Why did the Lord krishna close his eyes at the time of killing Putna?

Radhe-Radhe dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are fine.may lord krishna fulfill all your wishes.

Friends, in today's post we will know why Lord Krishna closed his eyes when he killed Putna. So let's read today's post without delay-

Why did the Lord close his eyes at the time of killing Putna?

Why did the Lord close his eyes at the time of killing Putna?
 Why did the Lord close his eyes at the time of killing Putna?

When Nanda Maharaj was returning home, he thought about the warning given by Vasudev that there might be some trouble in Gokul.  Surely this advice was friendly and not untrue.  So Nanda thought, "There must be some truth in this."  So out of fear they started taking refuge in the Lord.  It is natural for a devotee to think of Krishna when in distress because there is no other refuge for him.

When a child is in trouble, it takes shelter of its parents.  Similarly, a devotee always takes refuge in the Lord, but when he sees any particular danger, he immediately remembers the Lord.  After consulting his ministers, Kansa ordered a witch named Putana, who knew the magic of killing small children very brutally, to go to cities, villages and pastures and kill all the children.

Such witches can spread their magic only where there is no chanting or hearing of the holy name of Krishna.  It is said that wherever there is chanting of the holy name of Krishna, even by neglect, all evil elements—witches, evil spirits, and distress—run away at once.  And this is absolutely true where the holy name of Krishna is chanted in earnest, especially in Vrindavan where the Supreme Lord Himself was present.  Therefore all the doubts of Nanda Maharaj were definitely based on love of Krishna.

In fact, there was no fear in Putna's activities even though she had power.  Such witches are called "Khechari" which means those who can fly in the sky. This type of witchcraft is still practiced by some women in the north western part of India. They move from one place to another by sitting on the branches of uprooted trees.  - Can go. Putna knew this Indrajal, that's why she is called 'Khechari' in Bhagwat.

Putna entered the palace of Nanda's residence in Gokul without any permission.  Adorned with beautiful clothes, she went to Mother Yashoda's house in the form of supreme beauty.  She was looking very beautiful with her raised buttocks, raised breasts, earrings and flowers in her hair.  She had become even more beautiful with her slender waist. All the residents of Vrindavan were mesmerized by his charming chitvan and soft smile.

The innocent gopis thought that she was actually Lakshmi Devi who came to Vrindavan with a lotus flower in her hand.  They thought that she had come herself to see her husband Krishna.  

No one stopped her because of her matchless beauty, so she entered Nand Maharaj's house without any hindrance.  Putna, who killed many children, saw Krishna lying in the cradle.  She immediately understood that this little boy had a unique power, which could rise from ashes.

 It is hidden like a covered fire.  He thought "This boy is so powerful that he can destroy the whole universe in a moment."

The understanding of Putna is very important.  Lord Krishna is situated in the heart of every living being.  It is said in the Bhagavad Gita that He is the giver of the necessary intelligence to man and the creator of forgetfulness.  

Putna immediately knew that the child she was seeing in Nanda's house was the Lord Himself.  He lay there as a small child, but that did not mean that He was any less powerful.

The materialistic theory that worship of God is evolutionary is not correct.  No man can become God by meditation or penance.  God always remains God.  Krishna is as complete as a child as a grown  young boy . 

According to Mayavadi theory, the soul was God in the beginning, but now it has been overwhelmed by the influence of Maya, so Mayavadis believe that at present it is not God, but once the influence of Maya is removed, it becomes God again.

This principle cannot apply to subtle souls.  The living entities are minute parts of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are minute parts or sparks of the original fire.  So they can be covered by the influence of maya, but Krishna is not.  

Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, even from the time of his birth in the house of Vasudeva and Devaki, Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.  Krishna showed childish nature and closed his eyes, as if he did not want to see Putana.  Devotees explain the closure of his eyes in different ways.

Why did the Lord close his eyes at the time of killing Putna?

Some say that Krishna closed his eyes because he did not want to see the face of Putna, who had killed many boys and now had come to kill them too.  Others say that he was sensing some strange things from within and that he closed his eyes to assure him that he would not be afraid.  Nevertheless, some others explain as follows:- Krishna's incarnation took place to kill the demons and protect the devotees, as stated in the Bhagavad-gita - paritranaya sadhuna vinashaya ca duskritam.  Thus the first asura he had to kill was a woman.  According to Vedic rules, killing a woman, a Brahmin, a cow or a child is prohibited.  But Krishna was forced to kill Putna and since female-killing is not scriptural, therefore Shri Krishna had no choice but to close his eyes.

Another explanation is that Krishna closed his eyes because he was considering Putana only as his midwife.  Putana came to feed KrishnaKrishna is so kind that even knowing that Putana has come to kill him, he sees her as his nurse or mother.

