Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you guys, we hope you are safe.

Dear Readers – The story we are going to tell you today is very interesting and full of devotion.  This is the story of a crow, a common crow who found God despite being in the form of a bird.  

The crow, who could not attain this happiness even in human form, attained that happiness by becoming a bird and became a very dear devotee of Shri Ram Ji.  Later he became known as Kakabhusundi ji.  So you read the story carefully.

Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi ji

This is from the Ramayana period when Meghnath tied Ram ji in a snake's noose.  Then Garuda ji freed him from the bondage and went back.  

Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi

But there was a great sadness in his mind that - I had heard that there is an incarnation of the Supreme Lord Brahma who is all-pervasive, disorder-free, the master of speech and beyond all illusions.  

But I did not see any effect from them.  By chanting his name, people are freed from the bondage of the world, the same Ram was tied by a snake with a snake's noose.  It is a matter of great surprise.

Garud ji explained his mind a lot but his mind did not get satisfaction.  Confusion spread even more in the heart.  Feeling sad, he went to Narad ji and told him the whole story.  Narad ji felt great pity on him.  

Narad ji said that the illusion of God is very strong.  I too have fallen into this trap once.  A huge attachment has arisen in your mind.  This won't go away if I tell you.  You go to Lord Brahma and do whatever he asks you to do.

Then Garud ji went to Brahma ji and told about all the doubts in his mind, then Brahma ji said very lovingly that - Bholenath knows the glory of Shri Ram ji very well.  You go to them.

After that Garuda ji went to Lord Shiva and bowed his head and narrated his whole story.  Lord Shiva was on the way at that time so he said that you have met me on the way, how should I explain to you on the way? 

All your doubts will be destroyed only if you attend satsang for a long time.  Let the beautiful green story be heard.  Therefore, I send you to the place where Ram Katha happens every day.  You go and listen to him.  As soon as you listen to him, all your doubts will be erased.

After that Garud ji went to the place where Kakabhushundi ji, who had uninterrupted intelligence and complete devotion, lived.  As soon as he reached the mountain on which he lived, his heart became happy after seeing that mountain.  

All the doubts, attachment, illusion and thinking in his mind went away.  After taking bath in the pond and then having refreshments, he went to Kakbhushundi ji.  There I greeted him and told him the whole story.

Seeing Garud ji trapped under the influence of God's illusion, he remembered Shri Ram ji from his heart and then narrated the stories of Shri Hari to Garud ji.  

After listening to the story, all the illusions, thoughts and attachments of his mind were erased, but one thing was nagging in his mind again and again, that despite being so intelligent and knowledgeable, why did he have the form of a crow.  He could not control himself and asked him with great respect, love and soft voice.

Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi

Garuda ji said, O Lord, consider me as your servant and please bless me.  Please answer one of my questions that you are very intelligent, knower of everything, beyond darkness, polite, simple in conduct and a dear servant of Lord Shri Ram Ji, the abode of knowledge, renunciation and science.  Then why did you find this crow's body?

Kakbhushundi ji smiled after listening to him and said - This is a very strange story.  Today your question reminded me of many of my births.  Let me tell you my entire story in detail.

Friends!  Kakbhushundi ji said - In this world, all the results of chanting, penance, yagya, sham (controlling the mind), dam (controlling the senses), fasting, charity, detachment, prudence, yoga, science etc. are all due to Lord Shri Ram Ji.  Is at the feet of.  Without these no one can attain welfare.  

And in this form of mine (crow) I found devotion to God, hence I love this form of mine very much.  Who would not love a work in which there is one's own interest?  

O Garuda ji - such a policy has been mentioned in the Vedas and people also say that if it is in one's own interest to live with a despicable person, then there is no harm in living with that person, hence one should love them.

A silk worm from which beautiful silk clothes are made.  Despite knowing that it is an insect, people keep it with great love.  Why ?  Because he has selfish interest in it.  

Whoever it may be, the true selfishness for him is that he should worship Shri Ram with his mind, actions and words and remain at his feet.  Only that body is sacred and beautiful, after attaining which Lord Ram can be worshiped.

Even if a person who turns away from Shri Ram ji gets a body like Brahma ji, poets and pundits (wise people) do not praise him.  From this very body of mine, devotion to Ram arose in my heart.  That's why I like this form of mine.

