Glory of radha name / story of an atheist

Har Har Mahadev! Dear readers, how are you guys, we hope you are doing well.  

Friends, in today's post we will read an interesting story.  Which is based on Shri Krishna's beloved Radhika ji.  In this story we will learn about the glory of Radha ji's name.  

You will know what happens if you take the name of Radha ji only once and what happens if you take the name every day.  So let's start reading the story.

glory of radha name

glory of radha name

Once a saint was narrating the weekly story of Bhagwatji at an ashram near a village.  While narrating the story of the third day.

He started telling – Different types of people who commit sins have to go to different types of hells, but there is a solution by which they can be saved from going to hell.  Once someone calls the name Radha with a true heart, he does not go to hell.

A Seth ji used to come every day and listen to satsang.  After the end of the satsang, he came at the feet of the saint and started crying loudly.

The saint said - Hey Seth ji, why do you cry?  Why are you sad?  

Seth ji started crying and said - God, by your grace I have achieved everything but a big worry is troubling my mind.  

Saint ji started saying – Tell me, what is your worry?

Seth ji started saying - Today you described hell in Bhagwat Katha and while describing it, you told that living beings go to hell due to many sins... but there is a solution by which one can avoid going to hell.

So Lord, I am in your refuge, I come to listen to satsang every day.  I have this belief in my mind - by the grace of you saints, by the grace of Bhagwat, I will definitely be saved.  But I have a younger brother who is 50 years old.  He neither goes to satsang, nor believes in God, nor takes the name of God.

How will he be saved?  I am very worried about him.  I also try to explain it to him many times.  The work of this world will continue to be done, you should also remember the name of God.  

Then he says, "There is nothing useful in doing this, so don't do it."  O Guru Dev, the more I am a believer, the more faith I have in God.  My brother is equally fanatic and atheist.  Then Santji said – Why do you worry, one day he will also be saved.

Seth ji started crying and said, Oh God!  When will he be saved?  Great men like you have come to our village.  I have faith only in you.  You will be the one who will save him.

Now please come to my house and make her pronounce the name of Shri Radha at least once.  Then listening to Sethji's plea, the saint said, tomorrow after the end of the satsang, I will come to your house and will definitely make him remember God.  The second day passed, Seth ji went to his home.  Started waiting for the saint's arrival.

The story ended at the ashram.  Now Saint ji reached Seth ji's house as per his promise, as soon as Seth ji reached home, Seth ji welcomed the saints with great respect.  He called his brother and said - Saint has come to our house today, please have darshan of him.

Sitting inside, he said, I neither want to meet any saint nor do I wish to meet God.  You serve them and feed them.  When Santji heard these words, Seth ji started crying and said---Lord ji, you saw.  He is insulting you in front of you.

Santji started saying---Seth ji, don't worry.  Everything will be fine.  Now, while consoling Seth, the saint got down from the bed and came to his brother's room, placed his hand on his shoulders and said, tell me how much you have earned till date.

Seeing the saint so close to him, he said, remove your hand from my shoulders, I neither believe in saints nor in God.  As much as people are believers, I am a staunch atheist.  I am not going to believe in God. Why have you come near me?

Saint ji started saying---I have come to do my work.  The work of saints is to save people.  Today I have got the task of your salvation, so I will definitely do it.

That Seth's brother was also a big fanatic.  He said, "If you want to save anyone, do it, but you cannot save me."  I'm not going to do anything.  (Santji smiled after seeing Seth's brother) and said - Say Radhe RadheSeth's brother said- I will not sayThen the saint said, say Radhe Radhe. He started saying --- I said no, I will not speak.

Then Santji again came to Seth ji and said that now you have entrusted this responsibility on me.  Now whatever I do, you don't come in between.  

All of you family members go out and sit.  Until I call you, not a single family member should come into this room.  Following the orders of Guru Dev, Seth ji along with his family came out and sat down.

Now only Santji and Sethji's brother were in the room.  Santji again said lovingly, “Hey brother, say Radhe Radhe once.”  He started saying - I have refused you, I am not saying so.

I neither believe in God nor I believe in the words of God, I am a staunch atheist.  Santji again started laughing at him lovingly – I am as much a believer as you are a staunch atheist.

If I have decided, I will leave only after hearing the name Radha from your mouth and understand for sure that Radha's name will definitely come out from your mouthHe said, no matter how hard you try, I am not going to take your name even once.  

Now, if the saint had been a great man, he would have been very kind, but what he did just for fun was that he caught hold of that Seth's brother's hand and started spinning it vigorously.

Now that Seth was 50 years old, he was old, the saint was also old.  But there is intensity of devotion within the saints.  He twisted his brother's hand with force.  Turning his hands, the saint again started saying – Say Radhe-Radhe.  He said, "I will not say."

Now, with a forceful swing of his hands, Saint ji threw Seth's brother on the ground and himself sat on his stomach and Saint ji again started saying - Tell me, Radhe, Radhe.  He again started saying – I will not say.

Now the saint held both his hands, tied his feet and said - Say Radhe-Radhe.  Now in such a situation, he started thinking that this saint will definitely kill me.

Then without any desire he said Radhe-Radhe once. As soon as he said Radhe-Radhe.  Santji freed his hands and legs.  Leaving his bonds, he came out and said - Seth ji, you are well, your brother is also well.

Sethji started saying --- Very loud sounds were coming from inside.

Then Santji said that you had given the work just like this.  You said- He is an atheist, he never says anything. Today your brother has pronounced the name Radhe Radhe.  It became beneficial.  Now I am leaving.  Here is my story again from yesterday.

Now Santji returned to his place.  Seth's brother got up from the ground and started saying to his brother - What kind of saint is he?

