How to know whether we have been rebirth?

Radhe-Radhe dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are fine.

How to know whether we have been rebirth? Where and how did you die in your previous birth? You can find out the answer to this from the some marks present on your body. What are those signs, today we will know through this post.

How to know whether we have been rebirth?

Friends! You can get these signs not only from signs but also from some signs. Every living being wants to know the secret after death, but when it comes to death in previous life, the curiosity becomes too much.

According to astrology, people who have taken previous births keep feeling about their previous births and apart from this, an unknown fear keeps troubling them. Friends, there is a difference between the mind and the mind. The memories of 100,000 births remain accumulated in the mind. The mind is like a hard disk.

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The birth before the present birth is the most obvious or to say that the memory of the previous birth is clearly visible and felt, because we have come to this birth only after dying in that birth.

Now the question arises that how it is possible that we keep getting the signs of our previous birth, only the one who understands these signs notices them and by practice reaches the place where he lived in the previous birth.

However, in Jainism and Hinduism, an experiment of caste remembrance is said for this. Some such incidents keep happening in your everyday life, which indicates that you had a previous birth and you were born before this life as well.

You have a vague memory of it, you just need to pay a little attention. If you have gone through bad events in the past life, then in the present life your nature will be prone to the apprehension of something or the other.

If you have any such apprehension then it is possible that your death in the previous life was not natural so you will be afraid in this life.

By the way, being afraid is a simple and natural thing, but when you are afraid of unnecessary things in your life like certain numbers, tastes, clothes, smells and places, which a common man should not be afraid of, then it is normal. It doesn't matter.

Apart from this, if you are afraid of darkness, height or even water, then understand that your death has happened due to falling from height, drowning in water or being afraid of darkness.

Apart from this, if one likes or dislikes a particular type of clothes or cap, then it is also a sign of a previous birth. This fear dominates life in such a way that it becomes difficult to live.

Although psychologists may call it phobias. But how it got absorbed in your subconscious mind is a matter to think about. Something like this must have happened to you, that's why you are afraid of the above mentioned things i.e. the reasons for being afraid.

You are passing through some city, street, village or town and suddenly you feel that I have been here before or there is something in this place which is attracting me, or some place where you are visiting for the first time in your life. You have gone but she seems familiar to you, then this reason is also related to your previous birth.

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You must have seen that place in your previous life, so suddenly you got the feeling that I have been here before. Sometimes you can get these signals through dreams as well.

Many times such a place appears in dreams also but we do not pay attention to it, most of the people unconsciously feel that I have seen it somewhere, but do not remember where, although you have met that person for the first time. 

How to know whether we have been rebirth?

It could also be that there is a face similar to a person from a previous birth whom you are seeing. You just need to put a little mind and you can see the person's face and be happy to meet and talk to him.

It may be that there is a face you have seen in a past life who is very close to you. You have met a person for the first time but as soon as you meet you feel a strange feeling of happiness and excitement. You suddenly start liking him deeply. Are.

It is also possible that someone may appear, on seeing whom hatred arises in your mind. This happens because that person may have had a relation with you in your previous birth, you may not have any kind of relation with those people at present, but you will feel positive or negative energy from within.

There are some dreams which are related to past life. Maybe in a dream you are walking with someone in a street or you see a house again and again. Often you see yourself on the terrace or courtyard of that house.

Sometimes such dreams can be scary too. You must have seen that you have more dreams of that street or house where you have spent your childhood, similarly you have spent your life in many houses in your previous birth. The memories of those homes will remain in your mind forever.

These memories keep on awakening from time to time. It is a link to connect you with the past life. If you look at these, then definitely you will be able to see the house of your previous birth. It is also possible that you can see or read the name of your city on a board, where you lived in your previous birth.

Sometimes suddenly such dreams come clearly. But we humans are unable to pay attention to it and wake up in the morning and forget that dream. Mostly the memories of your past life keep following you. Sometimes it seems that the events you are currently facing have happened in the same way before.

life is a circle so sometimes Such incidents keep happening again and again. Apart from time and place, there is a big contribution of previous birth in this. Sometimes it also happens that no such incident actually happened to you in this birth, whose memories are present in your mind.

Rather, when you see the same incident happening with someone else, you start feeling strange and you get attached to that incident. This happens mostly with small children. Sometimes children remember such incidents which are related to their previous birth and they start talking about them.

