Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

Har Har Mahadev dear readers! how are you guys,hope you are fine by the grace of lord shiva

Dear readers! In today's post, we will know about Yama Marg, which are the 16 cities coming in Yama Marg. We hope you like the post.

Friends! According to Garuda Purana, a person gets the same result as he does. And we humans know this very well. No matter what kind of work a man does in life, he has to bear its fruits after death while going to the path of Yama. Man enjoys the fruits of some deeds while he is alive and some after death.

Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

Dear friends! Yammarg, this path is not as easy as people say easily. The time in between from earth till reaching Yamlok is called Yamamarg. This path is completely based on Karma.

Once Shri Hari i.e. Lord Vishnu, while giving knowledge to Garuda, says that Garuda Dev, as per the actions of a man, so does his future journey. If a man has done good deeds then he will not face any difficulty in Yama Marg, he will complete his journey happily and if he has done bad deeds then he will have to face a lot of difficulties, he will have to face many kinds of troubles while going to Yama Marg. Will have to. Such a soul is called a sinful soul.

The distance between Dhartilok and Yamalok is 86,000 yojanas. A living soul travels a maximum of 247 yojanas and half a kosa. Thus the journey of that soul is completed in 348 days. In this journey, the Yamdoots take away the sinful soul by pulling it.

The difficulties faced by the sinful soul in the path of Yama

A detailed description of the difficulties faced by a person who commits sins throughout his life, while going to the path of evil, is as follows.

On the thirteenth day after death, that sinful soul is tied in the harsh noose of Yamdoot. Filled with anger and stretching his eyebrows, he drags that sinful soul towards the south, to his abode.

This path is full of thorns, thorns, nails, spears and hard stones. Somewhere the fire keeps burning in that path and somewhere there is a narrow path full of hundreds of cracks.

Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok
Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

The way is full of excessive sun heat and mosquitoes and on that full way the sinful soul howls like a jackal, but the Yamdoots show no mercy at all and they start pulling that living soul even more mercilessly.

When a sinful man goes on the path of Yamaloka, he becomes so weak due to burning due to extreme heat that he cannot even go through it and according to his deeds, he is bitten by different types of animals i.e. his limbs are eaten by crows. Vultures etc. are eaten by dangerous birds. That sinful soul gets very disturbed due to the biting and piercing of those birds.

Vishnu ji, while telling Garuda, says that - O king of vultures, till such time the soul does not take another body, then it has to face the same kind of sorrow in 16 paths. Then the vulture asks the question that O Lord, what are those 16 routes. Then Shri Hari answers and tells them the names of those 16 routes.

Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok
Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

16 routes on the way to Yamlok

1- Yamyapur

2- Sauripur

3- Nagendra Bhavan

4- Gandharvapur

5- Shailagam

6- Kraunchpur

7- Krurpur

8- Vichitra Bhavan

9- Bahavaapad

10- Dukhadpur

11- Nanakrandpur

12- Sutaptabhavan

13- Roudrapur

14- Pyovarshan

15- Sheetaadhay

16- Bahubhitipur

Friends! These are the 16 cities falling in the middle of reaching Yamlok, which are very dangerous and painful. First of all, when a sinful man reaches Yamyapur, he starts crying out in pain and says, O son! protect me. He starts crying remembering his children. While crying, at that time he remembers the sins committed by him, due to which he gets very upset.

In the same way crying, crying and meditating on his children and sins, he reaches the city of Yamraj on the 18th day where the river named Pushpabhadra keeps flowing. There would be lots of beautiful greenery and mountains. Seeing whom that sinful soul wants to rest there but the Yamdoots do not allow it to rest.

Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok
Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

The monthly pinddaan that is taken out from the family members of the sinful soul means whatever food etc. is taken out for him, he eats it sitting there and after that his journey starts for Sauripur.

While walking on the way to Souripur, the Yamdoots started beating him with their heavy mudgals. Due to which he feels a lot of pain, he starts shouting and saying that I did not donate water in that life for the satisfaction of humans, animals, birds, castes etc. I didn't even donate Gauchar land for the peace of the cow. Therefore, according to the way you have done this body, now you will dispose of yourself.

In that Souripur, a king who is stable and dynamic according to his desire rules. Merely seeing him, the living being trembles with fear and suffering from the doubt of his evil, moves forward by eating the body of water given by the relatives on the earth in Tripaksha. From there, on the way forward, being greatly afflicted by the blows of the Yamdutos, he babbles like this.

