of good people is the good deeds done by them. It is very strange but it is true. 

Read more-why to bad things happen to good peopie ,according to bhagwad puraan

This is because the Lord Those true devotees who have always done good deeds are not allowed to stay on earth for long, they call them back as soon as their purpose on earth is fulfilled. 

Friends! Every living being born on earth has some or the other purpose, but after being born on earth, he gets so caught up in the illusion and glare that he does not remember why he has come here? What is his purpose? etc. He doesn't care about anything

There are three types of people born on earth.

Earlier there were those people whom we know by the name of gods etc. Friends, you must have heard in mythology that when a sage sage got angry on a god or an Apsara, he used to curse them. 

In curse, they were sent to earth to suffer punishment, from which they were not saved for many births. It means to say that for the Gods or Apsaras to be born on earth, it was a terrible place, who were sent there only to suffer punishment.

Dear readers! Earth is not a good or bad place, it is only a place to suffer karma. Gods and Goddesses also took birth on this earth to destroy the demons and sinners and while doing their work, destroyed them and did the welfare of this world. It means to say that God also took birth on earth for some purpose or the other.

Friends! When a man dies, his soul goes to Yamraj in hell. There his deeds are accounted for.

If a person has done many kinds of bad deeds while living on earth or has tortured other people, creatures etc., then he has to take birth again and has to pay the account of the people he had tortured in his previous birth. That is why he has to spend a long life on earth.

Third are those people who have done good deeds in their previous birth, but due to some reason unknowingly they have committed some mistake. Such people have to take birth on earth with less breath just to pay the account of those bad deeds. God gives less breaths to such a person, so that he can quickly bear the consequences of his bad deeds.

Friends! Now here a question can arise in the mind of the people? That this is wrong - those who do good deeds should have a long life and those who do bad deeds should have a short life.

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So, the only answer to this is that no matter what anyone thinks, whatever system God has made, it has been made right after thinking. Because it is not the goal of man to spend life on this earth. The ultimate goal of man is to attain salvation by becoming pure. 

When we are born, we are given an opportunity to do good deeds and rectify our next life. But we bring that level down by doing bad deeds. Because of which we do not get freedom even after death and for millions, millions of years we have to live as ghosts to bear those bad deeds.

It has been said in the Puranas that a living soul, that is, the human soul, after being born in 84 lakh species, has to travel around this world of death to get salvation. Then it attains salvation by going somewhere. 

But the soul who does good deeds, does good to others, helps, then God helps that person by giving him a short life. So that he can achieve purity quickly and he can get salvation in a few births, so that he doesn't have to go around this world of death again.

Apart from this, one of the reasons for the survival of bad people for a long time is that - it is not necessary that he has done bad deeds. The reason for his long survival may also be that his purpose has not yet been fulfilled.

So dear readers! this was the information why good people die early and bad people die late, Hope you liked the post. You might have got the answer to your question. If you have any further doubts, you can comment on us. 

We will try our best to clear your doubts. See you again with the next post in Devotional Story. Till then you keep laughing, keep smiling and remember the Lord

Thank you

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