Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Jai Shri Radhe Krishna, dear readers! How are you guys, we hope you are doing well.

Friends!  In today's post we will learn about the unique relationship of Radha Krishna, her selfless love and faith.  Although the whole world knows about their love, still the amount of talk about them is less.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Friends!  Looking at the love of Radha Krishna, many questions arise in the mind that when Radha Krishna loved each other so much, why did they get separated, why could they not marry each other.

Even after marrying another king, Radha still loved Krishna and remained lost in his memories, was it right to do so?  Did he not follow the duty of Pativrata? Did Radha ji not fulfill her responsibilities?

Why did Radha ji sacrifice her life remembering Shri Krishna?  Why did Krishna break his most beloved flute? Did Lord Shri Krishna do injustice to Radha ji?  Didn't he betray Radha ji?  Many such questions keep arising in the mind.  Perhaps such questions arise in your mind too.

That is why today in this post we will know every heard and unheard stories related to Radha Krishna.  Their love was so pure and unbreakable that despite living apart, they would always remain in each other's hearts till their death.  There was never any kind of jealousy in my mind.  Today such love is not seen anywhere in the society.

If today's man learns even a little bit from the love of Radha Krishna, then the atrocities happening behind love will stop on earth.  But this is hardly possible, because today's lovers do not have tolerance, patience and faith like Radha Krishna.  Hardly a rare loving couple is like this.  Those who have these qualities.  If they are, then understand that they are truly blessed by God.

Friends!  Radha Krishna loved each other very much since childhood.  Krishna was incomplete without Radha and Radha without Krishna.  Where Krishna there is Radha, where Radha there is Krishna.  So to say, these are two bodies, but their hearts are one.

That is why this saying is famous for them that-One soul, two bodies, affectionate with Radha i.e. Radha Krishna had different bodies, but one soul.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Both Krishna and Radha complement each other.  Stories of their love have been going on since time immemorial.  Their love was far from material pleasures.  In fact, the reason for Radha Krishna's birth on earth was to teach people the true meaning of love.

That's why friends!  In Dwapar Yuga, Lord Vishnu was born in the form of Krishna in Mathura, but he was brought up in Yashoda ji's house in Vrindavan.  Then how could Krishna's part Radha ji live alone?  To support Lord Krishna, he was born in the house of Vrishabhan and Kirti in Rawal village near Yamuna.  And soon after birth their love affairs started.

Friends!  It is said that when Radha was born, she was blind.  She couldn't see.  And the reason behind this was his love for Krishna.

Friends!  Before taking birth on earth, Radha ji had come with a promise from heaven that she would not open her eyes until Krishna's first glance fell on her.  Only when Krishna sees her will she see this world.  That's why when Krishna saw Radha ji for the first time in his childhood, he opened his eyes.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Since childhood, Krishna kept captivating the entire Vrindavan with his pastimes and the tune of his flute.  All the people of Braj kept staring at his image.  The gopis would become so fascinated by the tune of his flute that they would have no interest in themselves or their home.  Leaving everything behind, she would run to Krishna following the tune of the flute.

Krishna Radha started dancing in the joy of love since the age of 8.  If Krishna loved anyone in his life, it was his beloved Radha and her flute.  Which he never kept away from himself.  Because Krishna and Radha were connected to each other only through the flute.

Whenever Shri Krishna played the flute, Radha ji immediately came running to meet him and sat near Krishna for hours, lost in the tune of that flute.  Due to which Shri Krishna would get immense happiness.

Krishna Radha mostly used to sit on the banks of Yamuna and talk.  Krishna loved dancing, singing and dancing with Radha.  Not only this, he also took great pleasure in troubling Radha.  

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

That's why at first he would harass Radha and when she would get upset, he would start placating her.  Sometimes he would braid her hair, sometimes he would wear female attire and make Radha ji laugh.  In this way days passed and he reached adolescence.

Friends!  Lord Krishna never wanted to go to Mathura.  He loved Radha very much and could not leave her alone.  His soul was devoted to Vrindavan, Barsana, Radha, Gopis and his Gop Sakha.  Leaving all this behind was for him the equivalent of losing life from his body.

In which Radha was his life.  He wanted to marry Radha.  But friends!  Who can stop the rule of law?  It's bound to happen.  Krishna could not marry Radha.  Because Radha's marriage was already fixed with someone else.  And here from Mathura also, Kansa had called Nand Baba along with Krishna for a wrestling match.

