The Divine Birth of Lord Krishna: A Tale of Auspicious Constellations and Divine Events

Jai-Jai Shri Radhe Krishna Dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are fine.

Friends, today in this post we will know how Lord Shri Krishna was born, what were the constellations at the time of his birth, what was his image at the time of birth, after birth Lord Krishna showed his Vishnu form to Devaki and Vasudev.  Who were Devaki and Vasudev in their previous lives, how many times did Krishna become the son of Devaki and Vasudev and apart from this, why Devaki and Vasudev did not get salvation even after seeing God in person?

The Divine Birth of Lord Krishna: A Tale of Auspicious Constellations and Divine Events

In the Bhagavad Gita the Lord says that His appearance, birth and activities are all divine and one who understands them properly becomes at once eligible to go to Vaikuntha.  The appearance or birth of the Lord is not like that of an ordinary man who is forced to assume a material body on the basis of past karma.

Auspicious Constellations 

The Divine Birth of Lord Krishna: A Tale of Auspicious Constellations and Divine Events


When the time of the Lord's incarnation approached, the constellations became extremely auspicious.  Rohini Nakshatra, which is considered auspicious as per astrology, was also strong.  Rohini is considered to be under the direct rule of Brahma.  According to astrology, auspicious and inauspicious moments are present due to different positions of different planets apart from the suitable position of constellations.  At the time of Krishna's birth, all the planets automatically got themselves positioned in such a way that everything became auspicious.

At that time there was an atmosphere of peace and prosperity in all the directions east, west, south and north.  Auspicious stars were visible in the sky and signs of good fortune were visible in all the cities and villages or transits on earth and in the minds of people.  The rivers were flowing full of water and beautiful lotuses were blooming in the lakes.  The forests were full of beautiful birds and peacocks.  All the birds of the forest started singing sweetly and the peacock started dancing with the peacocks.

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 The wind started flowing slowly carrying with it the fragrance of many types of flowers, the pleasant touch of which started fascinating the mind. Those Brahmins who were adept at performing sacrifices in fire, found their own houses very pleasant for performing sacrifices.  Havanadi Yagya had almost stopped in the houses of Brahmins due to the mischief of the Asuri kings, but now they were getting opportunities to perform Yagya peacefully.

 Due to the ban on Yagyas, the hearts of the Brahmins were extremely sad, but at the time of the birth of Krishna, all their hearts automatically became filled with happiness because they could hear the divine voice passing in the sky announcing the birth of the Lord.

The people of Gandharva and Kinnarloka started singing and people of Siddha and Charanloka (those singing the glories of lineage) started offering prayers in the service of the Lord.  The deities were forced to dance with their respective wives and the Vidyadharas with their respective wives in the heavenly world.  

Sages, sages and deities were pleased and started showering flowers.  The sound of gentle waves was heard on the beach and there were clouds in the sky above the sea, which started making a captivating roar.  

When such a coincidence occurred, Lord Vishnu, resident of Ghat-Ghat, appeared in the dark night in the form of God before Devaki, who looked like a goddess.

The appearance of Lord Vishnu at that time could be compared to the full moon rising in the east at night. Friends, an objection may be raised here that since Lord Krishna was born on the day of Ashtami, therefore the full moon rises on that day.  

can not happen.  So, in answer to this it can be said that Lord Krishna was born in the dynasty that was in the lineage of the moon, so although the moon was incomplete that night, the moon was very bright due to the Lord being born in the lineage of the moon.  He was pleased, so by the grace of Lord Krishna, he emerged as the full moon.

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 Friends, a very beautiful description of the constellations at the time of Lord Krishna's birth is found in the astrological book named Khamanikya.  This confirms that this child born at that auspicious moment was the Supreme Brahma or the Supreme Truth. 

What was the image of Shri Krishna at the time of birth?

The Divine Birth of Lord Krishna: A Tale of Auspicious Constellations and Divine Events

Vasudeva saw that wonderful child who had four hands holding a conch, disc, mace and lotus flower, who was adorned with the Shrivatsa symbol, who was wearing a garland of Kaustubha gem, looking like a bright dark cloud wearing yellow. Whose crown was decorated with Vaidurya gem, who was wearing priceless jewels, earrings and other ornaments all over his body and whose head was decorated with hair.

 Vasudev was surprised to see the unique form the child. How can a newborn baby be adorned like this?  So they understood that Lord Krishna had now appeared and they became overwhelmed by the occasion. 

Vasudeva humbly expressed surprise that although he is an ordinary living being bound by material nature and imprisoned from above by Kamsa, the all-pervading Lord Vishnu or Krishna in his original form has appeared in his home as a child.  

No worldly child is born adorned with ornaments and beautiful clothes, with four arms and with all the signs of the Lord.

