Gemini 2024, wow! What is the fate of Gemini people? the lock of luck will open

Gemini 2024, wow!  What is the fate of Gemini people?  the lock of luck will open

Yes friends! As you read in the title that Gemini 2024, wow!  What is the fate of Gemini people?  the lock of luck will open. You read it right.  There is no doubt that the year 2024 has come to change your destiny.  

All your wishes, hopes and expectations are going to be fulfilled this year.  Because all the planets of this year are favorable to you.  Everyone came to give you something or the other.  

So you just have to welcome 2024 with open arms and a smile.  Now friends, before knowing what is this, what will happen and what will be received!

Har Har Mahadev Dear readers, how are you guys, we hope you are doing well. 

Gemini 2024, wow!  What is the fate of Gemini people?  the lock of luck will open

Friends, in today's post we will know what the Gemini zodiac sign says in 2024, i.e. how will the year 2024 be for the people of Gemini zodiac sign.  How will be the health, studies, career and love of Gemini people?

Apart from this, we will also know what is the nature of people with Gemini zodiac sign, whether they are men or women, what is their childhood like, what is old age like, what is youth like. How are the children of Gemini people, their married life.  What is it like and when does their golden period start?

Friends, 2023 is about to come and hence every person remains curious about what this coming year will be like.  So let's go friends!  Without any delay, know the horoscope of people with Gemini zodiac sign.

Gemini 2024

Friends, this zodiac sign is based on the birth sign i.e. Moon sign.  When January 2024 starts, the position of your planets will be like this.

1- Devguru Brihaspati ji will be present in your 11th house.

2-Rahu will be present in your 10th house.

3- Ketu is present in your 4th house.

4- Shanidev ji will be present in your 9th house.

5- During your initial period, Venus and Buddha will be present in the 6th house.

6- Apart from this, Sun and Mars will be placed in your 7th house at the end.

So come friends!  First of all, let us know what results Devguru Brihaspati ji present in your 11th house is going to give you.

Devguru Brihaspati

Friends!  Devguru Jupiter will remain in your 11th house till 24th April and will enter the 12th house in May.

1-When Devguru Jupiter enters the 12th house, it will make your married life very good.

2-There will be chances for you to travel somewhere.

3-These will strengthen your relationships before 2024.

4-If you are unmarried i.e. not married, then relationships may come for you.

5-And when Devguru Jupiter will remain in its 11th house till April 2024, then there is a possibility that you may be honored with something or the other, you may get some award, name, respect, honor.

So friends, if you want to participate in any competition before May 2024, you can do so, you will get success in it.  Devguru Jupiter will benefit you.

6-The vision of Devguru Jupiter will remain in the 5th house till April.  Which shows that your family planning will be good.

7-Friends!  5th house is of children and education. Therefore, if you want to do any higher education then you should do it before May 2024, it will be better for you and your life.

8-Devguru Jupiter's vision is also in the 7th house, so if you want to ship a partner then you can do that also.  But first before May 2024.

friends!  Now we told you what results Devguru Jupiter will give you as long as it stays in the 11th house. And now we will know what results will Devguru Jupiter give you when it changes i.e. what results will it give you when Devguru Jupiter moves to the 12th house. What will happen?with you?

Change of Devguru Jupiter in 12th House

1-Friends, when Devguru Jupiter enters the 12th house, there may be some disturbance in your married life.  Because 7th Lord Jupiter will enter the house of his enemy Venus in the 12th house from above.  Anyway friends! The twelfth position of the horoscope is considered bad.

Therefore, as soon as Devguru Jupiter enters the 12th house, you will first have to pay attention to your married life.

2-Apart from this, if you do something in partnership then you will have to be a little sharp, clever and clever there.  Otherwise, you may see a little up and down in the partnership also.  This means work will not get done and you may also have differences with your partner.  Therefore a lot of attention is needed.

3-Due to the presence of Devguru Jupiter in the 12th house, the bank balance also gets disturbed, which means that your unnecessary expenses will also increase.

4-Devguru Jupiter is also the 10th lord, so when it enters the 12th house, you may also travel abroad, your travels may increase in your work area, some expenses may also increase but you will get a lot of benefits from these expenses.  Therefore there is no need to panic.  Because Saturn is in its house.

Now if we talk about Rahu and Ketu then friends!  Both Rahu and Ketu have a big impact on the horoscope.  This time Rahu will be sitting in the 10th house in your horoscope throughout the year.  And Ketu will sit in your 4th house.

