will everyone die at the end of kaliyuga

 Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you guys, we hope you are safe.

Friends, in today's post we will know whether everyone will die at the end of Kaliyuga?  Will Lord Shiva incarnate in Kaliyuga?  Will Lord Shiva also join hands with Vishnu to end Kali?

will everyone die at the end of kaliyuga

First of all let's talk about whether Lord Shiva will incarnate in Kaliyuga or not.  So without any delay, let's read today's interesting post.

will everyone die at the end of kaliyuga

Will Lord Shiva incarnate in Kaliyuga?

Yes friends, this is true.  That Lord Vishnu will be with Lord Shiva in the form of his tenth incarnation Kalki.  And will end Kaliyuga.  But it is not written anywhere that Lord Shiva will incarnate.

Because Lord Shiva already has two incarnations present on earth and he is also alive.  Whom you all know very well and also worship.  Whose names are Hanumanji and Ashwatthama ji.

Friends!  Lord Shiva and Vishnu are the only Gods who incarnate from time to time to end the sins increasing on earth.  Those who take birth on earth and save the earth.  Lord Vishnu has already had 9 incarnations and his tenth incarnation will be in the form of Kalki.

Similarly friends!  According to Linga Purana, Lord Shiva has had 28 incarnations.  According to Shivpuran, Lord Shiva has 19 incarnations.  

But if we talk about Vedas, then we come to know that Lord Shiva is a Shakti.  They have no shape.  He is formless and He is the physical form, who keeps incarnating from time to time.

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Friends!  Lord Shiva has a huge contribution in the salvation of this creation or we can say that Lord Shiva is the salvation of the creation and it would not be wrong at all to say so.  Because Shiva is the doomsday.  And only when there will be annihilation, there will be salvation.

It's possible, friends!  Maybe you are not understanding things properly, you are getting confused, so we explain it to you clearly.

One day of Lord Brahma is equal to one Kalpa.  One Kalpa lasts for 4 billion 32 crore years.  When that Kalpa comes to an end then Lord Shiva comes to earth in his physical form or you can also say that he takes birth or incarnates in some form or the other on earth and then after that the creation comes to an end.  

Everything merges into Shiva only.  Even if someone has come after drinking nectar, it means that when the doomsday comes, everything gets absorbed in Shiva, even if someone is immortal.

The cataclysm spares no one.  And who knows how many times this has happened.  How many Kaliyugas have come before now?  The age of this Kaliyuga is 4 lakh 32 thousand and Kaliyuga has completed 5000 years till now.

As you know friends!  That Hanumanji has got this boon from Ram ji that till the end of this universe, he will have to remain on earth, in the same way, Ashwatthama ji has also got the curse that till the end of Kaliyuga,  Till then they will have to remain on earth also.

Like this friends!  These two incarnations of Lord Shiva are already present on earth.  Now Lord Shiva will bring destruction in Kaliyuga with his power, which is very important for the change in the cycle of creation.  

There will be such a terrible devastation caused by Shiva Shakti that it is difficult to imagine.  That moment will be more dangerous than even thought.

Although Kalyug has already started, by the end of Kalyug the universe will take a terrible form.  That is, people's behavior will become so bad that the universe will begin to seem worthless.  The balance of the universe will be disturbed due to the deeds done by man.

will everyone die at the end of kaliyuga

Excessive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods, increasing starvation, murders, earth cracks, premature deaths, etc., all these are the reasons for disturbing the balance of the universe.  And there is no one responsible for this but us humans, who are destroying this creation for our own selfishness.

One country, in order to enmity another country and to destroy them, makes such nuclear bombs that when they explode, they destroy the world.  Of which these people have no idea.  These people inspect them either in water or in empty places.

Now friends, think for yourself, is this not playing with this beautiful creation of ours?  Whatever water we want, be it Ganga or Jamuna or sea or any other place having water, God has given us all these places for our convenience, which these people are polluting by inspecting.

Water is not potable, this is a different matter, but Ganga, Yamuna are our mothers and the sea is the god on whom they are throwing atomic bombs, so will these people sit silent, will they not get angry, Will their anger not bring disaster?

She will come friends, not only she will come but she is coming.  The tsunami and floods that are coming at various places are due to their anger.  

The movement and burning sensation that occurs in them due to the throwing of the atomic bomb, that very movement and burning swells into a flood and takes the form of a tsunami and causes devastation.

Similarly, friends, if this atomic bomb is tested in an empty place, then its side effects have such a bad effect on other countries related to that place that food can never be grown there again for years.

The earth becomes so hollow and barren inside that food cannot be grown even if desired and due to this people have to face starvation.  All this is happening in the present.  You are well aware of this, we do not need to say or explain anything.

