How parents should give values to their children learn from shri krishna

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Ashutosh Lord Shiva bless you

Dear readers! Today, in this post, we will know through the teachings of Shri Krishna that how parents should give values to their children. Hope you like the post. So let's read without delay.

How parents should give values to their children learn from shri krishna

how parents should give values to their children learn from shri krishna

Friends ! As you all know that no child is good or bad by birth. There is no culture in him. He is completely ignorant. There is neither any virtue nor any demerit in him. Then what is the reason that virtues or demerits come inside the child as soon as he becomes a little sensible. Have you ever thought

Dear friends! Shri Krishna says that what parents always say, the same thing becomes the culture of their child's heart. Just as a path to the river bank in a village is made only because of walking on the same path again and again. It means to say - the desires of the parents' hearts take birth as defects or demerits in the hearts of their children. Is this not true?

But still, when any defect is seen in their children, the parents get surprised and sad and start asking themselves these questions and keep thinking that from where did this demerit come in the child?

In fact, friends! There is no fault of the parents in this. They do not even know and unknowingly they give demerits to their child. Which grows in the heart of their child as a demerit tree. That's why the parents who want their children to walk on the path of culture and religion, then the parents should keep the desires of their mind together before saying anything, explaining or giving rituals to the child.

Friends! It is the nature of every human being that they wish to provide more happiness to themselves, their family and their children. That is why we differentiate between hard work and suffering. Strives to enhance the comfort and facilities. Think about it, isn't it true? Don't we give more comfort and convenience to our children. But have you ever thought, what will be the benefit of this comfort.

Whose life will be spent in comfort and convenience, then what will be their future. When the body works hard, it remains healthy. Wisdom also becomes more brilliant when it faces difficult situations. Every human being knows this. He has full experience of this but we forget that when the mind and soul get difficulties, they also become strong. It means to say that - whenever we keep our children away from hard work and facilities or try to keep them, don't we really block the path of their happiness. Think this yourself.

We all know that knowledge is attained through dedication. But what is the real meaning of surrender. Man's mind always creates many types of obstacles in the attainment of knowledge. Sometimes one gets jealous of another student, sometimes one doubts the lesson taught and sometimes the punishment given by the teacher fills the mind with pride. Why? Doesn't it happen? You must give your opinion by commenting.

Don't know how - how thoughts distract the mind and due to this unworthy state of mind we are not able to get knowledge. A worthy state of mind is created only by the mind. Surrender destroys the ego of man. By removing jealousy, ambition etc, it calms the heart and concentrates the mind.

In fact, there is no limit of knowledge in the creation of God, nor of the learned, Guru Dattatreya had gained knowledge from cow and swan only. Friends, here mainly the meaning of giving example of Guru Dattatreya ji is only because he did not get knowledge from any human but from animal, learned a lesson. Which is an example for us humans.

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Friends! Whether the subject is of Brahmagyan or the knowledge of life or the knowledge obtained in Gurukul, our dedication towards the Guru is more important than the Guru to get it. Students taking education from the same teacher can never get the same education. All the students are definitely seen listening to the words of the Guru, they are seen worshiping him but still they are not able to get the same knowledge. Do you know why this happens?

This happens because the students who do not get education pretend to be dedicated but do not understand the real meaning of dedication. Does dedication become complete by offering flowers to the Guru and simply obeying his orders? No friends, the real meaning of dedication is that there should be no doubt in the mind towards the Guru. Before anything comes out of the mouth of the Guru, the student should complete it.

Let the thoughts of the disciple become one with the thoughts of the Guru. That means the disciple should know the words of the Guru's mind without his saying it. Unless the disciple sees Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesh i.e. Lord Shiva all three inside the Guru, his dedication is incomplete, false.

In fact, dedication is not the name of any work. Surrender is the name of feeling of mind and state of mind. It means that our ignorance is not only to blame for our ignorance? Parents, think a little on this.

What is the meaning of superiority?

Excellence means having more knowledge than others. That is, the value is not of how much knowledge one has gained. The value is of how much the acquired knowledge is more than the rest. Friends, the desire for excellence makes even acquiring knowledge a competition. And victory in competition is never final.