Even on the insistence of Nand Baba and Yashoda, Krishna was not ready to go to Mathura.  He remained adamant on marrying Radha, then Nand Baba took him to Garg Muni.  Garga Muni explained to Krishna and said, Vatsa, you have been born for a special purpose. This has been predicted even before your birth.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Son, you are the savior, you have descended on earth for the welfare of the world, it is not right for you to marry Radha.  But Krishna stuck to his words.  He said that he should not become a savior.  I just want to marry Radha.  I am fine among these cows, cowherds, rivers and mountains.

If I am born only to establish religion, then should I start establishing religion from an unrighteousness?  That I should leave the one who loves me and the one I love.  This is not justice Gurudev.

When Garga Muni saw that Krishna was not ready to understand anything, he took him away from Nandbaba to solitude.  And tell them all the secrets of their life.  He told Krishna that, son!  You are not the son of Nand and Yashoda.  

You are the son of Devaki and Vasudev.  Your parents are in the captivity of Kansa in Mathura, Kansa killed many of your brothers as soon as they were born.  Told all the things etc.

Your parents are waiting for you in Mathura.  You have to free them from captivity.  Hearing this, Krishna became silent and without saying anything, he stood on the top peak of Govardhan Mountain and started looking at the sky. 


Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

He stayed on the same mountain the whole day and kept thinking till evening.  Now he no longer had the desire to marry Radha. He accepted religion instead of love.  And from that day his life changed completely.

When Lord Krishna came to know that Kansa was his maternal uncle and he had kept his parents captive.  And he wanted to kill them too, so he had a strong desire to go to Mathura and he accepted Kansa's invitation.  After that Krishna went to Mathura and after some time Radha got married to Yashoda's brother Abhimanyu.

Friends!  Both Radha and Krishna knew that now Krishna would not come to Vrindavan again and would not be able to meet like before.  Therefore, a day before leaving for Mathura, Krishna and Radha met on the banks of Yamuna.  

That day Radha asked Krishna for two promises.  The first promise I asked was that only you should reside in my heart and the second promise was that I should see you before my death.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Friends, Shri Krishna accepted both the promises of Radha ji.  But after giving both the promises, Shri Krishna knew very well that after his departure, Radha would be in a bad condition crying in separation.  She would not be able to live, so she also asked for a promise from Radha.  He told Radha to promise me that after my departure you will not let even a single tear be shed.

After that Krishna went to Mathura and Radha remained in Vrindavan.  Going to Mathura, Shri Krishna killed his maternal uncle Kansa and freed his imprisoned parents.  After that he established the city of Dwarka for the protection of Mathura, hence Shri Krishna is also called by the name of Dwarkadhish.

Krishna married Rukmini and Satyabhama in Dwarka itself.  Apart from this, Krishna also had 16 thousand 108 queens.  For your information, friends!  That Krishna did not marry these 16 thousand 108 queens.

All these queens were imprisoned by a demon.  Shri Krishna freed all these queens from the captivity of the demon.  All of them were destitute and no one even married them.  Therefore Krishna kept them in his city.

Shri Krishna freed her from the captivity of the demon, hence love for Krishna awakened in her mind and she started considering him as her husband in her mind.  

While roaming in Krishna's city, she would just chant Krishna's name all the time.  She roamed around in every street and every temple singing songs in the name of Krishna.

He could not see anything else except Krishna.  Krishna had settled in his veins.  In Krishna's tune, he has no interest even in his food and drinks.  He was okay with being hungry and thirsty, but he was not at all okay with living without seeing Krishna.  

Seeing their condition, all the townspeople started calling them queens crazy about Krishna.  Some people even started calling them the wives of Krishna.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Friends!  In this way Krishna had 16 thousand 108 queens.  But people have different beliefs about this matter, which cannot be changed.  But the truth is that Krishna did not love anyone else except Radha.

Rukmini, Satyabhama and other three queens, all of them were ardent devotees of Krishna in their previous lives.  All of them did penance to get Krishna as their husband.  Pleased with her penance, Shri Krishna accepted her proposal and said that in Dwapara Yuga he would incarnate as Krishna and then accept her as his wife.