Vasudev was repeatedly looking at that child and was thinking how to celebrate this auspicious time.  He began to think, "Usually when a son is born, people celebrate and I am one that the Lord has taken birth in my house while being my prisoner. I should be ready to celebrate this auspicious festival again and again.

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When Vasudeva, whose other name is Anakadundubhi, saw his newborn child, he was so pleased that he wished to donate several thousand cows to Brahmins.  

According to the Vedic system, whenever any auspicious festival is celebrated in the Kshatriya palace, the king donates many things due to happiness.  Cows decorated with gold ornaments are given to Brahmins and sages.

Vasudev wanted to celebrate a donation festival to mark the appearance of Krishna, but it was difficult to do so because of Kansa's imprisonment.  So he donated thousands of cows to Brahmins in his heart.  

When Vasudev was convinced that the newborn child was the Lord Himself, both of them started praising him with folded hands.  At that time Vasudev was in a divine state, due to which all his fear arising from Kansa went away.

Vasudev prayed to lord krishna

The Divine Birth of Lord Krishna: A Tale of Auspicious Constellations and Divine Events

The room in which Lord Krishna was born.  That room was shining with his brilliance.  At that time Vasudev started praising God with great compassion and said, “O Lord!  I know who you are.  You are the Supreme Soul of all living beings and the Supreme Truth, the Supreme Lord.  

You have appeared in Your own eternal form which we are directly observing.  I know that you have appeared to free me from the fear of Kansa.  

You do not belong to this material world;  You are the same Purusha on whose material nature this visible world arises from the mere reflection of Chitvan.

One can argue that the Lord who created the entire visible world by His mere glance could not have come into the womb of Devaki, the wife of Vasudeva.  

To refute this argument, Vasudeva said, "O Lord. It is not surprising that You have appeared in the womb of Devaki, because this is how the universe was created. 

You were sleeping in Karanarnava in the form of Mahavishnu and  Many universes were created by Your breathing process. Then You entered each universe in the form of Garbhodakashayi Vishnu. 

Then You expanded Yourself in the form of Kshirodakshayi Vishnu, and You entered into the heart of every being, even within the atom.  Therefore, your entry into the womb of Devaki can be understood in the same way.

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You appear to have entered but at the same time you are omnipresent.  We can understand your entry and exit through physical examples.  Even after being divided into sixteen elements, the entire physical power remains intact.  

This physical body is just a combination of five gross elements – earth, water, fire, air and sky.  Whenever a physical body is formed, it seems that these elements are being created again, but the reality is that all the elements always exist outside the body.

Similarly, although you have appeared in the form of an infant in Devaki's womb, you are present outside her also.  You always remain in Your abode, yet You can expand into millions of forms." 

Man should understand Your incarnation with great intelligence, because material power also emanates from You. You are likewise the original source of material power.  

Just as the source of light is the Sun, sunlight cannot cover the solar sphere, nor can physical power, originating from you, cover you.

You appear to reside in all the three modes of material nature, but in reality these three modes cannot envelop You. Very intelligent philosophers know this.  

In other words, although You appear to be within the material energy, You are never covered by it.”  The Vedas say that the Supreme Brahman manifests its effulgence, as a result of which everything becomes illuminated.  

It is learned from the Brahma-samhita that the brahma-jyoti emanates from the body of the Supreme Lord and from this brahma-jyoti the whole creation is generated.

It is also said in the Bhagavad Gita that the Lord is the basis of the brahmajyoti.  So originally He is the original cause of everything, but the less intelligent think that when the Lord comes into this material world, He assumes the material qualities.  

Such conclusions are not very mature and are created only by the ignorant.  Sri Bhagavan is present everywhere in direct and indirect form.  He is both inside and outside this creation.  

He does not reside only in this creation as Garbhodakasayi Vishnu, He is also within each and every atom.

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The existence of the atom is due to their presence.  Nothing can be separated from them.  According to Vedic theory, we should search for Paramatma, the root cause of everything, because there is nothing apart from Paramatma.  

Hence the material creation is the transformation of His energy.  Inert matter and the living force-soul are also derived from him.  Only one who is foolish will jump to the conclusion that when the Supreme Lord appears, He accepts the conditions of matter.

Even if He were to assume a material body apparently, He would not be subject to material conditions.  Therefore Krishna appeared and has destroyed all erroneous inferences about the manifestation and non-manifestation of the Lord.  "O Lord! Your incarnation, position and dissolution are beyond the influence of all material qualities. 

Since You are the controller and Parabrahma of everything, there is nothing unimaginable or contradictory in You. As You have said, Prakriti under Your presiding Acts in the same way as a government official acts on the orders of the chief executive.

Subordinate activities have no effect on you.  Since You are the Supreme Brahman and all the laws are situated in You and all the activities of nature are conducted by You only, therefore none of these activities affect You.  