Read more- Krishna made physical relations with the gopis.  didn't he know he was god

Vedic belief that there are seven types of mothers – real mother, guru-wife, queen, Brahmin, cow, nurse and earth.  Since Putana had come to nurse Krishna in her arms, Krishna accepted her as his mother.  

This is understood to be another reason why Krishna closed his eyes.  Now he had to kill Dhay or Mata, that's why he closed his eyes.  But he did not differentiate between killing his own mother or midwife and loving his own mother or godmother Yashoda.

We also get information from the Vedas that Putna was also treated in a motherly manner and along with Yashoda attained liberation from this world.  When the child Krishna closed his eyes, Putana lifted him in her lap.  He did not know that he was actually holding death.  

If a man mistakenly takes a rope for a snake, he dies.  Similarly, before meeting Krishna, Putana had killed many children, and she considered Krishna to be like them;  But now she was going to catch a snake, which would kill her instantly.

When Putana was taking the child Krishna in her arms, both Yashoda and Rohini were present, but they did not forbid her, as she was decked up in beautiful clothes and was showing motherly love for Krishna.  They did not understand that it was like a sword hidden inside an ornate sheath.  

Putana had put deadly poison in her breasts and as soon as he adopted her, she put her teats in Krishna's mouth.  He hoped that he would die as soon as he drank of her breasts.  But Krishna got angry and immediately put a nipple in his mouth.  He also sucked the life of that demon along with the poisoned milk.

In other words, along with drinking the milk, he also sucked the life of Putna.  Krishna is so kind that when Putna came to have his drink, he fulfilled her wish and considered her act as a motherly act.  But to prevent him from doing more evil deeds, they immediately killed him.  Since this asurani was killed by Krishna, she attained salvation.

When Krishna pressed her chest with the utmost force and took her life, she fell to the ground and spread her arms and legs, crying out, "Leave me! Leave me!"  She was crying loudly and her whole body was sweating.  

When the weeping Putna died, there was a terrible tremor all around in the earth and the sky, in the higher and lower worlds and in all directions, and people thought that there had been a thunderbolt. 

In this way, Putna's nightmare of Indra's trap was dispelled and she assumed her real form like a huge Asurani.  He opened his terrible mouth and spread his arms and legs.

She fell down in the same way as Vritrasur fell from Indra's thunderbolt.  The long hairs of his head scattered all over his body.  His fallen body was spread for twelve miles, due to which all the trees were shattered.  

Everyone who saw his huge body was amazed.  His teeth looked like carved roads and his nostrils looked like mountain caves.  Her breasts looked like small hills and her hair was like a giant lalabh bush.

His eye sockets were like dark wells, both his thighs were like the two banks of a river, both his hands were like well-built bridges and his belly was like a dry lake.  Seeing this, all the cowherd boys and gopis were amazed with wonder and fear.  

The tremendous noise made by his fall hit his brain and ears and his heart started beating fast.  When the gopis found little Krishna playing fearlessly in Putana's lap, they immediately came and picked him up.

Mother Yashoda, Rohini and other old gopis.  Immediately performed auspicious rituals by circumambulating his body with a chavar.  The child was thoroughly bathed with cow urine and dust raised from cow-khur was applied all over the body.  Its purpose was to protect little Krishna from future inauspicious events.  This incident shows the importance of cow for family, society and all living beings.  

Krishna's divine body did not require any protection, but to teach us the importance of the cow, the Lord was smeared with cow dung, bathed with cow urine and sprinkled with dust from the movement of cows.  After this purification ceremony, the gopis including Yashoda, Rohini chanted the names of Vishnu so that Krishna's body could be completely protected from all evil effects.

After this purification (samskara) the gopis including Yashoda, Rohini chanted the names of Vishnu so that Krishna's body could be completely protected from all evil effects. They washed their hands and feet and performed water thrice as chanting.  

It is customary to do before.  He chanted thus, "May Lord Krishna, Maniman protect your knees and Lord Yagya protect your thighs; May Lord Vishnu known as Aja protect your feet. May Lord Achyuta protect your waist and Lord Hayagriva

Read more- Why did the Gopis become free from sins on the night of Sharad Purnima?

Protect your abdomen.  May Keshav protect your heart;  May Lord Ish protect your chest;  May Lord Surya protect your neck and Lord Vishnu protect your arms.  May Lord Urukram protect your face;  Lord God protect your head;  Lord Chakradhar in front of you and Lord Gadadhar

protect your back.  May Lord Madhusudan with the bow protect you from your right side and Lord Arjuna from your left side;  May Lord Urugaya protect you from all sides with his conch shell;  May Lord Upendra protect you from above;  May Lord Tarkshya protect you on earth;  May Lord Haldhar protect you from all sides;

May Lord Hrishikesh protect all your senses;  May Lord Narayan protect your breath and Swami Narayan of Shvetdweep protect your heart and Yogeshwar mind;  May Prashnigarbha protect your intellect and may the Lord protect your soul.  

