How to take right decision in dilemma?

Har Har Mahadev dear readers,how are you guys,Hope you will be fine.Ashutosh Lord Shiva bless you

Dear readers! Today, in this post, we will learn from Shri Krishna's talks about How to take right decision in dilemma? what to do whenever we are in dilemma, trouble. So let's read today's post without delay

How to take right decision in dilemma?

How to take right decision in dilemma?
How to take right decision in dilemma?

Every moment of life is a moment of decision. In each path some decision has to be made regarding the other path. And the decision goes on leaving its effect.

The decisions taken by man create happiness or sorrow in the future. He makes this decision not only for himself but also for his family and for his future generations.

Friends! When a dilemma comes in front, the mind becomes restless. is filled with uncertainty. That moment of decision becomes a battle and the mind becomes the battlefield. Most of the decisions we make are not to solve the dilemma but only to calm the mind. But can one eat while running? No ! So will the mind struggling with war be able to take any worthy decision?

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In fact, when someone takes a decision with a calm mind, he creates a happy future for himself, but when someone takes a decision to calm his mind, that person plants a thorny tree for himself in the future. Think for yourself.

In the moment of decision, we always rely on someone else's suggestion, information, advice or advice. And the basis of our future is the decisions we make today, so is our future the result of someone else's advice or suggestion, is our whole life the result of someone else's wisdom. Have we ever considered

It is the experience of penance that different people give different advice in the same situation, the devotee standing in the temple says that charity should be done and the thief says, if you get the opportunity, steal the makeup of that idol. A heart full of wealth gives righteous advice and a heart full of unrighteousness gives unrighteous advice.

Acceptance of religious suggestion leads to happiness, but it is possible to accept such advice only when there is religion in the heart, that is, before accepting someone's suggestion or advice, isn't it necessary to establish religion in your own heart? Yes absolutely necessary.

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Everyone wants to take today's decision on the basis of future. Happiness is found in future, future is secure, such a decision remains for everyone, you look at your life, isn't there a thought of future behind most of your decisions? And why not? Everyone has the right to try to make his life simple and happy. But no one knows the future, it can only be imagined, so we make all the important decisions of life on the basis of imagination only.

Is there a third way of judgement? Think about it. Yes, religion is the basis of all happiness. And that religion resides in the heart of man. So before taking every decision, ask yourself a question from your heart whether this decision has been taken out of selfishness or religion. just not enough? Will the future be more happy if we think of religion instead of the future? And this is the ultimate truth. Think for yourself.

Dear readers, hope you liked the post. What is your opinion on this post? Do express your opinion to us. Will meet again in Devotional Story with next post. Till then you keep smiling, stay healthy and keep remembering GOD.

Thank you

Jai-Jai Shri Radhe Krishna


What does it mean if a person has a dilemma?

If a person is confused, it means that he is stuck in some problem. He can't find his way. Sometimes some situation becomes such that he cannot do anything even if he wants to because he is compelled. Overall, dilemma is the name of a problem, problem, confusion, compulsion, helplessness and weakness.

How do you solve a dilemmatic conflict?

When a man is in a dilemma, his first thing should be to be patient. Second, make your mind strong, so that it can help in finding a solution to the problem, because humans are unable to take the right decisions in dilemma, remember God, take a deep breath and put your problem before Him. Five steps to know the solution of the problem Keep your eyes closed for a minute. At that time, the work which comes first in your mind, that work is right. Feel free to do it because that way has reached your heart through God.

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