O body, I have not always donated water etc. Neither has donated cow grass etc. required for the cow daily as per rules. And neither have donated the books of Veda Shastra. Did not travel to the pilgrimages mentioned in the Puranas, so as you have done, you will live in the same.

After this Jeev goes to Nagendra Nagar. There he moves forward by eating the food given by his brothers and sisters in the second month. While walking, Yamduto strikes him with Tripan's fists, he babbles like this. - I had received a human form, but everything was dependent on me by the foolish Adhiraj. Means I could not do any good work even after attaining human form.

Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok
Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

Thus lamenting the creature reaches the city of Gandharva at the end of the third month. After that, he goes ahead after eating the pind of the third month. On the way, Yamdoot kills him with the tip of the saber. Due to which he laments again in this way - I have not given any donation, I have not sacrificed in the fire, nor have I done penance by going to the Himalayan cave. Hey, I am so low that I could not even consume the water of the Ganges, so O body, it will dispose of itself according to the deeds you have done.

Further, while narrating the story, Krishna ji says that in the fourth month of Pakshi Raj, the creature reaches Shailagampur. There is continuous rain of stones on him. Having received the fourth monthly Shradh given by the son, that creature moves in a gliding way. 

But after being hit by the stones, he falls down and while crying says – I neither took advantage of the path of knowledge, nor the path of yoga, nor the path of action, nor adopted the path of devotion, nor did I live with saints and sages. 

I have only gained some knowledge from them by living, so now O body, according to the deeds you have done, you will live according to that. He reaches Kraunchpur in the fifth month after his death. There he rests for some time, taking pinddaan and water given by his sons.

Then telling the further story, Vishnu ji says to Garuda, O son of Kashyapa Garuda, in the sixth month, that sinful soul goes to Krurpur. On the way, he drinks water after eating the fifth monthly body given to him on earth. After that he starts traveling further but the Yamdoots start hitting him with their weapons on the way. Due to which he falls.

He moans in pain as he falls. It is said that O my son, my wife, my parents, you did not give me any advice on earth by which I could avoid those bad deeds and I would not have been in this plight.

When he starts lamenting like this, the Yamdoots tell him, O fool, where are your sons, where are your wife, where are your parents, where are your friends, where are your enemies and relatives. You walk alone on this path and enjoy the fruits of the bad deeds done by you.

Hey fool, you should know that it is impossible for a sinful soul like you who walks in this path to take shelter of someone else's power. No one will come here to help you. No one else is needed to go to the other world. You had gone alone on earth and now you will go alone in the hereafter.

After this the soul leaves for the strange city. On the way, Yamdoot injures him with a prong attack, after which he starts lamenting loudly and says, "Where am I going?" I can't bear it anymore, I want to die, I don't want to live, but still I am alive.

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Dear friends! A dead creature does not die again. That's why after death his living soul has to bear everything and bear the attacks of Yamdoots. That is why it is said that humans should improve their afterlife by doing good deeds while alive.

Friends, lamenting in this way, that soul reaches Vichitranagar. Where a king with a strange name reigns, he again satisfies his hunger with the six monthly pind and water given by his wife and children. And again it moves forward. 

Now on the way again the Yamdoots start hitting him with a spear. Due to which, being upset and sad, he starts saying that whether my parents, brother, wife, children or anyone else is there or not, who can save me a sinner who is immersed in this ocean of sorrow.

Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok
Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

Lamenting in this way, he continues on his way. A Vaitarani river flows ahead in the same city. Which is 100 yojanas wide and is full of blood and pus. As soon as that sinful soul reaches that shore, the boatman riding on the boat says that, if you have donated Vaitarani cow on earth, then you can cross this river happily by sitting on this boat, if not You cannot sit on this boat, because only one who has donated Vaitarani cow on earth can sit on this boat.

Friends, the person who has not donated a cow named Vaitarani while alive, after his death the boatmen living in the Vaitarani river tie a rope around his neck and drag him across the river in blood and excrement. As soon as he reaches the middle of the river, crows, herons and vultures start injuring him with their beaks.

Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok
Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

In order to avoid such attacks and punishments, Lord Shri Vishnu ji told Garuda that, O king of birds, man must donate Vaitarani cow in his last days. It is beneficial for him. If a man donates a Vaitarani cow, that cow destroys all sins. And instead of taking him to Yamlok, he directly takes him to Vishnulok.

When the seventh month comes, the deceased comes to a city called Bahvapad. There he starts moving forward by taking seven monthly bodies and water. Yamdoot again starts beating him on the way and as usual he laments saying, O body, you have not done any good deed on earth, so enjoy the fruits of your deeds according to what you have done.