May Lord Govind protect you from all directions while you are playing and may Lord Madhav protect you from all troubles while you are sleeping;  May the Lord of Vaikuntha save you from falling down while you are walking;  

May Lord Narayana give you all protection when you are sitting and may the Lord of all Yajnas protect you in every way while you are eating."

In this way, mother Yashoda started pronouncing various names of Vishnu to protect the different parts of the child's body.  Mother Yashoda firmly believed that she would be able to protect her son from the Dakinis, Yatudhanis, Kushmandas, Yakshas, ​​Rakshasas, Vinayakas, Kotras, Revatis, Jyeshthas, Putanas, Matrikas, Unmads and other such ghosts and spirits who could harm humans.  

They make one forget about their personal existence and cause pain to the soul and the senses.  Sometimes they come in dreams and create mischief, and sometimes they appear in the form of old women and suck the blood of small children.  But where there is chanting of the Lord's name, these evil spirits cannot stay there.

Mother Yashoda had strong faith in the Vedic injunctions of the cows and the holy name of Vishnu, so she took refuge in these two for the protection of her son Krishna.  He chanted all the names of Vishnu to protect his son.  

Vedic culture has emphasized cow-keeping and the chanting of the name of Vishnu since time immemorial, and even today people who follow the Vedic system, especially householders, keep at least a dozen cows and have a presiding deity of Lord Vishnu installed in their home.  Let's worship the deity.

Those who are progressing in Kṛṣṇa consciousness should learn lessons from this activity and take interest in the cows and the auspicious name of Vishnu.  He didn't need it because he had already protected himself.  

They could not understand that Krishna was the Supreme Lord, playing in the form of a child.  After many formalities related to the protection of children, mother Yashoda took Krishna in her lap and fed her milk.

When the child was protected by Vishnu-mantra, mother Yashoda felt that he was safe.  Meanwhile, all the cowherd men who had gone to Mathura to collect taxes returned home and were shocked to see the huge dead body of Putna.

Remained  Nanda Maharaja remembered Vasudeva's prediction and began to regard him as a sage and a yogi, otherwise how could he have told that something would happen during the period of my absence from Vrindavana.  After this, all the residents of Vraj cut the huge body of Putna into pieces and made a wooden pyre for the purpose of burning it.

When the parts of Putna's body were burning, the smoke rising from the fire emanated the fragrance of Aguru.  This fragrance was due to the killing by Krishna.  This means that all the sins of Asurani Putna were washed away and she got a heavenly body.  

Here is such an example of how the Lord is all-benevolent - Putana came to kill Krishna, but because He had fed her milk, she was immediately purified and her dead body acquired divine qualities.  His only work was to kill small children;  He only loved blood.  But despite having hatred towards Krishna, she attained salvation because she offered her milk to Krishna.

So what to say about those who are very dear to Krishna as the mother and who always serve Him with great love, who is the Supreme Soul of every living being and the Supreme Personality of Godhead?  

From this it is concluded that even a small amount of energy used in the service of the Lord is going to give immense transcendental benefits.  This is explained in the Bhagavad-gita - svalpampyasya dharmasya trayate mahato bhayat.  Devotion done in Krishna consciousness is so transcendental that even a little service to Krishna knowingly or unknowingly gives great benefit.

Worshiping Krishna by offering flowers to a tree is also beneficial to the living entity, who is limited to the existence of the tree.  When flowers and fruits are offered to Krishna, indirectly the tree in which those flowers and fruits were planted is also benefited.  Hence the Archanavidhi is beneficial for everyone.  Krishna is worshiped by great gods like Brahma and Shiva and Putana was fortunate enough to have the same Krishna play in her lap as a child.

The same lotus feet of Shri Krishna, which are adored by sages and devotees, fell on Putna's body.  people worship krishna by offering food, but he himself drank milk from Putna's body.  That is why the devotees pray that if an enemy like Putana can derive so much benefit just by feeding milk, then who can estimate the benefit to be derived from worshiping Krishna with love and affection?

If the worshiper can get so much benefit, then one should worship only Krishna.  Although Putana was an evil spirit, she attained a high position like the mother of the Lord.  Therefore it is clear that even the cows and the adult gopis who gave milk to Krishna attained transcendental status.  

Krishna can give anyone anything, from liberation to any imaginable material object.  Therefore, there can be no doubt about the salvation of the Putna whose body they kept drinking.

How can there be any doubt about the salvation of those gopis who were so dear to Krishna?  Of course all the gopis and cowherd boys and cows who served Krishna with utmost love and affection in Vrindavan were liberated from the miserable condition of this material world.  When all the residents of Vrindavan smelled the smoke produced by the burning of Putna, they started asking each other, "Where is this fragrance coming from?"  Rise of smoke.

