Why does Lord Shri Krishna take birth in Kshatriya clan only?

Radhe-Radhe dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are fine.

Krishna Bhumika (Why Lord Vishnu appears only in the Kshatriya clan)

Why does Lord Shri Krishna take birth in Kshatriya clan only?

 In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna Himself has said that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.  Whenever there is a loss of the regulative principles of religious life and there is an increase in irreligious activities, then they appear in the earthly world.  In other words, when Shri Krishna appeared, there was a need to reduce the burden of the sinner in this world or the universe.

 The entire responsibility of material creation rests upon Lord Mahavishnu, the Personality of Godhead of Krishna.  Therefore when the Lord incarnates, this incarnation is udbhuta (originating) from Vishnu.  MahaVishnu is the original cause of the material creation, from him Garbhodakasayi Vishnu expands and then Kshirodakasayi Vishnu.  Generally, all the incarnations in this universe are full expansions (parts) of Kshirodakshayi Vishnu.  Therefore it is not the task of Lord Krishna to reduce the burden of sinful activities on this earth.  But when Krishna appears, all Vishnu expansions also take place with him.

 All the expansions (ansh) of Krishna namely Narayana, Vasudeva, Sankarshana, Pradyumna, the fourfold form of Aniruddha and their anshavataras like Matsya and other yugavataras and manvantara incarnations all appear together with the body of Lord Krishna.  Krishna is perfect;  Therefore, all full and part incarnations always reside in them.  So when Krishna appeared, Lord Vishnu was also with him.  Actually Krishna appears to display His pastimes in Vrindavana and to attract the fortunate conditioned souls and invite them back to Godhead.

 The killing of the Asuras in Vrindavan was accomplished by the Vishnu part of Krishna.  The abode of the Lord is described in Bhagavadgita 8.20  where it is stated that there is an apara nityaprakriti or cinmaya akasha.  Which is beyond this Vyakt (manifested) and unmanifested substance (world).  The visible world can be seen in the form of many constellations and worlds like sun, moon, etc. but beyond this there is also the unmanifested part, which cannot be reached by any bodily being.  And beyond this unmanifested material world is the spiritual world. In the Bhagavad Gita this world is said to be supreme and eternal, which never gets destroyed.

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This material nature is repeatedly created and annihilated, but the portion of this spiritual nature eternally remains the same. The supreme abode of Lord Krishna has also been called Chintamani Dham in the Brahma-samhita. This abode of Krishna is called Goloka Vrindavan, which is full of the palaces of Parsmani. The trees there are called 'Kalpavriksha' and Surbhi is called cow.

 There thousands of Lakshmi are engaged in the service of God.  His name is the original Lord Govinda and He is the cause of all causes.  There the Lord plays His flute, His eyes are like lotus petals and the complexion of His body is like a beautiful cloud.  He has a peacock feather on his head.  She is so attractive that she puts thousands of cupids to shame.  In the Gita, Lord Krishna simply indicates His abode, which is the highest planet in the spiritual world. But in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Krishna actually appears with His paraphernalia and displays His activities first in Vṛndāvana, then in Mathura and then in Dvārakā.

 The dynasty in which Krishna appeared is called Yaduvansh.  This Yaduvansh is coming from Som i.e. the God of Chandralok.  There are two main clans of Rajvanshi Kshatriyas - one is descended from the king of Chandralok (Chandravanshi) and the other is descended from the king of Sun (Suryavanshi).  Whenever the Lord incarnates, He usually appears in the Kshatriya clan because He has to establish religion.  According to the Vedic clan system, the clan is the protector of mankind.

 When the Lord incarnated as Shri Ramchandra, He appeared in the Suryavansh, which was known as the Raghuvansh.  And when he appeared as Krishna, he happened in Yaduvansh. A long list of Yaduvanshi kings is given in the twenty-fourth chapter of the ninth canto of Shrimad Bhagwat.  All of them were great powerful kings.  Krishna's father's name was Vasudev, who was the son of Yaduvanshi Surasena.  Actually the Lord does not belong to any clan of this material world but the clan in which the Lord takes birth.  That clan becomes world famous by his grace.

 For example, sandalwood is produced in the Malay country.  Sandalwood has its own properties different from Malay, but because it is mainly produced in Malay country, it is called Malay sandalwood.  Similarly, Lord Krishna belongs to everyone.  But just as the sun rises in the east, although there are other directions from which it can rise, similarly the Lord appears in a particular clan by His own interest and that clan becomes famous.

