krishna inspirational quotes in english

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you guys, we hope you are safe.

krishna inspirational quotes in english

Friends, in today's post we will read some precious words of Lord Krishna.  Such words, reading which, give peace to the disturbed mind. One gets the strength to fight life and discover new paths.  So let us read the inspirational words of Krishna without any delay.

krishna inspirational quotes in english

  • Even an earthen lamp fights darkness the whole night, you are a devotee of Krishna then why are you afraid of difficulties.

  • Lord Krishna says, giving life is not love but becoming someone's life is love.

  • Just tell Krishna once, I have given you the rope of my life, it is up to you in whatever direction you take me.

  • Such is the nature of people that if they don't get love, they don't have patience, and if they get it, they don't appreciate it.

  • Krishna says friends, learn quickly what to do with time, otherwise it will not take long to decide what to do with time.

  • The pain you are bearing today will become your strength tomorrow.

  • Remember, whatever goal you constantly keep in your mind, no one can stop you from achieving it.

  • When a person is smiling even after suffering atrocities, then God takes revenge on that person.

  • Bowing of the mind is very important, God is not attained by mere bowing of the head.

  • Be patient, try, struggle and don't give up until you win.

  • At the time when people are changing colors for you, at that time Shri Krishna is changing the time for you.

  • When time turns, everything changes, so do not be proud in good times and do not lose patience in bad times.

  • Everyone knows how to speak, but very few people know what to say and when.

  • When you do not fall even after stumbling, then understand that Shri Krishna has held your hand.

  • A day will come when everyone will leave you, but God will always be with you.

  • Leave unnecessary worries, take the name of Vasudev, Vasudev is with you, do your work.

  • Shri Krishna says, you better go, I will make every turn, why do you worry, I will explain everything when the time comes.

  • Neither weapons can cut the soul, nor fire can burn it, nor water can soak it nor wind can extinguish it, so what is there to fear.  You live without fear.

  • The one who wants only his own good is Duryodhana, the one who wants the good of his own people is Yudhishthir and the one who wants the good of everyone is Vasudev Nandan Shri Krishna.

  • If you are happy, don't make promises; if you are angry, don't take decisions.  Time is never visible, but it can show a lot.

  • Things have value before they are acquired and people have value after they are lost.

  • A person walking on thorns reaches the destination quickly because the thorns increase the speed of the feet.

  • No matter what the relationship may be, the password is the same, faith. If you have faith in God, there is a way out even in troubles.

  • Devaki Nandan says, if you face any trouble, remember me, I will come to support you, not to give you advice.

  • Difficulties and adversities in life are the best qualities that teach human beings.  Those who face them with courage are victorious in life.

  • Education and values ​​are the basics of living life.  Education will never let you bend and values ​​will never let you fall.

  • Remember, if bad people had understood just by explaining, Krishna would never have allowed Mahabharata to happen.

  • Those who try can do everything, it is better to try once more with all your heart rather than regret.

  • Madhusudan i.e. Krishna says, seeing and hearing evil is the beginning of evil.

  • Too much love also makes a person foolish.

  • Struggle is another name for the future.

  • God himself spoils some relationships, so that our life does not get spoiled.

  • If you work hard then you will get wealth, if you have patience then you will get work, if you speak sweetly then you will get recognition, if you get respect then you will get name.

  • Till date no such destination has been reached where there is no way to reach it.

  • If you consider life as a journey then there is fun, otherwise there is problem every day.

  • If hard work becomes a habit then success becomes destiny.

  • Empty pockets, hungry stomach and false love teach a person a lot in life.

  • Whether someone supports you or not, do not be disappointed because there is no greater companion than Krishna.

  • Stress can only give rise to problems, if you want to find a solution then you will have to smile.

  • If God is making you wait longer then be prepared, He is going to give you much more than you asked for.

  • One should never forget three people in life, the first one who supported us in times of trouble, the second one who left us in times of trouble, and the third one who got us into trouble.

  • You get everything in this world, you just don't get your mistakes.

  • There is no person on this earth who does not have problems, but there is also no problem on this earth which has no solution.

  • Don't be afraid, look within yourself, there is an Arjun hidden in you too, have faith in Krishna, who has brought you here, will take you further also.

  • The loser is the one who complains again and again, and the winner is the one who tries a thousand times.

  • Those who cannot change their thinking cannot change anything.

  • If you work, you get the result, if not today then tomorrow.

  • The deeper the well, the sweeter the water, the solution to every difficult question of life is found in life itself.

  • Learn to walk with a little arrogance in the eyes of the world, if you keep walking around with a heart like wax, people will keep burning you.

  • Whatever is yours today, earlier it belonged to someone else and in the future it will belong to someone else.  Change is the rule of the world.

  • Pride tells how much money one has, values ​​tell how the family is, speech tells how a person is, conversation tells how knowledge is, eyes tell how the appearance is and touch tells what the intentions are.

  • The right time will come when you stop thinking and start doing something.

  • A person who can control himself can do anything in life.

  • Whatever you have to do, do it today because tomorrow you have to do something new and on one such day you have to create history.

  • Krishna is the truth, Krishna is infinite, Krishna is eternal, Krishna is Brahma, Krishna is power, Krishna is devotion, so let us bow down to Shri Krishna and say with love Jai Shri Krishna.

So dear readers, how did you like Krishna's words?  Hope you enjoyed it and your troubled mind finds peace.

With this we take leave.  Will meet again in the next post in the devotional story, till then stay happy, keep laughing, keep smiling and keep remembering God.

Thank you

Jai Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna

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