Benefits and rules of Hanuman Chalisa

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Benefits and rules of Hanuman Chalisa

Benefits and rules of Hanuman Chalisa

Dear readers, in today's post we are going to tell you some important things related to
Hanuman Chalisa.  Which is very important for Hanuman devotees to know.

Friends, most of the people read Hanuman Chalisa, but due to the wrong method of reading, they are not able to get the full results.  The purpose of writing this post is so that you can get the full results of your worship.  Therefore, read the points written in the post properly.  So let's read today's post without any delay.

1- If you are going to read Hanuman Chalisa, then get up from that place only after reading it all together in a sequential manner, that is, neither get up nor stay from your place until Hanuman Chalisa is completed.

Friends, there are most of the people who, while reciting Hanuman Chalisa or while praising or performing any other puja or havan, stop midway when someone calls or for some other reason.  Let's talk first and then read the remaining lesson.  Which is absolutely wrong.

This should not be done.  Try to complete the puja first and talk later or complete all the talking or other work first and only then start the puja.  But never stop in between.  Due to this, complete results of any puja are not achieved.

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In which Hanuman Chalisa is a powerful lesson in itself, its glory is immense, do not consider it as ordinary.  Hanuman Chalisa is the only way to avoid ill effects, troubles and diseases from Kalyug.

Shri Hanumanji is the living God of Kalyug.  Therefore, friends, wake up after reading Hanuman Chalisa completely without stopping in between.  So that you can get the blessings of Hanuman ji and your wishes can also be fulfilled.

2- Never start reading the quatrains of Hanuman Chalisa from the middle.  Read from the beginning, whenever you read.

3- Friends, in the quatrain in which it is written - Tulsidas is always Hari Chera, Kije Nath Hridaya Mah Dera.  Here, instead of Tulsi Das ji, you should take your name.

4- While reading Hanuman Chalisa, do not let any kind of negativity come into your mind.  Keep your thinking positive.

5- Before reading Hanuman Chalisa, one must meditate on Shri Ganesh, Shri Sita Ram ji.  Apart from this, one should also meditate on the Gods and Goddesses of one's clan and only then read Hanuman Chalisa.

6- Before reciting Hanuman Chalisa, purify the picture or idol of Hanuman ji with Ganga water or if Ganga water is not available, then use ordinary pure water.  Make them wear Tulsi garland or sacred thread and then offer their choice to Hanumanji.

7- Before reciting Hanuman Chalisa, definitely light a lamp of jasmine or desi ghee, if the wick of the lamp is made of red thread then it is very good, if there is no red thread then use cotton wick and also fill a vessel with water. 

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8- Before reciting Hanuman Chalisa, install his idol or whatever picture you have, spread a red cloth on a bed and sit on the seat of Kush and recite Hanuman Chalisa.

9- When someone dies in the family, it is considered as Sutak period.  As long as the Sutak period lasts, do not recite Hanuman Chalisa and apart from these, other gods and goddesses should also not be worshipped.  One should not even enter the temple during this period.

10- Many people recite Hanuman Chalisa when they face some kind of crisis.  It is a good thing friends, if you do not remember your loved one in a crisis, then whom will you call, whom will you call, but friends, do you not think that this is wrong.

Is it not possible that he should be remembered even in happiness?  If we remember him even in happiness then why would we feel sad?  It is said that if everyone remembers in sorrow, no one does in happiness, if everyone remembers in happiness, then why should there be sorrow?

Therefore, friends, Hanuman ji should be remembered not only in times of crisis but also in other happy days.  By doing this he feels happy, he feels good that his devotees remember him in every situation.

Note- Friends!  Be it Hanuman Chalisa or any other puja, recitation or praise, it is very important to have unwavering faith and trust in the mind before reading it, because without faith there is nothing.  No matter how much purity and rules you have followed.

Therefore, friends, while reading Hanuman Chalisa or any praise, it is very important to have complete faith and belief in the mind.

It is the duty of us humans to do our work with devotion and it is the duty of God to give results.  What kind of results He will give us depends on His wish.  But this much is certain that whatever friends do, they will do well.

Many times it happens, friends, that we worship with great love, devotion and reverence and we get the opposite result.  Due to which one loses faith in God.  While friends!  This should not happen because God does not do wrong to anyone.

We definitely feel that he has done something wrong, but he is not wrong.Then there comes a time when you feel that yes God did right by you.  For example, suppose you have fixed your daughter's marriage and on the wedding day the boy refuses to marry you, at that time you curse God that you don't know what punishment God has given you or you will say that you don't know.  No why does God do this to me only?

But after some time you come to know that the boy with whom your daughter was going to get married, died in a car accident.  And at that time you thank the same God and say to each other that yes!  whatever happened was good.  Whatever God does, he does right.  If the daughter had got married that day, the daughter would have been a widow today.

Friends, we humans do not know anything about God's will.  Only he knows his Maya, hence without any complaint, keep accepting whatever is happening in your life considering it as God's Prasad.  With this, everything will be auspicious in your life.

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Apart from this, friends, one thing is also that if there is only happiness in life then how can one imagine sorrow.  How will we know whether this is sadness or happiness?  Therefore, perform puja with full faith in God.  By doing this you will definitely achieve success.  Your worship will be accepted.

We hope friends, you liked the information.  With this we take leave.  Will meet again in the next post in the devotional story, till then keep laughing, smiling and remembering God.

Thank you 

Jai Shri Ram, Jai Hanuman

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