Why after all? 14 year old princess was tortured (true story)

Har Har Mahadev

Dear readers, how are you guys, we hope you are staying safe.

Friends, today's story is a very interesting and painfully true story.  This is the story of a minor princess.  Whose dreams were crushed by the pages of history.  

That is, some such brutal kings of history who did not hesitate at all in trampling the honor of women and girls just for their own comfort.So friends, without any delay, read today's interesting and true story.

Why after all?  14 year old princess was tortured (true story)

Why after all?  14 year old princess was tortured (true story)

 A princess, who was barely fourteen or fifteen years of age. She had just passed the joys of childhood and entered the threshold of youth.

Since she was the daughter of a king, she might have seen a prince in her dreams.  She must have been looking at a happy, green future full of happiness, there would have been happiness all around her. 

But alas, she had no idea about her tomorrow, that these dreams of hers would remain just dreams because time had destroyed that princess.  Had something else in mind.

He did not even know that a barbaric beast from Delhi was going to bring him a message of hell.  That gentle princess was about to be made a prostitute.  

What was even more disgusting, friends, was that the princess was not meant for anyone, but was presented as a soft meat object to be used for the physical enjoyment of the soldiers.

Why after all?  14 year old princess was tortured (true story)

Friends!  This story is not an empty tale filled with imagination, rather it is a painful story written on the pages of our own history which will give you goosebumps even today and will force you to cry tears of blood.

The princess we are discussing was the daughter of King Puran Mal and her mother's name was Maharani Ratnavali.  King Puranmal, fearing the Afghan beast Shershah, beheaded his queen Ratnavali so that the Afghan beasts would not take her away.

But he could not kill his daughter and sons even if he wanted to. The children are still small and Sher Shah will not torture them.  Thinking this the king did not kill his children.  

But this was the king's mistake.  Because Shershah was a beast among the beasts.  What happened to that princess and the two innocent princes was recorded in history as a painful scene.

This story dates back to 1544. But to understand the historical scenario behind this incident, we have to go back a little in time.  So that you can understand well the reason for this injustice done to the princess.

This is from 1398.  At that time, Naseeruddin Mehmood, a weak ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty, was ruling the throne of Delhi.  At the same time, after looting and trampling Kabul, Kandahar and Punjab, lame Taimur attacked Delhi.

What kind of mentality was Taimur, you will understand well if you read the first line of his biography Tuzuke Taimuri.  Some lines of which are as follows.

Taimur had more faith in the Quran than himself, every word written in the Quran was a line of stone for him.  He writes, O Prophet, fight the infidels and those who do not believe and deal strictly with them.

He further explains the reason for his attack on India and writes that my aim in attacking India is to wage jihad against the Hindus who worship infidel idols.  And looting the wealth, slaves and women of Hindus.

However, at that time Delhi was ruled by Tughlaq dynasty ruler Naseeruddin Mehmood.  Taimur's invasion turned the supremacy of the Tughlaq dynasty towards the dark abyss of destruction.  Taimur left after looting Delhi and causing massacre.

After his departure, the throne of the weak Tughlaq dynasty was captured by the Afghans.  Time kept increasing year after year like the speed of a fast horse.  Then Babar's rule appears on the screen of history.  

Babar was of Mongol lineage from his mother's side and Taimur lineage from his father's side.  That is why when he was driven out of Samarkand in 1504, he first captured Kabul and Kandahar, the western border of India.

Then he wrote a letter to the present Afghan ruler of Delhi, Ibrahim Lodi, for his rights, asking that his rights be given to him, but Ibrahim Lodi did not respond.  For this reason, from that very day Babar started looking for an opportunity. And finally one day he got the opportunity.

The first battle of Panipat was fought on 21 April 1526.  Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodi in that war.  Now Babar ruled the throne of Delhi and the Mughal dynasty was established. 

Here Ranasanga felt that Babar would return after looting Delhi like his ancestor Taimur. But this did not happen.  Because Babar had no place to go.Therefore he settled in Delhi itself.

Why after all?  14 year old princess was tortured (true story)

The battle of Khanwa started on 17 March 1527.  Rana Sanga lost in this war.  But the Rajputs were not completely broken yet, they gathered again and the battle of Chanderi was fought again on 21 January 1528.

After Rana Sanga, Medini took command of the war.  When Babar saw that he could not win, he raised the slogan of Jihad.  This slogan ignited a flame in the hearts of the Muslims present in Medini Rai's kingdom, due to which the Muslims living in Medini Rai's kingdom and growing up under his patronage started a civil war against Medini Rai.

Medini Rai was defeated in the war due to the betrayal by his own people.  As a result, Chanderi became the king of Babar and from here the dispute between Raja Puranmal and Delhi begins.

