How will satyug bel

Har Har Mahadev dear readers,How are you, hope that you will be fine by the grace of Lord Shiva, 

Dear readers! Whatever post you have read till now on Kalyug, you have come to know about the bad effects of Kalyug or the end of Kalyug. But today in this post we will know that what will be the era that will come after How will satyug be, Will it be good or even worse. So let's read today's post without delay. We hope you like the post. 

How will satyug be

Dear friends! The era in which you and I are living is called Kalyug. It means to say that we are currently living in Kalyug. Which is called the cursed era in all four eras. This thing has been clearly described in the religious scriptures that when Kalyug will be at its last stage, religion will be completely destroyed from the earth. And at that time Lord Vishnu will come on earth in the form of Kalki and will end Kalyug. And once again they will establish the Dharmayug i.e. the Golden Age. 

Friends! Lord Shri Krishna had told the Pandavas about the five bitter truths of Kalyug during the Mahabharata period itself. Although we have told about the bitter truths of Kalyug in previous posts, but in this post we will first know about those five bitter truths which Pandavas had seen even before the arrival of Kalyug. And were surprised and saddened to see.


Dear friends! It is possible that while reading the post, a question may arise in your mind that we have already read about the end and effects of Kalyug. So why have I written this again, friends, there are two reasons for this.

First of all, all the posts are not same, there is difference in them. Many times old things have to be repeated to explain the matter and the second reason is that the main reason for writing our post is that you get complete information about every aspect. The word Kalyug is the same, but it has been explained by many sages, gods, gods and Vedas. And we want you to get at least some scriptures and correct and clear information that has come out from the mouth of God, if not completely, so that if someone asks you a question, you can give the right answer.

Questions of Pandavas about Kalyug

How will satyug be

This is about the time when the Pandavas had lost everything in gambling and they left their capital and left for the forest, but before going to the forest, they met Lord Krishna and asked him about the coming era. 

He asked Lord how will the coming era be. Then Shri Krishna smiled and said that O Yudhishthir, first you go to the forest and come and tell me whatever you see there. Then I will answer your question. Pandavas said okay Lord. 

Those five brothers i.e. Pandavas went to the forest and after a few days were returning after seeing the whole forest, they were very sad, shocked and upset. When he reached Krishna ji, whatever he saw in the forest, tell everything to Shri Krishna ji. 

First of all, Yudhishthir told that - O Lord, one day when I was roaming alone in the forest, I saw an elephant with two trunks in the forest. Lord, now you remove my doubt that how can an elephant have two trunks. 

Then Arjun tells that O Lord, I saw such a bird in the forest on which the compositions of the Vedas were written, but it was eating the flesh of a dead man. 

After Arjuna, Bhima tells that O Lord, when I was roaming in the forest, I saw a cow which after giving birth to the child was licking it so much that its body started bleeding. Seeing which I was surprised that how can a mother do this to her child. 

After that Sahdev says that O Lord, I saw many wells at one place in the forest, but the surprising thing was that all the wells around there had water, only the middle well was completely empty. Although that well was very deep, still there was no water in it, it was completely dry. How is this possible Lord? 

After that Shri Krishna asks Nakula what did you see in the forest. Nakula tells that while he was roaming in the forest, he saw a huge rock rolling down from the mountain. Don't know how many huge trees and rocks collide with that rock on the way. But he knows no stopping. But in the end the rock stops with the touch of a small plant. 

Now Yudhistar says to Lord Shri Krishna that - O Vasudev, whatever we brothers saw in the forest, I have told you in detail. Now you clear our doubts and tell the meaning of all these scenes. On this, Lord 

Shri Krishna says to Yudhistar - Dharmaraj, as you said, you are surprised to see the elephant with two trunks, but Dharmaraj, there is nothing to be surprised about it. Because in Kalyug such people will rule who will say one thing and do another. 

There will be something else in their mind, and something else in their actions. These people will not let go of even a single opportunity to exploit. They will only think about their own interest. 

Now Lord Shri Krishna says to Arjuna that - O son of Pandava Arjuna, you saw such a bird in the forest, on whose wings the creations of the Vedas were written, but it was eating the flesh of a dead person, it means that such people will be there in Kalyug. . 

Those who say will be called learned, knowledgeable men, but their behavior will be demonic. He will have only this in his mind that he should die soon and become the owner of his property. 

In Kalyug, money will be above all for man and good religious souls, sages and saints will be only few. Apart from this, in Kalyug, man will think of moving forward by cheating his own people. 

After answering Arjuna's question, Lord Shri Krishna tells Bhima that - O Bhima, you saw a cow in the forest licking its child so much that blood starts flowing from its body, it means that in Kalyug, humans do not harm their children. Will loot so much love that their development will stop. 

A mother's love will tie her child to illusion and world in such a way that - that child's life will be completely destroyed. 

When someone's son leaves home and becomes a saint or a saint, people will praise him, worship him, go to see him, but when their own son becomes a saint, they will be sad, start crying and say that my Son's life was ruined, he went on the wrong path.