 As described above, when Krishna appears, all His absolute parts also appear along with Him.  Krishna appeared with Balarama (Baldev), who is known to be his elder brother.  Balarama is the main attraction of Chaturvyuh.  He is also the full incarnation of Krishna.  In this post an attempt has been made to explain how Krishna was born in Yadu clan and how he displayed his divine qualities.  Its detailed description is found in Shrimad Bhagwat, especially in the tenth canto;  Therefore, the basis of this book is the Dasam of Shrimad Bhagwat.

 Generally, only the liberated souls hear and taste the pastimes of the Lord.  Those who are conditioned souls are interested in reading stories about the material activities of an ordinary person.  Although such stories relating to the transcendental activities of the Lord are found in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and other Puranas, the conditioned souls prefer to read general stories.  They do not show much interest in reading the stories of Krishna's pastimes.

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 The descriptions of Lord Krishna's pastimes are so attractive that they are palatable to all classes of human beings.  There are three categories of human beings in this world.  The first category is of liberated souls, the second category is of those who want to be liberated and the third category is of materialistic human beings.  The pastimes of Lord Krishna are readable (readable) by all these three categories of persons.  The liberated souls have no interest in materialistic activities.  The Mayavadi doctrine that after liberation one becomes passive and does not need to do any kind of hearing,

 This does not prove that the free man actually becomes inactive.  The soul cannot be inactive.  It remains active either in a bound state or in a free state.  For example, a sick person is also active but all his activities are painful.  The same person remains active even when he is disease-free, but in a disease-free state all his activities are enjoyable.

 Similarly, the Mayavadi people try to somehow get rid of the diseased state of bondage, but they have no knowledge of the activities of the healthy state.  Those who are actually liberated and full of knowledge hear the activities of Krishna;  Such engagement is pure spiritual action.  It is essential for those who are really liberated to hear about the pastimes of Krishna.

 This is the most delicious subject for a person who has attained freedom.  Also, if a person desirous of liberation listens to stories like Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavata, then the path to liberation becomes clear for him. Bhagavad Gita is the preliminary study of Srimad Bhagavatam.  By studying the Gita one becomes fully aware of the position of Lord Krishna and when he is situated at the lotus feet of Krishna, he understands the stories of Krishna described in the Srimad Bhagavatam.

 Lord Caitanya has also instructed His followers that their business is to spread the story of Krishna.  Krishna-katha means stories about Krishna.  There are two Krishna-stories—one which is told by Krishna and the other which is about Krishna.  The Bhagavad-gita is the narrative or philosophy or Bhagavad-science told by Krishna in person. The Srimad Bhagavatam is the narrative of Krishna's activities and His transcendental pastimes.

 This Krishna story will interest even the most materialistic person because Krishna's pastimes with the gopis are like the love affairs of young men and women in this material world.  In fact, the sex-feeling prevalent in the human society is not unnatural because the same sex-feeling is also found in the Aadi Purush Bhagwan.  Mrs. Radharani is called Ahladini Shakti.  The attraction of love-business on the basis of sex-feeling is the original form of God and we conditioned souls being a part and parcel of God also have such feelings but they are experienced in reverse subtle condition.

 Therefore those who are engaged in sensual life in this world, when they hear the pastimes of Krishna with the gopis, they will get transcendental pleasure, although it appears materialistic to them.  The advantage of this will be that they will be able to attain the spiritual level gradually.  In the Bhagavatam it is said that if a person humbly listens to the pastimes of Krishna with the gopis from an authority, he reaches the stage of transcendental loving devotion to the Lord and the material disease of his heart like lust disappears completely.  goes.

 In other words it will eliminate materialistic life.  This 'Krishna' role is full of Krishna Katha, interesting not only for liberated souls, they are also for liberation-seeking men and settled materialistic persons.  According to Mahārāja Parīkṣit, who heard about Kṛṣṇa from Śukadeva Gosvāmī, Kṛṣṇa-katha is of interest to everyone, regardless of the way of life he is leading.

 Surely everyone will appreciate it.  But Mahārāja Parīkṣit has also cautioned that those who are engaged only in killing animals and committing suicide are not much attracted to the story of Krishna.  In other words, ordinary men who follow the moral principles of the scriptures will certainly be attracted to whatever circumstances they may be in, but those who are prone to suicide will not.

 The word Pashughna has been used for this in Shrimad Bhagwat, which means killing of animals or killing of oneself.  Those who are not self-realized and not interested in self-realization commit self-abnegation, they are committing suicide.  Since this human life is specially given for the sake of self-realization, one who neglects this important part of his activities, just wastes his time like animals.  Therefore he is an animal.

 The second meaning of this word is indicative of those who actually slaughter the animal.  It refers to those persons who are animal-eaters or dog-eaters (up to the Chandalas) because they go on killing animals in various ways—such as by hunting or by opening slaughterhouses.  Such people can never be interested in Krishna-Katha.