In the battle of Chanderi, not only the fort was lost but also the Rajput prestige was lost and there was only one way to get it back and that was to take back the fort from Babar.

In the year 1529, Afghan chieftain Mahmud Lodhi decided to wage war with Babar and for this the Nawab of Bengal, Nusrat Shah supported him.  Babar could rule Delhi only unless he killed the Afghan Sardar.  That is why Babar crossed the Ganga and reached the banks of Ghaghra in Bihar to teach a lesson to Mahmud Lodi and Musharraf.

Taking advantage of this, the Rajput ruler of Rajasthan, Raja Puranmal captured the fort of Chanderi.  Within a year the fort was back in the hands of the Rajputs.  Time continued to pass like this.

Ultimately Babar died in 1530 while fighting.  And the throne was inherited by his elder son Humayun and this is where Sher Shah, also known as Sher Khan, enters this story.

Humayun faced the challenge of the East, which even Babar could not overcome.  Therefore, within two years of ascending the throne, in 1532, Humayun attacked the fort of Chunargarh, which is called the Gate of the East.  Sher Khan was guarding the fort at that time.

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Sher Khan had supported Babar in the battle of Ghaghra because he was well aware of the power of Mughal cannon.  And that is why he did not display force in front of Humayun, rather he faced Humayun with diplomacy.  After that Humayun returned to Delhi after reaching an agreement with Sher Khan.

Humayun was not aware that this was going to prove to be the biggest mistake of his life.  Sher Khan was an Afghan and hence he felt that Delhi was his father's property.  He wanted that Delhi should be captured by the Mughals. And thinking this, he decided to increase his military power.

In the year 1532, he had seen that he could not compete with Humayun and to compete with Humayun, he would need more military power.  Increasing his military power, Sher Khan conquered Bengal in 1537.

Bengal had become the property of the Mughals since the time of Babur, after the Battle of Ghaghra.  When Sher Khan conquered Bengal, Humayun considered it an attack on his sovereignty.  A Sardar of Bihar suddenly became the Nawab of Bengal and in this arrogance he was challenging the throne of Delhi.

How could Humayun tolerate all this?  He decided to teach Sher Khan a lesson and proceeded towards Bengal.  When Humayun moved towards Bengal, Sher Khan did not directly confront him but kept him engaged on the way through guerrilla warfare (misleading, sometimes appearing and sometimes hiding) and when Humayun's army reached Bengal, he also attacked Bengal.  The fight was such that Humayun's army remained stuck in Bengal for a long time.

Sher Khan wanted Humayun's army to be stopped in Bengal for as long as possible so that they get tired and then their power becomes weak. And Sher Khan was successful in this diplomacy.

Humayun, who had gone in 1537, returned in 1539 and while returning, Sher Khan attacked Humayun at a place called Chausa on the banks of Ganga near Buxar.  In this battle fought in Chausa, Humayun was defeated, but the reason for that defeat was not only Sher Khan's bravery and his diplomacy but Humayun's assessment of geography was also proved wrong.

Why after all?  14 year old princess was tortured (true story)

This was because it was the rainy season when Humayun pitched the tents of his soldiers at a low place on the banks of the Ganga and when the river Ganga flooded, the tents of many of Humayun's soldiers drowned.  His weapons, his horses and his cannon were completely destroyed.  And Sherkhane took advantage of all this.

Sher Khan ordered his army to attack when Humayun's army was sinking and in a single blow, he destroyed the remaining army but could not kill Humayun.  Because somehow he saved his life with the help of a Bhishti and reached Delhi.

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By the time he reached Delhi, Humayun's power had weakened and Sher Shah was also moving towards Delhi. One last battle took place on 17 May 1540 and that battle took place in Kanauj.

In this battle of Kannauj, Humayun's army, already defeated and demoralized, was finally completely defeated and Sher Khan ascended the throne of Delhi under his new name Sher Shah.

A small Afghan leader from Bihar had today become the Sultan of Delhi.  Sher Shah becomes the Sultan of Delhi and did exactly what his ancestors used to do.  That is, he started expanding his kingdom and in this context, in 1542, he captured the fort of Malwa.

When Sher Shah captured the fort of Malwa, he remembered the fort of Chanderi. Till then the fort of Chanderi was under the control of Raja Puranmal of Raisen.  Sher Shah sent one of his nobles, Sujat Khan, to Purnamal.

In the year 1543 AD, an agreement was reached between Shershah and Puranamal because Puranamal knew that he could not win by directly confronting the Delhi army.  Because his state was very small and he had also faced civil war in his own state during the battle of Chanderi.

And for all these reasons, he did not want any kind of bloodshed in his kingdom and when victory was not in sight, he thought it right to compromise with Sher Shah.