You can become elevated for some time. But no one remains great forever. Then there is dissatisfaction, pain and struggle. But if instead of being the best, we try to be the best.

What is the meaning of best? 

The meaning of the best is to get all that is worth getting, not with the desire to get more from anyone, but to get something only for the satisfaction of the soul, on the way to the best, there is no competition with anyone else, but there is competition with oneself. Is. Means the one who tries to be perfect gets all the knowledge sooner or later. He becomes the best without any effort. But the one who tries to be the best, whether he becomes the best or not, never becomes the best.

How parents should give values to their children main point ?

how parents should give values to their children learn from shri krishna

Parents should not provide much happiness to the children. For example - if one toy can work, then only one should be given, do not give more for the sake of show off, if there is hunger for a bread, do not feed only one, because by doing this, instead of filling the stomach, stomach ache. Will have to face because food eaten without mind does not nourish the body etc.

Do not ask him to lie even in jest in childhood.

Don't take the child out of the house too much and don't keep him imprisoned in the house too much. This is because if taken out of the house too much, then the child will get used to outside, which will not cause trouble at that time but will take a terrible form in the future, due to which the life of the parents will be spent crying. And if you keep him confined at home too much, then the child will start suffocating, he will start hating you. The child will not be yours even after being with you.

Take a lot of care of the children when they are in the teenage stage, because this is the stage in which children are made and spoiled as well.

In this situation, parents need to be friends of the children. So that they can come and tell you everything. Do not hide anything from you.

Even if children do any mistake, do not scold them at that time, do not get angry on them. Doing this can make things worse. Because anger always leads to destruction. So first try to find out the reason of the error. Don't know if the mistake happened unknowingly. And if he has really made a mistake, then inform him about his mistake, what will be the result of this mistake.

Make sure to keep the children clean. They must be taught to take care of cleanliness, but not so much that if someday they see filth, they start hating it. For example - nowadays it is seen that the parents keep the children so clean that they keep them in slippers in the house and even when needed, those children do not keep their feet on the ground. Small children do not get down from the lap on seeing the dirt.

It may be that it is okay in the eyes of parents but it has two disadvantages, the first is that he will not love anyone except himself. He will hate filth and poor people living in filth. Due to which living in the society can become heavy for him. The second most important thing - walking on the earth with bare feet keeps health healthy, there are some magnetic elements in the earth which are necessary for humans. Walking barefoot on the earth also brightens the eyesight, Lord Shri Krishna used to eat soil, used to wrap the soil in his whole body, used to play in the soil, not only God, but his friends playing with him were also barefoot. Used to play in the mud since then. Then why can't you do this?

Children should not become fragile so let them face some difficulties. Don't give anything to the children immediately, don't fulfill their needs quickly because the thing that is obtained quickly is never appreciated.

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They have no knowledge of the circumstances under which you made the things available to the child. While this is wrong. The child should know this. Otherwise, the children will use, play and throw away the item brought by your hard earned money for a few days and immediately ask for another item. Children will only see the things you brought, not your feelings. That's why after waiting for a while, bring the things.

Providing things immediately will make the child stubborn, so it is important to teach children to be patient by telling them the value of things.

Children may be big or small, love them as much as they need, take care of them as much, with more love, more care, by going everywhere with the child, the children become crippled. They feel embarrassed to face outsiders, afraid to go out of the house, hesitant to talk. They start shying away from attending weddings, parties etc. Apart from this, there are many reasons that cripple children from giving more love and care, so love to the limit. Make them a habit of going alone a little, so that they can become strong.

Keep your nature tough and also a little soft.

We know it is not possible for parents to do this but believe me, there is a lot of power in love. With one change you will have your children with you. No matter how spoiled the children are, a day will come when they will start understanding your feelings. Because you also know this thing that nothing is impossible in the world. Everything is possible.

Dear readers! Hope you liked the post. If you find any mistake while reading the post, please forgive us for that. Will meet again with the next post in Devotional Story, for then you keep smiling, keep smiling and remember the Lord.

Thank you

Jai-Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna

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