lord shiva eating meat story

 Har har mahadev dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are fine

lord shiva eating meat story

 Friends, Lord Shiva who is fondly called Bholenath by people.  Because he is really very innocent and he is not called innocent just like that.

 How innocent, charitable, merciful and devotee our beloved Lord Shiva is, today we tell you through this story, how Lord Shiva became pleased with a hunter offering meat and gave him darshan and always worshiped him.

 Why didn't you give darshan to the Pandit who offered prayers and Satvik Bhog? So let's read today's post without delay -

First story 

lord shiva eating meat 

lord shiva eating meat story

 Once upon a time, a hunter was roaming in a dense forest in search of prey.  Then suddenly he saw a Shivling.  He saw that the Shivling was decorated with fragrant things like belpatra, flowers, ashes etc., but there was no priest and human being around.

Now he started worrying about Shivji. He thought that if Shivji was left alone in the dense forest for so long, then some wild animal might attack him.  So he decided to guard himself.

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 Now the hunter raised his bow and started guarding Shivji by offering arrows on it.  Staying awake the whole night, that hunter guarded Lord Shiva.

 When morning came, the hunter felt hungry.  He thought that when I am hungry then God must be hungry too.  He caught a bird and killed it and gave its meat to Lord Shiva to eat.  And he himself went hunting as usual.

 When he returned in the evening, he saw that even today there is no watchman with Shivji.  He kept watch again that night and in the morning again caught the bird and killed it and gave it to Lord Shiva to eat.  After that he went hunting again.

lord shiva eating meat story

 A Brahmin used to come there everyday from the nearby village to worship the Shivling.  He used to feel sad everyday seeing the meat offered on the Shivling.  

They started saying that I come everyday and clean the Shivling, don't know who comes and makes the Shivling dirty?  Today that evil person should be found out who does such a heinous act.

 He returned home at that time.  Here, when the hunter came back at night, he saw that even today there is no one.  He again guarded Shiva as usual.

lord shiva eating meat story

The next morning those Brahmins came before the sunrise i.e. in the Brahmamuhurta.  He saw that a Bhil i.e. hunter was guarding the Shivling.The Brahmin hid behind a tree out of fear.

lord shiva eating meat story

 After some time the hunter brought the meat and started going back after offering food to Lord Shiva.  Seeing this, the Brahmin got very angry. He immediately stopped the hunter and said-Hey fool!  What are you doing?  Why are you defiling Mahadev?

lord shiva eating meat story

 Friends! Hearing this, the hunter innocently told the whole incident to the Brahmin.

 Now the Brahmin started cursing the hunter by beating his chest.  But the hunter didn't get scared, rather he threatened the Brahmin that if he ever left Shivji alone again, no one would be worse than me.

 Then Brahmin said that you fool!  What protection can a human like you give to those who protect the whole world?  But the hunter is of thick intellect, from where does this thing come in his mind.  That's why he was not ready to accept this and started blaming the Brahmin.

He told the Brahmin that you steal life from the service of Lord Shiva.  Leaving them alone in this forest at night, you sleep comfortably in your house.  You will definitely get punished for this.

 Lord Shiva was watching all this.  He was smiling listening to both of them, but when he saw the situation getting worse, he himself appeared there.

lord shiva eating meat story

 Lord Shiva embraced the hunter with love and ordered that you leave this Brahmin.  I will make other arrangements for my security and sent the hunter away with love.  The hunter bowed down to God and left from there.

 After the hunter left, the Brahmin first worshiped Lord Shiva and then told him his complaint, that Lord - I have been worshiping you for years.

 I come to worship and worship in this forest by risking my life. I offer fruits and dry fruits, but still you did not give me darshan.

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 This Bhil defiled you for three days by offering you meat, yet you were pleased with him and gave him darshan.  Why Lord?

 Lord Shiva explained to the Brahmin that after worshiping, you desire for the fruit.  But this Bhil worshiped selflessly.  That's why it didn't defile me.

 This is its nature.  This is how it comes to serve your loved ones.  And I am hungry for feelings.  The satisfaction it has given me is not found in any fruit or dry fruit.  By saying this, Lord Shiva disappeared from there.

