Why did Kalyug ask Lord Shiva for justice?

Har Har Mahadev, dear readers how are you guys hope you are fine Lord Shiva bless you

Dear readers, today there is a story in this post, this story is completely different. This story is full of knowledge. This story is very important. This is the story of four ages. In this story Kalyug seeks justice from Lord Shiva. We will know what justice demands through this story, so friends, read the story carefully, so that there is no doubt in your mind, so let's start the story -

Why did Kalyug ask Lord Shiva for justice?

Why did Kalyug ask Lord Shiva for justice?
Why did Kalyug ask Lord Shiva for justice?

Once upon a time there were all four yugas i.e. Satyuga, Dwaparayuga, Tretayuga and Kaliyuga. These four brothers were sitting together. Then there is a dispute between these four among themselves. All four started getting involved in controversies while sitting together. First of all, Satyug started saying, you fools, you all are younger than me, how did you start to equal me?

When Tretayuga heard this, he said, how can you be the greatest, I am the greatest among all of you, I am the best. You cannot be the best of me. Hearing this, Dwapar said that how can you be the best? I am the best of all of you. There is no question of you being the best, till then Kalyug started saying that all three of you are becoming the best, but you do not know the reality. In reality I am the best.

In this way the four ages started quarreling with each other. Then the four ages decided that we cannot decide among ourselves. Then all the four people decided among themselves that we cannot take such a decision. Lord Shiva will decide who among us is the greatest, who is the best. Let's go there, he is the beginning and the infinite. Let's go to him on Kailash. He will tell us who is big and who is small. Lord Shankar himself will decide this. We cannot decide this.

The four Yugas set out for Mount Kailash and when they reach Mount Kailash, they are stopped by the gatekeepers. He says who are all four of you and where are you going? So the four eras started saying that, O gatekeeper, we want to meet Lord Shiva, you should inform him about our arrival. The gatekeepers went to Lord Shiva and said to Lord Shiva, Lord, O Kailashpati, I want to meet you for all four ages.

Lord Shiva started saying that bring him in front of us with respect. Lord Nandeshwar reaches Lord Shiva with the four brothers. Lord Shiva makes all four sit in his court with respect. All the four eras bow down to Lord Shiva. Then Lord Shiva said to the four ages that all of you are welcome on Kailash. Tell me what is the reason for your coming? You are the cycle of time itself, you are the time itself, then what is the reason that you had to come to us?

All four eras say that, O Lord Shiva, the creator of the universe, a dispute has arisen between all four of us and we are not able to resolve that dispute, that is why we have come to you. Now we request you and pray that God should decide us now. You judge us and tell us who is the greatest among the four of us? Who is the best of the four of us?

Lord Shiva says that it will be decided only when all four of you will tell us your decision. Then Lord Shiva says to Satyug that before Satyug, tell me how are you big? You are trying to portray yourself as the best, but tell me how.

Then Satyug says to Lord Shiva, see Lord, my age is maximum. I am 1.7 million years old, and these three ages are very short. That's why I am longer than all of them. Then Kalyug spoke in the middle. Started saying that O Lord, a person never grows older than his age. The person is greater than the qualities, Lord. This is what I have heard.

Lord Shiva accepted Kalyug's talk as correct. And said to Satyug that, Satyug you cannot grow up like this.Became very mighty. He was so mighty and strong that he could lift the earth and when I had my kingdom in my kingdom, Lord Sri Hari Vishnu took many incarnations in it. You already know that Bholenath's Narasimha avatar, Varah avatar happened in my time, Matsya avatar happened in my reign and all the big incarnations happened in my time only.

Hearing this, Tretayug could not speak, Lord, can he grow up by being an incarnation of Lord Shri Hari Vishnu? If it is so, then Lord Maryada Purushottam Shriram was incarnated in my time only, who taught the world dignity and if we talk about the strong, then warriors like Kumbhakarna, warriors like Ravana happened during my reign as well.

O Lord, O Lord Shiva, in this way this Golden Age can never be big. I am bigger than all of these. When Dwaparayuga heard this, Dwaparayuga said, O Lord, both of them are becoming big. But how can these two become big? Yes, see Lord, you know that when my reign came, during my time also incarnations like Lord Shri Krishna were born, who was the Supreme God Brahma beyond 16 celestial degrees. Even Lord Vishnu cannot show such a gigantic form who showed the gigantic form.

O God, if you talk about warriors, then in my reign also great warriors Zarasan, Kansa, Bhishma Pitamah and all the five Pandavas were born in my reign, Lord Balram himself was also born in my reign, so tell me about the period of my reign. Which warrior was less than his warriors. O Lord, I am the biggest among all of them.

Then Kalyug said that O Lord. I accept his words. But all the warriors, all the incarnations who were born during his reign did not have intelligence. He was completely foolish and in whose reign foolish creatures are born, then can he be the best? Kaliyug started saying no God, my reign is the best because in my era a person cannot suffer. My era full of good good and new technologies are the best. When Lord Shiva heard about all the four ages Satyug, Treta, Dwapar and Kaliyug, he started thinking in his mind and started thinking how to decide them?

