why do babies cry when born spiritually

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you, hope you are fine. May Lord Shiva bless you.


why do babies cry when born spiritually

why do babies cry when born spiritually

 Dear readers!  Whenever a child is born from the mother's womb, it is natural for him to cry.  But have you ever thought – what could be the reason for crying of a child who has just taken his first breath.  So friends! In our Hindu religious scriptures, there is a belief of a mythological story behind it. 

why do babies cry when born spiritually

 Whose description we find in Vishnu Purana.  But along with this, some reasons behind this have been explained from the medical point of view in the medical world as well.  In today's post, we are going to talk about the mythology related to the first cry of a child, described in Hindu scriptures.

Friends! Have you ever noticed that when babies cry at the time of birth, the sound of their crying is like this? As if he is saying where, where.  This happens because after coming to earth he feels where he has come.  He says to Param Brahma that oh God! Why did you send me again to this world. 

 Friends! This is the divine law that - the one who is alive has to die one day and the one who has already died.  He has to come back to this earth with a new body.

 This is how the world cycle of Brahma continues.  An incident related to Brahma's creation communication sequence has also been explained in Vishnu Purana.  In which the secret of first crying of the child is hidden.  The description of the time of creation is found in Vishnu Purana. 

why do babies cry when born spiritually

 In that, when Brahma ji started thinking to produce a son like himself.  Then a child with blue complexion appeared in his lap.  That child got down from the lap of Brahma ji and started running here and there crying. 

 Brahma ji asked that child why are you crying.  In answer to the question, the child said that where am I? Who am I? What is my name? On this Brahma ji told that you started crying as soon as you were born.  That's why from today your name is Rudra.

After telling the name by Brahma ji, that child cried seven times again.  That's why Brahma ji gave him seven more names.  Which are like this Bhava, Sarva, Ishaan, Pashupati, Bhima, Ugra and Mahadev.  This is how Rudra got 8 names. 

 It is said that since then the tradition of crying after the birth of a child started because earlier children did not cry after birth.  And in our Hindu scripture Vishnu Purana, the description of this belief related to this is found.

why do babies cry when born spiritually

  On the contrary, if we look for the answer to the question related to the first cry of the newborn in the medical world, then another perspective related to it comes to the fore.

Actually, before the birth of the newborn baby, it is breathing through the umbilical cord.  But after a few seconds of birth, the child has to breathe on its own.  So that newborn baby expels fluid in its nose and mouth.  In fact, when the baby is in the mother's womb, it does not breathe.  Occurs in a sac called immunitic cell.

  In which the IMMUNITIK CELL is filled.  At that time there is no air in the lungs of babies, but their lungs are filled with fluid.  In this situation, the child gets all the nutrition from its mother through the umbilical cord.  The umbilical cord is cut as soon as the baby comes out of the body, after which the immune fluid is taken out from the lungs by hanging the baby upside down.

why do babies cry when born spiritually

This is an essential process, so that the lungs can be ready for breathing.  For this it is necessary that the child takes a long breath.  Due to which the immune fluid comes out from every corner of the lungs and the way to reach the alveoli (AILVIYOLI), the functional unit of the lungs, opens.  After the liquid is released, the passage of breathing opens and the circulation of air starts.

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why do babies cry when born spiritually

 For this, the act of crying plays a very important role.  Actually the baby takes deep breaths while crying, that is why if it does not cry itself then it is made to cry by slapping it. Because if the baby does not cry immediately after birth, due to this fluid being in the lungs, the baby will not get oxygen.  Will not be able to get it and it can also become the cause of his death.

Crying at the time of birth brings enough oxygen to the child's body, due to which his brain develops, on the other hand, if a child cries late after birth, then oxygen does not reach his brain, and such children suffer mental retardation. 

why do babies cry when born spiritually

 The risk of distortion increases.  Childbirth is painful for both the mother and the child.  The child comes into the world through many active routes. The environment outside is completely different for him from the environment inside the mother's body.  Coming out of a safe environment to a difficult environment is also a reason for the baby to cry.

 After growing in the womb, when the child is born, it can remain calm for the next 24 hours.  This also happens because the child is adapting himself with the outside environment.  It is most important for the baby to cry for the first time.  If the baby does not cry for the first time, then the doctor starts examining its health.

Many times the child's non-crying also becomes the cause of the child's death.  It is also said that crying of the baby is also necessary because it tells its needs only through crying. 

why do babies cry when born spiritually

 Medical experts believe that the crying of the child is heard even when the mother is sleeping.  This is a law of nature.  A healthy baby can cry for about 3 hours in 25 hours, sometimes the habit of excessive crying is seen in some babies.  Most babies cry in the early morning and after noon and in the evening.

If the baby is crying continuously for 40 minutes to 1 hour - then it can be a serious matter.  And we should consult the doctor immediately.

Read more-How Brahma created the universe ?

  So friends, how did you like this post of ours, do tell by commenting below and do not forget to read our other posts for such interesting and spiritual information.With this we leave. Will meet again with the next post in Devotional Story, till then you keep laughing, smiling and remembering God

Thank you 

Jay Jay shri radhe krishna 

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