How Brahma created the universe ?

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are fine by the grace of Lord Shiva.

How Brahma created the universe ? 

The question of how the universe originated has been a research topic for scientists around the world for many decades.  Many scientists believe that due to some explosion this creation originated and then in the course of development gradually the origin of living beings started.  But according to the Hindu scriptures, the creation of this universe was done by the Supreme Father Brahma with his own hands.  

Which has been described in many Puranas and Vedas including Vishnu Purana, Narada Purana.  And this is the reason why the Supreme Father Brahma is also called the creator of the universe.  But in this post we are going to tell you what the Shiv Purana says about the creation of the universe.  So let's start today's story without any delay.

How Brahma created the universe ?

Friends !  In the Rudra Samhita of Shiva Purana, it has been described that when Naradji asked the Supreme Father Brahma about the origin of the universe, Brahma said that -Devarshi! As you know that I originated from the navel lotus of Shri Hari.  

When I was born, Mahadev, the God of Gods, ordered me to create the universe and he disappeared.  After that, I started thinking about my duty in order to obey his orders, and then after saluting Lord Shankar,(shiva) getting knowledge from Sri Hari and getting bliss, I decided to create the universe.

How Brahma created the universe ?

 After that, remembering Lord Shiva and him with the desire to create the universe, first of all I put my anjali in the water created by him and tossed the water upwards.  Due to this an egg appeared there.  Which is called a group of 24 elements.  

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Hey Muni Shrestha! That colossal sized egg was inert. Not seeing consciousness in him, I got very suspicious. And I started doing very harsh penance.  In this way, for 12 years he was engaged in the contemplation of Lord Vishnu.  

After that Lord Shri Hari himself appeared and clarified my organs with great love and said to me happily - O Brahma, ask for a boon.  I am very pleased with your penance.  I do not owe you anything.

How Brahma created the universe ?

By the grace of Lord Shiva, I am able to give everything.  Hearing this, I said to Lord Shri Hari - O Lord! The kindness you have shown me is absolutely right - because Lord Shankar has handed me over to you, O Vishnu, salutations to you.  Give me what I ask of you today.  

Lord, there is no consciousness in this huge egg made of 24 elements.  The stud ghost appears.  Hey Narayan! At this time you have appeared here by the grace of Lord Shiva.  Therefore, bring consciousness to this egg obtained from Shiva's creation power or Vibhuti.

How Brahma created the universe ?

When I said this, Maha Vishnu, who was ready to obey the orders of Lord Shiva, took shelter of the infinite form and entered that egg.  At that time, that supreme man had a thousand heads, a thousand eyes and a thousand feet.  They surrounded the land from all sides and pervaded that egg.  

When Shri Vishnu entered that egg after being praised well by me.  Then he became aware of the disordered form of 24 elements.  In the form of that egg which had a period from Hades to Satyalok, only Shri Hari started sitting there.

How Brahma created the universe ?

Being widespread in that huge egg, Lord Vairaj is called Purush.  Prasanna Mukh Mahadev not only built Sugam Kailash Nagar for his living.  The one who is adorned above all the worlds.  Devarshi, even if the entire universe is destroyed, both these abodes, Baikunth and Kailash, never get destroyed.  

Hey Narad! I take shelter of Satyalok.  And only by the order of Mahadev ji, the desire to create the universe has arisen in me.  After that, when I started thinking with the desire to create the universe, at that time, first of all, sin and tamoguna emerged in me unknowingly.  which is called avidya panchak.

After that, being happy, by the order of Shambhu, I again started thinking about the creation with a non-attachment.  At that time the immovable conjunctive tree etc. was created by me.  Which is called the main canto.  

This is the first canto.  Knowing that he is also not a seeker of effort for himself, the second canto appeared from me Brahma who desired the creation.  which is full of sorrow.  Its name is Tiryaka Srotā.  

That canto was also not an effort seeker.  Knowing him also devoid of the power of means of effort, when I again started thinking about the creation.  Then soon the third sattvik canto emerged in me.  It is called Udharva Srotara.

