Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Hello dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are fine. So friends, in today's post we will read a wonderful story of 5 ghosts. This story is described in the 25th chapter of Garuda Purana. It is a very beautiful story, so you will read carefully.

Once upon a time, Garud ji said to Lord Vishnu, that Lord, you have given me a lot of knowledge till now. You have told me many mysterious things, but Lord, today I have heard such a story of yours, which contains your wonderful glory. Then Lord Vishnu, whom we also know by the name of Krishna, narrated a story to Garuda ji in which there was a Brahmin named Santaptaka and there were 5 ghosts as well. For what reason these five became ghosts, today we will know the same in this story.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Lord Vishnu while narrating the story to Garuda says that O Garuda, long time ago there was a Brahmin named Santaptaka. Who had freed himself from sins on the strength of his penance. Thinking that this world is going to distract the mind, he became a recluse and started roaming in the forest. Wherever the place seemed right, he used to sit there and meditate on Lord Vishnu.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Once it occurred to that Brahmin that he should visit all the places of pilgrimage on earth. He made it a goal to visit all the pilgrimages and started his journey.

Thinking that the senses themselves get attracted towards the world, to avoid the attraction of the world, he had stopped his arms, mind, instincts too, but due to the effect of his past rituals, he forgot the way. It was evening while walking. Now he started feeling like taking a bath. They started searching for water all around.

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In search of water, he reached a place where there was a very fierce, dense forest. In that forest, the vines of Taal, Tamal, Tamarind, Priyal, Jackfruit, Neem, Baheda, Shriparni, Shaal Shakhot which is also known as Sihore tree, Sandalwood, Tinduk, Resin, Arjuna, Mango, Lasoda, Ber and Kanail trees, The branches were spread so much that even the birds could not see the way. Then how can there be a way for a human being?

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

There were many types of predatory animals in that forest like lion, tiger, leopard, bear, nilgai, mahisha i.e. wild buffalo, monkey, elephant, Krishna deer, snake etc. Apart from this, there were ghosts, ghosts and vampires and vampires with terrible forms in that forest.

A Brahmin named Santaptaka got scared seeing that dense forest, but still he gathered courage and went inside that forest thinking that whatever happens will be seen.

The forest was resounding with the voices of crickets and owls. He had just walked a little distance when he saw a dead body hanging on a banyan tree. Which five ghosts were eating together.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Taking the story forward, Lord Vishnu said, O Khagesh i.e. Garuda ji, only bone and skin with ends were left inside those ghosts. His stomach was sunk in his back. Nasika had left him for fear of falling into the well like an eye.

They were relishing the brain part of the fresh carcass full of fat and were engaged in breaking the bones. Those ghosts were baring their big teeth.

Seeing such ghosts, that Brahmin with a nervous heart stopped there. The ghosts saw that Brahmin who had come to the deserted forest.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Now those five ghosts started competing among themselves that I will eat him first, I will eat him first. Two of those ghosts held his hands and the other two ghosts held his feet and the remaining one ghost held his head and again said that I will belch him first, I will belch him first.

Saying this, the five ghosts started pulling the Brahmin. And then took him along with him to the sky, but he was also thinking about how much flesh was left in the dead body hanging on that banyan tree and how much was not.

At the same time, those ghosts saw that even after being scratched by the teeth, that corpse was full of torn intestines. That's why they came down from the sky and took that dead body under their feet and flew again with it in the sky.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

O Garuda, that Brahmin began to see himself in that phantom form that was being taken to the sky. He started feeling that he was himself instead of this ghost. He got very scared and started worshiping me from his heart.

Started saying that O Devadhidev, Chinmaya Chakradhari, protect me, the God who Gajendra i.e. elephant was freed by piercing the mouth of Grah i.e. crocodile with the effect of his chakra, he removed his sorrow, May Shri Hari protect me today too.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Magadha King Jarasandh had imprisoned the innocent kings by taking them captive. Jinn Murari Shri Krishna had freed the captive kings by getting that king killed by Malla war through Pandu's son Bhimsen for the Rajasiya Yagya. May Shri Hari protect me by cutting my Karmapash at this time.

At that time, O Garuda, when he started praising me with one mind, I got up and suddenly went to the place where the ghosts were taking him.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

I was surprised to see that Brahmin being taken away by those people. For some time I also followed them without asking.

Just by my presence, that Brahmin got happiness like a king sleeping in a palanquin. After this I saw a Yaksharaj named Manibhadra going to Mount Sumeru.

I called him near with the sign of the eyes and said, O Yaksharaj, at this time become a warrior of opposites to destroy these ghosts.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

After killing them in the war, take this dead body in your possession. On hearing this, that Manibhadra assumed the form of a ghost who hurts the ghosts.

