What is special in kalyug?What will happen to the world in 2025?

Har Har Mahadev! Dear readers, how are you guys, we hope you all are safe.

What is special in kalyug?What will happen to the world in 2025?

What is special in kalyug?What will happen to the world in 2025?

In today's post we will learn about every question related to Kalyug.  This post is very important for those who want to get information about Kalyug.  Apart from this, in this post we will know about a saint who was a Trikal Darshi.  All three could see the past, present and future.

Friends, you must have heard the name of Achyutanand Das ji. He was a saint who had told 650 years ago that-

When will Kalki be incarnated?

How will the world end?

How will the last king of India be?

What will be the situation of China, America and India and how will the third world war be fought?

How many people will die in the world and how will the world be rebuilt and who will do that construction?

What will be the position of the Sun?

What will be the situation of conflicts? Etc.

Friends! Well, there is no place for predictions in this modern era of science, nor are we telling you whether the predictions mentioned in this post are correct or not.  Will it be true or not?

But since these things were written 650 years ago, you and I have to come together to see how much truth is there in it.  Therefore, it is very important for you to know these things.

Friends, before knowing the answers to all the questions, we would like to tell you a little about Achyutananda Das ji because the entire basis of our today's post is related to his predictions.  So first of all let us know who is Achyutananda Das?

Who is Achyutananda Das?

What is special in kalyug?What will happen to the world in 2025?

You must have heard many predictions of Nostradamus and Baba Shenga, but today you listen to the prediction of an Indian saint who had written 650 years ago about what would happen between 2021 and 2030 and today the predictions made by him are true.  Looks to be proven right.

Mahapurush Achyutananda Das was a 16th century poet, seer and Vaishnav saint from Odisha, India.  He was also known as Gopal Guru.

Achyutananda was born in a village named Tilkana.  He was born between 1480 and 1505. His mother was Padmavati, and his father was Deenbandhu Khuntia.

Read more- will everyone die at the end of kaliyuga

He was born after his mother prayed at the pillar in front of the Jagannath temple.  That is, when his mother was worshiping in Jagannath temple, Achyutanand Das ji was born.

Before his birth his father also had a dream that a divine bird Garuda brought him a child.  And the next day he was born in Jagannath temple.  Therefore, there are many mythological stories in which he is said to be the incarnation of Garuda.

Works of great man Achyutananda Das ji

Friends!  The great man Achyutananda wrote many works.  His works are written in Oriya language only.  In which some important compositions are – 36 Samhita, 78 Geeta, 27 Harivanshadi Charita, 12 Upavansh Charita, 100 Purana or Malika were composed.  Apart from these, he has also written many bhajan chaupai.

Predictions of great man Achyutananda Das ji

friends! The predictions made by great man Achyutanand Das ji are as follows -

 1. Farmers will stop farming work, that is, instead of doing farming themselves, farmers will become dependent on machines or will hand over farming work to someone else and will go to work in cities themselves and wild animals will start attacking villages and cities. 

 2. The Earth's axis will change and after which many earthquakes will occur.

 3. There will be a feeling of two suns rising in the sky.  But in reality it will be a celestial body, which will fall in the Bay of Bengal and Odisha will be submerged.

What is special in kalyug?What will happen to the world in 2025?

 4. Sea level will rise and water will reach up to the 22nd step of Jagannath temple.  Then the idol of the Lord will be taken to Chhatiyabata by his devotees.  Chhatiyabata is the name of a place.

 5. Due to natural disasters happening on earth, there will be darkness on earth for 7 days.  It is being said that this event will take place between 2022 and 2029.

 6. On one hand there will be natural disasters and on the other hand there will be a great war.  Third World War will start when Saturn enters Aquarius.

 7. The Third World War will last for 6 years and 6 months.  In which China will attack India along with 13 Muslim countries.  In the last 13 months, India will be involved in the war and it will be India's fight.  India will win in this.  India will not only destroy its enemies forever but will also become a world leader.

8. The last king of India will be a powerful Hindu king, who will be a yogi and will have no children.  He will have amazing ability to lead the world and will be able to establish peace with the help of religion.

 9. At that time the last king of Odisha would be Gajapati Maharaj.  During this time, Lord Kalki will appear, who will support India in the war.

Read more- Who is Kalyug and what is the reason for its arrival?

 10) A large part of America will be submerged.  China will break into many pieces.  All trace of Pakistan will be erased.  The power fighting together with Pakistan will become weak and pathetic.  Russia will become a Hindu country and Europe will not be able to fight wars.  The population there will be negligible.