We have given you these two examples.  Who knows how much more this world will have to endure in this Kaliyuga.

By the time the end of Kaliyuga comes, humans will become so cruel that they will not be able to see any difference between themselves and others.  

Daughters will be in danger more from their own people than from strangers.  The day when the respected mother and daughters do not feel safe in their own home, then understand that the end of Kaliyuga is very near.

By the end of Kaliyuga, human life will be limited to only 20 years.  Man will become old and die at the age of 20.

Children will start walking as soon as they are born.  There will be little need of a doctor at the time of birth because children born in the severe Kaliyuga will be so advanced that they will not need a doctor at all.

They will be born on their own, their umbilical cord will be cut and they will start walking immediately.  They will be addicted to phones since birth.  You may find it strange to read but it is true.  One day very soon you will see this with your own eyes.

Will everyone die at the end of Kaliyuga?

will everyone die at the end of kaliyuga

Now let's talk about everyone's death at the end of Kalyug.  A query came to us regarding this, will everyone die at the end of Kaliyuga?  When the apocalypse comes, will no one be left in it?

So friends, it is not like that at all.  There will definitely be someone who will survive and the one who will survive will not be an ordinary human being.  

Like we know about Dwapara Yuga, we know about Satya Yuga, we know about Treta Yuga, then how do we know that?  Do you know friends!

Read more-  How will satyug be

It is obvious, friends, that someone from that era must have survived and he must have told about the previous era in the next era.  Some books may also have been written.  

And through that the other person came to know.  Similarly, this sequence continued one after the other and the information about those eras reached us.

Like we go back an era.  Before the present era there was Dwapar era.  In that era, after the death of Krishna, the Pandavas handed over their capital to their grandson King Parikshit and left the kingdom forever and went into the forest.  That means after the end of Dwapar Yuga, only King Parikshit survived.

After Dwapar Yuga came Kalyug and in Kalyug, information about Dwapar Yug was received through them.  Everything went well, then one day he died due to Kaliyuga.  

In this way friends, this sequence continues.  Therefore, it is very important to avoid one or the other.  Only then will our present era be discussed in Satyayuga.

At the end of Kaliyuga, when there will be cataclysm, only the person who recognizes Lord Shiva will be saved.  And recognizing Shiva will not be so easy.

Because it is not necessary that Lord Shiva comes in the same form which we have been seeing since time immemorial.  Their form can be different like in the form of a human being, in the form of an AI robot, in some form of nature or in their luminous form etc.

Lord Shiva can come in any form and create havoc.  Then how will anyone recognize them?  It would be impossible to identify them but not impossible.  Therefore, only those divine eyes will be able to recognize him, who have never wanted anyone else except Shiva in their life.

It means that a person who has never committed any sin in his life, has never had any bad feelings towards anyone, has never wished bad for anyone, does not have inferiority complex or hatred towards anyone.  Don't be.

Every woman, man and child should consider the elderly as their own and serve them selflessly and help them, and should not associate with any stranger's woman.  Always remain absorbed in the name of God.  A person exactly like King Parikshit.  Raja Parikshit was a great man.

will everyone die at the end of kaliyuga

That means friends!  Only the one who is completely pure in body and mind will be saved because such a person is considered a divine person in the scriptures.  Now who he will be, will be known only when the time comes.

Read more- What is the sin of Kali Yuga?

friends!  The end of Kaliyuga will be very bad.  It will be very destructive.  There will be a very fierce war.  When Lord Vishnu will come in his Kalki avatar and destroy the demon Kali, then this earth will go into even more darkness.

Because in Kalyug there will be such a terrible destruction, such a fierce war that everyone will die due to its wrath.  The earth will tremble.  It will be a very terrible scene, friends, it is not possible for us to describe it in words.

So friends, be aware that no one will be saved.  Someone will definitely survive, but as per our estimation, not just one but many people will survive.  Because after such a devastation, it is impossible for the whole world to survive without one person surviving.

What will that person do even if he lives alone?  It will be difficult for him to survive, hence we believe that not just one but many people will survive and the divine people together will give birth to Satyayug

They will tell the stories of this terrible Kaliyuga to their children.  Just like our grandparents, father and mother tell us today.

Therefore, do not be afraid of the end of Kaliyuga, do not worry at all, be happy.  One should never be afraid or nervous about death.  

Whatever God does, he does it only for good. Therefore whatever happens will be good.  Please tell me how you liked the post.

So friends, this was our today's post, whether everyone will die at the end of Kalyug.  We hope you liked the information.  

See you again with the next post in the devotional story. Till then take care of yourself, stay happy, keep laughing and smiling and chanting the name of God.

 Thank you

Jai Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna 

Har Har Mahadev 

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