Strength in devotion, lovely story of Meera Bai

Jai Shri Radhe Krishna, dear readers

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Strength in devotion, lovely story of Meera Bai

Strength in devotion, lovely story of Meera Bai

Friends, today in this post we will know about Shri Krishna ji's devotee, his supreme devotee Meera Bai.  Today we will know about all the difficulties he faced in his life while meeting Krishna through the story written in this post.  We hope you like the life story of Meera Bai Ji.

Most of the people address Meera Bai as Krishna's wife, some people call her Krishna Divani, while some people call her mad.  What is the truth after all?  Who is Meera Bai?  Let us read today's post without any delay.

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Friends!  Mirabai was born in a royal family in 1498 in a village named Kudki in Marwar.  His father's name was Ratan Singh Rathore.  The ruler of Merta was a brave warrior.

Mirabai was the only child of her parents.  His father Ratan Singh spent most of his time in war.  When Meera Bai was young, her mother passed away.

He was brought up under the supervision of his grandfather Rao Duda ji.  Who, along with being a warrior, was a great worshiper of Lord Vishnu and was full of devotion.

One day, a procession passed in front of the palace.  Meera was young then.  He saw the groom in the wedding procession.  The groom was wearing very attractive clothes.  When Meera saw him, she became attracted and asked her grandfather to get her a groom like him.  I will play with him.

Girl Meera did not know anything about the groom.  Meera was being adamant.  Then Meera's grandfather gave an idol of Shri Krishna to Meera and said, look, this is your groom, take good care of him.

Friends!  Meera got what she wanted.  Meera happily accepted it.  She would always play with that idol and treat it as if Shri Krishna was her husband.

Mirabai's grandfather respected saints and sages a lot.  Sages, saints and guests always used to come to his palace.  Once a monk named Raidas came to the palace.  Raidas was the chief among the disciples of Saint Ramanand.  Who propagated Vaishnav sect in North India.

He had a beautiful idol of Shri Krishna and he used to worship that idol himself.  Mirabai saw that idol and started asking for it.  The monks left the palace after some time but Meera kept insisting for that idol.  He even gave up food to get that idol.

Strength in devotion, lovely story of Meera Bai

The next morning, Raidas returned to the palace and gave the idol of Shri Krishna to Meera.  Raidas said, last night Shri Krishna came in my dream and said that my devotee is crying for me, go and give her this idol.  It is my duty to obey my master's orders.  That's why I have come to give this idol to Meera.

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Meera is a great Krishna devotee.  Some scholars are of the opinion that this story is not just imagination but a true incident.  Meera herself has said this in her songs.  My attention is towards Hari and I have become one with Hari, I am seeing my path clearly.  My Guru Raidas has given me Guru Mantra, Hari Naam has deeply rooted itself in my heart.

Mirabai grew up under the care of her grandfather, along with general education, Mira also got music and dance lessons.  Mirabai was married to Bhojraj, son of the famous king Rana Sanga of the Sisodia dynasty, on the day of Basant Panchami in 1516, as per social customs.

She took the idol of Shri Krishna with her to her in-laws' house.  Meera Bai used to worship Shri Krishna since childhood.  No one in his maternal family had created any obstacle in his path.  But her in-laws were becoming angry with Meera Bai's devotion to Krishna.

He became against Krishna devotion but it had no effect on Meera.  There were many brave warriors in Mirabai's in-laws house.  Bhojraj was also very brave.  Since ancient times, his family members worshiped the goddesses of power, Durga, Kali and Chamundi.  They did not worship Vishnu.

Since childhood, Meera believed that Girdhar Gopal was her master.  But in her married life she never neglected her husband.  Like an ideal wife, she gave complete affection and love to her husband.

She was completely devoted to Krishna.  She used to sing and dance for them with a sweet voice.  The prestige of the Chittor royal family was very high.  It was an insult to such a family that a prince's wife would sing and dance with saints.

Not only this, by not worshiping Mother Kali, she had disobeyed the tradition of her in-laws and insulted them.  But Bhojraj loved Meerabai more.  That's why they didn't say anything against him.  In the end, Bhojraj had built a temple near the palace just for Meera.

Bhojraj died in 1521 due to injuries in the war.  Meera was only 23 years old then.  After the death of her husband, there was no one left to take care of Meera.  After this many people insulted him by calling him mad.

