What is the secret behind Om?

Har Har Mahadev dear readers, how are you guys,hope you are fine Ashutosh Lord Shiva protect you.

Friends! In today's post we will know that, What is the secret behind Om? what can be the secret of Om mantra? Friend we all know that chanting Om mantra gives peace to the mind and increases positivity? But is there any secret to Om mantra apart from this?

What is the secret behind Om?

What is the secret behind Om?
What is the secret behind Om?

By knowing the secret of Om, you will get the first key number three in the secret code 369 of the universe. With which you can open all the locks of the biggest treasure and can also become the richest person in the world. Apart from this, you can also know what is the soul? What is salvation? What is Brahman? Why have you come into the world? And what is your purpose? And if you do not know the secret of Om, then you will remain the poorest person in the world even if you have billions of rupees.

Friends ! Can any person get this secret of Om mantra by reading Vedas and Upanishads? Om is the symbol of Sanatan Dharma and it is also the symbol of Shiva. Om is such a sound and mantra, which contains countless secrets within itself.

What is the secret behind Om?
What is the secret behind Om?

Peter Russell, who was a director at Oxford University of America, after doing a deep research on Om mantra, told that E = 2 MC 2 has been described as opposite to Om = MC square and he says that this formula shows the expression of consciousness. Om is such an energy of the universe from which this universe is made. Research is going on in different places in the United States that what is the effect of the sound of Om on our body.

What is the secret behind Om?
What is the secret behind Om?

For this, different sounds were played loudly, which showed that, the effect of sound is seen to be different on calm water, but the sound of Om has a different effect on water. The researchers themselves were surprised that when the sound of Om is played, such a shape is formed on the water like the shape of the Shree Yantra described in Sanatan Dharma. No sound other than Om could create such a shape. The researcher told that the sound of Om is a treasure of valuable knowledge.

And in ancient times, when a monk felt that the locks of big treasures can be broken with secret mantra, then that monk goes to a big ashram in search of secret mantra and tells the Acharya there that you give me valuable secret mantra. So Acharya said that I will give you secret mantra but you will have to serve here for years. The monk said it's okay.

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The monk started living there. Years passed while serving Acharya. One day the ascetic went to Acharya and said that now at least give me that secret mantra. So Acharya ji said that it is okay. You come near me, I will say that secret mantra in your ear. When the Sanyasi went near, the Acharya chanted Om mantra in the Sanyasi's ear.

What is the secret behind Om?
What is the secret behind Om?

Now the monk became happy and he left from there. Sanyasi now started chanting Om mantra given by Acharya regularly, but no money was received, so he suspected that Acharya had cheated him. After some time, when the hermit came out, a mother was calling her son, "Om son, come here."

When he went further, he saw some Brahmins who were saying Hari Om Hari Om. The monk said, well, is Om being spoken here too? When the monk went further on the way, he heard some students saying peace only Om, peace only Om, then the monk started saying, somewhere Om is being spoken in front of the sentence, and somewhere behind the sentence Om is being spoken? Everyone knows this Om mantra. So how can this mantra of Om be a secret mantra? Surely I have been cheated.

What is the secret behind Om?
What is the secret behind Om?

He went to his Acharya and said, Acharya, what kind of mantra you have given me, everyone knows it, then how can it be a secret mantra? You give me some other secret mantra, so that I can get the treasure. Okay, I'll give you another secret spell, but you have to do me a favor. The monk said it's okay.

Acharya went inside and brought a stone. And said to the monk, take this, monk, take it to the market and come after knowing its value. Remember this stone is not to be sold. The monk went to the market with the stone and showed it to the vegetable seller. The vegetable seller said, this is equal to my weight. I can give you nothing but an brinjal in return.

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The ascetic took that stone and then went to the cloth seller, then the cloth seller said, have you considered us as fools, do you want to cheat us by selling the stone? Come on let's go from here The ascetic kept roaming in the whole market with the stone, but no one told its value and no one even wanted to take it for free. Then the monk went to a jeweler's shop with that stone. The jeweler saw that stone and said. From where did you get such a precious gem. These are very valuable gems. I don't have enough money to buy this gem and there will hardly be anyone in the whole state who can buy it?

What is the secret behind Om?
What is the secret behind Om?

The monk came back to his Acharya with that stone and said to Acharya that Acharya Jeweler was calling it valuable and for others it was only a stone. Acharya, when you knew that it was not a stone but a precious gem, then why did you send me to the market to know its value?

So Acharya ji started saying, he did this so that you can know the value of Om. As not everyone could know the value of this stone. Means its value is secret, not everyone can know. Only the jeweler's eyes could recognize that it is not a stone, it is a gem. Similarly Om mantra is also a gem, whose value is secret and those who know the value of Om become prosperous.

Now listen carefully, I explain to you the secret of Om in detail. Let me tell you the meaning of Om as told by Lord Kartikeya, the commander of the deities, to Lord Shiva. Om is such a natural sound that arises without any conflict. You can also call it letter, word, sound or sound. There are three sounds in them, which are called matras. They are A sound, U sound and M sound.

What is the secret behind Om?
What is the secret behind Om?

When the A sound and the O sound meet together, it makes the O sound. And when all the three sounds mix together, it makes Om. All the languages and dialects of the whole world are made from the three sounds of Om and even a dumb person can speak these three sounds A sound, O sound and M sound.

