In which house does god gives birth to daughter


Har Har Mahadev dear readers

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hope you are fine

Ashutosh Lord Shiva protect you.

Daughter is a precious gem, yes friends, daughter is such a precious pearl, such a flower that God has sent on earth to make the life of parents fragrant, to decorate and to fill them with happiness. Gemstones have such a shine that the whole house shines because of it. gets illuminated.

But friends, we have to say with great regret that today man is engaged in plucking this lovely, beautiful flower. He looks at this prasad given by God with hatred, considering the daughter as a burden.

People forget the fact that a daughter is found by destiny. A daughter is not born in every house. A daughter is born only in the house of godly parents, those parents who have done good deeds in their previous births, God has given birth to a daughter in their house to fill their next birth with more happiness and prosperity. Have done But today our society is completely unaware of this fact.

Dear friends, as you know that we are living in a society where only men are given importance. Even today, when a daughter is born in people's house, all the members of their family become disheartened and curse the daughter that a daughter has been born, it would have been better to have a son. Friends, in today's post we will know that in which house does God choose to give birth to a girl child?

In which house does god gives birth to daughter

In which house does god gives birth to daughter

There are many such things described in our history which prove that the birth of a daughter is not a burden but a good fortune. It is described in the Mahabharata that one day Arjuna asks Lord Krishna, Madhav, due to which deeds one gets a daughter and wealth. That is, in which house daughters are born?

Now Lord Krishna tells Arjuna. O Partha, if one has sons by luck, then daughters are by luck. And a man or woman who has done a lot of good deeds in his previous birth is fortunate enough to be the parent of a daughter.

In which house does god gives birth to daughter

Not only this, only those houses are chosen for the birth of daughters, who can bear the burden of daughters, because in all the three worlds, daughters are the only ones whose burden cannot be borne by everyone. She sacrifices everything for her happiness.

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O Arjuna, the day the birth of daughters stops, that day the world will also stop and this world will come to an end. Friends, if we consider these things of Lord Krishna, then his words are absolutely correct. Because if there are no daughters in this world, then no one's dynasty can move forward.

You too must have heard many people saying that the house in which a daughter is born. That house is like heaven because son illuminates only one clan but daughters illuminate two clans. In the parental home she fulfills her responsibility as a daughter. So she comes to her in-laws house and performs her duties as a daughter-in-law.

Friends, nowadays you must have also seen and heard that daughters cannot perform Pind Daan on the death of someone in the family, but this is not true at all. Because it is told in Ramayana that when King Dashrath, the father of Lord Shriram, died. Mother Sita, that is, the daughter-in-law of King Dasaratha, had done pindadan for her. By which she got freedom from the cycle of birth and death.

Not only this, it has been said in Hindu religious scriptures that daughters can do Pind Daan in the name of their father. If there is no son in the in-laws side, then in this situation the daughter-in-law can also do Pind Daan. That's why friends, those people are considered very lucky in whose house a daughter is born.

In which house does god gives birth to daughter

Only those people are of strong luck, in whose house not one but more than one daughters are born. Perhaps this is the reason why daughters have been given the status of Lakshmi. Dear friends, many people think that they have a daughter, so without wasting time and spending money on her studies, get married as soon as possible, but they forget that this small thought of theirs will affect the future of the daughter. wastes.

Just think and see how many dreams a child has in his mind, he has to achieve something, he has to become something, but his dreams remain only dreams. That's why you should let your daughters fulfill their dreams. Give them all the happiness in life that they deserve.

More than a son, a daughter always thinks for her parents. Only a daughter can show love and affection to parents. That's why friends, the birth of a daughter should be celebrated like a celebration. Parents should always give this feeling to the daughter. How special she is to him.

Friends, a daughter is never a burden on her parents. She is born only to make her own and her family's fortune. Many people say that girls are not important in Hindu history, so friends, let us tell you that Absolutely wrong because whether it is Goddess of wealth Lakshmi, Durga or Mahakali in Aghor form, women have always been worshipped.

In which house does god gives birth to daughter

than boys, this thing is also found in history. Arundhati, the wife of sage Vashishtha, had given the knowledge of Brahmagyan to Varuna and Indradev. Like all archers, Draupadi also knew weapons. It is described in the Mahabharata that Draupadi was also an economist and used to cooperate in Yudhishthira's state work.

It is a misconception that girls were not respected in Hinduism. On touching Draupadi's clothes, the entire Kauravas came to an end and the golden Lanka was burnt by the abduction of Mother Sita.

Friends, you will be surprised to know that in Ramayana, when Lord Rama breaks Shiva's bow, King Janak sends an invitation to Dashrathji for marriage. Dashrathji comes and bows down to Janakji. That's why when Janak ji refuses that you are a boy, you are elder. Then Dashrath ji says that you are elder, because you are a giver and I am a beggar.

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That's why friends, the girl's father should always be proud that he is the giver. It is told in the scriptures that after the death of the son, only then the father gets salvation. But when a girl's father sees her as a good husband and marries her, only then her 21 generations get freedom. That's why always give love to your daughter who has made you a part of virtue by taking birth in your house.


What happens to the daughters of the house?

Daughters are the Lakshmi of the house, there is respect, daughters are the crown of the head of the parents, daughters are the waves of happiness who take care of the family. Daughters are the heartbeat of the father.