You are called Shuklam.  Shuklam meaning white is a symbolic representation of the Absolute Truth as it is unaffected by material qualities.  Brahmaji is called Rakta or Red, because he represents the mode of passion for creation.

Tamas is the responsibility of Lord Shiva, because he destroys the entire creation.  The creation, destruction and maintenance of this visible world is accomplished by your powers, yet you remain unaffected by these qualities.  

As confirmed by the Vedas – Harirhi Nirgunaah Sakshat – the Supreme Lord is always free from all material qualities.  It is also said that the Supreme Lord lacks the qualities of Rajo and Tamo.

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While praising Vasudeva, he further said, "O Lord! You are the supreme controller, the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the maintainer of the order of this visible world. 

You, being the supreme controller, have graciously appeared in my house. Kill the followers of the demonic rulers, who are actually demons in the guise of princes, I am sure you will kill them all along with their followers and soldiers.

“I know that you have descended to kill the evil Kansa and his followers. But knowing that you will descend to kill him and his followers, he has killed many of your forefathers (elder brothers).  Now he is only waiting for your birth. As soon as he hears of it, he will appear with all kinds of weapons to kill you."

Devaki prayed to lord krishna 

The Divine Birth of Lord Krishna: A Tale of Auspicious Constellations and Divine Events

After this prayer of Vasudev, Krishna's mother Devaki prayed.  She was extremely scared of her brother's atrocities.  Devaki said, "O Lord! Many of Your eternal incarnations are described in Vedic literature as the original incarnations, such as Narayana, Rama, Hayashirsha, Varaha, Nrisimha, Vamana, Baladeva and millions of such incarnations emanating from Vishnu. You are the original incarnation. because all the forms of Your incarnations are outside this material creation.

 Your form was present before the origin of this visible world. Your forms are eternal and omnipresent.  He is self-effulgent, unchanging and uncontaminated by material qualities.  

Such eternal forms are eternal, knowledgeable and blissful.  They are all full of divine goodness and are always engaged in various pastimes.  You don't have just one special form.  Many such divine forms are independent.  I know that you are Lord Vishnu.

 “After millions of years, when the life of Brahma comes to an end, the visible world dissolves. At that time, the five elements earth, water, fire, air and sky enter into the Mahat-tattva. 

This Mahat-tattva again  : The unmanifested through time enters the total physical energy, the total physical energy enters the Pradhan and the Pradhan enters into you. 

Therefore, after the destruction of the entire visible world, only your divine name, form, qualities and paraphernalia remain.

Oh God !  I offer my respectful obeisances to You, because You are the director of the unmanifest all-power and the ultimate reservoir of material nature.  O lord!  The whole visible world, from the end of the year to the end, is timeless.  

Everyone works under your direction.  You are the original director of everything and the reservoir of all potent energies.  “Therefore I request you to save me from the cruel hands of Kansa, the son of Ugrasena.  Please rescue me from this dreadful situation as you are ever ready to protect your servants."

 The Lord confirms this statement in the Bhagavadgita by assuring Arjuna, "You tell the world that My devotee never perishes."  Praying thus to be protected, Mother Devaki expressed her affection: "I know that this divine form of yours is usually seen by sages in meditation,

but I am still afraid that as soon as Kamsa comes to know that  You have already been born, so it can harm you. So I pray that you disappear from our physical eyes for the time being." 

In other words, Devaki prayed to God to take the form of a normal child.  "It is because of your birth that I am afraid of my brother Kansa

O Madhusudan!( Krishna) It is possible that Kansa may not know that you have taken birth. Therefore, I pray that you may take this four-armed form of yours, in which you are like the four arms of Vishnu.  The symbol is conch, chakra, mace and lotus, hide it.

Oh God!  You hold the entire universe in Your womb at the end of the destruction of the visible world, yet You have appeared in my womb by Your pure grace.  I am surprised that you imitate the activities of an ordinary human being to please your devotees.”

Devaki and Vasudeva's penance (Sutpa and Prishni's penance)

The Divine Birth of Lord Krishna: A Tale of Auspicious Constellations and Divine Events

Hearing the prayer of Devaki, the Lord replied, “O Mother!  In the Kalpa of Swayambhuva Manu, my father Vasudeva was in the form of a Prajapati named Sutapa and you were his wife Prishni.  

At that time, Brahma asked you to produce children with the desire to increase the number of subjects.  You performed severe penance by controlling your senses.  

While practicing Pranayama in the yogic system, both you husband and wife endured all the effects of material laws like rain, wind, scorching sun.  

You also followed all the religious rules.  In this way your heart becomes pure and you also get control over the effects of material law.

 While doing penance, you kept eating only the leaves that fell on the ground under the trees.  Then with a steady mind and control of the senses, you worshiped me to get a wonderful boon from me.  

Both of you performed rigorous penance for (12,000) years as per the calculations of the Gods, during that period your mind remained absorbed in Me.  