How Brahma created the universe ?

It also became famous by the name of Devsarg.  Devsarg is truthful and very pleasant.  Knowing that he is also devoid of the interest and authority of means of purusharth, I started thinking of my Lord Shri Shiva for another canto.  After that, by the order of Lord Shankar, a Rajoguni creation emerged.  

Who has been called an avaricious listener.  Humans are the creatures of this canto.  The one who is the high officer of the means of effort.  After that, by the order of Mahadev ji, ghosts etc. were created.  In this way I have described 5 types of vicious creation.

Apart from these, 3 Prakrit cantos have also been called.  Those who have appeared from nature by the association of me Brahma.  The first important among these is Sarg.  The second is the canto of the subtle ghosts i.e. Tanmatao and the third is called Vaikarik Sarga.  

Thus they are three natural cantos.  By mixing both Prakrit and Vaikrit types of cantos, there are eight cantos.  Apart from these, there is the ninth Komarg Sarg.  Which is natural as well as vicious.  I cannot describe the difference between all these because it is of little use.  

O Muni Shrestha! After all this the dual canto was rendered.  Another name for this is Komarg Sarg.  In which the important creation of Sun Nandan etc. Kumars took place.

How Brahma created the universe ?

Sanak etc. are my four Manas sons.  Who is equal to me Brahma.  He was endowed with great renunciation and observed the best fast.  His mind is always engaged in the contemplation of Lord Shiva.  He is detached from the world and knowledgeable.  

But he refused to create the universe even after I ordered him.  Hearing this, I got very angry and at that time darkness enveloped me.  At that time I remembered Lord Vishnu in my mind and he came soon.  He explained to me that you should do penance for the pleasure of Lord Shiva.

How Brahma created the universe ?

After that, as per the order of Shri Hari, I started doing great and excellent penance in the name of Lord Shiva.  While doing penance, Sarveshwar and Dayasagar Lord Shiva appeared in the form of Ardhanarishwar from both my eyebrows and the middle part of the nostrils.  The one who is free from birth, the zodiac sign of Tej and is omniscient and omnipresent.

Seeing Umavallabh Shankar standing in front of him with the name of blue color, he bowed his head with great devotion, was very happy after praising him and said to God, Lord, you create different types of living beings.  Hearing these words of mine, Devadhidev Mahadev created many Rudra Gunas like himself.

How Brahma created the universe ?

Then I said again to my master Maheshwar Maharudra - You create such creatures who are full of fear of birth and death.  Muni Shrestha! Hearing such words of mine, Karuna Sagar Mahadev ji (lord shiva) laughed and immediately told me that I will not create indecent creatures with the fear of birth and death.  Because they will be immersed in the ocean of sorrow due to their actions.  I will only uplift those souls drowned in the ocean of sorrow.  

Taking the form of a Guru, I will take them all across the worldly ocean by giving them the best knowledge. Prajapati! (brahma ji) You only protect all the living beings drowning in sorrow.  

Maya will not be able to bind you because you are engaged in this work by my order.  Saying this to me, Shriman Bhagwan Nillohit Mahadev immediately disappeared from there along with his councilors, that is, went away.

After that I composed Rigveda from east face, Yajurveda from south face, Samaveda from west face and Atharvaveda from north face as per the order of Devadhidev Mahadev. After that, I Composed Upavedas like Ayurveda, Dhunarveda, Gandharvaveda and Sthapatya etc.  

Then from my mouth I created history and Puranas and created Yogavidya, Tapa, charity, truth, religion etc. and finally I created Aunkar (Om) from my heart, from other parts I created seven notes from the play of characters, voices, verses etc.

How Brahma created the universe ?

But after creating all these, when I felt that my creation was not growing.  So I divided my body into two parts.  Whose name and or i.e. body.  From one of those two parts man and from the other woman was born.  The man's name was Manu and the woman's name was Shatrupa.  Manu and Shatrupa started the human world.

How Brahma created the universe ?