But we take this habit of his as a joke, saying that he watches more cartoons, that's why he is speaking like this. We do not believe the words of the child. In fact, this situation mostly happens with children, that when they start speaking or remembering something, which is related to their previous birth.

There is often some fear in the mind of those who take rebirth. They keep getting the feeling of something happening. Such people always live in the past. Sometimes they are so influenced by their past that they start repeating their past actions.

The biggest sign of reincarnation is recurring dreams. Those who are born again have the same type of dreams again and again. They mostly keep dreaming of some accident, some marriage or some other incidents related to their life.

Those who take birth again have great attachment to a particular place. But the surprising thing is that they have never been to that place and have never heard anything about it, but they have all the information about that place.

Many of the people who take rebirth get a sense of the untoward happening in advance, due to which their behavior does not remain the same. Such people live in fear. They have a lot of restlessness.

People who are reincarnated, many times they remember other relations of their previous birth like brothers and sisters, parents, husband-wife, lover-girlfriend etc. In such a situation, at present, they start insisting on going to him again.

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  Another important sign of reincarnation is, the habits of such persons are very different, there is a lot of impression of the habits of the previous birth in their nature, that's why they do such things, which they themselves do not realize.

previous birth people are so much attached to their past lives that they cannot forget anything, if something wrong happened to them, they often get depressed remembering those memories.

There is another specialty of people who are born again, that they also inherit the previous knowledge, such people may be unable to do any work at present, but on the basis of their previous knowledge, they can do that work well without learning. Let's take

People who are born again, their senses are very active, according to astrology, such people live in the past and future, so they have direct contact with God, such people can quickly realize the things that will happen in the future.

Signs of rebirth

Reincarnated humans will have such a habit from childhood, which no one in their family will have, like a child is fond of singing since childhood and he sings well, but no one in his house has the knowledge of music. does not happen. Not only singing, there can be many other habits which can be there in children from childhood like, art, music, dance, drama or being religious etc.

1. Those who take rebirth are always afraid of something or other. This fear has been with him since childhood. The surprising thing is that this fear has nothing to do with the present. It means to say that nothing like this would have happened to him at present that he would be afraid, still he keeps on being afraid.

This fear keeps him from height, from water, from fire or from sharp things etc. This fear may be due to some incident that happened in his previous birth like- may be he died due to drowning in water or got burnt in fire etc. That's why they are afraid of these things in this birth.

2. Humans who are reborn have the same type of dream again and again. They see some unknown place, temple, wedding or some unknown face again and again in their dreams.

3. Humans who take rebirth get a sense of any kind of untoward happening in advance. There is a strange kind of power in them. They get restless.

4. On the body of a person who takes rebirth, there is some or the other birth mark since childhood. Which shows that the person has been reborn. These birthmarks can be due to some injury in his previous birth or due to some accident.

5. The voices of human beings who take rebirth never remain the same. There is one or the other defect in his voice.

6. When a man, seeing another person, feels that he has seen him somewhere before, but does not know where, and his mind becomes anxious to know, then it should be understood that he has had a previous birth.

7. Humans who take rebirth have two life lines on their palm. This happens because some account of his previous birth is still pending, to complete which he is born again. of persons who are life partners, whether

8. People who take rebirth know the future events very quickly or can say they see them. They come to know what is going to happen next and they also tell this thing, but many times they do not even tell it thinking that the person in front should not feel bad. Capricorn and Aquarius people are mostly affected by this.

9. Out of this, people with Aquarius are in a stronger position. In a way, you should believe that they are born again after taking the blessings of God because they have many times the ability to see, hear, understand and feel. That's why people of this zodiac do such work at the age of 4, 6, 8 that their name becomes famous all over the world. This happens only because of the knowledge gained in the previous birth. Or no one becomes wise at such a young age and so soon.

10.If it happens to someone that he stings in everyone's eyes, it means that you have no enemy, you have no fight or enmity with anyone, yet everyone hates you. So such people also have rebirth. These are those people who used to spoil the work of people in their previous birth and in this birth also something or the other keeps running in their mind.

Dear readers! Hope you liked the post. If you find any mistake while reading the post, please forgive us for that. Will meet again with the next post in Devotional Story, for then you keep smiling, keep smiling and remember the Lord.