When you were doing devotion and meditating on me continuously in your mind.  Then I am very pleased with you.  O sinless mother.  That's why your conscience is always pure.

 At that time also I appeared before you in this form to fulfill your wish and asked you to ask for the desired groom.  At that time you wanted me to be born as your son.  

Although you saw me in person, you asked for me as your son instead of asking for complete liberation from all pervasive entanglements due to the influence of my illusion."

Why did Sutapa (Vasudev) and Prishni (Devaki) not get salvation?

The Divine Birth of Lord Krishna: A Tale of Auspicious Constellations and Divine Events

Dear readers!  The Lord chose Prishni and Sutapa as His parents to appear in this world.  Whenever God incarnates in human form, He needs parents;  

As a result he chose Prishni and Sutapa as eternal parents;  Therefore both Prishni and Sutapa could not pray for salvation.  Salvation is not as important as divine loving devotion to God.

If the Lord had wished, He could have immediately liberated Prishni and Sutapa, but He considered it better to keep them in this material world for His various incarnations, as will be described later.  

After receiving the boon from God to become their parents, both Prishni and Sutapa left their penance and went home and started living as husband and wife so that they could give birth to the Supreme Lord in the form of a son.

In due course of time Prishni became pregnant and gave birth to a childThe Lord said to Vasudeva and Devaki: “At that time my name was Prishnigarbha. 

how many times did Krishna become the son of Devaki and Vasudev 

In the next Kalpa you were born as Aditi and Kashyapa and then I became your son by the name Upendra. At that time my form was like that of a dwarf so that I was like Vamanadeva.  

I became famous by name. I had given you a boon that I would be born as your son thrice. The first time I was born from Prishni and Sutapa and was called Prishnigarbha, the second time I was born from Aditi and Kashyap and was called Upendra and now for the third time  I am born with the name Krishna from Devaki and Vasudev.

I have incarnated in this form of Vishnu so that I can assure you that the same Lord has taken birth again.  If I wanted, I could have appeared as an ordinary child, but then you would not have believed that I, the Lord, had taken birth from your womb.  

Hey my parents  In this way, you have pampered me many times and brought me up as your son, hence I am extremely happy and extremely grateful to you.  I assure you that this time you will fulfill your purpose and go back to God's abode.

I believe that you are worried about me and afraid of Kansa, hence my order is that you immediately take me to Gokul and exchange me with the newly born daughter of Yashoda." To his father and mother.  

Having said this, the Lord became a normal child in their presence and became silent. After receiving the Lord's orders, Vasudev got ready to take his son out of the maternity hospital.

 Who was Yogmaya?

The Divine Birth of Lord Krishna: A Tale of Auspicious Constellations and Divine Events

At the same time, a daughter was born to Nand and Yashoda.  She was Yogamaya, that is, she was the inner power of God.  

Due to the influence of this Yogamaya, all the residents of Kansa's palace and especially the gatekeepers fell into deep sleep and all the doors of the palace closed with iron chains opened.  

The night was very dark, but as soon as Vasudev came out with Krishna in his lap, everything started appearing to him as if it was sunlight.

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Dear readers!  Krishna is like the sun's light and wherever Krishna resides, the illusion of darkness cannot exist there.  When Vasudev was taking Krishna away, the darkness of the night disappeared.  

All the doors of the prison opened automatically.  At the same time, there was severe thunder in the sky and it started raining heavily.  

When Vasudeva was carrying his son in this rain, Lord Shesha assumed the form of a snake and spread his hood over Vasudeva's head so that the rain would not hinder him.

When Vasudev came to the banks of the Yamuna, he saw that thunderous waves were rising in the water of the Yamuna and the whole bank had become frothy.  

Even so, the Yamuna gave way to Vasudev to cross the river, just as the Indian Ocean gave way to Lord Ramachandra at the time of Setubandha.  

Thus Vasudev crossed the Yamuna.  On the other side he went to the abode of Nanda Maharaj at Gokul where he saw that all the cowherd men were fast asleep.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, he secretly entered Yashoda's house and without any difficulty kept his son and brought Yashoda's newborn daughter in return.  

Thus, after secretly entering the house and exchanging the boy with the girl, he again returned to Kansa's prison and placed the daughter in Devaki's lap.  He again wore handcuffs so that Kansa could not know that so many incidents had happened.  

Mother Yashoda thought that a child had been born to her, but she was in a deep sleep due to exhaustion from the labor pains.  When she woke up, she could not remember whether she had a son or a daughter.

Dear readers! This was the story of the birth of our Krishna Lala.  We hope you liked the post.  Will meet again with the next post in Devotional Story.  Till then take care of yourself.  You keep laughing and smiling and keep humming the songs of God.  

Thank you 

Radhe-Radhe, Jai Shri Radhe Krishna.

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