raksha bandhan 2023 full details

 Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are fine.

 Friends, today in this post we will talk about Raksha Bandhan.  Some people say that Rakshabandhan should be celebrated on 30th August and while some people believe that it will be auspicious to celebrate Rakshabandhan on 31st August.

 Today in this post, we will know that on which day the festival of Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated and what is its correct date, 30th August or 31st August.

Raksha Bandhan 2023 full details

 Dear friends, first of all, best wishes to all of you on Raksha Bandhan.  Friends!  As you all know that this time the full moon is of two days.  30th and 31st, so Rakhi can be tied on both the days. 

But this time special care has to be taken of a little auspicious time, otherwise there may be loss of life and property, that is, tying rakhi in wrong auspicious time can be harmful for the brother.  Because this time the shadow of Bhadra is falling on the day of Raksha Bandhan.

raksha bandhan 2023 full details

The festival of Rakshabandhan is celebrated every month on the full moon date of the month of Shravan.  

There is such a description in the scriptures that Rakshabandhan festival should not be celebrated even by mistake in Bhadrakal.  

Raksha Sutra i.e. tying Rakhi in Bhadra period is considered extremely inauspicious.  It has been said that the festival of Rakshabandhan should be celebrated only after sacrificing Bhadra.

Friends, as you all know, for some years every festival falls only for two days, due to which people face a lot of trouble, they get confused, what to do? 

And this time Raksha Bandhan is also of two days.  That means full moon date is falling for two days.  Then on which day should the festival of Raksha Bandhan be celebrated?

Along with this, today we will also tell you the time of Bhadra Kaal, because this time Raksha Bandhan will be overshadowed by Bhadra Kaal, so it becomes very important to know the auspicious time to tie Rakhi.

Friends, Raksha Bandhan is an unbreakable bond of love between brothers and sisters.  On this day sister ties rakhi on her brother's wrist and wishes for his long life and brothers also promise to protect their sister always.

Friends, let us tell you that in the scriptures, celebrating the festival of Rakhi during the Bhadra period has been said to be very inauspicious.  That's why you should never tie Rakhi to your brother in Bhadra period even by mistake.

There is also a legend behind it.  It is said that even Ravana had tied Rakhi to his sister during Bhadra Kaal and within one year she was destroyed.

Also friends!  Bhadra, who is the sister of Lord Shani, was cursed by Brahma that whoever does any auspicious and auspicious work during Bhadra period, its result will always be wrong. That's why you should not celebrate Raksha Bandhan during Bhadra.

 Raksha Bandhan worship method

Friends, on the day of Raksha Bandhan, sisters tie rakhi on the wrists of their brothers and wish for their long life, so both brothers and sisters should bathe and tie rakhi if possible by wearing new clothes.

If new clothes are not available then it does not matter, old ones can also be worn.  But remember the clothes, whether new or old, should not be of black and blue colour.

After that both should worship God together.  For worship, make sure to put a plate of worship and keep Roli Chandan Akshat Rakhi sweets etc. in it and keep a pure ghee lamp by which you will perform aarti of your brother.

Now first of all keep the plate of worship near God, after that you make your brother sit facing east or north direction. On Raksha Bandhan, first of all, after the worship is done in the temple of the house, first of all tie Rakhi to Lord Ganesha.

After tying rakhi to Ganesh ji, you perform brother's aarti.  Now tie a rakhi on the wrist of your brother's right hand and after that sweeten the brother's mouth and wish him good luck.  And brothers must also promise to protect their sisters and give gifts etc. to their sisters.

 Auspicious time to tie rakhi

Friends, now we know when the festival of Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated in the year 2023. Friends, the full moon date is starting at 10:58 in the morning of 30 August and the full moon date will end at 7:46 in the morning of 31 August 2023.

Although the full moon date will fall on August 31 in Uday Tithi, but on August 30, full moon date will remain for the whole day, so it will be very auspicious to celebrate Raksha Bandhan on Wednesday, August 30, 2023.  Because it is dedicated to Lord Ganesha and he is worshiped on both Raksha Bandhan and Duj.