In the year 1543, he went to Delhi and left his brother Chaturbhuj in the court of Sher Shah and returned to the fort of Raisen.  Purnamal had made an agreement with Sher Shah. And Sher Shah also allowed the fort of Chanderi to remain under Purnamal.

But the Muslims of Chanderi did not want to remain under Puranmal. They wanted that since they had their own rule over Delhi, then why not the Sultan of Delhi should take over the rule of this place also.  For this reason, the Muslims of Chanderi once again went and provoked Sher Shah and said that the king here behaves very badly towards them.

He does not allow us to follow his beliefs on our own free will.  Shariat is not followed in the law here. That is why you come to Chanderi and save us.

In fact, in the dynasty to which Sher Shah belonged, the words friendship, compromise and loyalty had no meaning.  And Shershah, the flame of revenge was already burning inside him.  He just wanted a chance to fight and at the request of the Muslim people he got this chance.

He attacked the fort of Raisen in the year 1544 at the behest of the Muslims of Chanderi.  Puranmal and his villagers went inside that fort.  The fort of Raja Puranmal was at a very high altitude and it was not in the power of Sher Shah to conquer it.

That is why Sher Shah laid siege outside the fort. He closed all the routes going in and out of the fort.  But the fort was not a small fort.  It had a big boundary and many food items were kept inside it.

So that those things can be used in times of trouble.  Because that was the time when wars used to happen frequently, hence complete arrangements were made beforehand to deal with a war-like situation.

Shershah surrounded the fort outside while Puranmal and the people of his kingdom started living comfortably inside the fort.

Slowly four months passed.  Sher Shah could not understand how to conquer this fort of Purnamal.  It is said that to achieve victory, Sher Shah fixed copper coins on the cannons and he attacked the fort with the same cannons.  But still that fort could not be broken.

Sher Shah could not defeat King Puranmal in any way, then Sher Shah used the trick of his com for which these people were known. He sent a message to Puranmal that he was upset with the loss of the war that had been going on for a long time. He had to return to Delhi and rule his kingdom.  That's why he wants to compromise with Purnamal.

Purnamal ordered his soldiers to be ready and himself went to meet Sher Shah along with two trusted soldiers.  After going there, Sher Shah sat with him and behaved very nicely and then all the conditions of friendship were followed there.

King Puranmal felt that Sher Shah was telling the truth, so Puranmal happily returned to his fort.  And as soon as Puranmal returned, a group of Maulvis and Ulemas went to Sher Shah.

There were some women with him. Those women went to Sher Shah and started crying that they are treated very badly here.  The king and his soldiers oppress us.  We want you to free us from the atrocities of this king.

Along with this, the Ulemas issued a death warrant for Puranmal and told Shershah that it is your responsibility to get this decree implemented because you are the king and we are the Ulemas.  And in a way we are contractors of religion.  You will implement whatever we say.

Sher Shah once again got involved in all these things.  Here Puran Mal went to his fort and announced that an agreement has been reached with Sher Shah. Now we all can go out and celebrate the festival.

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 A wave of happiness ran among all the people. He was locked in a small place for four months, he wanted to be free, wanted to celebrate in the open and hence all the people of Purnamal's kingdom who were present in the fort gathered outside.  Started happening.

Preparations for celebrating the festival started in the big field outside the fort. Tents were set up.  Everyone there was happy and celebrating independence. Just then Sher Shah's army arrived with its entire force.

Everyone got scared after seeing the soldiers who suddenly appeared.  Purnamal's soldiers had become extraordinary because they were all busy in celebrating happiness and festivals.  King Puranmal clearly understood that Shershah had betrayed him.

He was no longer left with any other option.  He went to his wife in his tent.  His queen's name was Ratnavali.  The king told the whole story to the queen and asked, Ratna!  What should we do now?

Ratnavali said – Maharaj! You know very well how these savages of Delhi behave with the wives of the losers after their victory.  These are savage beasts full of brutality, they are not human beings.  It would be humanity's biggest mistake to consider them human beings.

The king completely agreed with this statement of his queen.  There was no other option before him. Queen Ratnavali laughingly said that this life is for you.  There is no point in living this life without you.

The king knew that now the hour of death was near.  The time of sacrifice has come. He did not want any ill-treatment to happen to his wife after him.  So he took out his sword and cut the throat of Queen Ratnavali.

When they do this, the blood of the Rajput soldiers boils.  Even though he was careless, bravery flowed in his veins.  Embers were burning in his veins.  The flames in his eyes flickered and he got ready to fight Sher Shah's army.

Why after all?  14 year old princess was tortured (true story)

There were three more people in the tent when King Puranmal came out with the severed head of the queen.  And those were the two princes i.e. sons of King Puranmal, who were very young and one was his 14, 15 year old princess i.e. daughter.

