what is called premature death?

Hello dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are fine. 

Dear Readers - As we all know that in Garuda Purana, the mystery of human birth and death has been told.  Life and body are separated from the soul.  The time of birth and death of every human being is fixed.  Only after completing which man attains salvation and he takes another body again.

But now the question arises here that when a person dies prematurely, then what happens to that living soul (man's soul) and what is called premature death? In today's post, we will answer some such questions.  going to tell

 What kind of death is called premature death

what is called premature death?

 Friends - It has been told in Garuda Purana that seven cycles of human life are certain and if a person does not complete this cycle, that is, the one who dies prematurely, has to suffer many kinds of sufferings even after death.  But first of all it is necessary to know what is premature death, that is, what kind of death has been kept in the category of premature death in Garuda Purana.

It has been told in the overview chapter of the Purana that if a creature (human being) dies after suffering from hunger, or is killed by a violent animal, or who dies by being hanged around the neck, or who is poisoned by fire, etc.  One who dies due to water or who dies due to drowning in water or who dies due to snake bite or who dies due to accident or disease is called premature death.

But friends, in Garuda Purana, committing suicide by hanging has been described as the most wrong and disgusting premature death.  Not only this, Lord Vishnu has described suicide as insulting God.  Along with this, Vishnu ji has told in Garuda Purana that the death of a human being or an animal is natural.  She assumes another body within 3, 10, 13 or 40 days.

Read more- Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

But the person who commits heinous crimes like suicide, the soul of that creature wanders on the earth until it completes its life cycle determined by nature, such a soul neither attains heaven nor  Only hell.  This state of the soul is called Agati.  That's why it is told in Garuda Purana that the soul who commits suicide reaches the most painful state among all the souls who get untimely death.  And the soul who receives premature death wanders in darkness for the fulfillment of all its desires like - hunger, thirst, sex, happiness, attachment, anger, blame, lust etc. until its life cycle set by God is completed.  It doesn't happen.

Why does premature death happen?

 But now the question arises here that why any creature dies prematurely. So friends, let me tell you that this has also been described in Garuda Purana.  According to which, when the death decided by the Creator comes to the creature, then death soon takes it away from the world.  Since ancient times, Vedas have said that man lives for 100 years.  But the person who does reprehensible deeds, he is soon destroyed.  And one who does not follow the virtuous conduct of the lineage due to lack of knowledge of the Vedas, who abandons work due to laziness, who always respects renunciation work, who takes food in anyone's house and who  Remains attached to another woman.

Similarly, due to other major defects, the life span of a human being gets shortened.  The one who abandons Mars, the faithless, unholy atheist, but the treacherous untruthful Brahmin's death takes him to Yamlok in famine itself.  The cruel addict fool, the Vedas, separate from discipline and the people's tormentor Kshatriya Yama's rule is achieved only by practicing religion that does not protect the people.  Such guilty Brahmins and Kshatriyas are subject to death and Yama receives the torture.  The one who abandons his actions and all the main conducts and remains engaged in the actions of others.  He definitely gets an untimely death.  And the Shudra, who does other deeds without the service of Dwij - he also goes to Yama Lok before the fixed time.

Read more- why good people die early and bad people die late

Friends !  This is all about untimely death and the sufferings that come from it, let's know - what happens to the souls who keep on wandering after untimely death, in which form they go.  It has been told in Garuda Purana that the man who gets premature death, he wanders in the form of ghost, ghost, vampire, Kushmanda, Brahmarakshas Betal, Kshetrapal.

what is called premature death?

 Whereas if a woman dies an untimely death, she also wanders in the same way, but she is known by different names, such as if a woman or child of the new age dies an untimely death, she becomes a witch.  She goes.  On the other hand, when a virgin girl dies prematurely, she has to wander in the goddess's vagina.

Remedies for the peace of the dead soul due to premature death?

 Apart from all this, in Garuda Purana, many types of measures have been given for the peace of the dead soul due to premature death.  It has been said in Garuda Purana that for the soul who has attained untimely death, his family members should perform tarpan in a river or pond.  Along with this, to fulfill the wish of the dead soul, one should get Pindadan or good deeds like charity or recitation of Gita done.  This work should continue for at least 3 years.  Along with this, hungry Brahmins and children should also be fed on the arrival of the year so that the dead soul can get salvation as soon as possible.

what is called premature death?

By the way, it is not in the control of us humans to prevent accident, disease or any other kind of premature death, but we can stop suicide. Whenever you think of committing suicide, then before that you must know the consequences related to it.  Because often people take steps like suicide thinking that they will get freedom from all the sufferings. But due to ignorance they do not know that after death they will have to suffer more than what they are currently suffering.

 Hope you have liked our post. If you liked it, do not limit it to yourself, but also share it with other people so that they too can get the information that our life is valuable and we have to get away from the sufferings.  Thinking of taking a step like suicide does not remove us from the sufferings but pushes us into the morass of more sufferings.

With this we bid farewell, will meet again with the next post in the Devotional Story, till then, keep smiling, keep smiling and remember the Lord.  

Hail Hail Lord Radhe Krishna 



What is the main cause of premature death?

The main cause of premature death can vary depending on various factors, including geographical location, lifestyle choices, and access to healthcare. However, some common causes of premature death include cardiovascular diseases, cancer, respiratory diseases, diabetes, and accidents.

what is called premature death?

What age is premature death?

Premature death is typically defined as death occurring before the average life expectancy for a specific population. The specific age considered premature can vary between countries and regions. In general, any death occurring significantly earlier than the expected lifespan can be classified as premature.

What are signs of premature death?

Signs of premature death can be diverse and depend on the underlying cause. Some general signs may include unexplained weight loss, chronic fatigue, persistent pain or discomfort, difficulty breathing, frequent infections, changes in appetite, and abnormal bleeding. It's important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis and evaluation of any concerning symptoms.

What is dangerously premature?

"Dangerously premature" is a term that is not typically used in the context of death. Premature death refers to death occurring earlier than expected, and the danger lies in the loss of potential years of life and the impact it has on individuals, families, and communities.

How can you prevent premature death?

While it may not always be possible to prevent premature death entirely, certain lifestyle choices and preventive measures can significantly reduce the risk. These include maintaining a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol consumption, managing stress levels, staying up to date with vaccinations, and seeking appropriate medical care for chronic conditions.

What are the risks of premature death?

The risks of premature death can vary depending on individual factors and circumstances. However, some common risk factors include unhealthy lifestyle choices (such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and poor diet), sedentary behavior, obesity, genetic predisposition to certain diseases, exposure to environmental hazards, lack of access to healthcare services, and socioeconomic disparities.

What are the 2 biggest reasons for premature death?

While the specific reasons for premature death can vary across different populations and regions, two major contributors globally are cardiovascular diseases (including heart disease and stroke) and cancer. These diseases account for a significant portion of premature deaths worldwide and are often linked to lifestyle factors, genetic predisposition, and inadequate access to healthcare.

What is the premature death rate?

The premature death rate is a measure that indicates the number of deaths occurring before the average life expectancy of a specific population. It is typically expressed as a rate per 1,000 or 100,000 individuals. The specific premature death rate can vary significantly depending on the country, region, and various demographic and health-related factors.

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