Like this friends!  There was some reason behind Shri Krishna marrying everyone.  Shri Krishna is the incarnation of Vishnu and the aim of Lord Vishnu is to fulfill the wishes of his devotees.  

That's why sometimes they are born in someone's house as a son, sometimes to become someone's lover, sometimes to become someone's husband, and sometimes to protect religion.  It means to say that whoever wants to get God, gets it in that form.

It is not so, friends!  That only Yashoda, Meera or Devaki had the power to attain God.  No!  It is not like that at all.  This ability is within you too.  If you want God to become your son, husband, brother, lover or father, then it is possible.  You can get them in any form you want.  All one needs is to love and trust God like Yashoda, Meera and Devaki.

Now, to do penance, it is not at all necessary that you go out of the house and go to the mountains and stand on one leg or remain hungry and thirsty.  No, don't do this at all.  You should remain where you are, there should be strength in your worship, prayer and devotion.

So much strength, so much love, so much pain that God cannot stop me.He becomes anxious to see you and comes running to you.  When he comes to you, you can pray to him to get him in the form in which you want him to be.

Friends!  This work is not so easy, but it is not impossible either.  Now if you want to find God, you will have to work hard.  For us people of Kalyug, this era has been given to us as a boon.  It is so easy to find God in this era i.e. Kaliyuga, which was not so easy even in Satyayuga and Tretayuga.

In Satyayuga, Treta and Dwapar Yuga, God used to appear on doing penance, but in Kaliyuga, just taking the name of God is equivalent to penance.  Therefore, do not let this era go waste. Whether we meet God or not, it is a matter of good fortune for us that we will attain salvation at the end by chanting His name.

Friends!  After marrying Rukmini and Satyabhama, Krishna became busy in his divine works.  As you know friends, nowadays physical marriage is considered the medium of true love.  But Krishna and Radha are such an example for the world that they never married.

They loved each other only with their mind and heart and remained bound to each other through that pure love.  You must have heard or read many stories of Radha and Krishna in books.  But we are going to tell you a story which is very famous in the world.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Friends! Once upon a time - Shri Krishna was sleeping in his palace and while sleeping he was just saying Radhe-Radhe.  When Shri Krishna's queens heard him saying Radhe Radhe, they did not like it.  He said to God- O Lord!  We all love you very much, but you never take our name and Radha is not here, yet you are taking her name while sleeping.  Why so?

Then Krishna replied to the queens saying, once you meet Radha yourself, you will know why I take the name of Radha.  and yes!  One more thing, when you go to meet Radha, definitely take something for her.

Rukmini ji went to meet Radha the next day with hot milk as prasad.  When she reached his palace, she found a very beautiful, sharp and vigorous woman at the door.  To which Rukmini ji asks, are you Radha?  The woman says no no, I am not Radha. I am his maid. You will find Radha Rani inside seven gates.

Rukmini ji goes inside.  After crossing one door and two doors, when she reaches inside the seventh door, she sees that Radha ji is sleeping.  When the maid was asked to wake her up, the maid said that Radha Rani had not slept for many nights, she had been chanting Krishna Krishna every moment and she had just fallen asleep while chanting Krishna's name.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Rukmini starts telling the reason for her arrival to Radha ji's maid, she says that I have come from Dwarkapuri.  Krishna has sent me.  Right now she is telling that Radha ji wakes up on hearing the name of Krishna.

She goes to Rukmini and says with tears of joy that today, after a long time, Krishna has sent someone to meet me.  At first Rukmini was surprised to see how Radha's condemnation broke as soon as she heard Krishna's name and as soon as she woke up, Krishna's name was on her lips. Seeing this, Rukmini's heart was also filled with love for Radha.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Rukmini patiently told Radha that Krishna has sent this milk as prasad for you.  On hearing this, without thinking anything, Radha takes hot milk from Rukmini and drinks it in one breath, that is, she drinks so much hot milk without stopping.  The milk was so hot that it was difficult to touch and Radha drank it in one breath, seeing which Rukmini was filled with surprise.  And then after talking to Radha for some time, she went back to her palace.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

At night, when Rukmini holds Krishna's feet to press them, she sees that his feet are covered with thick ulcers.  He asked Krishna, Lord, which place did you go today that you got these blisters on your feet.