Since with the blessings of Bholenath, my life and death are all on my will, but still I do not leave this body because it is written in the Vedas that there is no worship without the body.  

At first I was in great trouble due to attachment.  I never slept peacefully since Shri Ram ji was away.  In many births, I did many types of donations, yoga, chanting, penance, yagya etc.  

There is no such species in which I have not taken birth again and again.  O Garuda ji - I have tried all the deeds but I have never been as happy as in this birth.

Kakbhushundi ji's first birth

Kaakbhushundi ji, while taking the story forward, said to Garuda that - O bird king, by the grace of Bholenath, my mind has not been clouded by attachment, that is why I remember my many births.  

Now let me tell you the story of my first birth.  Hearing this, love arose in my mind for the feet of the Lord and all troubles vanished.

The original age of sins in previous births was Kaliyuga.  In which all men and women were committing unrighteous acts and did not believe in the Vedas. In that Kaliyuga, I was born in Ayodhyapuri and got the body of a Shudra.  

I was very arrogant.  I was a servant of Lord Shiva in body, mind and words.  I was very fond of Shiva and I used to criticize all the other gods.  I was a person with a very fierce mind.

I was so greedy for money that I started talking nonsense to everyone.  Even though I lived in the city of Shri Ram ji, he had no importance in my mind at that time.  

Gradually time passed and I came to know that Vedas, Shastras and Puranas have said that whoever goes and resides in Ayodhya in any birth.  

He was devoted to Shri Ram ji.  Only then can humans know the impact of Awadh.  When Shri Ram, holding a bow in his hand, resides in his heart.

O king of birds, that Kaliyuga period was very useless.  In that, both men and women were involved in sins.  The good deeds disappeared.  The arrogant people, using their own imaginations, revealed many scriptures.  

Everyone was under the spell of fascination.  Good deeds were cheated by greed.  In Kaliyuga, deceit, arrogance, stubbornness, hatred, hypocrisy, pride, attachment, lust, anger, greed and pride were prevalent in the entire universe.  

People started doing religious activities like chanting, penance, fasting, yajna and charity etc. with a tāmāsī (demonic) spirit.  God (Indra) does not rain water on the earth and the food sown in the fields never grows.

The reason behind Kakbhushundi ji getting curse from Lord Shiva.

 O king of birds, I remained in Ayodhya for many years in that Kaliyuga.  Once there was a famine there, then I, struck by the calamity, went abroad.  I went to Ujjain feeling very poor, sad, poor and sad.  

After some time, I collected some property and started worshiping Lord Shankar there.  A Brahmin lived there.  He used to worship Lord Shiva with great rituals. 

Apart from this he had no other work.  He was an expert in charity.  He was a worshiper of Shambhu, but never criticized Shri Hari.

I used to serve them fraudulently.  Those Brahmins were very kind and fair.  He treated me like a son and taught me.  He gave me the mantra of Lord Shiva and gave me many good advices.  I used to go to Lord Shiva's temple every day and chant mantras.  

Guru ji gave me a mantra, this increased my ego even more.  Being an evil, low caste and sinful person with a dirty mind, my heart would burn whenever I saw any Shri Hari devotee or Brahmin, I did not like them at all.  I used to betray Lord Vishnu.

 Guru ji was very upset with this behavior of mine.  He would explain to me every day, but I would not understand at all, rather his words would only increase my anger.  

One day Guru ji called me and explained the policy points very well and said - O son!  The result of serving Lord Shiva is to have unwavering faith in the feet of Shri Ram Ji.  

Lord Shiva and Brahma Ji also worship Shri Ram Ji.  Then what can we say about us humans?  You are the lovers of Brahmama ji and Shiv ji, oh unfortunate one! Will you ever be able to live in peace by betraying them?

Guruji called Shivji the servant of Shri Hari. Hearing this, O king of birds!  My heart burned and I became extremely angry.  After getting education from a low caste, I became like a snake after being fed milk.  

From that day onwards, I became arrogant, crooked and mischievous, I started hating Guru ji day and night, getting angry, but Guru ji was very kind, he never got angry at me.  Rather, he explained to me again and again and gave me knowledge.

It is written in the scriptures that a lowly person first destroys the person from whom he gets pride.  Like dust lies disrespectfully on the road and always bears the kicks of all people.  But when the wind lifts it (lifts it high) then first of all it fills that air with dust.  