Mother Parvati was sitting nearby. Mother Parvati says that O Lord, if you are not able to decide them, then who will decide them. Then these four brothers will die fighting with each other. O Mahadev, that's why you decide them. All the gods together started saying to Lord Shiva that, O Bholenath, you decide them, if these four eras start fighting with each other, then what will happen to the universe? The time cycle will stop, the care of time will stop. Hey Bholenath, you yourself do something.

Lord Shiva says that it is okay, I will listen to you all the Ganas, I will decide these four ages. Lord Shiva said to the four ages that it is okay, I will test all four of you brothers and the one who will be successful in the test will be the biggest. Then Satyug said, ok God, take whatever test you want, I will be the biggest among all.

Kalyug says that, O Lord, we are also ready to give the test, take any test you want, we are ready to give the test for all four ages. Then Lord Shiva took an iron parsa weighing 100 tons and placed it in a foothill under Mount Kailash and placed a pile of rice near that parsa.

Lord Shiva called all four Yugas and said that all four of you are seeing this. Your test will be done now. Lord Shiva says to Satyug that my 500 Ganas of Satyug are sitting here and have to cook the rice kept in this room. Only a person of your era will make this rice and I have a few people here too, they will all eat.

Lord Shiva says that O Satyug, you call the person of your era and send him to cook food and we all are standing here watching. When Satyug listened to Lord Shiva, he created a very strong warrior of his era. Made it and said go son, make rice the day after tomorrow. Make and feed all these ganas of Lord Shiva.

The man of Satyug moves after listening to the order of his Maharaj. After reaching there, he sees that the weight of that purse is above 100 tons. It is above thousands of minds. He was a person of Satyug and was very strong. He dug a huge furnace. After digging the furnace, he broke the wood and brought it and lit the fire.

read more-when will kalyug end

After lighting the fire, he picked up the parsa with one hand and put it on the furnace, then picked up the rice and put it in the parsa, after that water was poured into it and when the rice was made in a huge parsa, that person made all the people sit and started drinking from the rice. After completing his work, he came to his master and said, "O Lord, I am going, my work is done." Lord Shiva and others were watching all this. 

Lord Shiva says to Tretayuga, O Treta, now you send the person of your era and I will remove this parasa which is kept by my illusion and make another similar parasa. Ask the person to make rice and feed my 500 members, then Tretayug said that it is okay Lord.

Now Tretayuga also revealed a great warrior of his own, who was as strong as Bhima. Treta ordered him, that thousands of tons of parsa is kept below in the foothills and rice is kept near him. You have to cook that rice and when the rice is cooked and ready, feed these 500 people.

The person of Tretayug was also very strong. He went down to the foothills. A furnace was dug nearby and the parsa was applied with both hands and lifted it and put it on the furnace and after keeping the parsa, lit the fire and when the rice was cooked, it was ready. So he fed food to all the Ganas of Lord Shiva and after feeding all the Ganas came back to Mount Kailash. Lord Shiva then with his power ended that day before.

Now Lord Shiva says to Dwapar Yuga that, O Dwapar Yug, both of them have given their respective exams. Now it is your turn. Now you call the person of your era and tell him that a Parsa and thousands of hearts of rice are kept in the foothills below. But now instead of 500 people, 1500 people have to be fed.

Dwapar started saying that it is okay Lord, as per your wish. I will try my best that even a person of my era can feed all your ganas. Dear friends, now Dwapar has also created a very big and powerful person like Bhima and told him to keep a parsa and equal amount of rice in the foothills. You have to make that rice and after making it you have to feed all these ganas of Lord Shiva.

That person says with his influence, it's okay Lord, as you wish. He went to the foothills. After reaching there, he saw that Parsa was a bit bigger in size. You will have to use strength to lift it. But still he dug the furnace and made arrangements for the wood and lifted it with both hands with all his might, since the size of the purse was huge and only the people of Treta Yug could lift it, so he had to exert a lot of strength.

Using all his strength, he lifted that cloth and pulled it as he could and put it on the furnace. And lit a fire under it. Cooked rice by adding rice and water the day before and when the rice was cooked, he fed all the Ganas of Lord Shiva. After feeding, that man of Dwapar era comes to his master and says, Lord, I have done my work, then Dwapar patted his back and said, well done son, now you can go.

Why did Kalyug ask Lord Shiva for justice?
Why did Kalyug ask Lord Shiva for justice?

Now Lord Shiva says to Kalyug that, O Kalyug, now it is your turn, but the Kalyug that you are seeing is not light. It weighs thousands of tons and will remain so. It will not lose weight, but now you have to take the exam. You were not ready to accept that you are the youngest and the age of the man of your age is also only 100 years. While the age of these ages is maximum.

The age of Satyuga was one lakh years. Tretayuga had 10,000 years and Dwaparyuga had 1000 years. And O Kalyug, in your rule, along with the age being short, the men are also short. When Kalyug heard the words of Lord Shiva, then Kalyug said that Lord is fine, I agree with you, but don't disappoint me in this way in advance.

You are the one who does justice, you are the judge, you have given everyone a chance to take the test. That's why you give me a chance to take the exam too. We will also test and see. If we could not do it, then we will accept it.