 King Parikshit was particularly interested in listening to Krishna-Katha because he knew that his ancestors, and especially his paternal grandfather Arjuna, were victorious in the great war of Kurukshetra because of Krishna.  We can also consider this material world as the battlefield of Kurukshetra.  Everyone is fighting hard for their survival on this battle ground and danger lurks at every step.

 According to Maharaj Parikshit, the battlefield of Kurukshetra was like a vast ocean full of deadly animals.  His grandfather Arjuna had to fight with heroes like Bhishma, Drona, Karna and others who were not ordinary warriors.  Such warriors have been compared to Timingil fish.  This timingil fish can easily swallow the biggest whale sea fishes.

 Many such Arjunas could have been swallowed by great warriors assembled in the Kurukshetra battlefield, but by the grace of Krishna, Arjuna Was able to kill them all.  Just as the water filled in a gopad can be crossed without effort, in the same way, by the grace of Krishna, Arjuna could easily cross the ocean of Kurukshetra battlefield.

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 Mahārāja Parīkṣit praised the activities of Kṛiṣhṇa for many other reasons as well.  Not only was his grandfather saved because of Krishna, but he himself was also saved because of Krishna.  At the end of the war of Kurukshetra, all the members of the Kuru dynasty, including Dhritarashtra and all the sons and grandsons of both the Pandavas, came to work in the war.  Except the five Pandavas, all the people were killed in the battlefield of Kurukshetra.  At that time Maharaj Parikshit was in his mother's womb.

 His father Arjuna's son Abhimanyu was also killed in the battle of Kurukshetra and therefore Mahārāja Parīkṣit was born after his father.  When he was in his mother's womb, Ashwatthama released the Brahmastra to kill this child.  When Mahārāja Parikshit's mother, Uttara, approached Krishna, Krishna saved Mahārāja Parikshit from the fear of miscarriage by entering the womb in the divine form.  Maharaj Parikshit's other name is Vishnurat because Lord Vishnu himself protected him inside the womb.

 Thus everyone, regardless of his position, should be interested in hearing about Krishna and His activities because He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.  He is omnipresent, He is the one who resides within the heart of the people and He is the one who lives outside in His universal form.  Yet as stated in the Bhagavad-gita He appears in human society in His own form and invites everyone to return to His divine abode.

Why does Lord Shri Krishna take birth in Kshatriya clan only?

 Everyone should be interested in knowing about Krishna.  This post is being presented with the aim that people should know about Krishna and be fully benefited in this human life. In the ninth canto of Shrimad Bhagwat, Shri Baldev has been described as the son of Vasudeva-wife Rohini.  Krishna's father Vasudev had sixteen wives, of whom Balarama's mother Rohini was also one.  But Balarama is also called Devaki-putra;  So how could he be the son of both Devaki and Rohini?

 Dear Readers - Mahārāja Parīkṣit also asked Śukadeva Gosvāmī that as soon as he appeared as the son of Vasudeva, why was Shri Krishna immediately taken to Nanda Mahārāja in Gakul Vṛndāvana?  They also wanted to know what activities Krishna did while living in Vrindavan and Mathura.  Apart from this, he was particularly curious to know why he killed his maternal uncle Kansa.  Being his mother's brother, Kansa was a very close teacher, then why did he kill Kansa?

 He also asked that for how many years did Lord Krishna live in human society and for how many years did he rule the kingdom of Dwarka?  And how many wives did he accept there?  A Kshatriya king may ordinarily take more than one wife;  Therefore Maharaj Parikshit wanted to know the number of his wives as well.

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 The position of Mahārāja Parīkṣit and Śukadeva Gosvāmī is very peculiar. Mahārāja Parīkṣita is the appropriate character (hearer) to hear the transcendental pastimes of Krishna and Śukadeva Gosvāmī is the appropriate character (speaker) to describe them.  If such a gem-crystal combination is achieved, the Krishna-Katha is immediately illuminated and people can derive maximum benefit from such dialogue.

 This story was told by Shukdev Goswami to Maharaj Parikshit when he was going to leave his body while fasting on the banks of river Ganges.  To assure Śukadeva Gosvāmī that he would never tire of listening to Krishna's stories, Mahārāja Parīkṣhit said bluntly, "Though hunger and thirst may trouble ordinary men or me, Kṛiṣhṇa's stories are so sweet that no one can get tired."  One can go on listening to them without experiencing them because by listening to them one attains the divine position.

 It appears that one who listens to Krishna-Katha as earnestly as Maharaja Parikshit, is very fortunate. He was especially determined to listen to this story because he could meet death at any moment.  Each of us must be aware of the coming of death at any moment.  There is no assurance of this life because it can happen to anyone – be it young or old.  Therefore before we die we should become fully Krishna conscious.

