What to donate in Pitru Paksha

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you guys, hope you are well.

Dear readers, in today's post we will know what to donate in Pitru Paksha so that the ancestors become happy and give blessings.  So let's read today's post without any delay.

Friends, donation has great importance in ancestral family.  It is believed that by donating in Pitru Paksha i.e. on the days of Shraddha, ancestors become happy.  

Their soul gets satisfaction, liberation and when the ancestors are happy, their blessings increase happiness, peace and prosperity in the house.

 By doing charity during Shraddha, Pitra Dosh in the horoscope also gets calmed.  Therefore, everyone should donate during Pitru Paksha.  

What to donate in Pitru Paksha

What to donate in Pitru Paksha

There are many things worth donating in Pitru Paksha.  Which are mentioned in this post.  You can choose any one item from them and donate it and please your ancestors and get their blessings.

Read more- causes and remedies of Pitra Dosh.

Things to donate in Pitru Paksha

1- Donation of banana- Ripe banana should be donated during Pitru Paksha.  Apart from being an evergreen fruit, banana is also very dear to Lord Vishnu.

People worship banana plant to get the blessings of Lord Vishnu.  Apart from this, Lord Vishnu is the owner of Baikunth Dham and provides salvation.

The bananas that are donated in Pitru Paksha are given to the ancestors are received.  Being pleased with this, he bestows blessings.  Due to which the lineage increases.

2- Donation of cow - From religious point of view, donation of cow is considered the best among all donations, but donation of cow made in Shraddha Paksha is considered to give every happiness and wealth.

3-Dakshina- Without Dakshina, no donation is fruitful, it is considered useless.  Here Dakshina does not mean wealth or money.  In Dakshina, you can donate any vessel like bowl, pot, plate etc. to your ancestors.

4- Donation of black sesame seeds – Black sesame seeds are used for worshiping ancestors during Shraddha Paksha.  Therefore, black sesame seeds must be donated in Shraddha.

Let us tell you that this has been told in Chapter 13 of Varaha Purana.  If a person who is unable to feed a Brahmin or a poor person during Shraddha, remembers his ancestors and donates a handful of black sesame seeds, his ancestors will be satisfied.

Black sesame is very dear to Lord Vishnu.  While giving any donation in Shraddha Paksha, there should be black sesame in the hand.  It is believed that the ancestors receive the fruits of this donation.

If you do not want to donate any other item then you can donate sesame seeds.  Apart from this, it is also believed that black sesame seeds protect from all troubles.

5- Sticky betel leaf - To get the blessings of our ancestors, we should donate stuck betel leaf to them during Pitru Paksha.  Laga Laga Paan means betel leaf.  If you donate betel leaves, your house will be filled with wealth.

6- Donation of Ghee - Donating cow's ghee in a vessel during Shraddha is considered auspicious and auspicious for the family.

7-Donation of grains- Wheat and rice should be donated in Annadan.  In their absence, any other grain can also be donated.  This donation, if done with determination, gives the desired results.

8- Donation of land- If you are financially prosperous then donating land to a weak or poor person in Shraddha Paksha gives you the benefit of property and children, 

but if this is not possible then donate some lumps of soil in place of land.  You can donate it to a Brahmin by keeping it in a plate.

9- Donation of clothes- In this donation there is importance of donating two clothes including dhoti and dupatta.  These clothes should be new and clean.

10- Donation of gold - Donation of gold destroys discord.  But if donating gold is not possible, then you can also donate money as per your capacity for donating gold.

11-Donation of silver- According to the scriptures, on the day when you are feeding Brahmins for the sake of your ancestors.  

You can donate any silver item to Brahmins on that day.  Also, if you are not able to give on this day, then donate some silver item to a Brahmin on Sarva Pitru Amavasya.

By donating silver the ancestors are pleased and give blessings.  Also, silver metal is related to the planet Moon.  Therefore one also receives blessings from the planet Moon.

12- Donation of jaggery- Donation of jaggery is considered to destroy discord and poverty with the blessings of ancestors and give wealth and happiness.  Donation of jaggery has special significance during Shraddha Paksha.

By donating jaggery the ancestors get special satisfaction.  At the same time, avenues for inflow of money open up.  Jaggery is related to Sun God.  Therefore one receives the blessings of Sun God.

18 - Donating salt - Donating salt during Shraddha Paksha provides relief from any negative energy and if the ancestors had any debt then they also get relief from it.  Donating salt during this period brings full blessings of the ancestors.

14- Donation of shoes and slippers - The ancestors are pleased by donating shoes or slippers for the sake of the ancestors and for the peace of their souls.  

According to beliefs, doing this brings happiness, peace and prosperity in the house.  Shani and Rahu dosh also gets eliminated.

15- Umbrella donation - We must donate an umbrella on the 11th day of Shraddha Paksha.  You should also donate shoes or slippers on this day.  

It is believed that in Yammarg the ancestors are protected from the summer heat and rain by the umbrella.  The ancestors become very happy by donating these two.

16- Donation of food or Aamannadaan - Donation of food in Pitra Paksha is considered the best.  During this period, hungry and poor Brahmins should be fed.

If it is not possible to do so, then donate food items like flour, rice, pulses, vegetables, ghee, jaggery, salt etc.

This is called direct or indirect donation.  It is believed that by doing this the ancestors become happy and provide blessings.

17- Donation of Kush – Kush should be donated during Pitru Paksha.  Kush originated from the hair (hair) of Shri Hari Vishnu.  Kush is considered a very important ingredient in Shraddha.  Tarpan to ancestors should be done only by wearing Kush ring.

It is said that if you do not do this, your dead ancestors do not accept that water and they get angry.  In such a situation, bringing Kush home during Pitru Paksha brings happiness in the family.  Due to its effect the atmosphere remains positive.  Spoiled work gets done.

18- Mustard and Jasmine oil- Mustard oil lamp should be lit for the ancestors during Shraddha Paksha.  The ancestors are satisfied with this.  By donating mustard and jasmine oil in these 15 days, financial problems in the house get resolved.

19- Donation of curd - During Pitru Paksha, feed curd-chuda to a Brahmin. This satisfies the ancestors.  Curd is more important than milk in Pitru Paksha, hence curd can also be donated. By doing this, there is always peace in the house and there is always happiness in the life of the children.

20- Barley donation- By purchasing barley during Pitru Paksha, the stores of food and money never become empty.  Barley has been considered the first grain of the earth.  

From religious point of view it is considered equal to gold.  Donating barley in Pitra Paksha gives the same results as donating gold.  By this, Pitra Dosh is also removed and blessings of the ancestors are also received.

21- Donation of betel leaves - On the days of Pitru Paksha, donate betel leaves to a poor or Brahmin for the peace of the ancestors' souls. 

When you donate betel leaves, wealth increases in the house and there is never any shortage of money in life.  Would have happened.

Read more- Garud Gyaan 6 | 16 routes on the way to Yamlok

22- Donation of white sweets – Ancestors like white color very much.  White color is also a symbol of positivity.  It is believed that ancestors are pleased by receiving white sweets, hence white sweets should be donated during Pitru Paksha.

Friends!  We can donate all these things as per our convenience.  The belief behind donating these is that our ancestors wish all these things from us.

If these things are donated, the ancestors feel that their descendants have given them. His descendants care about him.  

He has not forgotten them. Therefore, when you do this, they become very happy and fulfill all your wishes.

Dear readers! We hope you liked the post.  Will meet again with the next post in Devotional Story.  Till then take care of yourself, stay happy and keep sharing happiness with others.

Jai Jai Shri Radhe Krishna 

Thank you.

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