Thank you

Jai-Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna


Q1: How can I determine if I have been reborn?

A1: Determining if one has been reborn is a complex matter and varies across different beliefs and perspectives. In many religious and spiritual traditions, it is believed that the knowledge of past lives is not readily accessible in our current state of existence. However, some individuals claim to have memories or experiences that they interpret as evidence of past lives. Ultimately, the exploration of rebirth is subjective and personal.

Q2: What are the signs or indicators that suggest rebirth has occurred?

A2: According to various spiritual and religious beliefs, there are a few indicators that are commonly associated with rebirth. These include having recurring dreams or vivid memories of past lives, experiencing unexplained skills or talents from an early age, feeling a strong connection to a particular historical period or culture, or having unexplained phobias or fears that may stem from past life traumas. It's important to note that these signs are subjective and should be interpreted with an open mind.

Q3: Is there any scientific evidence to support the concept of rebirth?

A3: Currently, there is no scientific evidence that definitively proves or disproves the concept of rebirth. The idea of rebirth falls within the realm of spirituality, personal beliefs, and subjective experiences. Science primarily deals with observable and measurable phenomena, and the concept of rebirth lies outside the scope of empirical verification.

Q4: Can past life regression techniques help in confirming rebirth?

A4: Past life regression techniques, such as hypnosis or guided meditation, are sometimes used to explore the possibility of past lives and to uncover memories that may be associated with them. However, it's important to approach such techniques with caution. The validity and accuracy of past life regression experiences are a subject of debate, as they can be influenced by various factors like imagination, suggestion, or the subconscious mind. These techniques should be viewed as tools for personal exploration rather than conclusive evidence of rebirth.

Q5: Are there any religious or spiritual beliefs that provide insights into rebirth?

A5: Yes, several religious and spiritual traditions incorporate the concept of rebirth into their beliefs. For example, Hinduism and Buddhism both emphasize the idea of reincarnation, where the soul or consciousness is believed to pass through multiple lives. These traditions offer philosophical perspectives and practices that explore the nature of rebirth and its implications for spiritual growth and liberation.

Q6: Are there any common experiences or memories that might indicate a past life?

A6: Some individuals claim to have experiences or memories that they interpret as indicative of past lives. These experiences can include vivid dreams, strong emotional connections to certain historical events or locations, unexplained affinities or talents, or a sense of déjà vu in unfamiliar situations. However, these experiences are subjective and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including cultural influences, imagination, or subconscious processes.

Q7: How can I differentiate between a vivid imagination and actual memories of a past life?

A7: Differentiating between a vivid imagination and actual memories of a past life can be challenging. It's important to approach these experiences with a critical and open-minded perspective. Assessing the validity of such memories often requires self-reflection, personal introspection, and exploration of alternative explanations. Engaging in discussions with experts, therapists, or individuals experienced in past life regression can also provide different perspectives and guidance.

Q8: Are there any documented cases of individuals recalling specific details from past lives?

A8: Yes, there have been anecdotal accounts and case studies where individuals claim to recall specific details from past lives. Some researchers and authors have documented these cases, highlighting similarities between the recalled memories and historical facts. However, these accounts are subjective and cannot be considered as scientific evidence. Skepticism and critical analysis are essential when evaluating such claims.

Q9: Are there any specific practices or rituals that can help me explore the possibility of rebirth?

A9: Various practices exist that are associated with exploring the concept of rebirth. Meditation, mindfulness, and contemplative exercises can help individuals delve into their own consciousness and explore the nature of existence. Additionally, engaging with spiritual traditions that emphasize rebirth, such as Buddhism, may provide guidance and specific practices to deepen one's understanding.

Q10: What are the philosophical perspectives on rebirth, and how do they offer insights into its existence?

A10: Philosophical perspectives on rebirth vary greatly. Some argue for the existence of rebirth based on concepts such as karma, the idea that actions in one life influence future lives. Others view rebirth as a metaphorical concept, symbolizing personal growth or the continuity of consciousness beyond physical death. Philosophical approaches are trying to get to the bottom of them to learn about reincarnation for the nature of morality, personal development and identity. However, the philosophical nature of these discussions means that conclusive evidence for or against reincarnation is challenging to obtain.

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