Rahu's change in 10th house

There is no change in the zodiac sign of Rahu because it has changed in October 2023.  Friends!  It is very auspicious to have Rahu in the 10th house.  When they are in the 10th house then 95% change in career definitely happens.

From October 2023, people with Gemini zodiac sign are thinking about doing something new, if not then they will definitely think about it in the year 2024.  This is 95% true.

It is possible that people of this zodiac sign may change their job or post, their house, shop etc. may change, some change will definitely happen, whether that change is big or small.

Especially Rahu has more impact on career.  Therefore, you will be very bright in terms of career, but due to Rahu being in the 10th house, you will be irritable, that is, you will not like what anyone says.

Be it your own business or any job, you will not like anyone's interference in it.  You will prefer to work in your own way, you will not listen to anyone, due to which your friends, relatives and boss will all be angry with you. Therefore, you should keep this thing in mind, if possible, work patiently at this time.

You do not need to worry too much about this, you just need to be a little careful because while on one hand Rahu is giving you irritability, on the other hand it is also giving you happiness like job change, post change and home change.  So stay positive.  Don't think too much.

Come on friends, now let us talk about Ketu.  Which is sitting in your 4th house and will remain sitting throughout the year.  Do you know what Ketu will do, what results will it give you, what will be the future?

Ketu's change in 4th house

Friends!  Ketu is sitting in your 4th house and this house is considered the house of luxuries.  That is why it is also called luxurious house.  Because this house has all the comforts like house, car, money, job etc.

Since Ketu is sitting in your 4th house, no matter whether you buy a house, a shop or a car, your mind will not be happy. What I mean to say is that suppose you bought a car, the joy of buying it is the happiness.  Yes, it will be a little less.  It will not be as much as it should be.

Now it is not that you will not be happy at all, you will be very happy, but you will not be able to express that happiness, because the job of Ketu is to reduce happiness.

Now friends, let's talk about Shanidev ji, let us know what results Shanidev is going to give you.

Shanidev's change in 9th house

Friends! The best thing for you is that you have the full blessings of Shani Dev.  There is neither any Dhaiya nor any Sade Sati on you.  And the even better thing is that Shanidev is in your 9th house, which is the place of luck.

9th house is the place of luck.  This place is considered the most auspicious after the ascendant.  Shanidev is currently in the 9th house and will become retrograde after April.  This shows that Shani Dev is going to give you a lot.

Here let us tell you one thing, friends!  That Shanidev is happy with you and is going to give you a lot but you also have to be a taker, that is, Shanidev wants to give you something because he is very happy with you, but how can he give?

Without doing anything, you will not get any results.  Therefore, you should not sit idle, you should not lag behind in doing work, think of doing something, start doing some new work, try to do something new in your life, try to do something good, try to bring change.  Only then you will be able to get the blessings of Shani Dev.  Not otherwise.

Especially if you start any work before July, you will definitely get success.  Friends!  This happens after 30 years when Shanidev enters his 9th house and this is the year which has become lucky for you.  The time from 2024 to March 2025 is very special for you, so do not let this time go waste.

There is a good chance of getting a government job also.  This is what is visible in the horoscope.  If your horoscope is absolutely correct and the date of birth is correct, then all these things will prove to be true for Gemini people.  The year 2024 is very, very special for him.

Now friends, let's talk about how people with Gemini zodiac sign are, that is, what is their nature, how is their childhood, how is their old age and how is their youth.

Nature of Gemini people

Friends, out of the 12 zodiac signs, Gemini comes at number 3.  Whose lord is Buddha planet.  Who has got the title of Prince in astrology.

1-As you have just read, their zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Buddha, hence there are people born under this zodiac sign, whether they are young, old or old, they all need importance.

2-People of this zodiac sign mostly think that people should give them importance. Especially in childhood, when they were small, they wanted that no one should leave them alone, no one should go away with them.

They want someone to sit near them and talk to them. And they are so stubborn that whatever they want, they just want it.  Don't sit still until you take it.  This condition continues till their old age.

3-The catching power of people with Gemini zodiac sign is very strong.  They learn anything very easily, it does not take much time.  Are quite intelligent.

4-They are also at number 1 position in mischievousness, that is, they are of very playful nature, teasing, laughing and joking is their habit since childhood.

5-These are very attractive, very captivating.  They have a smiling face, that is, there is such a glow on their face, such a smile that when someone sees them, they keep looking at them, they are eager to talk to them and make friendship.