Krishna was dear to him and as soon as he heard that Putana had been killed by Krishna, everyone blessed the child out of love.  After Putna was burnt, Nand Maharaj came home and immediately took the child in his arms and kissed his head.  

In this way he was very satisfied that his little child was saved from this great calamity.  Śrī Śukadeva Gosvāmī blesses all persons who hear this account of the killing of Putana by Kṛṣṇa, because they will certainly be blessed by Govinda.

Dear readers! In this post, you have learned how Putna was killed.  Similarly in the devotional story, we will get information about other pastimes of Shri Krishna.  With this we leave the devotional story, will meet with the next post, till then Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna. 



Q: Who is the Lord referred to in this question?

A: The Lord refers to Lord Krishna, a prominent deity in Hinduism.

Q: Who or what is Putna?

A: Putna is a demoness in Hindu mythology who attempted to kill the infant Krishna by breastfeeding him poisoned milk.

Q: Why did Lord Krishna close his eyes while killing Putna?

A: The specific reason for Lord Krishna closing his eyes during the killing of Putna is not explicitly mentioned in Hindu scriptures. However, there are a few popular interpretations and beliefs regarding this act:

1. Compassion: One interpretation suggests that Lord Krishna closed his eyes to display compassion even towards his enemies. Despite the evil intentions of Putna, the Lord didn't want to witness her suffering or the act of killing itself, demonstrating his divine mercy.

2. Spiritual symbolism: Another interpretation suggests that Lord Krishna closed his eyes to symbolize his divine power and supremacy over evil. By defeating Putna effortlessly, even without watching, he demonstrated that darkness and evil cannot prevail over divine light and goodness

3. Devotee's perspective: Some devotees believe that Lord Krishna closed his eyes to allow Putna to attain liberation. It is believed that anyone killed by the Lord or who has any interaction with him attains moksha (liberation from the cycle of birth and death).

Q: Is there any scriptural reference to Lord Krishna closing his eyes during the killing of Putna?

A: The Bhagavata Purana, a sacred text in Hinduism, describes the incident of Putna's killing by Lord Krishna but does not explicitly mention him closing his eyes. The act of Lord Krishna closing his eyes is often inferred from interpretations and legends based on this narrative.

Q: Are there any other instances where Lord Krishna closed his eyes while dealing with adversaries?

A: There are no specific instances mentioned in Hindu scriptures where Lord Krishna is described as closing his eyes during encounters with adversaries besides the Putna incident.

Q: What was the significance of Putna's killing in Hindu mythology?

A: The killing of Putna is considered a significant event in Lord Krishna's childhood pastimes. It demonstrated his divine nature, his role as a protector of righteousness, and his ability to defeat powerful evil forces. It also symbolized the triumph of good over evil and serves as a reminder of the consequences faced by those who attempt to harm the divine.

Q: Was the act of Lord Krishna closing his eyes during the killing of Putna a common occurrence in his divine plays?

A: No, the act of Lord Krishna closing his eyes during the killing of Putna is not a commonly mentioned occurrence in his divine plays. It is a unique incident often associated with the compassionate and merciful nature of Lord Krishna.

Q: Did Lord Krishna express any specific emotion or intention when he closed his eyes?

A: The Hindu scriptures do not explicitly mention Lord Krishna expressing any specific emotion or intention when he closed his eyes during the incident with Putna. The interpretations and beliefs surrounding this act are largely based on devotees' perspectives and spiritual symbolism.

Q: Did Lord Krishna show mercy towards Putna despite her evil intentions?

A: Yes, it is believed that Lord Krishna displayed mercy even towards Putna, despite her evil intentions. By closing his eyes, he demonstrated compassion and mercy, highlighting his divine nature and willingness to extend forgiveness and liberation to even those who commit evil acts.

Q: Did Putna attain liberation after being killed by Lord Krishna?

A: According to certain beliefs and legends, Putna attained liberation after being killed by Lord Krishna. It is believed that coming into contact with the Lord, even through an act of punishment, grants moksha or spiritual liberation, freeing the individual from the cycle of rebirth.

Q: Are there any moral or philosophical lessons associated with Lord Krishna closing his eyes during the killing of Putna?

A: The act of Lord Krishna closing his eyes during the incident with Putna signifies several moral and philosophical lessons. It teaches compassion, forgiveness, and the triumph of good over evil. It also emphasizes the divine nature of the Lord and his ability to dispel darkness and bring liberation to all beings.

Q: How is the story of Putna's killing by Lord Krishna celebrated or commemorated in Hindu traditions?

A: The story of Putna's killing by Lord Krishna is celebrated in various ways within Hindu traditions. It is often depicted in devotional art, plays, and reenactments during religious festivals and performances. Devotees may also recite hymns, chant mantras, or engage in devotional practices to remember and honor this significant event from Lord Krishna's life.

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