Understanding this, intelligent people never associate with the wicked.  Poets and pundits say that neither friendship nor enmity with the wicked is good, the more you stay away from them, the better.  Such people should be shunned from a distance.

Similarly, I was wicked, my heart was full of deceit and deceit, yet Guru ji explained to me only things that were beneficial for me, but I did not like it at all.  

One day I was chanting in Lord Shiva's temple.  At the same time, revered Guru ji came there, but due to ego I did not get up and pay my obeisance to him. 

But Guru ji was very kind (even after seeing my fault) and did not say anything to me.  He did not get angry at all.  But the insult to the Guru is very great and Lord Shiva cannot bear it.

Then a voice came from the sky in the temple that you are wicked, unfortunate, foolish, arrogant! Even though your Guru is not angry at you, he is very kind and a storehouse of knowledge, still you are a fool! I will curse you because I do not like opposing the policy.  

Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi

It seems.  Oh wicked!  If I do not punish you then my path of Vedas will get corrupted.  Those people who are jealous of their Guru remain in hell for millions of ages.  

Then coming out from there, they take birth in the bodies of Teerkas (animals, birds etc.) and continue suffering for ten thousand births.  Hey sinner!  You remained sitting in front of the Guru like a python.

Oh wicked!  Your intellect is covered with sin.  Therefore, you become a snake and after attaining the lowest form of the lowest snake, go and live in the hollow of a big heavy tree.

Hearing such a terrible curse from Lord Shiva, Guru Ji cried out.  Seeing me trembling, he felt very sad.  

He folded his hands with love and pleaded with Lord Shiva in a tearful voice and said - O Lord! I neither know yoga, nor do I know chanting, nor do I know worship.  

Hey Shiva!  I always worship you only.  I salute you only.  Oh God !  Protect me, the miserable one, from the sorrows of old age and death.

O Shambho, O God, I salute you.  Guru ji requested in many ways.  Then a voice came from the sky in the temple, O great Dwij, ask for a boon. 

Guru ji said, O Lord! If you are pleased with me and have your love for me, a humble person, then first give me devotion at your feet and then give me the second boon.  .

O Lord, this ignorant man keeps wandering under the influence of your illusion.  O Lord, the ocean of grace, do not get angry at this.  O Lord who has mercy on the days – please have mercy on this person.  So that he can get freedom from the curse in a short time. 

Hearing the words spoken for the welfare of others, the heavenly voice again said - 'Evamastu (so be it) even though he has committed a terrible sin and I too have cursed him out of anger, yet seeing your saintliness I will shower special blessings on him.

Hey Dwija!  - Those who are forgiving and charitable are as dear to me as Shri Ram ji.  O Dwija, this curse of mine will not go in vain.  He will definitely take a thousand births, but the sorrow that comes at birth and death will never affect him and his knowledge will not be erased in any birth.  

Then he said to Shudra, now listen to my true words.  Firstly, you were born in Avadhpuri, then you worshiped and served me wholeheartedly.  Due to the influence of Avadhpuri and my grace, devotion to Ram will arise in your heart.

Now O brother---Now listen to these true words of mine--Service to Brahmins is the only fast that pleases God.  Never insult any Brahmin again.  

The one who does not die from Indra's and my huge trident, the punishment of Kaal and the monstrous chakra of Shri Hari, gets burnt to ashes by the fire of anger of a Brahmin.  Always keep this in mind.  

With my blessings nothing will be scarce for you in the world and you will be able to go wherever you want without any hindrance.  

Guruji was very happy to hear the words of Shivji and told me that everything should be like this, and then Guruji went to his home.  

Due to the curse of Lord Shiva, I went to Vindhyachal and became a snake.  Then after some time passed, I left that body without any pain.

In this way I took many births and would happily discard them just like humans discard old clothes.  And wear new clothes. Shivji protected the dignity of the Vedas and I did not even suffer any trouble. I have assumed countless bodies, but my knowledge has not been lost.  

Whichever body (animal, bird, god or human) I assume there, I continue to sing the praises of Shri Ram Ji in that body. (Thus I became happy) But one sorrow always pricked me like a trident.  That is, I insulted my extremely kind and gentle natured Guruji a lot.