6-They are very clean of mind.  Don't keep anything in mind.  If there is a fight with someone, then whatever has to be said, they say it on their face and not behind their back.  No matter how much it hurts the other person.  It doesn't matter to them.

At the same time, when they realize that they have made a mistake and should not have done so, they immediately apologize without delay.  This is a great quality in him, which is a big thing in itself, friends.  Because it is easy to make a mistake but very difficult to apologize.

7-People with Gemini zodiac sign are so sharp that they can sell a comb even to a bald person, they have such power.  Know very well how to extract ghee from a crooked finger.  This means that when they do any work, they do it with so much wisdom that they never fail in it.

8-They are businessmen and have very sharp minds.

9-In their youth, they have very deep knowledge, that is, they have deep knowledge and think deeply.

10-They do every work wholeheartedly, but still they get success late.

11-The sharper they are, the more quality they have, the more confidence they have, the less they are able to progress quickly.

12-They get success only after working hard and running hard.  That means it takes some time, but with their body language, skills and talking they definitely impress the other person.  This is a great quality in them.

13-Apart from this, it has also been seen that unless they talk to someone, the other person considers them arrogant.  Whereas if they talk, the other person does not leave them.  That means you can understand that-

14-People with Gemini zodiac don't talk to anyone unless they talk to them, but when they talk to someone, they make them their own.  That's why they have many friends.

15-People with Gemini zodiac sign have very good social knowledge.  That means they are the ones with latest news.  They have complete information about the country, world, home, street, society etc.

16-People with Gemini zodiac sign are very intelligent but still they get disappointed at many places and the reason for this is their double thinking.

17-Friends! Gemini is a zodiac sign where they think in two ways.  Negative and positive means when they do any work, they think about both its advantages and disadvantages.

And if they have to take any kind of decision then they think too far ahead, due to which they remain very confused in life.  That's why they get disappointed, but for some time, but they definitely get success.

Old ge of gemini people

1-Friends!  Now, if we talk about the old age of people with Gemini zodiac sign, then as they grow old, they become businessmen.

2-They like to do their own work.  They do not like to work under anyone.

3-They remain engaged in doing something or the other till the last breath of their life.  They always do some work or the other and never sit idle.

4-In old age, they definitely get some entertainment.  Like listening to songs, sitting among friends and having fun conversations.

5-In old age, they are very fond of traveling. That is why they do not sit at one place even in old age.  Keep roaming somewhere, keep traveling.

6-In old age, they are very fond of eating and drinking.

7-People with Gemini zodiac sign definitely suffer from some disease in old age.  They always have some health related problem or the other.

8-As compared to youth, they become more religious with old age. They become more inclined towards spirituality, pay more attention towards God and worship. They keep organizing puja, havan, bhandara etc.

9-In old age, they are very practical and have their own say in everything.

10-Their nature is very stubborn and that is why they and their children do not get along well both in youth and old age.  Because they try to run things their own way.

Children of gemini people

Come on friends!  Now let us know what kind of children the people with Gemini zodiac sign have?  How are their children?

1-According to the horoscope of people with Gemini zodiac sign, Venus is placed in their 5th house and Venus is considered the planet of shining, threatening and beauty.  Therefore, due to being in the fifth place, their children are beautiful.

That means, the children of people with Gemini zodiac sign are very beautiful.

2-Their children have very good speaking talent.

3-They like to participate in sports and other competitions.

4-They love singing, listening, dancing and playing instruments.  Like guitar, piano, harmonium etc.

5-Due to Venus being in their zodiac sign, they are fond of videography and photography.

6-They are fond of reading and writing but for some time, that is, they do not read diligently, they read if they felt like it, or did not read if they felt like it.  Are carefree.

7-Apart from this, they also like to look beautiful, use mobile, buy things online and work online.

8-Venus means the planet of laziness.  That is why they also have laziness, that is, the children of people with Gemini zodiac sign are also a little lazy.

9-But when we decide to do some work, we die only after completing the work.  But if they become lazy then they don't listen to anyone.  No matter how much the family members say.

10-They don't agree with anyone quickly.  They like to work as per their own wish and not according to someone else's wish.

Married life of Gemini people

So let's go friends!  Now let's talk about their married life, how is the married life of people with Gemini zodiac sign.

1-The lord of their 7th house is Devguru Jupiter i.e. Guru and Mercury, hence their married life is good.

2-Let's maintain balance in life.  No matter how many problems there are in life, no matter how many differences and fights there are, in the end both of them go together.