Why are daughters born?

In fact, daughters are born to bring salvation to the parents. He is born to make his every birth bright. He is born only to make his own and his family's luck.

What is the importance of daughter?

A daughter is very important in the life of a parents. Having a daughter brings blessings to the house, having a daughter fills the house with good fortune. There is no shortage of anything, where the daughter is lucky for her home, on the other hand, while increasing the lineage of her in-laws, she performs all her duties. Daughters make both home and in-laws heaven. She is the one who sacrifices everything for the happiness of her family and near and dear ones. More than a son, a daughter always thinks for her parents. Only a daughter shows love and affection to her parents, she is one with them and their feelings. She understands more than her son. Daughter is really great.

Author's statement

Dear readers, through this post only this message has to reach you that daughters are not a burden on anyone, let alone parents, they are considered as a burden. They are considered a stigma, but it is not so. He is also a human being like us and you, he also has a heart in his chest, he also has some desires, hopes, which he has the right to fulfill. Please don't take away their rights and happiness from them.

Daughters also get hurt, they also feel pain when they are taunted in any way. Sometimes because of their loved ones and sometimes because of the society, they have to bear such things which they are not entitled to. Don't laugh too much, if someone sees, why would he say, don't speak too much, what will someone say that she talks a lot, if she eats too much, then don't eat too much, what will the in-laws say that the girl eats too much, wear favorite clothes, then What is he wearing, is he shameless, doesn't care about respect or dishonor, just spitting. Can't speak, can't laugh, can't eat, can't move, can't sleep. To bother so much Where is this justice? It is better to poison them and kill them than to kill them.

Author's question

Dear readers, we do not know what thoughts will come to your mind after reading this post, good will come or bad, we will be called good or bad, but seeing this condition of daughters, a question arises again and again in the mind, that you and we Can we live like daughters? Can we be happy in this way? Will we not die like this?Wouldn't life seem boring and colourless? Do give us your opinion.

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Author request

We request those people who torture daughters. And those parents who because of fear, hate their daughters even without wanting to, torture them and even if they love, they do not express them due to the fear of the society and give them grief.

Dear parents, we know that the society is bad, but what is the fault of daughters in this. She did not know before taking birth that the world is so bad, otherwise she would not have taken birth at all. God had sent men on earth to respect daughters, if they showed cruelty then what is the fault of those daughters in this?

They would have known that when they go to school or college, they will be exploited. Or those whom you love will be cut off or killed. She would have known that when she would go to work to feed her old parents or family, her honor would be played with. No friends, she did not know, because if she had known that she would be tortured so much on earth, she would have told God that O Lord, we should not take birth on earth.

That's why we request you to give happiness to your daughters, give them all the happiness of life which they deserve. Daughters are not less than sons, you know this very well, there is no need to tell us. And when you know this very well, then why hate daughters? Please don't do this, love them, give them happiness, give them respect, take care of them. Once at the end, even if the son is not there, but the daughter, no matter how far away, she definitely comes to meet him. So try to understand your daughter. them you

Dear readers, friends and parents, there may be a question arising in the mind of some of you that today's girls are worthless, they deserve this, they do not understand the limits, so let us tell you friends, that Not there. Just as all the five fingers of the hand are not the same, in the same way all the girls, sisters and daughters are not the same. Some girls have compulsion to do wrong, while some do mistakes knowingly.

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Agreed that friends, there are some girls who do not care about respect of parents, brothers, they only care about their happiness, but it does not mean that all girls are like this. If there is compulsion to do wrong, then she commits mistakes knowingly. But we cannot punish any one girl, can we give it to other girls?

Let us tell you friends, such girls God never helps and never forgives those who give sorrow to their parents and family members. So the work that is God's, it is good only if God is allowed to do that work.

Don't punish your daughter for someone else's mistake, don't keep her imprisoned. If you don't want to let them go alone then it's okay, you take time out yourself to take them for a ride, play with them, talk to them, recite religious thoughts, show religious plays. getting them in society                                                                                                                                                              


Dress them in proper clothes of your choice, if the clothes are small, cut, beaten according to today's fashion, then forbid them to wear them by explaining with love, that son, we cannot see you in these small clothes, we do not like it If possible, wear something else.

Believe me friends, love has that power which makes even the impossible work possible. A day will come when your daughter will start understanding you too. She will start understanding her limits. She will start loving you and will act according to your wishes.

Dear parents, that's why we request you to give happiness to your daughters, give them all the happiness of life that they deserve. Daughters are not less than sons, you know this very well, there is no need to tell us. And when you know this very well, then why hate daughters? Please don't do this, love them, give them happiness, give them respect, take care of them.

Even if the son does not come near your end times, but the daughter, no matter how far away she is, definitely comes to meet you. So try to understand your daughter. Don't consider them a burden, teach them, write them, make them capable enough that they feel proud of you. And your daughter can proudly say that there is no father like my father, no mother like my mother.

Dear readers, hope you liked the post, if you have any complaint or suggestion, feel free to contact us. Will meet again in Devotional Story with next post. Till then take care of yourself, be happy and keep smiling.

Thank you

Jai-Jai Shri radhe Krishna  

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