Why did king swet have to eat his own flesh

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are fine. May Lord Shiva bless you.

Dear readers, in today's post we will learn about a small story related to charity. Apart from this, what is donation, what are the benefits of donating, what will happen if you don't donate, etc. about some information. So let's read today's post without delay -

Why did king swet have to eat his own flesh 

 Friends, the story we have brought for you today is related to this charity.  You should understand this very well that salvation is achieved only by donating.  So read this story carefully.  You will understand better only after reading carefully.

Why did king swet have to eat his own flesh

 Once Lord Shri Ram went out to visit Tapovan. On the way he saw the ashram of Maharishi Agastya.  So he thought why shouldn't I go on seeing Gurudevji.  Thinking this, he reached Gurudev's ashram.  Maharishi respected him a lot.  While returning, Maharishi started giving him a divine ornament made by Vishwakarma ji.  But Lord Shri Ram refused to take the jewellery.  

 He said -- O Brahmin!  Let me take something from you, it would be a very condemnable thing.  Because Kshatriyas never take charity from any Brahmin and not knowingly at all.  Then how can I take your donation?  But after Agastya ji said too much, he took that donation and asked, O Brahmin! If you don't mind, can I ask you one thing?  Maharishi said, feel free to ask, Vats.

 The Lord said that O Gurudev, you are a Saint Mahatma, you wear the dress of a sage.  But this ornament is divine.  I have never seen you wearing them.  How did you get this?  Please forgive my stupidity and solve me.

Why did king swet have to eat his own flesh

 Maharishi Agastya ji said with a smile that --- Hey Raghunandan!  In Treta Yuga there was a huge forest, but everything was strange there.  There was neither any animal nor any bird in that forest.  There was a lake four kos long in the middle of that forest.  There I saw a great surprise.  There was an ashram near the lake.  But there was neither an ascetic nor any animal in it. 

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 It was a summer night, due to exhaustion, I spent that night at that ashram.  When I woke up in the morning and went towards the lake, I saw a dead body lying on the way. His body was very strong.  It seemed that there was a dead body of a young man.

 I was standing thinking that a divine plane descended from the sky.  In a short while, a divine man descended from him and started bathing in the lake.  After taking bath he came out and started eating the flesh of the dead man whom I had seen coming on the way.  After eating the meat of that fat fresh corpse, he again went to the lake and seeing its beauty, again started going towards heaven.  

 Seeing that divine man going up, I said -- Listen Mahabhag!  Wait a while  I want to ask you one thing.  When he stopped, I asked - who are you? You look like a god, but your food is disgusting, why do you eat such food? And where do you live.

 Hey Raghunandan! After listening to me, he folded his hands and said -- O Vipravar! I was the king of Vidarbha country.  My name was Swet.  Hey Vipravar!  While ruling, I became very disinterested.  Before dying I thought of doing penance and came here to this forest to do penance.  O Brahmin! After performing severe penance for eighty thousand years, I came to Brahmaloka.  But after reaching there I started feeling hungry and thirsty.  

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 My senses started shaking.  When hunger and thirst could not be tolerated, I asked Brahmaji -- O God!  I had heard that this world is always free from hunger and thirst.  No one here suffers from hunger and thirst.  Then why am I feeling hungry?  Why does this hunger not leave me? It is the result of my actions.  How can I calm these senses of mine.

 Hearing this, Brahmaji said -- Tat! Without donating on earth, nothing can be eaten here.  You didn't donate to the poor, let alone a beggar.  That's why you have to suffer from hunger and thirst here.  On earth, you had made this perfect body by eating various types of food. 

 The one who is lying on the earth, which has been made renewable, so now you go and eat that.  You will be satisfied with that.  You will be satisfied only by eating it everyday. In this way, when you will complete hundred years of eating your meat, then you will have the darshan of Agastya Muni.  By his grace you will be saved from trouble.

 He is able to save all the deities and asuras including Indra.  Then what is the big deal to uplift you?  Hey Vipravar!  By obeying Lord Brahma, I started this heinous act.  This dead body never gets destroyed and my hunger is also satisfied by this.  Don't know when that Mahatma will be seen, when he will be freed from it.  Now 100 years have also been completed.

 Hey Raghuvar!  After listening to King Swet's words and seeing his food, I said - Good! So it is your good luck that I have come to Agastya.  I will surely save you.  On hearing this, tears welled up in his eyes and he fell at my feet like a punishment.  I got up and hugged her.  He had donated these divine ornaments to me for his salvation.  

 Seeing his sad condition and listening to his compassionate words, I took that donation for his salvation, not because of any greed.  That dead body of his disappeared as soon as he took this donation of mine.  Then King Swet went back to Brahmaloka with great happiness.

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  Lord Shri Ram ji was very happy.  Unique devotion towards Maharishi Agastya ji arose in his mind.  He prostrated at the feet of Guru ji.  After that, after doing satsang for a few days, the Lord returned to Ayodhya from there.

 How did you like the story?  good or bad  Whatever question is coming in your mind, you can definitely ask us.

Friends, donating is a good thing, but it is very important to know what is called donation, to whom it should be given and what are the types of donations.  So let's know about charity.

Friends, whatever a man earns in life, he spends a little bit on another person which is called charity.

Donation type

 Debt, past debt, future debt and throwing into water, these are the four parts of a man's earnings.

 Debt--spending on yourself and your children--this is the first part.

 The previous debt--the spending for one's parents and other ancestors in the family--is called the second part.

 Forward debt---saving for our future generations--this is the third part.

 Throwing in the water --- donating to a hungry-thirsty, clothless or needy person -- this is the fourth part

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Donating is essential

 Dear readers!  In life, every person must donate a little or more, according to his ability.  By doing this, not only the present but also the future of man becomes successful.  Good deeds and charity of a man - even if they do not get the result immediately, but they definitely get it.  Apart from this, if you help the hungry, thirsty, poor, helpless and needy, then you get blessings and blessings from their heart.  Which in itself is a big deal.

 Man can improve his hereafter by donating, that is, without donating, man cannot be saved.  If he does not give charity to anyone on earth - for example - if there is a hungry person in front of you, and you ignore him, then you will have to starve in heaven too, if you ignore a man without clothes, then you  One has to remain clothless in the world etc.  That's why, as long as one is on earth, one should keep on donating something or the other.

How should people give charity?

Dear readers!  According to the scriptures, donations should be given to such persons – who are really in need of clothes, food, money etc. Whenever they use them, they cannot live without remembering you.  Not someone who already has everything.  Donating to such persons is not called charity.  But the thing given by you will be disrespected.  Because they are able to buy everything like you.

 Friends, the story we have brought for you today is related to this charity.  You should understand this very well that salvation is achieved only by donating.  So read this story carefully.  You will understand better only after reading carefully.

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