In which language do the divine powers speak to you?

 Jai Shree Radhe Krishna Dear readers, how are you guys, we hope you are fine.

 Dear readers, today in this post we will know, In which language the divine powers talk to you? That is, whatever God you worship or meditate, chant etc., then does that divine idol or divine power talk to you. So let's go move forward without delay

In which language do the divine powers speak to you?

 Friends, In which language do the divine powers speak to you? So first of all you should know that whatever God, Goddess, God, Guru, Ishta etc. you worship, worship or meditate etc., then they accept that worship of yours. And they also talk to you, but that power is not inside you so that you can feel them.

 There is a confusion in people that we worship so much, still God does not give us darshan, but it is not so, He gives darshan and also talks, but due to lack of power, we do not understand him. Can find

 Now if you are thinking that, when there is no power then how will there be darshan, how will we understand their instructions? So friends, there is no such thing in life which is impossible, everything is possible. All you have to do is keep on doing your sadhna with full faith. And try to understand the gestures of your favorite.

 Friends, it is not so difficult to understand in which language the divine powers speak to you? You just have to concentrate your mind and how will they do it. Friends, it may also happen that your mind is concentrated and you may get the signs of your God but you ignore them. Because you understand those signals as physical action.

Signs of listening to divine powers

 First sign-Friends, when God listens to you i.e. when you are worshiping, whatever mantras, chants and your wishes you are keeping in front of him, then you have to pay attention that the lamp that you have given It has been lit, how is its flame. If the flame is moving more, it means God is not listening to you. And if the flame is absolutely straight, there is no movement in it, then God is listening to you clearly.

 The second sign, friends, when the lamp is lit for worship, a flower is formed in its flame i.e. in the wick. Which people remove thinking that the lamp may not be calm. While at that time God is accepting the worship. Even after the completion of the complete worship, that flower remains as it is. That is, becoming a flower in the wick is also a sign.

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 Third sign-Friends, you must have seen that when you finish your worship i.e. when you get up after worshiping and after some time when the lamp becomes completely calm, then the wick inside the lamp burns completely. Goes, turns black. It does not happen that the wick is black from above and white from below. The complete burning of the wick is also a sign of God listening to our words and our prayers.

 Noting friends, the wick never burns completely while worshiping. It burns only sometimes and the day it happens, at that time you should understand that your energy has been connected with God. God is listening to you.

Talking sign of divine powers

 Friends, how would you understand in which language the divine powers speak to you? Friends, you should understand this in such a way that how a mother or father understands about their new born child or a one year old child, how a mother understands that her child is hungry, and How a father understands that now that child has to go out for a walk. While the child cannot even speak properly.

 Their language itself is different. Water is called mum, milk is called bubu, language is like rubbish. They don't speak anything correctly, then how do those parents find out what the child is saying.

 Dear friends, parents understand their child's words from his/her feelings. The strings of their mind are connected with the strings of the child's mind, that's why they understand this kind of language which other members of the house cannot understand.

 In the same way friends, God also talks to us. We also have to understand the language of God. This is not an illusion. It cannot happen that if you call or worship any deity etc., then they do not listen to you. He listens and also comes when you call. All that is needed is faith and understanding of their language.

 So friends, how can we understand their language, friends, to understand their language, first of all we have to make our body very vibrant, we have to feel it. Because when you do chanting, meditation, worship etc. of any deity, it comes to you secretly. Being subtle, it is not visible to you, but can be felt.

 The language of God is also such that when you are worshiping, at that time there will be a vibration on your back where there is Kundalini Shakti and you feel that vibration, but you ignore it. Feels like the organ is throbbing. But this organ does not flutter, but it is a sign of God being near you, talking to you.

 Sometimes this vibration occurs in the Agnya Chakra, sometimes in the Sahastrar Chakra and sometimes in the spinal cord of your back. That is, vibration in the parts of the mentioned places is a sign of God talking to you.

If you do not know what are the seven chakras, what is their power, what are the functions of these seven chakras, then you can read this post of ours: Are the powers of Hanuman ji working in Kalyug?  Can read  In this post, complete information about the seven chakras along with the power of Hanuman ji has been given.

 Whenever you feel something like this, then at that time you should put your wish in front of your favorite. And see how soon your wish comes true. Apart from this, seeing a temple in a dream, seeing yourself worshiping and seeing any God whom you worship in your dream is also a sign that he heard your call and gave you a darshan and assured that he will always be with you. is with you

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 Suddenly hearing mantras while sleeping is also a sign of God's presence with you. Apart from this, the desires of the mind begin to be fulfilled, like if you saw an ice cream seller and thought that if I had money, I would be able to eat ice cream of my choice today. Then suddenly a friend or member of yours comes with the same ice cream which you have liked.

 There are many other examples like you want to go somewhere for a walk, but for some reason you are not able to go. And at the same time someone asks you to walk with him at the same place.

 The light has gone out and you think that if there was light, I would have been able to do this work and only then the light comes etc. Instant fulfillment of desires is also a sign of God listening to you and being with you.

 You have to understand these signs and gestures. This is their language.Through these small signs, you have to understand that the divine powers are talking to you.

 So friends, how did you like this post today? Hope you like it. Will meet again in Devotional Story with such interesting information, till then you keep laughing, smiling and remembering God.

 Thank you

 Jai Jai shree Radhe Krishna


Which language does God like?

Friends, God has created all the languages in the world, that's why he likes all languages, but if we talk about any one language, then God loves Sanskrit language more.

Why do all the divine powers i.e. Gods like Sanskrit language only?

Friends, it is not at all that he likes only Sanskrit. He likes all languages. But the way every human being has his own choice, that is, there are many types of sports in the world like cricket, volleyball, football etc. But it is not possible that everyone likes this game.

There are many types of schools and colleges in the world. Some are cheap, some are expensive. It is everyone's own choice as to which college or school to go to. Now it is not necessary that everyone likes the same school or college.

Even if there are many subjects, someone likes science, someone likes English, someone likes Hindi, someone likes Maths, even if the choice is one, all the subjects are there to study.If 10 singers are standing in front of us, then we like that singer whose voice we like.

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 In the same way friends, God knows all languages, can speak all, but among all languages he likes Sanskrit the best. Sanskrit is very dear to him. That's why if someone praises him in Sanskrit language, he likes it very much, he likes it very much.

 Now it does not mean that if someone praises him in Hindi or prays to him in Hindi, he will not listen. He will definitely listen because God is capable of understanding everything. That's why he is God.

How does God look?

Friends, God has no shape, He is formless, a subtle light. Such a light that we can see in the same form as we want. Yes friends, even after being so subtle and formless, if we can see them, then they are our feelings.

There comes a very famous Choupai in our Ramayana --

Ja kee rahee bhaavana jaisee , Prabhu moorat dekhi tin jaisee. The meaning of this chaupai is that whoever wants to see God, he will be seen in that form.

It means to say friends, according to the quadrupeds, in the form in which you want to see God, your favorite, they will appear to you in the same form.

Irrespective of any person, if the worship of the devotee is true, there is power in his worship and the form he is worshiping keeping in mind, then it is 100% sure that whenever God appears to him, he will appear in that form. I will give, keeping in mind the form in which he worshipped.

Overall friends, the meaning of saying is, if you want to see God in divine form, then He will appear in divine form. If you want to see him in the form of a child, he will appear to you in the form of a child. If you want to see him in modern form, he will give you darshan in modern form. Etcetera

So as you wish, so you get the darshan. As the image will be in your mind, so will be the idol of God.

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