Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you, I hope you will be fine. Lord Shiva bless you


Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?

Friends, this is the best opportunity to worship Hanuman ji. Before today such an opportunity was created only in the Ramayana and Mahabharata period. After that many people came and went, they achieved nothing. But we and you are fortunate, who got this golden opportunity that we can see and feel God whenever we want. But it all comes down to faith and unwavering faith. Because if you do not have faith then no matter how much worship, meditation etc. you do. God will never come near you. Will never give you darshan.

Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?
Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?

Friends, why did we say that this time is good? Because this is the time when both earth and sun are doing their process. At this time the devotion of Hanuman ji, his power is at such a level, that if you want to be spiritual, this universe will automatically help you to move forward very fast.

Dear friends, earlier the great Mahatmas, Yogis etc. had to do a lot of penance and meditate. He had to spend a lot of time. He had to take many births, not just one life. Then somewhere he could reach his goal, that means he could see God. But such an opportunity has been created for us that this work is being done very fast.

Friends, this is the chance that if you worship Lord Hanuman at this time, you will be able to feel him. Because Lord Surya is with Hanuman ji at this time in exactly the same way as he was in Mahabharata and Ramayana period. And today at present, it has become a divine yoga.

Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?
Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?

You must have heard many stories of Mahabharata, but one which is very famous is that when Lord Shri Krishna covered the sun with his Sudarshan Chakra, it had a great impact on the battlefield. Behind this story is hidden a secret of the Sun's process. In the same way, there is a process of Lord Surya behind the battle of Ravana in Ramayana.

Friends, Ravana was killed because of Surya's Aditya Hriday Stotra. When Lord Shri Ram was fighting with Ravana, he saw that it is difficult to fight with Ravana. Then Agastya Muni ji sang this Adityahriday Stotra of Sun God for Lord Ram.

You see for yourself friends, how suddenly today the discussion of Hanuman ji has increased among the people. Before today Hanuman ji was also there, Hanuman Chalisa was also there and Bajrang Baan was also there. But then people did not talk about Hanuman ji so much. They didn't worship him. People were happy doing their own things. There was only a rare devotee of his who used to worship him according to the rules and regulations.

Today at present, see how much Hanuman Chalisa is discussed, how much Bajrang Baan is discussed. You might have also seen someone sharing his experiences with people, how Bajrang Baan helped him and how he felt Hanuman ji.

Friends, we have seen many such people around us who say that they want to go on the spiritual path. There is an enthusiasm in them. How did this change come in people's mind all of a sudden? Can you tell? Then do give your opinion in the comment box.

Not only in India, there is a lot of discussion about Hanuman ji outside India as well. So tell me how did all this happen suddenly? Friends, you may have heard that it is written in our scriptures that when Kalyug comes, Hanuman ji will protect the people. And that time is still going on.

We try to make you understand. Scientifically if we see. So the sun which is doing such a process, according to NASA, the living magnetic pool on this earth has increased. Which NASA calls chain explosion. Because of this, all the things living on the earth are being affected by both negative energy and positive energy.

Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?
Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?

friends. You have to create your situation in such a way that only positive energy affects you. According to NASA, this process is happening faster than February 24th. But friends, it had already started. You see how the corona spread, how storms are coming at different places, how people are being murdered, how people are dying?

You are feeling this exact time of Kalyuga. Did we say right or wrong. You are seeing all this. We are not writing anything from our side. All this is in front of you. Isn't it. So friends, even scientifically, the sun is doing the same process which is bringing changes on the earth and if we look at it from the side of spirituality, then also the sun is doing the same process.

Friends, our Veda tells the great importance of fire and sun. You see in the Vedas, the Rigveda is created from the sun's fire. It has been said in the Atharvaveda that all the things living on the earth or any moving things like living beings, air, water, all the moving things, the soul of all of them is the Sun.

The basis of our soul is also the sun. Fire plays a big role in our life. As you know our body is based on seven chakras. All the emotions we have, all the processes of the body have fire in them. How? Let us tell you - Mooladhar Chakra.

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Friends Mooladhara Chakra works when you do some sexual things or have sexual thoughts and when you are scared. You see, when you are scared, you must have felt that you get hot. Because of this there is a concept among the British that you are looking hot. We also sometimes tell someone that you are looking hot.

This happens because the Mooladhara Chakra is active at that time. The time when Muladhara Chakra is activated, the body will get hot. like in times of fear,At the time of love, at the time of sex and sexual thought and at the time of lust.

Second Chakra Swadhishthan Chakra - Friends, this is the basis of all the reproductive organs in our body. When we get attracted by seeing someone, when sexual intercourse is about to happen, then at that time our reproductive organs become active. They start giving different type of smell. You must have seen in man or woman. Due to which we feel hot. And because of what are they hot - yes! Because of fire.

Third Chakra Manipur Chakra - Friends, Manipur Chakra is the house of fire itself. Manipur Chakra resides in Jatharagni. When we eat food, the food becomes our body. And why does it happen? - Yes, you thought right - because of fire. Such is the great importance of Manipur in our body.

Fourth Chakra Anahat Chakra - Friends Anahat Chakra creates a feeling of love. When we love someone, our heart beats faster when we see him. Hot air starts coming from our nose. You too must have felt that, when you loved someone for the first time and you went close to them, you must have felt warm at that time, your breath must have become hot. And this happens only because of the fire present in the Anahata Chakra.

Fifth Chakra Vishuddha Chakra - Friends, when our thoughts and the prana inside the mind become voices. So they are made due to fire, they are made due to heat. Because when you speak or give a speech standing among many people, at that time the Vishuddhi Chakra works very fast. Because at that time you are putting your point very fast in front of the people, at that time hot air comes from your mouth. And this happens because of fire.