After this, that sinful soul leaves for Dukhadpur. There he satisfies his hunger with the Ashtmasik pind and water given by his relatives.

Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok
Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

After that he leaves for the next town Nanakrandpur. While walking on the way, Yamraj starts beating him with a pestle, due to which he starts saying, alas, where my food used to be amidst the laughter and jokes made by the flattering words of the fickle-eyed wife. Where else today I am being beaten with spears, pestles and spears. Lamenting in this way, that creature reaches the city named Nanakrandpur in the eighth month.

After that, in the ninth month, after receiving the pind and water given by the relatives, he goes to the next city while lamenting.

In the tenth month, the Yamdoots take that sinful soul to Sutap Bhavan. On the way they hit him with a plough. Wounded by the plough, he laments as follows – Alas, where my sons used to press my feet with their soft hands. 

And where today these Yamdoots are dragging me mercilessly by holding my feet with their hands like thunderbolts. In the tenth month, after consuming the body and water there, that creature starts moving forward.

In the eleventh month, the sinful soul reaches Raudrapur. Until reaching Raudrapur, Yamdoots attack his back with sticks. On being hurt, the creature laments again, saying that while lying on a very soft mattress made of cotton, I used to change sides every moment and today, because of the blows of the sticks mercilessly by the hands of these Yamdoots, I am cut off. Changing sides from the back.

Taking the story forward, Vishnu ji says to Garuda, O king of birds, after that the creature eats the body along with the water given on the earth and moves towards the city called Payovarshan. On the way, the Yamdoots start hitting him on his head with an axe.

On being killed, he laments in this way, that alas, where on earth my head was massaged with oil by the soft hands of the grandchildren and today where is my head being massaged by the hands of these Yamdoots full of anger. being killed with axes.

In this city of Payovarshan, the creature eats the Shradh received by the relatives at the end of the year with sorrow. After that, as soon as the year is over, he leaves for the city of Sheetadhya.

While walking, in the middle of the way, the Yamdoots cut the tongue of that sinful soul with a knife. Due to which he laments in such a way that where the sweetness of this tongue was praised every day through mutual conversation and where today my tongue is being cut with a sharp knife like a sword on opening my mouth. .

After that, in the same city, the deceased i.e. the sinful soul consumes the annual Pindodak and other food items given in Shradh and then moves on. When he reaches Bahubhiti Nagar. So he starts condemning himself and describing the sins committed by him on the way.

Friends! In this way of Yampuri, the woman also laments in the same way. It is not that there is a separate punishment for a man and another for a woman. Same punishment and same treatment for all.

Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok
Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

After this the deceased reaches Yampuri. Friends, Yampuri Lok is spread over 44 Yojanas. It has 13 Pratiharas called Shravan. Those Pratiharas are pleased by performing Shravan Karma or they become angry. After reaching such a world, the sinful soul sees Yamraj, who is fierce like a black mountain, with red eyes in anger, situated between the time of death and Antak etc.

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His face looks very fierce with huge teeth. His eyebrows and gestures remain tense. Due to which his shape looks very terrible. Hundreds of diseases surround him from all sides with this type of terrible shape. He has a stick in one hand and a noose in the other. The creature that has reached Yamlok attains the auspicious-inauspicious speed told by Yama. As we have told you before, the same type of sinful soul, the sinful soul gets.

Those who donate umbrella posts and houses, those who perform virtuous deeds, reach there and see Yamraj, graceful with a gentle face, earrings and a crown on his head. Friends, the creature feels very hungry there, that's why Brahmins should be fed on the annual date of Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Shatmas.

Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok
Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

O best of birds, the person who proves his selfishness throughout his life as told by his son, wife and other relatives and does not do good deeds to make his other world, there he gets pain in the end. O Garuda Dev, I have told you the movement of a creature going to military Manipur after death and the activities performed during the year.

So dear readers! This was the departure of the soul after thirteen days on the path of Yama with the messengers of Yama. A little information about the 16 cities he will visit in his journey. We hope you like this information. Will meet again in Devotional Story. Till then you take care of yourself, keep laughing, keep smiling and remember the Lord.

Thank you

Jai-Jai Shri Radhe Krishna 


How many days does it take for a soul to reach Yamlok?

A living soul travels a maximum of 247 yojanas and half a kosa. Thus the journey of that soul is completed in 348 days.

How big is Yamlok?

Friends, Yampuri Lok is spread over 44 Yojanas.

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