Whatever may be your language, but when you open your mouth for pronunciation, first of all the sound of A means Akar comes out. And when you close your mouth after pronunciation, only the sound of M means Makar comes out. And when You bring the lips together and keep the mouth half open and half closed, then only the sound of Oo i.e. Ukar is heard, that is why all the sounds of all languages, be it vowels or consonants, come under Omkar, hence Om Vishisht Global sound.

Om is also the symbol of God. According to the Mandukya Upanishad, Omkar is the symbol of the origin and rhythm of the world. The sound of A represents the creator, the sound of U represents the worldly universe and the sound of Ma represents the rhythm of this entire world. Omkar also represents the three states of the soul.

The first condition is the awakened state - in this state man enjoys his gross experience and enjoyments through the senses. The second state is the dream state - in this state, the soul, being the subconscious mind, experiences the pleasures experienced in the waking state through its mind. The third state is Sushupti – in this state the soul becomes blissful, enlightened and attains ecstasy through knowledge. Dear friends! After these three stages, the soul becomes Brahmalin. After coming in this state, the soul remains Advaita Shiva only Shiva.

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Now he doesn't have the illusion of distinction between the living world and illusion and he hears the eternal sound. Anahad Naad is not a sound. But Anahad Naad is a feeling. In which the soul says, ki Aham Brahmasmi Shivoham, I am Brahma, I am Shiva, I am Omkar.

What is the secret behind Om?
What is the secret behind Om?

I have expanded myself in the form of the world, I am the lion who is going to kill my deer form, I have taken birth as my son and I have taken birth as my parents. I am the only one in this world. There is no one except me. I am the one who speaks and I am also the one who listens. Being a snake, I am going to bite myself and I am running to avoid it.

After knowing the secret of this Omkar, gold, silver, rupees, money all start turning to dust. Because all these material things are actually my gross form. I am so rich that this house, this land, this earth, this Not only the constellations, the whole universe is mine. And how many such universes will there be, which are only part of me? So who can be as rich as me?

When I am getting such a huge treasure, why should I run after these kilos, 100 kilos of fake gold, silver, rupees, money? And to open this treasure I have given a three number key. Omkar, which  I am going to give you now. tell me. listen carefully

The basic natural sounds are 3 – A sound, O sound and M sound. Natural primary colors are 3 - red, yellow and blue. The basic characteristics of nature are three - name, form and quality. The effect of the body is 3 – Kapha, Pitta and Vayu. The condition of the universe is also 3-origin, sustenance and annihilation

The deities of the universe are also 3 – Ram, Vishnu and Mahesh. The basic elements of matter are 3 - neutrons, protons and electrons. The first basic dimensions of the universe are also 3 - length, width and depth

Friends, the soul says that the more deeply you study these three number keys and go deeper into it, you will find yourself, because there is no one else in this world except you.

So friends, this was the key to the secret of Om mantra. Hope you liked the post. Will meet again in Devotional Story with such interesting information. For then take care of yourself, keep smiling, keep smiling and keep chanting Om mantra.

Thank you

Jai-Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna

Important line 

The basic natural sounds are 3 – A sound, O sound and M sound.

Natural primary colors are 3 - red, yellow and blue.

The basic characteristics of nature are 3 - name, form and quality

The effect of the body is 3 – Kapha, Pitta and Vayu

The condition of the universe is also 3-origin, sustenance and annihilation

The gods of the universe are also 3 - Ram, Vishnu and Mahesh

The basic elements of matter are 3 - neutrons, protons and electrons.

The first basic dimensions of the universe are also 3 - length, width and depth

Omkar is the symbol of the origin and rhythm of the world.

The sound of A represents the surgeon,

The sound of Oo - represents the worldly world and

The sound of M reflects the rhythm of this entire world.

Omkar also represents the three states of the soul.

waking state

dream state


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What is the power of Om?

Om is a powerful mantra, by chanting which man can control his senses. He can get everything that he wants. Om There is such a key to the treasure of the universe, which is possessed by everyone, but only a few are able to use it. The meaning of saying is that everyone knows Om mantra, but no one knows when to chant this mantra, how to chant it, and the one who knows it, attains the full power of the treasure hidden in the universe.

What is the meaning of Om?

Om has no meaning because Om is not a word at all. The word is created and made of creation. And only those who are in the universe can tell this. But the whole creation is in Om. That's why the word Om is past. Its meaning cannot be known, it can only be experienced and Om will be experienced only when there is no thought, no desire, no dream, no expectation in the person's mind. Let the mind be completely calm. Om cannot be created and has not been created because the universe itself has been created from Om.

Can anyone recite Om mantra?

Dear friends, yes! Anyone can chant Om mantra, but you will not get the full result by chanting like this. If you want to get its full fruit, then first of all listen to it from the mouth of your Guru. Because this mantra gets invoked by listening to it from the mouth of the Guru. It has been said in the scriptures that no matter what the mantra is, it should first be heard from the mouth of one's Guru and later that mantra should be chanted, by doing this the mantra becomes powerful and fulfilling.

Om mantra is the biggest mantra in itself. It is not proper to chant such a powerful mantra without hearing it from the mouth of a Guru. Om should not be chanted like this, it is disrespect to the mantra. It is of no use. That's why first you listen from the mouth of the Guru, so that whenever you chant the mantra, you get its power.

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