Spreading both the arms and licking the lips with the tongue, that Manibhadra went and stood in front of them, pacifying those ghosts with his long and terrible breaths.

Then he caught two ghosts with his hands, the other two ghosts with his feet and one by the head with his

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

mouth. After that he struck with his mighty fist in such a way that they all scattered.

His hands and feet were damaged due to falling here and there, yet he got up again and started fighting with that Brahmin and the dead body with one hand.

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They attacked him with their nails, teeth and slaps. But Manibhadra thwarted his attacks and snatched the dead body from him.

When Manibhadra snatched away the dead body, all of them except the brahmin went to Paryatra mountain full of enthusiasm to fight Manibhadra again.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Within a moment, they surrounded Manibhadra, who was as fast as the wind, but as soon as they surrounded Manibhadra, he disappeared from there.

Desperate to see such a situation, the ghost went to that Brahmin. As soon as they reached that mountain and started killing the Brahmin, then due to my presence and the influence of the Brahmin, they remembered their previous lives.

As soon as he remembered his previous birth, he started visiting that Brahmin. After going around, those ghosts said to that Brahmin, O Vipradev, please forgive us.

After listening to his humble words, the Brahmin asked him, who are you? Is what I am seeing all this an illusion or am I seeing a dream or is it some illusion of my mind.

Then those ghosts said to the Brahmin, O Vipradev, we are all ghosts. And due to the misdeeds of previous births, we have become ghosts.

Brahmin said to those ghosts, what are your names, O ghosts. What are you all doing, how did you become in this condition. How aggressive was your behavior towards me before and how has it become good this time.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Then the ghosts said to the Brahmin, O Vipradev, O Yogiraj, we all have become sinless by your darshan. Our names are Paryushit, Suchimukh, Shighrak, Rodhak and Writer.

Then the Brahmin said, O ghosts, how can the name of ghosts born of past actions be meaningless. You all tell me in detail about these strange names of yours.

Then one by one those ghosts started introducing themselves. The first ghost said, my name is Paryushit. O Vipradev, I once invited a Brahmin on the occasion of Shraddha.

That Brahmin reached my house late. Before that Brahmin came, without performing Shradh, due to hunger, I had food. And fed that Brahmin by bringing stale food.

Because of this misdeed of mine, I got this phantom vagina after my death. The stale food I had given to a Brahmin, is why I got Paryushit.

Then the second ghost suchimukh, said, O Yogiraj, my name is Saisthimukh.

O Vipravara, once a woman had gone to take a pilgrimage bath, accompanied by her 5 year old son. She was a widow and survived only on the support of her son.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

I was a Kshatriya at that time. When she was returning from the forest path after taking a bath and seeing the pilgrimage. So I blocked her way. I committed a sin by stopping them in that deserted forest.

O Vipravara, I hit that child on the head with my fist and snatched away from his hands whatever was his clothes and food.

The child was distraught with thirst, so he took water from his mother and started drinking. There was just enough water in that vessel to quench his thirst.

I stopped him from drinking water and by snatching the vessel from it, I drank all the remaining water left in it. The child was already hungry and I didn't even let him drink water, due to which he became very upset and died there due to hunger and thirst.

His mother could not bear this shock. Now for whom she lived, so she also gave up her life by falling into a well.

Because of this sin, I have got this vagina. Due to having a mountain body, I cannot eat anything at this time because my mouth is like a hole.

Although I can get eatable material, yet I cannot eat it because of a hole in my mouth the size of a needle. I had closed the mouth of the Brahmin's son who was dying of hunger and thirst.

Because of this sin, the hole in my mouth has become like the hole of a needle. And for this reason today I am famous by the name Suchimukh.

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After that the third ghost introduced himself. He said, O Vipravar, my name is sheghrak. I was a wealthy Vaishya in my previous birth. Once I went to another country to do business with my friend.

My friend had a lot of money. Seeing his wealth, greed came in my mind. Due to the opposite of the situation, all my original money was exhausted there.

Then both of us left there and started going through the river situated on the way. At that time the sun had turned red in the sky.

Due to the fatigue of the journey, that friend of mine had fallen asleep keeping his head on my lap. At that time, due to greed, my intelligence became extremely cruel.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

So at sunset I pushed my friend sleeping on my lap into the water. Even other people present there could not know about this crime committed by me.

Whatever precious things like diamonds, jewels, gold, silver, rupee-money etc. were with my friend, I took them all back to my city and went to my house and kept all those things.

