Do children have to suffer the consequences of their parents' actions?

Jai Shri Krishna! Dear readers, how are you, we hope you are safe.  May Lord Krishna always shower his blessings on you.

Do children have to suffer the consequences of their parents' actions?

Do children have to suffer the consequences of their parents' actions?
Do children have to suffer the consequences of their parents' actions?

Dear friends, in today's post we have written such a story, which will reveal whether the children are punished for the deeds of the parents, do the children have to suffer the consequences of the deeds of the parents or not?  So let's read today's post without any delay.

Once upon a time, a saint and one of his disciples reached a city while walking.  Sant ji liked that city very much.  So he set up his camp just outside the city.

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The king of that city was very cruel.  That king used to give a lot of pain to his subjects, he used to do various kinds of atrocities on them, beat them, beat them and even snatched their hard-earned money and deposited it in his treasury.

 His people were very unhappy with him because the king used to impose various types of taxes on them.  That king had only one son.  And suddenly one day he fell very ill.  The king consulted all the legal authorities, but to no avail.  But his condition deteriorated so much that there was no hope of his survival.

Now the king became very worried.  He started thinking what should I do now?  He couldn't understand what to do.  Then the king remembered that a painter named Girdhar worked in his palace.  The king immediately sent his soldiers and called him.

Do children have to suffer the consequences of their parents' actions?
Do children have to suffer the consequences of their parents' actions?

When he came, the king said to him, Hey Girdhar, I don't know what disease has afflicted my son.  All treatments went in vain.  The lawyers and the doctors have also replied that this will not survive now.  What should I do, I don't understand anything.  This is my only son.  With his departure my dynasty will also end.  Do you have any suggestions?

Then Girdhar said!  Maharaj, God definitely listens to the prayers of the saints. What does it mean?  The king said.  Girdhar said, I mean Maharaj, you should go to a saint who is a complete saint and Mahatma and ask him to pray for your son, who knows, God may listen to his prayers and the prince may be saved.

Then the king said!  Yes, you are right, I will definitely go to the saint.  But who are these complete saints and where can they be found?

Then Girdhar said, Maharaj Purna Saint is very dear to God, he always walks on the path of spirituality and does welfare of the people.  But how will one know among so many saints who is a complete saint and Mahatma? The king asked.

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 Yes your Highness!  This is a bit difficult but there is a solution, Girdhar said.  What is that solution, the king asked?  Then Girdhar said, Maharaj, call all the sages, saints and mahatmas in your city and ask them to pray for the prince's recovery.  If the prince gets cured by the blessings of a saint, then he is considered to be a complete saint and Mahatma.

Now the king called all the saints in the city to his palace.  When he did not agree to come, the soldiers took those saints captive.  Among those saints was that saint who had camped outside the city.

 Here, when the disciple living with Gurudev Ji came to know about this, he also ran to the palace and seeing Gurudev Ji sitting among the other saints, he started crying and said that this world belongs to fools, who are completely  Saints cannot recognize Mahatma.  And harass them unnecessarily.

 Just then Gurudev ji said, Hey son!  Why are you so sad? Whatever is happening, everything is happening as per the will of God.  You don't worry.  Then the king came there and ordered all the saints to come, now you all pray for my son.

Do children have to suffer the consequences of their parents' actions?
Do children have to suffer the consequences of their parents' actions?

Hearing this, all the saints remained silent because they did not like the behavior of the king.  Then Gurudev ji said to the king, you are oppressing the saints and asking them to pray for your son, these people will pray for your son with a sad heart.  So do you think that with this behavior they will pray wholeheartedly for your son?

After listening to Gurudev ji, the king realized what a big mistake he had committed and he sat on the ground in front of all the saints and said, I have committed many atrocities on you people.  Please forgive my mistake.  I request you with folded hands, please pray for the safety of my son.

Do children have to suffer the consequences of their parents' actions?
Do children have to suffer the consequences of their parents' actions?

After listening to the king, Gurudev ji said, King!  Whatever is happening, let it happen, because whatever happens on this earth, happens as per the will of God.  Without His will not even a leaf moves.  Whatever is happening to your son, all this is happening only because of your actions.

The king apologized to Gurudev Ji and said, O Gurudev, I know that I have committed many sins, but now I regret it very much.  I will never bother anyone.

He started pleading in front of Gurudev and said, O Gurudev, I have only one son.  Please forgive my mistake and spare my son's life.  People say that the prayers of complete saints have great power.  Only you, a complete saint, have the power to make the impossible possible.  Please cure my son.  I will always be grateful to you.

When Gurudev looked at the other saints and mahatmas, he started thinking that if the king's son does not get well, he will not leave these saints, so now I will have to do something.  Thinking this, he closed his eyes for some time and then after some time he opened his eyes and said to the king, O king!  Your son's safety lies in the false food of the saints.

The king, who was sad to see the condition of his son, said, O Gurudev, you can do whatever you want, but please cure my son.  Then Guru Dev ji ordered a chapatti.  He ate half of the bread himself and gave the other half to the king's son to eat.

As soon as he ate that bread, the king's son became completely healthy.  When the king saw this miracle he was astonished.  And understood that this is no ordinary saint.  He is definitely a complete saint.  

The king's painter, who had advised the king to bring a complete saint, also started trembling with fear after seeing this miracle.  All the other saints and Mahatmas present there were also surprised to see this miracle.

Now the king fell at the feet of Gurudev Ji and started apologizing for the bad deeds he had done.  He said, O Gurudev! I made a big mistake by insulting you.

Gurudev said!  No, Rajan, you have not insulted me, you have insulted these saints and sages, you have insulted your innocent subjects.  You have eaten their rightful earnings on the strength of your power.  The people of your city work hard to feed their families and you loot their hard-earned money.

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Hey king!  Just look at these flying birds, who trust in God and eat their hard work.  And this is the reason why they are always happy and chirping.

Rajan!  Money earned dishonestly is the most haraam and you feed this haraam earning to your son also.  Therefore, whatever is happening to him is because of your bad deeds.

The king held Gurudev's feet and said - Oh Gurudev, how should I correct my mistake, how should I change myself, please tell me some solution, I want to repent of my mistakes.

Gurudev said, O King!  If you really want to atone for your sins, then promise me that from today onwards you will not commit any atrocities on anyone, you will always help others, you will always support your family with your hard-earned money and help others.  Whatever money you have looted, you will return it to them.

The king said, O Gurudev!  I promise you, I will do as you said.  From today onwards, I will not commit any atrocities on anyone, I will help others, I will feed my family by working hard myself and will also return the money of others.

After that day the king never tortured anyone.  He changed his life completely.  Now he started considering his subjects exactly like his own children.  After Gurudev left, he returned everyone's looted money and taxes.  From that day onwards, the king's townspeople started living carefree and started offering blessings to the king.

Friends!  The lesson learned from this story is that man should eat only by working hard himself.  One can never live a happy life by snatching away the rights of others and keeping one's own home happy.  A person should always do good deeds because a person has to suffer the consequences of his deeds.

If the deeds are good, then the results will be good and if the deeds are bad, then the results will also be bad, the consequences of which may have to be suffered by us as well as our children.  Therefore, if we want our children to always be happy, then we should always do good deeds.

So dear readers, this was today's story, we hope you liked the story.  With this we take leave, we will meet again in the next devotional story.  Till then take care of yourself, keep laughing, keep smiling and remember God.

Thank you 

Jai Shri Radhe-Krishna 

Jai Shri Ram 

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