3-Apart from this, one thing has also been seen that the planet Buddha is the crown prince and the god Jupiter is the guru of the gods, hence they have to bow before their life partner.  Be it male or female.

4-If Gemini people are male then they will have to bow before their wife and if you are female then you will have to bow before your husband because the lord of the 7th house is Jupiter.

5-Both of them have this habit that they do not like each other's words.  They do not listen to each other easily and take turns blaming each other.

6-However, despite so many differences, their married life is very good.  Because in the end both of them become one, support each other and share things with each other.

7-Love and romance are also good between these two.

8-At the same time, their life partner has this habit that they consider themselves very sharp and clever.  There is a lot of overconfidence, hence the people of Gemini zodiac sign have to behave a little cautiously.

Golden period for Gemini people

Now friends, let us talk about the golden time period of people with Gemini zodiac sign, when does their golden time i.e. turning point start.

Turning point means a time when some change happens in your life which you had never even thought about.  Whatever this change can be.  In your personal life, career, family.

This golden period or turning point occurs between 24 and 35 years.  That is, between the time you turn 24 and the time you turn 35, something happens to you that you might not have imagined.

At present, something must have happened to the people who are between 24 to 35 years of age which was just a fantasy for them, it was impossible to fulfill it but that fantasy has become reality.  If any such phase has come in your life, then you must tell us.

Because this time is no less than a golden period.  During this time, you must have got some benefit, growth or development, and if it didn't happen, it will happen now.

Nature of Gemini women

Come friends! Now let's talk about the nature of women with Gemini zodiac sign, what are their qualities, behaviour, thinking.

1-The mind of women with Gemini zodiac sign is not concentrated (not at one place), different kinds of things keep going on in their mind. Sometimes they think of doing one thing and sometimes they think of doing something else.  Due to which she remains worried.

2-Their way of talking is good.

3-Between 12 to 22 years, they definitely have some skin problem or problems like infections, allergies etc.

4-Their confidence level is good.

5-She is courageous, valiant, she not only does her own work but also helps in the work of others.

6-Their catching power, thinking and understanding power is also very good.  She is so good, so sharp that many times, just by looking at the person in front of her, she tells whether this or that will happen now.

7-They even find out what the other person is thinking.  It is very fast.  But sometimes due to overconfidence they prove wrong.

8-They like digital things like mobile, laptop.  Apart from this, they are very fond of watching things online.

9-friends!  One is to see and the other is to buy.  She looks at a lot but doesn't buy anything and if she buys, it will be only one thing after seeing 10 things.  That means they like things online but do not trust those things.

10-They are very fond of travelling.

11-She remains very close to her maternal uncles, aunts and uncles.  She shares everything with him.

12-They are very fond of singing.  Apart from this, they are also very fond of listening to romantic songs.

13-She is of very playful nature.  They are so playful that their childishness does not go away from them till their last breath.  It is their habit to tease and harass everyone jokingly.  Always keeps smiling.

14-She always maintains herself physically.  Even if she grows old, she will not feel old.  Always wants to look young.

15-Gemini women are also fond of writing.  And their way of writing is also a little different from others.  She writes in a completely different way which looks very beautiful.

16-They get influenced by others very quickly or in other words, they trust people very quickly.

17-She is very adept at talking and making things.

18-Their smile is very nice.  Just like a woman with Taurus zodiac sign has good eyes, a woman with Leo zodiac sign has good eyes and hair.  Similarly, the smile of women with Gemini zodiac sign is very nice and captivating.

19-One thing that has also been seen in women with Gemini zodiac sign is that whenever they go for any kind of interview or go anywhere, their overconfidence level is visible to everyone.And in relationships it becomes possessive quickly.Due to which they have to face problems.

Overall, the year 2024 is going to be very good for Gemini people.  Whatever problems they were facing in 2023, they will get freedom from all those problems in 2024.  Happiness will kiss their feet.  

There will be some ups and downs in life but there is no need to be afraid of them.  Such moments will last only for some time.  And anyway friends, if you live life easily then what have you lived?  Every person has to struggle a little bit.  

Instead of getting something easily, if something is achieved through struggle then it is more important.  And every struggling person understands this very well.  So stay happy, stay healthy, don't worry at all.

So dear readers, this is some important information about Gemini 2024. How did you like the information?  Please express your opinion.  We hope you liked the post. With this we take leave, Will meet again in the next post in the devotional story.  Till then, keep laughing, smiling and remembering God.

Thank you

Jay shri Radhe Krishna 

Jay shri Sita Ram 

Jay Jay Gouri Shankar 

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