Why does the body shake while worshipping?

Har Har Mahadev dear readers,how are you guys hope you're well,May Lord Shiva bless you all.

Dear readers, in today's post we will know that when a person worships, why does he start moving left, right, back and forth, that is, what is the reason for body movement while worshiping.

Why does the body shake while worshipping?

Why does the body shake while worshipping?

Friends!  Have you ever noticed that when you are sitting in a room, or talking to another person, or watching a TV serial etc., you do not move at all.

But when you sit for puja, as soon as you recite any stotra, aarti or recitation, you start moving.  So why does this happen?  Is this due to some negative force?

What is that power which is so powerful, which is faster than the wind?  When a person is sitting or standing somewhere, even the wind does not have enough strength to move him.

Even a walking person does not move unless there is a gust of wind or someone pushes him with his hand, but if someone shakes him while sitting, this is a big thing.  So what is this power?

In most of the houses, it is forbidden to move while sitting, not only during puja but also at other places.  Parents mostly keep explaining to their children that this is not a good habit.

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Many people, when they see someone moving during the puja or in addition to it, say that there is some evil shadow over him.  Show it somewhere.  Now the family members are worried.  Many types of questions start arising in the mind and most importantly, useless misconceptions arise in the mind.

That means friends, a small habit of moving can become so heavy for a person.  So what to do?  Now, if someone has a habit of moving since birth, then it makes sense that perhaps there is some disease.

But when a person does not move under any circumstances, moves only while worshipping, then it cannot be a disease or negative energy.  Then what is this?

We are not able to give up this habit even if we want to.Even if we notice that we are moving, we stop for a moment but then immediately start moving.  Is this not a sign of danger?

So friends, first of all let us tell you that if it happens to any person, seeker or devotee that he starts shaking while worshiping, then there is no need to panic or be afraid of it.

Secondly, this does not happen with everyone.  Those who worship regularly with pure, clean and selfless feelings.  This happens with them only.

Why does the body shake while worshipping?

Moving while worshiping is an auspicious sign.  This indicates that your Kundalini Shakti has now been awakened.  Your devotion, your worship is going in the right direction.

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When you start worshiping, chanting, reciting stotras or meditating, at that time your sleeping Kundalini starts moving towards awakening.

This starts happening in the initial days that you start moving to the right, left or forward and backward while worshiping and it dominates the body to such an extent that you are not able to stop even if you want to.

This movement may last for some time or may last for a few months.  When this Kundalini Shakti goes above the Muladhar Chakra, then instead of shaking, different types of experiences start happening.

What I mean to say is, friends, that when the powers of all the chakras present inside a human being are awakened, many types of experiences start happening while worshipping.

Experiences like knowing about some untoward incident before it happens, knowing what is going to happen in the future, and apart from this, some picture suddenly appears before the eyes, etc., hence instead of getting afraid of these, one should try to understand them.

There are many people who, when they have such experiences, they start wondering why this is happening, whether some power has entered inside us, like some evil power or some deity has entered.

 But in reality friends, it does not happen like this at all.  This is not a sign of the entry of any deity.  This is a sign of awakening of your Kundalini Shakti.

This is a very auspicious sign.  These are very joyful signs.  Therefore, a seeker i.e. a person performing puja should be happy, should be happy that the Kundalini Shakti is awakening within him.

Friends, this Kundalini Shakti does not stop here.  Its power is immense, as you might have seen in earlier times that the saints and mahatmas used to perform many miracles by waving their hands in the air.  He used to start flying in the air and apart from this he used to perform many types of miracles.

The basis of all these miracles was his Kundalini Shakti.  Friends, until the Kundalini Shakti is not awakened, all the senses of man do not function fully and that is why he is not able to connect with the powers of the universe.

The person whose Kundalini power is awakened starts getting many experiences from supernatural powers.  That person starts having such experiences that his faith in his beloved increases even more than before.

His faith awakens in his Sanatan Dharma and Gods and Goddesses.  His devotion becomes stronger than before.  Therefore friends, you should be happy with the awakening of Kundalini Shakti and the experiences you get from it.

Friends, apart from this, if you are feeling any other kind of experiences or vibrations in the body and you want to bring them under control, then in that case you can perform Havan.

When any kind of Kundalini Shakti is awakened, then apart from the shaking of the body, many other types of vibrations also occur in the body.  

Therefore, if at that time you experience something that does not feel right to you, you are unable to tolerate that vibration, then you can get the Havan done.

By performing Havan, Kundalini Shakti gets controlled and restrained.  So that you do not experience anything that may cause you pain.

Like many people start feeling angry while doing puja or after getting up from puja, they start having pain in the body.

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This happens more with those people who try to awaken Kundalini Shakti through any other means or experiments. That means you heard something from someone, or read something from somewhere and started experimenting.  This should not be done at all.  Doing this sometimes becomes burdensome to yourself.

And even if you heard it well, read it well and then used the method, still you are facing problem, it is because you did everything, but did not chant.  It is very important to chant.

Friends! Incomplete knowledge is not good, therefore first see and examine everything properly, that is, if you are trying to awaken the Kundalini Shakti through a book, then read it completely and gain complete knowledge of it.  Identify what is right to do and what is wrong.

If you try to awaken the Kundalini Shakti on someone's advice, then understand the whole thing thoroughly from that person.  So that you do not suffer any loss.  That is why it is said that it is very important to have a good teacher in the life of friends.  Because the knowledge received from a true Guru never goes waste.

It is easy to awaken the Kundalini Shakti.  By performing puja in the right manner, regularly and with a pure heart, it gets awakened automatically.  If you worship with a concentrated mind and selflessness, this power will automatically awaken.

Thing to keep in mind

Friends!  The only thing to be kept in mind is that when you feel that your Kundalini Shakti has awakened, then you start chanting the name of your deity i.e. any God you believe in.  With this, you will not suffer any harm from the vibrations and experiences generated by the Kundalini Shakti.

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Dear readers, this was today's post on why the body starts shaking while worshipping. Hope you liked the post.  We will meet again in devotional story with such interesting information.  Till then take care of yourself, stay happy and keep spreading happiness to others.

Thank you

Har Har Mahadev, Dear readers 


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