 At the time of his death, King Parikshit was listening to the Srimad Bhagavatam from Sukadeva Gosvami. Śukadeva Gosvāmī was overjoyed when the king expressed an eager desire to hear about Kṛṣṇa.  Shukadeva was the best of all Bhagwat reciters;  So he started talking about Krishna's pastimes, which are going to destroy all the evils of this Kaliyuga.  Śukadeva Gosvāmī thanked the king for listening so eagerly to Krishna and encouraged him by saying, “O king!  Your intelligence is very sharp because you are so eager to hear Krishna's pastimes."

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 He told Mahārāja Parīkṣhit that hearing and chanting of Kṛṣṇa's pastimes is so auspicious that it purifies all three classes of people—the speaker, the hearer, and the aspirant.  These pastimes are like the water of the Ganges, which has come out from the thumb of Lord Vishnu, they are going to purify the three worlds - the sky, the underworld and the earth.

 Dear readers - You will find answers to all the questions asked by King Parikshit in the coming posts.  Because there are so many Krishna pastimes that it is not possible to answer them all in one post.  The post will go long and you will get bored.  Each story has been shown in a separate post so that you don't get bored.

 Prabhu Shri Radhe-Krishna wishes you auspicious life and bids you farewell.  Will meet again with the next post in the devotional story.  Till then Radhe-Radhe.


 Q: Why is Lord Shri Krishna associated with the Kshatriya clan? 

A: Lord Shri Krishna is associated with the Kshatriya clan because he was born as a member of the Yadava dynasty, which is considered to be a Kshatriya lineage. According to Hindu mythology, Lord Krishna's purpose was to establish righteousness (dharma) and protect the world from evil. Being born in a Kshatriya clan was believed to be the ideal background for fulfilling his divine mission.

  Q: Is there a specific reason why Lord Shri Krishna chose to be born in the Kshatriya clan? 

A: Lord Shri Krishna's choice to be born in the Kshatriya clan was influenced by various factors. One reason is that the Kshatriya varna (warrior class) traditionally held the responsibility of protecting society and upholding justice. As Lord Krishna's mission involved restoring balance and righteousness, being born into a Kshatriya family provided a natural platform for him to fulfill his divine duties.

 Q: Were there any specific qualities or characteristics in the Kshatriya clan that made it suitable for Lord Shri Krishna's birth? 

A: The Kshatriya clan was known for its valor, courage, and adherence to principles of honor and justice. These qualities were considered essential for the role that Lord Shri Krishna had to play as a divine warrior and protector of righteousness. Being born in a Kshatriya clan ensured that Lord Krishna would possess the necessary qualities to face the challenges ahead.

  Q: Are there any scriptures or ancient texts that mention Lord Shri Krishna's preference for the Kshatriya clan? 

A: Yes, various Hindu scriptures and texts describe Lord Shri Krishna's association with the Kshatriya clan. For example, the Bhagavad Gita, a sacred text in Hinduism, is a conversation between Lord Krishna and Arjuna, a Kshatriya prince. Lord Krishna imparts spiritual wisdom and guidance to Arjuna, emphasizing the duties and responsibilities of a warrior.

  Q: Did Lord Shri Krishna's birth in the Kshatriya clan have any symbolic significance? 

A: Yes, Lord Shri Krishna's birth in the Kshatriya clan holds symbolic significance. The Kshatriya varna represents the aspect of power, protection, and defense. Lord Krishna's incarnation as a Kshatriya signifies his role as a divine protector and warrior who fought against evil forces and established righteousness.

  Q: Are there any other avatars of Lord Vishnu that were associated with the Kshatriya clan? 

A: Yes, apart from Lord Shri Krishna, several other avatars (incarnations) of Lord Vishnu were also associated with the Kshatriya clan. Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu, was born in the Ikshvaku dynasty, which was a Kshatriya lineage. Both Lord Krishna and Lord Rama are revered as divine warriors and epitomes of righteousness.

  Q: Can people from other varnas (castes) worship Lord Shri Krishna? 

A: Yes, Lord Shri Krishna is considered to be a universal deity, and people from all varnas and castes can worship and seek his blessings. Lord Krishna's teachings, as depicted in the Bhagavad Gita, transcend caste, class, and gender barriers, emphasizing devotion, righteousness, and the path to spiritual enlightenment.

  Q: Is it necessary to be born in a particular clan or caste to attain spiritual enlightenment like Lord Shri Krishna? 

A: No, spiritual enlightenment is not limited to any particular clan or caste. Hindu philosophy teaches that anyone, regardless of their birth or social status, can attain spiritual realization and experience divine consciousness. Lord Shri Krishna

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