Read more- Wonderful story of five ghosts, Garuda Gyan 25

Second story

Why Himmat fed meat to Shiva (true story)

 This is the story of Lord Shiva and his beloved devotee Himmat.

 Friends, Himmat was a hunter.  Once upon a time, while hunting in the forest with his friends, Himmat reached a place where there was a Shiva temple.

 Seeing the Shivling in the temple, suddenly a deep love for Shivji awakened in Himmat's heart. The thought of offering something on Shivling came in his mind.

lord shiva eating meat story

 Himmat offered the hunted meat to Shivling and went away happy that Shiv ji accepted his offering.

 A Brahmin priest used to take care of that temple.  The one who cleans and worships that temple everyday.

 After the departure of the hunter Himmat, the Brahmin reached there and was surprised to see meat offered on the Shivling.  Then thinking that it must be the work of some animal, he cleaned the Shivling and went back after offering prayers.

lord shiva eating meat story

 The next day Himmat again brought meat to offer to Shiva.  Since Himmat did not have any knowledge of worship, after offering the meat, he started speaking his heart to Lord Shiva.  He used to offer meat like this every day and used to tell his heart to Shiva.

 One day when Himmat went to offer meat, he felt that the Shivling had become very dirty, so it was necessary to clean it.  He went to the river flowing nearby, but he had no vessel to bring water, so he brought water in his mouth and spit that water on the Shivling and then offered the meat.

 The next day when the Brahmin saw spit and flesh on the Shivling, his mind became very disgusted.  He was convinced that this work could not be done by any animal.  Surely this is the work of a human being.

lord shiva eating meat story

 He cleaned the temple and recited mantras to purify the Shivalinga.  And then returned to his home after worshiping.  But whenever he came to worship, he would always see the Shivling in the same unholy condition, that is, he would see spit and flesh lying on the Shivling every day.

 One day, filled with tears, that is, while crying, he asked God, 'O God of Gods, O Mahadev, O Lord, who is there, who leaves the temple every day after polluting it.  Please solve this confusion Lord.

The same night, Lord Shiva appeared in the dream of a Brahmin and said, "Whatever you are considering as an insult to me, is the food offered with love to another devotee of mine."  I am bound in his devotion and I accept whatever he offers to me.

lord shiva eating meat story

 If you want to see the depth of devotion of that devotee of mine, then tomorrow go hide somewhere nearby and see.  The next day the Brahmin went and hid behind a bush near the temple.

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 A little  After a while Himmat brought meat and water.  As soon as he bent down to offer meat and water, he saw that the right eye of Shivling was bleeding.  He put herbs in it to heal the eye, but it started bleeding more and more. Finally he decided to give his eye.

lord shiva eating meat story

 He took out his knife and took out his right eye with it and put it on Lord Shiva's right eye.  Due to which the bleeding stopped.  Seeing this, Himmat was very happy.

 He had just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Lord Shiva's left eye was also bleeding.

 Then he took out a knife to gouge out his other eye.  But he felt that after removing the eye, he would not be able to see where to keep the eye.

lord shiva eating meat story

 So he put his foot on the left eye of the linga, so that he could fix his eye on the right place.  He was about to gouge out his eye when Lord Shiva appeared and said to kanappa, "Wait kanappa wait"

 From today onwards you will be known as Kannappa because you have offered your eye to me.  By the grace of Lord Shiva, his eyesight came back.

lord shiva eating meat story

 Dare was very happy to see God in front of him.  Tears started flowing from his eyes.  He was not even able to speak anything.  While crying, he prostrated before Lord Shiva.  After blessing Lord Kannappa, he disappeared from there.

Read more- Why did king swet have to eat his own flesh 

 Friends, from that day Himmat came to be known as Kannappa Nayanar.  Kannappa means- kanna means one who offers eyes and nayanar means Shiva devotee.

Friends!  It is known from this story that to get Lord Shiva, it is not necessary that you worship him by custom or not, but the devotee who has true devotion towards Shiva, he is dear to Shiva. Means God is hungry for feelings, not for rules.

 So dear readers, these were two true stories of Lord Shiva. Hope you liked the story.  Will meet again in the devotional story with such an interesting and informative story.  Till then take care of yourself, keep laughing, keep smiling and remember God.

 Har Har Mahadev (Lord Shiva)

 Thank you

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