Lord Shiva says okay you call your man, then Lord Shiva says. Kalyug, this Parsa is of thousands of tonnes and rice is also kept there. You tell me, how would a person of your era do this? Kalyug says that it is okay Lord, at least see my spectacle.

All the three ages started laughing. Lord Shiva was also surprised to hear his words. Lord Shiva was wondering whether the person of Kalyug would be able to lift such a heavy load of thousands of kilo tons? That's why Kalyug also gave birth to a person. He was very intelligent and a very thoughtful person. Kaliyuga created a person full of all qualities and after giving birth said to that person, son, you have to show your power. It's exam time. If you fail in this, I will be the youngest.

That person said to his Maharaj that, Maharaj, you talk about this the day before yesterday. Even if you keep thousands of such coins in front of us, it is not a big deal for us. When all the three ages heard the words of that person, they started laughing. They said that this small person whose height is only three cubits, what will he do, while the height of our era used to be very high.

Friends, this is absolutely true. The height of the people of Satya Yuga was 21 cubits and the length of the person of Treta Yuga was 14 cubits and the length of the person of Dwapar Yuga was 7 cubits and the length of the person of Kalyug was 3.5 cubits. Kalyug says you just keep watching, I have sent my boy.  

After getting the order of Kalyug, that sharp minded person came to that foothill, but after reaching the foothill, he saw that the weight of the day before yesterday is very huge, I will not be able to lift it, so that person put his mind. 

Instead of digging the soil from the top, he started digging the soil from the bottom, he didn't even move the plow and prepared the furnace by digging under it. It didn't take him a bit of time to arrange the wood, because the wood was kept there. He picked up those woods and lit a fire in that furnace. Poured rice in the pan, poured water and in no time the rice was cooked and ready.

That person of Kalyug was so brainy, that he didn't even work hard and cooked rice. When the rice was cooked, Lord Shiva's ganas were made to sit in a row and then he asked four of them to please support me. You serve this rice. Four huge ganas of Lord Shiva move and serve that rice in buckets to all the ganas. Then Kalyug tells the ganas sitting in the queue that now you all can have food.

All the Ganas of Lord Shiva eat food happily. After that Kalyug fed the remaining four ganas as well. After having food, he cleaned the cloth and left it there. When his work was completed, he came to his king Kali Yuga. Kalyug was very happy. He pats her on the back and says, well done, you have saved my shame by passing this exam.

Lord Shiva and all the three ages were surprised to see this. Dear readers, now Kalyug says to Lord Shiva, O Lord Shiva, now you decide who is greater among us? Lord Shiva started thinking in his mind and answered after thinking. Lord Shiva says that I have seen the test of all four of you. When the person of Satyuga came, he used his strength and using strength lifted the straw and put it on the fire and himself served rice to all my people.

When the turn of Treta Yuga came, that person also did exactly the same. Picked up the rice, put it on the furnace, put rice in it, poured water and cooked it and fed everyone and in the same way the person of Dwapar era also did.

But this man of Kalyug with only 3.5 hands, look at his intelligence, how sharp, how big his sword was, perhaps he could not even move it. But he made rice that day. I had so many ganas that if he had served with buckets, he would probably have been upset. So see his intelligence. He called four of them to help him and served food from all four ganas and himself remained seated.

He is a very intelligent person. This is a very intelligent era. Seeing the intelligence of Kalyug, Lord Shiva says that Kalyug will be an era of very intelligent people. Machines will be invented in this. Will have big brains.

Lord Shiva then said to all the three ages that you all have been ruling like this, it is okay, you have been on truth, religion and loyalty. But the people of your era lacked intelligence. He never used his intelligence, otherwise great warriors like Kumbhakarna, Ravana, whom God himself incarnated to kill, and they were so foolish, they could not know that it is God, he is the creator of this universe and fought with them and all of them were killed.

And look at this person of Kalyug how intelligent he is and in the coming ages, in the coming era of Kalyug, such intelligent people will be seen.

Lord Shiva decided that the biggest of you four would be Kalyug, Kalyug would be the age of machines. The name of bud is machine and era means time. Kalyug will be the time of machines. In this time, big machines will be invented which will not be possible in Satyug, Tretayug and Dwaparayug.

After listening to Lord Shiva, all the four yugas obey Lord Shiva and return to their respective abodes. So friends, you have seen how great and wise Kalyug is. Had to say big. How Lord Shiva decided the four ages.

Friends, Kalyug is great, it is intelligent. This is hundred percent true, but today Kalyug is misusing this wisdom and intelligence. Because of which Kalyug is getting surrounded by sins. The wisdom that Lord Shiva praised in Kalyug, today he is denying it. By torturing women, by stealing, by telling lies etc., they have made Kalyug unfortunate even though it is great. I wish Kalyug would change. Well leave it, it is hardly possible now.

So dear readers, we hope you liked the story, do share your views. With this we leave. Will meet again in Devotional Story with next post. Till then you keep laughing, smiling and remembering GOD.

Jai-Jai Shri Radhe Krishna

Thank you

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