Friends, this is the same princess whom we have discussed in the beginning of the post. The king thought that these are two children, what will anyone do with them?  Because Raja Puranmal was a human being, a devotee of God, his thinking could not go as far as the brutes can go.

They did not even think that someone could misbehave even with the king's children but Sher Shah and his army were not limited to only misbehavior. 

Sher Shah's army was very big and they had come prepared. Here the soldiers of Puranmal were extraordinary.  He also fought bravely but it was not a war at all.  This was just a festival of giving up one's life.

It was such a celebration of dying for one's honor in which instead of gulal, blood was being spilled and heads were being cut. Rajputs kept dying one by one while fighting and then Sher Shah's army entered the tents where children, women and  Were old.

Sher Shah killed all the men one by one.  Children, old people and youth had already died in the war.  Now only women and girls are left.  Since Purnamal was the king, Sher Shah himself went to his tent and there he found the beheaded body of the queen and three innocent children.

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At that time, Shershah was in his late age i.e. he was about to become old, yet the brute showed no mercy.  And first he got those two princes murdered right there and threw that innocent, minor girl among the soldiers.

In the frenzy of this fraudulent victory, the soldiers of the thief Shershah do not show any mercy to the girl, do not look at her age and consider her body as a piece of meat and start playing with her.

One by one the soldiers kept throwing it from one soldier to another.  That princess was being tossed among those soldiers as if she was not a human being but a dancing puppet.

Those soldiers did not show any mercy to the king's daughter.  Like a hungry lion, all those soldiers kept scratching, biting and playing with that little girl's body.

After that he was taken to Sher Shah for haram.  For your information, friends, Haram is a process in which the girl does not have even a single piece of clothing on her body.  With this process the princess was sent to Sher Shah.

As long as Shershah felt like keeping him in Haram.  And when he was satisfied, he again handed him over to the soldiers and officers.  Those beasts kept scratching his body like dogs.

They exploited that princess for months.  And then when those brutes were satisfied, they made him sit on a brothel in the market of Delhi.  No one in the entire history had done such a misdeed to a king's daughter who was only 14 years old.

The entire history says that if there is any biggest stain in the life of Sher Shah then it is attacking the fort of Puran Mal and treating his daughter so horribly.

If only Sher Shah's soldiers had done this work of their own free will, then it would have been understandable, but Sher Shah had a full hand in this. 

That daughter of Purnamal who was a princess till some time ago and whom no one had the courage to even look at.  That princess had started sitting on the brothel in the Delhi market today.

After all, that girl must have been sighing, she must have been in pain, she must have often cried remembering her ordeal and then must have cursed her fate.  She must have been devastated after seeing her family dying in front of her and due to the atrocities of the soldiers.

She was so helpless and helpless that some foul smell would often be emanating from her heart towards Shershah.  This was the reason that only a year had passed, that Sher Shah's heart fell on a prostitute of Kalinjar and this prostitute was this dancer.

Why after all?  14 year old princess was tortured (true story)

Kalinjar fort was a very strong fort.  That fort was famous throughout Asia for its strength.  At that time a king named Kirat Singh used to rule there.  There was a dancer in his kingdom.  The discussion about whose beauty was spread all over India.

Old Sher Shah fell in love with that dancer.  And he sent a letter to Kirat Singh.  In which it was written that this dancer should be handed over to Delhi.  But Kirat Singh flatly refused to give it to that dancer.

He had confidence in his fort.  He knew that Sher Shah could never win it.  And here Sher Shah was also full of his ego.  He decided to conquer the fort of Kalinjar and in late December 1544 he attacked Kalinjar.

It is said that to conquer the fort of Kalinjar, Sher Shah built a tower which went much higher than the fort.  And by placing it on the same tower, he used to fire shells from the cannon.

He had collected all his cannon food there.  He tried his best to conquer Kalinjar. But all his efforts failed.  He did not get success.

Once, while climbing the same tower he had built, he was attempting to fire a cannon, when a shell bounced back after hitting the strong wall of the Kalinjar fort and fell on the cannon itself.  Due to which a terrible explosion occurred and Sher Shah died there.

Sher Sahib was killed and shortly after Sher Shah's death it is said that Puranmal's daughter also breathed her last.  After all, how long could she tolerate the atrocities?  

She started falling ill.  And somewhere or the other, the curses emanating from the heart of that minor, innocent daughter of Puranmal must have played a big role in this sudden death of Sher Shah.

So friends!  This was the painful story of Raja Puranmal's beloved, beloved and innocent minor princess.  Such a painful story that even today tears of blood start flowing from the eyes while reading it.  How did you like this story?  Please express your opinion.

With this we take leave, we will meet again in the next post in the devotional story. Then keep laughing, smiling and remembering God.

Thank you

Jai Shri Ram

 Har Har Mahadev 

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