Should we read Garuda Purana while alive or not?

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Should we read Garuda Purana while alive or not

Should we read Garuda Purana while alive or not?

Friends, today in this post we will learn about Garuda Purana. Will know whether a man should read Garuda Purana while he is alive or not.  So without any delay let's read today's post-

Friends!  Have you often heard many stories about Garuda PuranaMust have heard things, in which we mostly get to hear in the society that no living human should read Garuda Purana.

Not only this, a fear has been instilled in the minds of most of the people that if a living person reads or keeps this Purana with him, some or the other incidents keep happening in his life all the time.

But guys!  It is not so at all, because today we are going to tell you such a secret about Garuda Purana, after knowing which you will be free from this fear.

Dear readers!  The lesson of Garuda Purana can be read anytime before the death of a family member.  Garuda Purana can be read by every living being.  The person who wishes to read Garuda Purana can read it fearlessly and can also get the Purana recited at home.

Should we read Garuda Purana while alive or not?

In Garuda Purana there is much more than heaven, hell, sin and virtue. Garuda Purana talks about knowledge, science, ethics, rules and religion.  Garuda Purana is considered one of the 18 Puranas in Sanatana Dharma.

The presiding deity of charity is Lord Vishnu. There are a total of 18 Puranas in Hinduism, one of them is Garuda Purana which has a total of 18000 verses and 271 others.

In Garuda Purana, where on one side there is the secret of death, on the other hand the secret of life is hidden.  We get many types of education from Garuda Purana.  The condition before and after death is described in the Garuda Purana.

Garuda Purana describes the dialogue between Lord Vishnu and his vehicle Garuda. Friends, it is often seen that when someone dies in someone's family or someone is on the death bed, then in that house  Garuda's lesson is done.

Should we read Garuda Purana while alive or not?

And seeing all this, people get scared that a living person can neither recite Garuda Purana nor keep it with himself.  But this is not so because in the very beginning of Garuda Purana it has been mentioned about the greatness related to reciting it.

According to which, if any living person recites this holy Purana in his life, then he gets knowledge about fame, knowledge, beauty, Lakshmi, victory and health etc.

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The person who recites or listens to it regularly, comes to know everything.  And he finally attains heaven.

The person who concentrates, listens to and recites this Garuda Purana or writes it or keeps it with him in the form of a book, if that person is a religious person then he attains religion.  And if he desires meaning, he gets it.

According to Garuda Purana, people who make their parents or children unhappy are not able to take birth on earth in the next birth, rather they die in the womb before being born.

People who exploit or exploit women suffer from terrible diseases in their next life.  And spend life in physical pain.

The person in whose hands this Mahapuran is present, has a treasure trove of policies in his hands. The creature who recites this Puran and listens to it.  He attains both enjoyment and salvation.

By reading and listening to Garuda Purana just once, a person achieves the four pursuits of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha.

By reciting or listening to Garuda Purana, the person desiring a son gets a son and the wisher gets success in achieving his wish.  A barren woman, a woman who has not got the happiness of a child, gets the happiness of a son.

An unmarried girl gets a gentleman husband.  A man who seeks enjoyment gets enjoyment.  A student seeking knowledge gets knowledge, one who achieves victory gets victory, a person suffering from Brahma murder gets freedom from Brahma murder.

Not only this, a person who wishes for Mars gets his Mars, a person who wants qualities gets qualities and a person who wants poetry gets poetry and a person who wants the essence of life gets the essence.The knowledgeable person acquires knowledge that destroys the entire world.

Should we read Garuda Purana while alive or not?

This Garuda Mahapuran said by Pakshiraj Garuda is blessed.  This Puran is going to benefit everyone.  The person who recites even a single verse of this Mahapuran does not die untimely death.  By reciting just half of its verses, the enemy is definitely destroyed.

That's why this Purana is the main and scripture-based Purana.  There is no other Purana like Garuda Purana in its exposition of Vishnu Dharma.  Just as Janardan i.e. Lord Vishnu is the best among all the gods, in the same way this Puran is said to be the main one in the representation of Hari Tattva in Puranas.

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In Garuda Purana, only green is represented.  That's why Hari alone is worth saluting, Hari alone is refuge and Hari alone is worthy of service in every way.

This Garuda Purana is very pious and virtuous.  This Purana fulfills all the wishes of the reciter and the hearer.

The person who recites or listens to this Mahapuran, becomes sinless and attains heaven by breaking the fierce tortures of Yamraj.

So friends, now you tell me how is it possible that if a person recites this holy Purana everyday in his life time, then something wrong happens to him or something untoward happens or he dies prematurely.

Ordinary people are afraid to read Garuda Purana, because Garuda Purana is read only after someone's death.  In fact Garuda Purana describes the events that happen after one's death.

Most of the people have seen Garuda Purana read only after death, that's why some people have this fear in their mind.  But it is nothing like that.  If we agree friends, then this is just an illusion and nothing more.

Garuda Purana is a holy book so it can be read by every living being.  So without any fear, if possible, recite this holy Purana regularly and make your life happy.

The biggest benefit of reciting this Mahapurana regularly is that man can easily understand the mysteries of life and after death because Garuda Purana describes the deeds done by man while alive.  That is, it has been told which deed is good and which deed is bad.