Friends, here Lord Krishna explains the reality of life and says that man has to understand that your son is not yours. but of their wives. and their daughter It is the trust of their husbands, your body is the trust of death and the soul is the trust of God.

After pacifying Bhima's curiosity, Lord Shri Krishna tells Sahdev that - Sahdev, as you saw in the forest, there were many wells together, but only the middle well was empty. And will spend money on marriages, festivals etc. for entertainment, but will not help the poor around them by giving them. Then even if that poor person is his own relative.

For their fun, to keep themselves happy, they will spend money on alcohol, kebabs and addiction. But we will not consider it our duty to wipe someone's tears. There will be food in Kalyug and rich people will also consume it, but the poor will yearn for every single grain. And you will die just like that. Sahdev gets a little sad after hearing all these things about Lord Shri Krishna, but what can he do in front of this bitter truth.

Now Lord Krishna tells Nakul that Nakul - as you saw a rock falling, a heavy rock collides with big rocks but no one knows how to stop it. But the touch of a tiny plant stops that rock. This means that in Kalyug the intelligence of man will keep getting weaker. 

There will be a downfall of his life, but a tree like money will not be able to stop his downfall, but a small plant like green name will be able to stop the downfall of a person's life.

Therefore, in Kalyug, Hari Naam will be the only way to salvation. If a person leaves the greed of money and engages in the devotion of God, chants the name of Hari, then surely he will not suffer any pain and after death he will get a place at the feet of God.

Friends, if you pay attention, you will find that these 5 bitter truths told by Lord Shri Krishna seem to be coming true in Kalyug today. In such a situation, if you want to remove all the troubles of your life. So from today itself chant the name of Hari.

How will satyuga be

How will satyug be

Satyuga will last for 17 lakh 28 thousand years. In Satyuga, the age of man will be from 4000 years to 10,000 years. Again only religion will be seen everywhere on earth. Humans will emphasize on mental pleasures instead of physical pleasures. In Satyug, man will only love, there will be no place for hatred.

In Satyug, man will get the ultimate knowledge. People will pay special attention to worship. Apart from this, humans will be able to talk to God by doing penance, will be able to meet him, will be able to see him.

Satyug will be called the golden age of this world. Just like today we talk about the past Satyug, in the same way this Satyug after Kalyug will also be remembered till eternity. People will narrate the stories of this new Satyug to each other and to their children.

In Satyug, people will be very happy and there will be no mention of greed. In Satyug, people will not be recognized by their money, but by their behavior. There will be no difference between rich and poor. Every human being will be the form of God for everyone.

It means to say dear friends! Satyug will be very good, beautiful, lovely and satisfying. Everywhere there will be only pure love. Will have beautiful nature. The earth will be filled with beautiful green trees, fruits, flowers and ponds, rivers etc.

The women of Satyug will be beautiful, gentle and chaste. If every bad word that comes out of a person's mouth when anger comes, it means to say, if he curses someone, it will come true.

But friends! We could hardly see that Golden Age to come. Because it will take a long time for the golden age to come. Friends! It has also been written in the Puranas that those people who follow worship, recitation, religion and work in Kalyug, they will attain Satyug even in Kalyug, they will not even feel that Kalyug has come. They will be busy in their life, will be happy and will continue to do charity and will go to God's abode in the end remembering God.

author's statement

Dear friends! As you know we have taken birth in Kalyug. It is impossible to see Satyug. That's why we humans need to do good deeds like charity, charity, religion etc. like in Satyug. Keep helping the poor, sad and needy people. Do you agree with us, do give your opinion in the comment box.

With this we leave. See you again with the next post in Devotional Story. You take care of yourself, always be happy, keep doing charity and keep remembering the God who made us and you. Jai-Jai Shri Radhe Krishna.

Thank you


Does Kalyug come again and again?

It has been told in the Bhagavad Gita that change is the rule of this universe and this 22nd cycle of all the Yugas is going on, that is, this Kalyug has already come 22 times. Just as our soul leaves the body and takes a new form again, after every night a new day emerges and the seasons keep changing. In the same way, after a fixed period of time, there is a change of ages in this universe.

When did Kalyug begin?

Three thousand one hundred and two BC ago, when Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn were at zero degree on Aries. Then Kalyug had started. Now only five thousand one hundred and twenty one years have passed. While four lakh twenty six thousand eight hundred and eighty years are left.

How much time is left for Kalyug to end?

Millions of years are still left for the end of Kalyug. Because the period of Kalyug is four lakh, thirty two thousand years long and now the first phase of Kalyug is going on.

What is the main identity of the end of Kalyug?

According to Brahma Purana, the main identity of the end of Kalyug is the infamy of close relationships, that is, there will be no relationship between father-daughter, brother-sister, every relationship will be only of lust. Cow will not give milk, rivers will dry up, girls will not be safe, man's age will be only 12 years and man will run only after money leaving worship.

Which God will incarnate in Kalyug?

When Kalyug will spread completely on the earth, then Lord Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva will unite and incarnate in the form of Kalki.


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