Why did Shiva show Rudra form to Piplad?

Har Har Mahadev, dear readers, how are you, we hope you are safe. May you be blessed by Lord Shiva.

Once upon a time, the demon Vritrasura, with the aim of establishing his rights over heaven, troubled all the gods and Devraj Indra so much that he had to leave heaven and run away.  Due to Vritrasura being invincible, no god could defeat him.  So all the gods including Indra went to Maharishi Dadhichi to ask for help.  He told Maharishi Dadhichi that only you can save us from Vritrasura.

Maharishi's nature

Why did Shiva show Rudra form to Piplad?

Maharishi was very kind.  He said tell me what can I do.  Indradev said, O Maharishi, the task is very difficult - except you the crisis will not be solved.  Maharishi said, speak without hesitation.  If possible I will definitely help.  Indradev said that the demon Vritrasura is immortal (immortal), he has the boon that he will not die if anyone kills him.  

No weapon was made to kill him.  He can only be killed by a weapon made from your bones and not by any other weapon.  Please grant us a weapon made from your bones for the benefit of heaven and all the gods.  We will always be grateful to you.

Being of kind nature, Maharishi accepted the prayers of the Gods and Devraj Indra.  Hearing this the gods became happy.  Accepting the prayer, Maharishi Dadhichi left his body.  

Why did Shiva show Rudra form to Piplad?

Vishwakarma took his bones and made a thunderbolt.  With the same thunderbolt, Indra killed the invincible Vritrasura and re-established his authority over heaven.  

When Pippalad, son of mother Suvarcha and Maharishi Dadhichi, came to know about the deadly (harmful, killer) actions of his father Dadhichi, he became very angry at the gods.  

He told his mother that - For their own selfishness, the gods forced my ascetic father to commit suicide.  He was not at all ashamed of asking for bones.

Pippalad's penance

The feeling of revenge burned in Pippalad's mind.  He resolved to destroy all the gods and started doing penance for this purpose.

Sitting on the banks of the holy river Gautami, he started penance.  He spent many years doing penance.  Lord Shankar was pleased by his rigorous penance.  He appeared to Pippalad and said - Son Pippalad, open your eyes.  I am happy with your penance.  Ask what boon you ask for.

Pippalad prostrated himself before Lord Shiva and then said - O Pralayankar, O Lord! If you are really happy with me, then open your third eye and incinerate the selfish gods.

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Lord Shiva's explanation to Pippalada

While explaining to the devotee Pippalad, Lord Shiva said - Son! You could not bear the brightness of my Rudra form, hence I appeared before you in a gentle form.  Don't give voice to the brilliance of my third eye, that is, don't let it open.  Because if it opens then the whole world will be destroyed.

Pippalad said - Oh Lord!  I have no attachment to the gods and this world run by them.  You destroy the gods, even if the whole world gets destroyed along with them.  Lord Shiva smiled at this and said - Son, I am giving you one more opportunity.  You should see my Rudra form from your heart.

 Pippalad's vision of Rudra form

Why did Shiva show Rudra form to Piplad?

Pippalad closed his eyes and saw Lord Rudra with Kapalmali, Virupaksha, Trilochan and Ahibhushan in his heart.  Just by the presence of that fiery and fierce form in his heart, Pippalad felt that every pore of his being was being burnt to ashes.  His whole body started trembling.  He felt that he would faint within some time.  

When he again called out to Lord Shankar i.e lord shiva with a compassionate voice, the fierce idol disappeared from his heart. Pippalad opened his eyes and saw that Shashankshekhar Prabhu was standing in front of him smiling.

Pippalada said sadly - I had prayed to incinerate the gods and you started incinerating me.

Lord Shiva's sermon

Why did Shiva show Rudra form to Piplad?

Lord Shiva lovingly explained to Pippalad that destruction starts from one place and spreads all around and it always starts from the place where it has been called.  The deity of your hand is Indra, the deity of eyes is Surya, the deity of nose is Ashwini Kumar and the deity of mind is Moon.  

Similarly, if the presiding deities of every sense organ and organ are destroyed, how will the body survive?  Therefore, son! Understand that by wishing bad luck to others, you first bring bad luck to yourself.

Your father Maharishi Dadhichi even gave his bones for the welfare of others.  His sacrifice made him immortal. They will reside in the divine abode for eternity.  You are his son, so you should also wish everyone's well-being like your father.  One should do good to others.  Anger is the root of destruction.  Therefore, do not let it dominate your mind.

Pippalad regretted his actions.  He apologized to Lord Shiva and bowed his head at his feet. In this way Lord Shiva quenched the burning flame in the mind of Pippalada and returned to his abode.

 Our request

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Dear readers!  After reading the story, you must have understood that one should never think of destroying others in life.  It is not a good thing to hurt others.  There are many people who are very happy to see others in a sad state.  

But they forget that today they are laughing at the condition of others and are getting happiness, tomorrow they too will have to go through this phase.  Because whatever one does, he will be rewarded accordingly.  This is the rule of law.  The good deeds done today will yield good results in the future.  

There is no doubt about it.  A man is identified only by his good and bad deeds.  If the deeds are good then one gets respect and fame in life, whereas if the deeds are bad then one gets only infamy in life.  No one associates with such people.

Here in this story, it was Lord Shiva who explained to Pippalad and opened his eyes and showed him the right path.  But no Lord Shiva will come here in this world because no one here has the ability to do so much penance.  

Bad habits like lies, deceit, greed etc. are filled in the hearts of human beings.  People with a clean and pure mind are rarely seen.  Therefore, here on earth we will have to learn only from the teachings given by Lord Shiva.

With this, we end our speech by giving pause.  And pray that Bhole Nath i.e lord shiv makes your life happy.

Thank you

Har Har Mahadev


Who is Piplad?

Piplad is an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Piplad's father's name was Rishi Dadhichi, who is also known as the embodiment of sacrifice, and his mother's name was Suvarcha.

What enmity did Piplad have with Shani Dev?

Piplad considered Shanidev to be the reason for the death of his parents. Because when Piplad was born, there was Shanidosh in his horoscope, due to which his parents passed away soon. Due to which Piplad became very sad. Why did his parents die so soon, this question was arising again and again in his mind.

Piplad was a devotee of Shiva, he pleased Lord Shiva by performing penance and learned from him the reason for the death of his parents. When Piplad came to know from Lord Shiva that due to Shanidosh in his horoscope, his parents died early, he became very angry at Shani Dev. From that very day he started hating Shanidev and considering him as his enemy.

Why and what curse did Piplad give to Shanidev?

There was Shani Dosha in Piplad Muni's horoscope, due to which his parents soon left him. He became orphan. Therefore he cursed Shanidev.

He said that Shani Dev, because of you my parents left me, hence from today onwards you too will stay away from these planets like me. I curse you to stay away from this planet.

When the gods saw that Shani Dev was moving away from the planet, they prayed to Piplad that O sage, please calm your anger. Please take back your curse. Due to this curse the balance of the universe will be disturbed.

On the request of the gods, he withdrew the curse given to Shani Dev but at the same time warned Shani Dev that from today onwards his gaze should not fall on children below the age of 16 years. If this happens I will not forgive you.

Friends, from that day the evil eye of Shani Dev does not fall on children up to 16 years of age. Even if it falls due to some reason, that defect is pacified by worshiping Piplad. It is said that those who are devotees of Shiva and Piplad, i.e. those who worship these two Gods, are never troubled by the evil eye of Saturn.

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