 So dear readers! Now you must have come to know how Brahma ji created the universe. Hope you have liked the information. If you liked this post of ours then do let us know. With this, we end our talk here and pray to Lord Shiva that you have a happy life. Will meet again with the next post in Devotional Story, till then you keep smiling - keep smiling.

Har-Har mahadev

 Thank you


Who created the universe in Hinduism?

According to Hinduism, the universe is believed to be created by Lord Brahma, who is considered the creator deity in the Hindu pantheon. It is believed that Lord Brahma created the universe and all living beings within it.

Who controls the universe in Hinduism?

In Hinduism, the universe is believed to be controlled by Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is considered the preserver and protector of the universe. He is believed to intervene in the world whenever it is necessary to maintain balance and harmony.

Who was the first person on earth according to Hinduism?

According to Hindu mythology, the first human being on Earth was Manu. Manu is believed to be the progenitor of humanity and the ancestor of all human beings. The story of Manu is mentioned in ancient Hindu scriptures such as the Manusmriti and the Puranas.

Who is the 1st God in the world?

In Hinduism, the concept of a single, supreme God is represented by Lord Brahma. Lord Brahma is considered the first god in the world as he is believed to be the creator of the universe and all living beings. However, it is important to note that Hinduism encompasses a wide range of deities and philosophical beliefs.

Which is the world's first religion?

The world's first religion is a subject of debate among scholars and historians. It is difficult to pinpoint a specific religion as the first, as religious beliefs and practices have evolved over time. However, some of the oldest known religions include Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism.

Who lived in India before Hinduism?

Before the emergence of Hinduism, the Indus Valley Civilization (also known as the Harappan civilization) thrived in the region that is now part of modern-day India and Pakistan. The people of this civilization, known as the Harappans, had their own distinct culture and religious practices. However, much about their religious beliefs remains unknown due to the lack of deciphered texts from that period.

Who is the most powerful God in the world?

Different religions and belief systems have their own interpretations of the most powerful deity. In Hinduism, Lord Shiva is often considered the most powerful god. Lord Shiva is believed to be the destroyer and transformer of the universe and holds a significant place in Hindu mythology and philosophy. However, it's important to note that concepts of power and divinity can vary across different religions and cultures.

Who were Manu and Satrupa?

Manu and Satrupa are characters from Hindu mythology. Manu is believed to be the first human being on Earth, and Satrupa is often described as his wife or companion.

What was Manu's real name?

In Hindu mythology, Manu's real name is believed to be Vaivasvata Manu. He is also known as Satyavrata Manu or Shraddhadeva Manu.

Who was Manu and to which caste did he belong?

Manu is a legendary figure in Hindu mythology who is considered the progenitor of humanity. He is believed to have been born in the Satya Yuga, the first of the four ages or Yugas. As per the Hindu caste system, Manu is regarded as belonging to the Kshatriya (warrior) caste.

Who were the parents of Manu?

According to Hindu mythology, Manu was the son of the sun god, Surya, and his wife, Saranyu or Sangya. Saranyu is also known as Chhaya, which means shadow. Manu is believed to be one of the descendants of the sun god.

Whom did Manu worship?

In Hindu mythology, Manu is described as a devout worshiper of Lord Vishnu. He performed severe penance and rituals to seek the blessings and guidance of Lord Vishnu, who is considered the preserver and protector of the universe in Hinduism.

Who was the last Manu?

Dear readers, according to Hindu mythology, the current age is believed to be the Kali Yuga, the last of the four ages or Yugas. The current Manu, who is considered the last Manu of this cycle, is believed to be Vaivasvata Manu, also known as Shraddhadeva Manu.

Who was the first Manu?

In Hindu mythology, the first Manu is believed to be Vaivasvata Manu or Shraddhadeva Manu. He is considered the progenitor of humanity and the first human being on Earth in Hindu cosmology.

Was Manu a Kshatriya?

Yes ! friends, according to Hindu mythology, Manu is considered to be a Kshatriya. The Kshatriya caste is traditionally associated with warriors and rulers, and Manu is believed to have belonged to this caste.

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