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Along with the full moon date, this time the shadow of Bhadra will also be there for the whole day on 30th August.  Whose end time is 30 August 2023 at 9:01 pm.  It will be very auspicious and auspicious to tie Rakhi only after the shadow of Bhadra is over.

Bhadra is starting at 10:52 in the morning of 30 August 2023 and Bhadra will end at 9:01 in the night of 30 August 2023.  That is, if seen, the shadow of Bhadra will end on Wednesday itself.

That's why this time due to Bhadra the whole day, the auspicious time to tie Rakhi will be on Wednesday night during Pradosh Kaal.

The auspicious time to tie Rakhi is on August 30, 2023 from 9:01 to 9:25.  The total duration of this Muhurta will be 24 minutes.

 Thing to note

Friends, keep in mind that on August 30, the shadow of Bhadra will remain for the whole day.  Tying rakhi in Bhadra always leads to destruction of family, so never tie rakhi to brother at this time.  

Otherwise the whole family can become poor.  Rakhi was tied to Lankapati Ravana at this time, that is why the entire clan was destroyed.

raksha bandhan 2023 full details

That is why it is very auspicious and auspicious to celebrate the festival of Raksha Bandhan at night.  This time will definitely be a bit difficult for you, but this time is very auspicious for you and your family.

People have a tradition that they do not celebrate Rakshabandhan after the sun sets, for this you can celebrate Raksha bandhan on the morning of 31st August because Rakshabandhan is falling for 2 days.


For this, you can tie Rakhi even before the full moon date ends i.e. before 7.46 am on 31st August 2023.  Keep in mind that the festival of Raksha bandhan will be celebrated only after the sunrise on 31st August.

On August 31, the sun will rise at 5:48 in the morning.  Therefore, on August 31, from 5:48 am to 7:46 am, you can tie Rakhi to your brother.

Dear friends!  By tying Rakhi at the right time, the brother gets manifold auspicious results.  He never has bad luck.  

Wherever the brother of such a sister goes, he will make double progress day and night, play in lakhs and crores.  

Everyone will earn status, money, wealth.  Rahu Dosha, Pitra Dosha, Nazar Dosha, Mangal Dosha, everything will stay away.

What color rakhi should not be tied on raksha bandhan

Dear sisters, never tie a black rakhi to your brother on Raksha Bandhan because this color is not auspicious.  It is always considered auspicious and auspicious to tie a red colored rakhi on brother's wrist.

Which gift should not be given to sisters on Raksha Bandhan?

Dear brothers, on Raksha Bandhan, one should never give knife, knife etc. sharp objects as a gift to the sister.  This has a deep impact of negativity on the sister's life.  Apart from this, shoes, slippers and white cloth should also not be gifted.

Dakshina i.e. money, beautiful clothes, jewelery etc. should be given as a gift.

Friends, this was some important information about Raksha Bandhan, hope this information will be useful for you.  Happy Raksha bandhan to all of you brothers and sisters

Happy Raksha Bandhan

So, dear readers, how did you like the post?  Hope you like the post.  With this we leave.  Will meet again with the next post in Devotional Story.  Till then you keep laughing, smiling and remembering GOD.

 Jay Jay Lord Radhe Krishna

Thank you

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Main point

Auspicious time to tie Rakhi on 30th August.

 Night 9:1 minutes to 9:25

 Auspicious time to tie Rakhi on 31st August.

 5:48 am to 7:46 am

 Till what time will Bhadra Kaal last?

Bhadra Kaal is starting at 10:52 in the morning end Bhadra will end at 9:01 in the night of 30 August 2023


Those who are Sanatani, who believe in Sanatan Dharma, pay more attention to the date of sunrise.  According to them, the date which falls in the morning of 31st is considered for the whole day.  

That's why most of the people will tie rakhi for the whole day due to full moon date on 31st August.  Means some people can tie rakhi on 31st August 2023 for whole day also.


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