Does a man know before he dies that he is going to die?

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are doing well.

Does a man know before he dies that he is going to die?

Dear readers, in today's post we will know through Garuda Purana that when the soul leaves the body, does the human being know in advance?  So let's read today's post without delay.

Does a man know before he dies that he is going to die?

Dear friends, Does a man know before he dies that he is going to die? when the soul leaves the body, the person comes to know in advance. yes,friends -This is 100% true.  When a man realizes that he is about to die, he lays down his arms.

Otherwise, he would have tried a lot to keep the soul in the body, but all his efforts fail and he keeps suffering many types of troubles due to this cycle of life and death.

Here, before death approaches, the journey of a person's entire life is going on in front of him like a flashback of a movie.  And on the other hand, the soul is preparing to come out of the body, hence the five pranas of the body, except one 'Dhananjay Prana', start coming out of the body.

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These pranas, coming out before the soul, form a subtle body for the soul, which is the vehicle of the soul after it leaves the body.  Riding on Dhananjay Prana, the soul leaves the body and enters this subtle body.  However, the soul still resides in the body.

And the other pranas are gradually coming out of the body, that the person becomes aware of it.  He starts feeling restless and nervous.  The whole body starts bursting, the speed of blood starts slowing down.  The breathing becomes labored.

The outside doors start closing. That is, now the consciousness starts disappearing, and unconsciousness starts coming.  Consciousness is the sign of the existence of the soul, and when the soul itself is ready to leave the body, then consciousness has to go, and that is why the person starts becoming unconscious.

His intelligence vanishes, and he begins to feel as if he has entered an unknown world, this is the fourth dimension.  Then unconsciousness comes, and the soul, with a jerk, passes out of any open sense.  And this is the time when the face becomes distorted.  This situation is the main sign of the soul leaving the body.

Just for a few moments before leaving the body, the soul animates the body with its power, 100 percent, so that the path to its exit is not blocked, and then at the same time the soul leaves, and the body remains as lifeless as an empty house Is.

Before this, around the house, there are sounds of dog and cat crying.  The eyes of these animals are extremely bright, due to which they can see even the souls having subtle bodies in the darkness of the night.

When a person's soul is ready to leave the body, his own relatives, who are in the form of dead souls, come to receive him, and the person considers them to be Yamdoots, and the dogs and cats consider them to be ordinary living humans. And being unaware of them, they cry when they see them, and sometimes even bark.

The five types of Prana coming out of the body, in the same way form the subtle body.  like the gross body in the womb

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Is constructed sequentially.  As soon as the subtle body is created, the soul enters the subtle body through its original carrier Dhananjay Prana, leaving with great speed.

Whatever part of the body the soul emanates from, it opens and breaks it.  Those who are terrible sinners, their soul comes out through urine or faeces.

The soul of those who are both sinners and virtuous souls comes out of their mouths.  The one who is less a sinner and more a virtuous soul,

His soul emanates from the eyes, and those who are completely pious, virtuous, and yogi men, their soul emanates from the Brahmarandhra.

Till now the subtle body continues to be formed outside the body.  But this does not happen to everyone.  The astral body is created immediately for those who are Yogi men who have become free from illusion in their life itself.

Otherwise, for those people who are suffering from delusion but are intelligent, have knowledge, science or erudition, the subtle body can be formed in ten days.

In the Hindu religious scriptures, there is a tradition of performing Shradh of ten Gatras, and performing Shradh of the deceased on the last day, so that in ten days, the construction of ten parts of the body is completed by this method, and the soul gets a subtle body.

In such a situation, until the Shraddha of ten Gatra is completed and the subtle body is not ready, the soul resides in the ghost body.  If for some reason this does not happen, then the soul wanders in the ghostly form.

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Another thing, when the soul leaves the body, the person feels very thirsty for water.  When life leaves the body, the throat starts drying up.  The heart dries up, and this causes the navel to burn.  

But due to blockage of the throat, water cannot be drunk, and in such a situation the soul leaves the body.  Thirst remains unfulfilled.  Therefore, at the last moment, there is a tradition of pouring 'Ganga water' in the mouth.

After this, the next stop of the soul is the 'peepal' of the crematorium.  Here 'Yamghant' is tied for the soul.  which contains water.  Here the thirsty soul drinks water from Yamaghant, which is like nectar for him.  The soul experiences satisfaction from this water.

There is a provision in Hindu religious scriptures that it is very important to do all this for the deceased, so that the soul of the deceased can rest in peace.

If due to some reason, the Shraddha of the ten Gatras cannot be performed for the deceased, and Yamghanta cannot be tied to the Peepal tree for him, then his soul will go to the ghostly form, and it will be difficult to say when he will be freed from there.

Yes, there is definitely a solution.  So, from the time of someone's death i.e. for thirteen days, the names of God should be continuously chanted or kirtaned in a loud voice, and by following the prescribed rites, the deceased should be freed from ghosts.  Will be saved from going to vagina, hell, etc., but who will do this.

Only cultured family members, children and relatives can do this.  Otherwise, nowadays many people just show off by merely maintaining formalities.

Friends! If the dying person himself was a Bhajananandi, a devotee of God, and was engaged in remembering Hari as much as possible till the last moment.  So that ghost will not go into the vagina.  His salvation will happen by itself.

One who has left his body in the abode of God, or whose cremation has taken place in Kashi, Vrindavan, or any one of the four dhams.  That too will not enter the world of ghosts and spirits.  He himself will get salvation.

Friends!  We should consider ourselves, whether we should rely on others, or think of our own interest.  This life is very precious, so don't waste it. Make every moment meaningful. Take refuge in Hari Naam daily.  Get out of the realm of the mind, live life consciously, not under the control of the mind.

This human body is not found again and again.  Every single moment of life, which is passing, will not get back again.  As much as it is in this, keep chanting the remembrance of God, whatever action you do every moment, do it very thoughtfully.  Because karma stays with man like a shadow.  Therefore always remain under the cool shadow of good deeds.

Anyway, the sound of deeds is louder than the sound of words. Therefore, always do your work thoughtfully.  Just as the arrow after being released from the bow does not come back, in the same way the karma done by you, that moment's karma does not come back, whether the karma is good or bad.

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 Therefore, before the soul leaves this body, while living in the body, know the soul, that is, the self, and as much as possible, by mind, speech, action, meditation, contemplation, chanting of Lord Shri Ram, Shri Krishna  Keep doing kirtan, by continuous remembrance, we will not only be saved from Yama Pash, but also we will be able to attain Bhagwat Dham, which is the real goal of human life.

 So dear readers, how did you like today's post, hope you liked the post. Will meet again with the next post in Devotional Story, till then you keep smiling, keep smiling and humming the songs of God.

 Thank you

 Har Har Mahadev dear readers

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