He came to fight with me, sat on top of me and said that if you don't pronounce the name Radhe, I will keep sitting on you like this.  Now after hearing his words, Seth ji started laughing.

He laughed and thanked God with all his heart, saying, Oh Lord!  Your saints are also very kind.  He does welfare of people even after suffering hardships himself.  Time passed.  Hardly five-six months must have passed.

Suddenly one day the younger brother died.  After the death of the body, the soul gets separated from the body, that soul itself goes up to Yamraj and gives all the accounts.  Now the accounts of this person have been opened.

Yamraj asked Chitragupta, what is the explanation for the human being who has been brought to us today?  After seeing the account of Chitragupta's deeds, he started telling - Oh God!  He has never remembered the name of God in his life. He has always committed sins.

He should be sent straight to hell.  Now as soon as he was being sent to hell as per the orders of Yamraj, Chitragupta said - Lord, there is one more thing.  Yamraj ji said which thing?

Chitragupta said, Lord, once on the advice of the saints, he had pronounced the name Radha.  Now once the name Radha is pronounced, what position should it be given?

Yamraj told the messengers to wait for a while.  It will be accounted for.  Only after this will he be sent to hell.  Yamraj again said to Chitragupta, quickly check his account and whether he has uttered the name of God or not?  

Chitragupta again looked at the entire account and after seeing it he said - Lord!  The name he uttered once was done out of fear of the saints, not even from the heart.  But once you have uttered the name Radha and your whole life is a sin, what to do now?  

Then Yamraj asked the same person - Tell me one thing, should we first give you the fruit of pronouncing the name Radha or should you be sent to hell?

Then the devotee folded his hands and saidLord, I have to go to hell.  It is better, you give me the result of pronouncing the name Radha once.  Then send me wherever you want.  Now Yamraj ji opened his book and started to see what is the result of chanting the name Radha once?

He opened all the books but did not see the fruit anywhere.  Then he started thinking that I don't know the consequences of pronouncing the name Radha once.  Then, to clear his doubt, he took that devotee with him and came to heaven.

After coming to heaven, Yamraj said to Indradev - O Indradev!  Tell me what is the result of pronouncing the name Radha once?  Then Indradev tried a lot but he too did not get the result.

Then all those gods together came to Brahmadev.  When Brahmadev saw them all.  Then Brahmadev started asking him who is this person with you?  Then Indra Dev started saying---Lord, he has uttered the name Radha once and he has committed sin for the rest of his life.

We do not know what is the result of pronouncing the name Radha?  That's why we have come to you.  Then Brahmaji also made a lot of efforts, but what is the result of pronouncing the name Radha? He also did not know this.

Then Brahmadev said, let us all together take this with us and go to Lord Shankar.  Then he reached Lord Shankar ji.

They all prayed to Lord Shankar and said - O Mahadev! This person has committed sins all his life.  Have taken the name Radha just once on the advice of saints.  Now tell me what is the result of pronouncing the name Radha once?

Then Mahadev ji tried hard but he too could not tell the glory of the name Radha.

Then Shankar ji started saying – Now we will have to go to Lord Shri Krishna, because only he knows the Radha element.  Thinking like this, all the Gods and Goddesses along with Lord Shankar took the soul of that person and reached the Gau-Lok Dham of Lord Shri Krishna.

In Gau-Lok Dham, Lord Shri Krishna was seated on his seat with Radha jiLord Shri Krishna respected all the gods and goddesses and asked them what was the reason for their sudden arrival today?

Then Lord Shankar folded his hands and said – O Lord!  This human being whom you are seeing has been brought from the earth.  He has committed many sins in his life, but had uttered the name Radha only once.

Yamraj ji could not find out what was the result of pronouncing the name Radha once. Then he came to heaven with Indraji to get information about it.  Then after passing through heaven came Brahmaloka.  Then it reached me through Brahmalok.

Now I have brought all these with me to you, now you tell me what can be the result of pronouncing the name Radha once.

When the conversation was going on like this, Radha Rani sitting near Shri Krishna started laughing loudly.  Then Shri Krishna said, O Radhika;  Why do you laugh?

Then Radhika started saying Oh God!  They have not yet understood the importance of the name Radha.  Then Lord Shankar ji started saying – O Queen!  What is the effect of Radha's name, please tell us.

Then Radhika ji started saying Oh Mahadev!  Think yourself.  This person chanted the name of Radha once.  He once traveled to heaven by chanting the name of Radhika.

He came after seeing Brahmadev in Brahmalok, he has seen you in your Mahadevlok.  With the effect of just uttering it once, it has brought all of you along with us to our cow-lok abode.  He is having my darshan and worshiping Shri Krishna.  What could be more fruitful than this from the name Radha?

When Radhika ji explained the full importance of the name Radha once, Yamraj said that this is a very infinite fruit, the person who was about to go to hell, by pronouncing it once, he would get everything.

Traveling across the worlds, Lord has appeared at the feet of Shri Krishna and Radha Rani!  What could be more fruitful than this?

Then again Yamraj started saying---Lord!  Doesn't it need to go to hell now?  Then Shri Krishnaji started saying, O Dharamraj!  One who has once seen the feet of Radha Rani can never go to hell.

Then the devotee who was having darshan of Radharani there,

He said - O Queen, I had uttered your name Radha out of fear of the saints.  But those who chant your name with a true heart will have no fear in life.  He will never go on a journey to hell, he will end up directly at your feet.

So friends, you have seen that there is so much importance of pronouncing the name Radha once. So whoever says this once with a true heart - "Radhe-Radhe, Shyam-Milade" then pronounces the name Radha.  Only then can one see God in person.

So friends, how did you like today's story?  We hope you liked the story.  Will meet again in a devotional story with such an interesting story.  Till then, keep laughing, smiling and remembering God. 

Thank you 

Jai Shri Radhe Krishna

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