Should we read Garuda Purana while alive or not?

Apart from this, the tortures after death have also been told in this Purana, that is, it can be said that if the whole human race imbibes the things mentioned in the Purana, then a good society can be built.

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So friends, this was today's informative post.  Hope you liked the post.  Will meet again in the devotional story with such enlightening information.  Till then you keep laughing, smiling and remembering dear Lord.

 Thank you

 Jay Jay Shri Radhe Krishna


What is the age of Garuda?

According to Hindu mythology and beliefs, Garuda has no age, because Garuda is considered eternal (ever-lasting).

What is written about periods in Garuda Purana?

Garuda Purana can be read in periods because Garuda Purana mainly deals with topics related to death, afterlife and rituals.  Therefore this text does not specifically consider menstruation.

Did Garuda have a wife?

Yes!  Friends, according to Hindu mythology, Garuda had a wife, known as Unnati or Shyeni.

 Who married Garuda?

 Unnati married Garuda and had many children.

 Who is the brother of Garuda?

Garuda's brother is Arun, who often appears as the charioteer of the Sun God.

Can Garuda Purana be kept at home?

Yes friends, Garuda Purana can be kept at home like other religious texts.

Why do people pray to Garuda?

People pray to Garuda to get strength, courage, fame, victory and blessings of Lord Vishnu.  Just as to please Ram ji, people first worship Hanuman ji and pray to him.

Similarly, to please Lord Vishnu and get his blessings, people worship and pray to Garuda before Lord Vishnu.  Because Garuda ji is the vehicle of Lord Vishnu.  Lord Vishnu quickly becomes pleased with those who worship Garuda.

When should Garuda Purana be read?

The Garuda Purana can be read during Pitru Paksha, a time dedicated to paying tribute to one's ancestors, or as a quest for spiritual enlightenment.  That is, if anyone has a desire to gain knowledge, he can read this book.

Which god uses Garuda?

Lord Vishnu uses Garuda as his vehicle.

Who narrated Garuda Purana?

It is clearly written in Garuda Purana that Lord Vishnu narrated this to his vehicle Garuda for his welfare.

Who is the son of Garuda?

Garuda's son is Jatayu, a famous character from the Indian epic, the Ramayana.  Who even lost his life to save Sita Mata from the clutches of Ravana.

How many pages are there in Garuda Purana?

The number of pages in the Garuda Purana may vary depending on its edition and translation, but it is an important text consisting of hundreds of pages.  It is estimated that this book has 624 pages.

Why do eagles eat snakes?

According to Hindu mythology, Garuda eats snakes as they are considered their natural prey, being the king of birds and a symbol of natural power.

Apart from this, it is also told in the mythology that the mother of snakes and her sons misbehaved with Garuda's mother.  Kept her as a maid.  Therefore, to avenge his mother and teach them a lesson, Garuda started eating snakes.

How to worship Garuda?

To worship Lord Garuda, his basic mantra is chanted at least 3 times and can be increased to 54 times, 108 times or 1008 times.  If there is no idol, then a picture or instrument of Garuda can also be used for the worship of Garuda.  To get the full results of the mantra, it should be chanted 108 times for 54 days starting from Garuda Panchami.

What is Garuda Mantra?

Like other mantras, Garuda Mantra is also a miraculous mantra.  This mantra has a different specialty of its own.  Garuda mantra written in Garuda Upanishad is as follows

Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Suvarnapakshaya Dhimahi,Tanno Garuda: Prachodayat |

How big was Garuda?

The height of Garuda is about 121 meters and its wings are 65 meters.

What are the names of Garuda's sons?

The names of Garuda's sons are as follows (Sumukh, Suvarna, Subala, Sunama, Sunetra and Suvarchas). From them came species of birds.  The members of this caste were very powerful.

Is Garuda male or female?

Garuda is a male bird.

Why was Garuda's mother Vinata waiting for Garuda to be born?

Garuda's mother Vinata was waiting for Garuda's birth to free herself from slavery, because Vinata had been tricked by Kadru (mother of snakes) and made her her slave.  Kadru and his sons started torturing Vinata, but Vinata still served Kadru and his children.

Vinata, who was pregnant at that time, waited patiently for the birth of her second son, Garuda.  Because Vinata was sure that her son would free her from slavery.

Read more-The signs we get 6 months before death.

What happens after death in Garuda Purana?

The Garuda Purana describes the journey of the soul after death, which involves passing through various stages and worlds.

What are the signs of death in Garuda Purana?

The signs of death are described in the Garuda Purana, which include the extinction of bodily functions, consciousness and various signs.  That is, as death approaches, a person's memory becomes weak, physical weakness occurs, appetite decreases, and vision and hearing become impaired.

Garuda Purana in Hindi tells what happens after suicide?

There are seven cycles of life and it is clearly written in Garuda Purana that the person who leaves one of these seven cycles incomplete, does not complete it.  He dies untimely.  

In Garuda Purana, premature death i.e. suicide is considered as an insult to God.  Therefore no person should commit suicide.

After committing suicide, he does not get freedom from suffering, rather he has to suffer even more as a soul.

In an ordinary death, the soul soon finds another body to assume, but one who commits suicide has to wander on the earth for many years, or rather, until his age is complete. Does matter.  He neither gets heaven nor does he get hell.

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