After that I went to my friend's house and told his wife that on the way the bandits killed your husband by snatching all his valuables etc. Hearing this, she started crying loudly.

I told her again, oh daughter of a woman, don't cry. everything will be alright. But she could not bear the separation from her husband and at the same time she burnt herself in the fire of sacrificing her family and home.

After that I returned to my home with a happy heart after seeing the flawless condition. After returning home I used that money as long as I lived but when I died I got this phantom vagina because of my same sin.

Throwing my friend into the flowing water, I quickly returned to my home, that's why I got the name 'sheghrak'.

After that fourth ghost Rodhak said, O Munishvara, I was a lowly servant in my previous birth. As a gift from the Raj Bhavan, I had the rights of a hundred very big villages for my livelihood. My family consisted of old parents and a younger brother.

Due to greed, I threw my younger brother out of the house. After leaving the house, that younger brother of mine had to face a lot of trouble without food, money and clothes. My parents would secretly go to him and give him money and some eatables.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

When I came to know about this from other people, I tied my parents with chains. Due to imprisonment, the parents could not give anything to the younger brother, due to which it was not possible for my brother to get anything and he died of hunger and thirst.

My parents could not bear this sorrow and one day they gave up their lives by drinking poison. O Brahmin, after my death, due to the same sin, I got the phantom vagina and because of this I had made my parents captive, because of this my name was blocked.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

After that the fifth ghost writer said, O Munishrestha, my name is writer. I was a Brahmin of Ujjain city in my previous birth. The king there appointed me for the post of a priest in a temple there.

There were many types of idols in the temple. All those idols were studded with diamonds, pearls and precious stones. Seeing them, my mind was filled with sin. I became greedy and out of greed one day I secretly took out all the precious gems from those idols with a sharp iron and tied them in a bundle and ran away.

When the king came to visit the temple, he saw the idols corroded and devoid of gems, he was shocked and at that time he took a vow that whoever has committed this heinous sin, I will end his life, even if he is a Brahmin or a priest.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

When I came to know about this promise of the king, I picked up the sword and killed the king brutally by sneaking into the palace the same night and came back the same night and started going to another city with all the gems etc.

While going there was a forest on the way. It was very dark there. Then a tiger came there and killed it. Due to greed, I had done the work of piercing and cutting idols, due to that I got the name writer and after death due to this sin, I got this sin.

In this way, after listening to all the ghosts, the Brahmin said, O ghosts, you have told me your condition, so are your names.

Now you tell me what you people eat, what is your conduct. Then those ghosts told that, O Vipravar, where the path of Vedas is followed, where Dharma, Dum, Forgiveness, Dhriti, Knowledge and Shame all reside. We don't reside there.

In whose house the work of Shraddha and Tarpan is not done, we cause pain to him by reducing blood and flesh from his body. Eating meat and drinking blood is our conduct here.

O sinless Brahmin, now listen to our reprehensible diet made by everyone, you have seen something and we are telling you what you do not know.

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O Vipravara, our food and water are the faeces that come out of vomit, mud, tears, excreta, phlegm and urine. Don't ask further because we are ashamed to tell about our diet.

O Lord, we are all ignorant, tamasic, dull-witted and fleeing from fear. O Viprasrestha, we have remembered our previous birth. We don't know anything about our Vinay, Avinaya.

Taking the story forward, Vishnu ji said to Garuda, O Garuda, the demons told all their things to the Brahmin and the Brahmin listened to them satisfactorily, due to which I appeared to those people.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Seeing me, that Brahmin became very emotional and said, Lord who resides in everyone's heart, today you are standing in front of me. I am blessed Lord. O Khagesh, he prostrated himself to me by lying down on the earth and began to please me with his praises. While praising with love-filled speech, he became so emotional that he could not even speak properly.

Those ghosts filled with wonder also praised me. The Brahmin was just staring at me. Gathering courage, controlling his speech, he said to me trembling. O Lord, You are merciful to save the one who is angry due to Rajogun and the one who is foolish due to Tamogun. I offer my obeisances to you again and again.

As soon as the Brahmin said this, at the same time, at the same time, by my will, 6 planes with the most brilliant sky four Gandharvas and Apsaras arrived there. The mountain became illuminated from all four directions by the light of those planes.

Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Then that Santaptak Brahmin went to my world i.e. Vaikunth world by sitting on the plane with those five ghosts.

So dear readers, this was the wonderful story of Santaptaka Brahmin and five ghosts. Must tell how you liked it. Will meet again in Devotional Story with next post. Till then you keep laughing, keep smiling, be happy and keep remembering Shri Hari.

Thank You

Jai-Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna

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