Due to all this she became more absorbed in devotion to Krishna.  After the death of her husband, her family members put a lot of pressure on Meera to commit Sati, but she did not agree to it.  After the death of Rana Sanga, when his brother-in-law Vikramajit became Maharana, he started giving more trouble to Meera.

Once Vikramajit, on the advice of his sister Udabai, sent a cup full of poison to Meera.  Meera drank it considering it to be God's Prasad.  But that poison had no effect on Meera.

Then Rana sent a fierce poisonous snake to Meera in a basket of beautiful fruits.  Meera Bai was busy in worship, she put her hand in the basket and took out some flowers.  Those flowers turned into Shaligram and the snake turned into a beautiful flower garland.

Once Mirabai was attacked with a sword but it had no effect on her.  Rana made a bed of sharp nails for Meera.  But instead of pricking the body, those nails became flowers.

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Her in-laws now started torturing her openly in many ways.  They started accusing her that Meera has ruined the dignity of the family.  But Meera Bai came to be known in the society as a great saint and Radha of Kaliyuga.

People of the society used to say that it was a great privilege to see him and touch his feet.  They considered him to be the form of God.  Rana never had the courage to kill Meera Bai directly.  He feared that killing a woman would be a sin.

When Rana failed to kill Meera Bai.  Then they started abusing Meera and asked why this despicable woman doesn't drown herself and die.  When Meera Bai came to know about Rana's intention, she herself started thinking that if she drowns and dies, her in-laws will get great peace and she too will meet Lord Shri Krishna forever.

Thinking all these things, Meera reached the bank of the river and stood and started praying to Shri Krishna - O Lord, take me in your shelter and after this she was about to jump into the river when a voice stopped her.  That voice of Meera started saying that killing oneself is a big sin.  Don't do this, go to Vrindavan.

Meera who was troubled by the taunts of the society.  Gradually he became disillusioned with the world.  Due to hardships and atrocities, Meera abandoned her family.  And she went to Vrindavan.  After doing satsang in Vrindavan for many days, she went to Dwarka where she devoted all her time to bhajan and kirtan.

She used to think about Shri Krishna all the time. Mirabai became very popular in Rajasthan.  But the prestigious families did not want to adopt him.  The news of Rana's atrocities towards Meera had spread everywhere.

Ratan Singh was murdered and after that Udai Singh ascended the throne and he thought that it would be a matter of disgrace for his prestigious family if Meera would remain alone with the sadhus.  So he asked Meera to return to Chittor.  But Meera was not at all ready for this.  He refused to go to Chittor.

Uday Singh understood that Meera would not return on his request.  Therefore he sent five Brahmins from Chittor to request Meera to return to Chittor.  Meera started thinking that if she goes back to the royal palace, the same old things will be repeated again.

At this time Meera was about 48 years old. His It had been 25 years since her husband passed away.  But his family was still trying to kill him.  Therefore, to save her life, Meerabai came away from them to Dwarka.

Meera had resolved that she would have relations only with Shri Krishna and not with anyone else.  The Brahmins tried hard to convince Mirabai but Mirabai was not ready to go with them.  Then those Brahmins said that if you will not come with us then we will leave the food here and sacrifice our lives.

After listening to the brahmins, Meera got trapped in a very strange situation. She did not want these excuses to cause her death.  After some thinking, Meera told the Brahmins that you guys should stay in the temple overnight, we will go to Chittor tomorrow.

The Brahmins were very happy to know this and they stayed in the temple. When the Brahmins woke up in the morning, Meera was not there.  They searched a lot for Meerabai but could not find her anywhere.  Meera was not found but her saree was found on the idol of Shri Krishna.  She was absorbed in the statue.

Strength in devotion, lovely story of Meera Bai

Her devotees concluded that perhaps she had reunited with her beloved God Girdhar.  Mirabai was not in the idol of Shri Krishna, but she was merged in God in the form of Shri Krishna.

friends!  Meera Bai never showed any sense of revenge or hatred or ill-treatment towards those who hurt and ill-treated her.  From his inspirational and compassionate life it appears that a devotee can calmly endure all kinds of difficulties for his God.

So, friends, how did you like this story?  If you liked this story of Krishna devotee Meerabai, Please let us know. With this we take leave. Will meet again in the next post with the devotional story.  Till then you keep laughing, smiling and remembering God.

Thank you

Jai Jai Shri Radhe Krishna

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