The sixth chakra is the Ajna Chakra, which some people also know by the name of Ajna Chakra. Friends, Ajna Chakra is the light itself. When enlightenment is felt, when you get enlightenment, then this light takes you to that point, brings that thing in front of you, which you would have never felt in your life.

Friends, you must be thinking that how the process of Sun will affect us. So let us tell you that there are two pulses in our body, Surya Nadi and Chandra Nadi, which we also know as Ida and Pingala. Some people also know it by the names of Lord Shiva and Parvati. It has been told in our scriptures that if Lord Shiva is to be worshipped, then it should be done in between these two day and night.

Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?
Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?

This is because day is our sun channel and night is our moon channel. Means Ida, Pingala and Sushumna in between. That is why it is said that when your Prana starts flowing inside Sushumna, you will be able to meet Lord Shiva. That means your Kundalini can be awakened. And this is the time when the universe opened all its doors. Because Hanuman ji is a part of Lord Shiva. That's why we said that this is the right time to worship Hanuman ji.

Friends, in today's time there is great importance of worshiping Hanuman ji. Because the power of Hanuman ji has become active at this time. Look friends, we do not know whether Hanuman ji is there or not. We haven't seen him, but we have heard that, in today's times when someone is in trouble, Hanuman ji definitely comes to his rescue.

You too must have heard it somewhere or the other from someone's mouth. So now that energy has become active in the universe, which helps all the living things on earth and that is Hanuman ji. Hanuman ji has great importance with the Sun. They both have a relationship with each other. There are many stories. If we start telling those stories then the post will become very long. That's why only those things are being told in this which are happening at present. Hanuman Chalisa, Bajrang Baan is doing so much work today only because of the strong fire of the Sun.

If you are not in any spiritual practice, do not do much worship, then only devotion to Hanuman ji, remembering Hanuman ji is very important for you. There are three hymns which are active and whose power is very strong. Which is because of the sun. They are Adityahriday Stotra of Lord Surya, Shiv Tandava Stotra of Lord Shiva and Hanuman Kavach Stotra of Hanuman ji.

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If you read these three stotras in today's time, they will prove to be effective for you. If you are not a seeker, do not know how to worship according to law, then it will be beneficial for you to read one of these stotras every day on time only with pure feeling.

Whichever stotra you have chosen, sing that stotra everyday, listen to it, remember it, bring it in your routine. Read that stotra with all your heart and see how that stotra will help you one day. Because at this time it has become fully active. All you need is to strengthen your mind.

Dear friends, hanumaam ji powers working in Kalyug so I telling you from my personal experience. I have not seen Hanuman ji but I have felt him. I have felt the signs given by them. Because I am a seeker, I have unwavering faith in worship. That's why I am telling you that devotion to Hanuman ji can be very beneficial for you at this time.

Friends, it is said that God pervades every particle, every particle is present. And this thing is absolutely true, but how to bring them out of that particle, because they will not help us from inside the particle. We have to bring that energy out of him. We have to do something that makes them come out of that particle to fulfill our wish. That's why friends, do not let this time go out of hand.

Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?
Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?

No one got this opportunity before today. So take advantage of this opportunity and especially to tell you about this golden opportunity, we have written this this time is very important. Who doesn't want to see God, who doesn't want to meet him. Most of the people wish that they can see and feel those whom they worship. So if you want that you too can feel the signs of your God, then worship Him with complete body, mind and purity, remember Him.

Friends, this is also a special thing of this time, that now the thinking of human beings is about to change. Now a wonderful change is going to take place in the human beings who will become in future. And we are the foundation of that change. That change is going to start from us now. And because of this, this universe is now trying to change our thinking. And here Hanuman ji is helping you.

Hanuman ji will protect in Kalyug and this is the time. Now you will see the person coming forward, how the person will change. Their whole process will be different. What we talk about spirituality at this time, it will completely change at that time. Not only humans but many more things, how AI is also changing things.

Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?
Are Hanuman ji's powers working in Kalyug?

At this time the universe is changing everything. That's why dear friends, it is time for you to change too. Do not allow any negative influence inside you. Allowing only positive effects. And that will happen when you remember Hanuman ji. Or will remember Lord Shiva while walking on the spiritual path.

So dear readers. Hope you like the post and this information proves beneficial for you. Will meet again in Devotional Story with next such interesting information. Till then you keep laughing, keep smiling and keep remembering your favorite, your God.

Jai Shri Ram

Jai Hanuman

Thank you


Is Hanuman ji alive in Kalyug?

Yes friends, it is hundred percent true that Hanuman ji is alive in Kalyug.

What is Hanuman ji doing now?

Hanuman ji is protecting the people by staying on the earth as per the order of Lord Ram ji.

How will Hanuman ji be seen in Kalyug?

The easiest way to have darshan of Hanuman ji in Kalyug is to simply remember him with full faith, true heart, purity and selflessness. Selfless worship and meditation never fails. You definitely get the fruit of that. Hanuman ji will definitely give darshan.

Why did Hanuman forget his powers?

Hanuman ji used to do a lot of sports in his childhood. He loved to torture people. Once upon a time, a sage was doing penance sitting on a big rock, at the same time Hanumanji lifted him up along with the rock while playing, due to which the sage cursed him, he said that you should forget the power on which you are so proud.

How strong is Hanuman ji?

Hanuman ji was very strong, there is no limit to his being strong, being powerful. His powers are infinite.

Where is Hanuman now?

Hanuman ji is currently residing on a Gandhaman mountain.

Did Hanuman ji have a mace?

Yes friends, Hanuman ji had a mace.

How long will Hanuman ji stay on earth?

Hanuman ji will remain on earth until Lord Vishnu ends Kalyug by taking the incarnation of Kalki.

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