Then Shri Krishna replied to Rukmini saying that you had taken hot milk for Radha.  Which Radha drank in one breath without stopping and she got ulcers in her heart.  And my lotus feet reside in Radha's heart and that is why I have blisters on my feet.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Seeing Krishna and Radha's love for her, Rukmini comes to know the depth of their love that love is not for the body but for the soul.  Who resides in the form of lotus feet in Radha's heart.

Friends!  Apart from this, it is also said in a story that Lord Brahma had come to earth and got Shri Krishna and Radha married in Bhandirvan.  A temple was built at the place where they got married.  That temple still exists at the same place.  There is an idol of Shri Krishna and Radha in that temple, in which they are looking at each other with garlands in their hands.

If this statement is considered correct, then Krishna was married to Radha and Radha was Krishna's first wife. This cannot be refused to be accepted because the scriptures mention their marriage and the scriptures are never false.  Now how much truth is there in this and how much is lie?  We will give you complete information about this topic in another post.  So that you can get the right information and you can also give the right knowledge to others.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Now if we talk about her husband's religion, then friends, it is mentioned in the scriptures that Radha's husband Abhimanyu who is also known as Ayaan.  Maharishi Dadhichi ji had cursed him that if he touched Radha, he would burn to ashes.  In this way, Radha ji remained pure even after marriage and continued to fulfill the responsibilities of her household with Krishna in her mind till the end.

After fulfilling all her responsibilities well, one day Radha went to Dwarka city to meet Krishna.  When they saw each other in the palace, first they kept looking at each other for a long time, then they kept talking only through their minds without speaking.  Radha lived in Krishna's palace for some days.

In this way, Radha ji got a chance to worship and talk to Krishna for a few more days.  But Krishna was so busy in politics and other work that he could not give time to Radha like before.  And Radha, sitting alone in the palace, used to remember the old form of Krishna.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Radha's mind became very distraught after not getting Krishna's company like in the old times and she started fearing that the old image of Krishna and his lovely memories might go out of her mind, hence Radha quietly left Dwarka without telling anyone.  And started spending time in Vrindavan.

After spending some time friends!  When Radha ji realized that her last moments were near, she remembered Krishna and reminded him of his promise.  As soon as Krishna heard Radha's call, he came running towards her.

But seeing the pitiful condition of Radha, Krishna became very emotional and his eyes filled with tears.  He came to know that Radha was going to bid farewell to him, hence he asked Radha to ask for something at the last moment.

On this, Radha told Krishna that in the last moments of my life, I want to see the same form of yours, which I used to see earlier in Vrindavan.  I want to see you playing the sweet, lovely tune of the flute like before.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Friends!  As soon as Radha had said this, Krishna sat near her and started playing flute tunes for her.  While playing the flute, tears of love were flowing from the eyes of both Radha and Krishna.  While listening to the tune of the flute, Radha sacrificed her life in front of Krishna.

Where is such love based on Radha Krishna
Where is such love based on Radha Krishna

Seeing this, Shri Krishna became so upset that he broke his favorite flute right then and there and never played the flute again.  Because flute and Radha had an unbreakable relationship, hence when Radha is not there, flute is also not there.  Thinking this, Shri Krishna never played the flute in the rest of his life.  This is how the love of friends Krishna and Radha ended.

Friends!  Now tell me, is there such love anywhere in the present day? Is there such sacrifice anywhere, is there such patience, faith and clean mind anywhere.  We don't think it is so. We have seen only deceit, fraud, lies, distrust and hatred in today's lovers.

Every day we hear the same thing in the news that today a girlfriend murdered her lover and somewhere a lover murdered his beloved. Today's lovers have changed the language of love.  Who love not with the mind, but only with the body.

Now it would not be right to say that all lovers do this. Because just as all five fingers are not the same, similarly all lovers are not the same.  But mostly it is like this.  That's how we feel, how do you feel?  Do you agree with this?  Please tell us your opinion.

moral of the story

Dear friends!  From this story we learn that if we love someone, we should love them like Shri Radhe and Krishna.  If we find our love then it is fine and if we don't find it then we should stay away and pray for our love throughout our life, so that wherever he lives, he remains happy and the blessings of Shri Radhe Krishna ji remain on him.

So friends!  How did you like this post today?  Please let us know.  With this we take leave.  Will meet again in the next post with the devotional story.  Till then you keep laughing, smiling and remembering God.

Thank you-Jai Jai Shri Radhe Krishna

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