Friends, now we are forced to think a little about his predictions because 650 years ago there was not even a trace of Pakistan.  Then how did Achyutananda Das ji know about Pakistan?  Therefore, there is some truth in his words.

 11. Almost all the population of Europe will be destroyed.  In the end Russia will achieve success.  The coming incarnation will subdue victorious Russia.

 12. People will die like insects and the world population will be reduced to only 64 crores.  China will be destroyed.  Russia will become a Hindu nation.

 13) According to Bhavishya Malika, the time after 2025 will be like a fear.  If people survive then they will follow the path of truth and religion.

 14. This is said in the translation of the prophecy written in Kannada in the context of India.  That the sum of 6 and 7 is 13 and adding 13 more to it gives the number 26. Through this number 26, Achyutanand Das has predicted about the attack on India.

When Saturn enters Pisces, clouds of trouble will surround India.  In the year 2024, Saturn is going to move from Aquarius to Pisces.

 15. When Saturn enters Pisces, it will remain there for two and a half years.  According to the prophecy, the reins of the country will be in the hands of a saint who will be unmarried.

 16. A national highway will be constructed connecting Jagannathpuri.  The last king of Orissa would be a child old.  That means he will be childish.  Stones will fall down from the top of Lord Jagannath's Dham Puri temple and the flag of the temple will fall several times.  During this period, due to natural disaster, Neelanchal (Jagannathpuri) in India will merge into the womb of the ocean.

This prediction also seems to be coming true today because the construction of a national highway connecting Jagannath Puri is almost underway and apart from this, stones have also fallen from the top of the temple several times and the flag has also fallen several times.

 17. Elders and teachers will be disrespected, while hypocrites will deceive people by posing as religious leaders.  In the future, religion, sensitivity, love and values ​​will disappear from the minds of people Good and religious devotees will be made fun of.

 18. Gradually the number of theists (people who perform puja) will decrease and this world will be divided between theists and atheists (people who do not perform puja).  Humans will become adulterous.  There will be an unnatural relationship between a man with a man and a woman with a woman.

Friends!  We are seeing all this happening today, perhaps you are also well aware of this.

19. Human houses will be attacked by animals.  Every day we will see conflict between humans and animals.  Wild animals will continue to roam in the cities.

Friends, it is also being seen these days that every day a leopard enters someone's house, while monkeys, lions etc. enter someone's house.  Fighting between humans and animals has been seen many times.

 20. Natural disasters will wreak havoc, people will be troubled by strange epidemics and diseases.  The winds will trouble people a lot... Inflation will increase so much that people will start agitating on the streets.

You know what happens to natural disasters, friends.  Flood, storm, storm, tsunami, drought etc. are called natural disasters and a strange epidemic is such a disease about which it is not known how it happened, where it came from and keeps spreading among each other like this epidemic.  We can call it Corona because this disease spread like an epidemic throughout the world and even today we are not completely safe from it.

Read more-  when will kalyug end

 21 At the end of Kaliyuga, the life-giving Sun will become the life-taker.  According to Mahagupta Padmakalpa, Lord Jagannath will travel across the entire earth with a 12-handed sword in his hand and kill all the Mlechchha people.  Only when everyone is destroyed will Kaliyuga end.

Lord Kalki will be born in Sambhal village.  Sambhal village is in Uttar Pradesh and also in Orissa.  Now which of the two will be at which place, it will be known only in the future.  The name of Lord Kalki will be Chakramani or Chakradhar.  His father's name will be Vishnusharma.

22. His prediction regarding the Mahabharata war is also going viral.  It is being told that during the Mahabharata war, many people were not able to participate in the war due to some reason.  But all those warriors want to fight the war and now their wish will be fulfilled at the end of Kaliyuga when Kalki Avatar will be born.

Lord Balram also could not participate in the war.  Balramji is known as Balbadra in Jagannathpuri.  At the end of Kaliyuga, Balramji will also appear and at the end of Kaliyuga, the incomplete war of Mahabharata will be fought again.

So friends, these were some predictions which the great man Achyutananda Das ji had written in his book Bhavishya Malika.  Which seems to be true to a large extent.  Please tell me what is your opinion.

Will meet again in the next post in the devotional story. Till then, keep laughing, smiling and remembering God.

 Thank you

 Har Har Mahadev

 Jai Shri Ram

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