Kakbhushundi ji's last birth 

O Garuda, I found the last body of a Brahmin, whom the Puranas and Vedas say is rare even for the gods.  While playing and jumping with the children there, I used to perform the pastimes of Shri Ram Ji.  

When I grew up a little, my father started teaching me.  I used to listen, understand and think about everything but I did not like reading at all.  Gradually all the desires of my mind went away and I fell at the feet of Shri Ram Ji. 

Father lost his studies but I did not study at all.  After some time, father passed away, that is, he died.  Then I went into the forest while chanting the hymns of Shri Ram Ji.  

Wherever I found a sage in the forest, I bowed my head to him.  Listened to the stories of Shri Ram Ji from him.  I would be happy in my mind and would think about when I would get to see Shri Ram ji.

Kakabhushundi ji's knowledge from Lomas Muni ji.

Taking the story forward, Kakbhushundi ji said - O Garuda, remembering the words of Guru ji, my mind fell at the feet of Shri Ram ji.  I used to just sing the praises of Shri Ram ji every single moment.  

Once Lomash Muni was sitting under a banyan tree on the peak of Sumeru Mountain.  Seeing him, I bowed my head at his feet and said very soft and humble words.  

Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi

Hearing my very loving and gentle words, the sage started asking me - O Brahmin! Why have you come here?  Then I said – Oh Kripa Nidhi! You are the one who knows everything.  Oh Lord! Tell me to worship (prakirya) Saguna Brahma.

Then O King of Birds! Then Guruji narrated all the stories of the qualities of Shri Ram Ji.  Then those sages having knowledge of Brahma, considering me as the ultimate authority, started preaching about Brahma that - He is unborn, non-dual, without qualities and is the master of the heart.  

It cannot be measured by any intellect.  He is desireless, nameless, formless, knowable through experience, unbroken and without comparison.  

It is beyond the mind and senses, without destruction, without limits and is the sign of happiness.  The Vedas say that you are the same (Tatvamasi), there is no difference between you and Him, like water and waves of water.

The sage explained to me in many ways but his words did not sit in my heart.  I again bowed my head at his feet and said--O Munishwar!  Call me the worship of Sagun Brahma.  

My mind is becoming a fish in the water of Ram's devotion (enjoying Ram ji) O Munishwar! - How can he be separated from him in such a condition?  

Please kindly tell me the solution by which I can see my Shri Ramji with my own eyes.  First let me see Shri Raghunath to my heart's content, after that I will listen to all your teachings.

Muni again narrated the story of Ram Ji to me, whatever things I was regretting about (did not understand), Muni explained to me in a very good way.  

But instead of paying attention to what he was saying, I interrupted him midway and started speaking to him stubbornly.  

I answered and replied, repeatedly interrupting his answers and asking question after question.  Due to this behavior of mine, anger started appearing on the sage's face.

Why did Kakabhushundi ji become a crow?

O king of birds! Listen, just as fire is generated by repeatedly rubbing sandalwood, in the same way anger arises in the heart of a wise man when he is insulted.  Same thing happened with me also.  

Even when he was angry, Muni ji told me only words of knowledge, but while sitting, I started making many guesses in my mind like - How can there be anger without duality and what duality can there be without ignorance? 

Can a limited inanimate creature living under the influence of Maya find God?  Can wishing everyone's welfare ever lead to sadness?  One who has wisdom, how can he remain poor?  Can those who fight with others ever remain fearless?

Can one's lineage survive by doing evil to Brahmins? Can anyone gain wisdom by living with the wicked? Can those who do bad deeds to other people's women ever attain good fortunes?  

Can anyone get infamy even without sin?  Is there any other benefit like that of a devotee of Hari, whose glory is sung by the Vedas, Puranas and saints? 

Is there any other harm in the world apart from not worshiping Shri Ram ji even after attaining a human body?  Is there any other sin like gossip? Is there any other religion like kindness?

Hey Garuda!  Thus many things were going on in my mind.  And I was not listening carefully to the sage's words.  

Due to my repeated asking to tell me the solution to Saguna, Guruji got very angry and said to me - You fool!  I give you excellent teachings, yet you do not accept them and come up with many counter-arguments.  

You don't believe in my true words!  Like a crow, he is afraid of everyone. Hey idiot !  You are very proud of your words.  You don't like anyone's words except yourself, so I curse you to become a Chandal bird (crow).  

Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi

Without saying anything to the sage, I accepted his curse.  Then I immediately became a crow.  Then he bowed his head at the feet of the sage and flew away from there remembering Shri Ram ji in his mind.

Kakbhushundi ji got devotion to Ram.

Kakbhushundi ji said - Oh King of Birds! Listen, there was no fault of the sage in this.  Lord Shri Ram Ji is the one who inspires everyone's heart.  The merciful Lord Shri Ram ji tested my love by fooling the sage.  

When the Lord accepted me as His servant through his mind, order and words, then the Lord again changed the mind of the sage.  

Seeing my great man-like nature (patience, anger, humility etc.) and seeing my unwavering faith in Shri Ram ji, the sage felt very sad and repentant.  

And then the sage respectfully called me back to him. After calling me back, he satisfied me in many ways (explained to me) and then being happy, he gave me the Ram Mantra.

Muni ji told me the meditation (method of meditation) of Shri Ramji in child form.  I liked that beautiful and soothing meditation very much.  I have told you about that meditation long ago.  The sage kept me with him for some time.  Then he described Ramcharitmanas completely.  

After narrating the entire story, the sage then said to me in a very soft voice, O father! I had found this beautiful and secret Ramcharitmanas by the grace of Lord Shiva.  I know you to be a great devotee of Shri Ram Ji, that is why I told you all his character in detail.

Hey sonThis should never be said in front of someone who does not have devotion for Shri Ram Ji in his heart.  The sage explained to me in many ways.  Then I bowed my head lovingly at the feet of the sage.  

The sage happily touched my head with his lotus flowers and blessed me that now with my grace, deep devotion to Ram will always reside in your heart.

May you always remain dear to Shri Ram Ji and be the abode of good qualities, capable of assuming any form as per your wish without honor, euthanasia (one who dies only after desiring to leave the body, not death without desire), you are a storehouse of knowledge and renunciation.  

Not only this, remembering Shri Ram Ji, ignorance (illusion) will not spread till one yojana (four kos) in the ashram where you will reside.  The sorrows arising from time, karma, qualities, faults and nature will not engulf you.  

Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi

There are many types of beautiful secrets of Shri Ram Ji (character and qualities of secret essence), hidden and revealed (described and targeted) in history and Puranas. 

You will know them all without any effort.  Whatever you desire in your mind, it will not be difficult to get it fulfilled by the will of Shri Hari.

O wise Garuda ji! Listen, after hearing the sage's blessings, a solemn Brahma voice came in the sky saying, O wise sage! May your words be true.  He is my devotee in action, mind and words.  

I felt very happy after listening to Akashvani.  I became engrossed in love and all my doubts disappeared.  Then I came to this ashram after requesting the sage, getting his permission and bowing my head at his lotus feet.  

By the grace of Lord Shri Ram ji, I got a very rare groom.  O King of Birds! Twenty-seven Kalpas have passed since I resided here.

I always sing the praises of Shri Raghunath ji here.  And the clever birds listen to him with great respect. Whenever in Ayodhya, Shri Raghuveer takes human form for the benefit of the devotees.  

Every now and then I go and live in Shri Ram ji's city.  And I get happiness by watching the Lord's childhood.  Then O King of Birds! I come to my ashram keeping the infant form of Shri Ram ji in my heart.

Latest and real story of Kakabhusundi

I have told you the whole story of why I found the crow's body.  Hey Tat! I have answered all your questions.  Aha! There is a great illusion of devotion to Ram.  I love this black body of mine because I got the darshan of my Shri Ram in this form.  And all my doubts were dispelled.

So dear readers!  This was the story of Kakabhusundi ji.  Which is immortal, which was spread throughout the world for ages, is spread and will continue to be spread, that is, it will keep shining.  

Just as Kakbhusundi ji received the loving devotion of Lord Shri Ram Ji, everyone should receive the same devotion.  May Lord Shri Ram make your life prosperous.  May everyone's life be filled with happiness.  Please tell me how you liked the story.

With this we take leave.  We will meet again in the next post in a devotional story with such true stories.  For this you remain happy, keep laughing, keep smiling and keep remembering God.  Ashutosh, may Lord Shiva bless you all.

 Thank you.  

Jai Shri Sita Ram

Har Har Mahadev 

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